The Time I Got Reincarnated As An Extra

Chapter 84: Selections

Chapter 84: Selections


That night Amon had his first peaceful sleep after the whole incident.

[In the Morning]

The bright rays of the sun entered through his window, making him twitch.

His eyes fluttered open a little but out of tiredness, he closed them again.

Unfortunately, the goddess inside his head was always there to stop him.

[Wakey Wakey, time for school.]

Amon covered his head in the sheets in an attempt to thwart the rays and her voice.

'Shut up.' He asked in a tired voice.

'I'm sleeping so peacefully after so-'

[The list for personal training sessions will be revealed today.] Zephyra interrupted.

And the single line was enough to make his tired body freeze.

Silence reigned for some seconds before he exhaled deeply, frustrated.



Amon entered the class and headed for his seat, ignoring the stares at him like always for being the last to arrive in class.

Normally, Ren and Michael would be with him but today he had slept a lot.

Heading for his seat, he settled down and yawned.

Michael and Ren looked at him.



They greeted him and he looked back with a sleepy smile.

"Yo." He greeted back.

They didn't remark on his sleepiness. It had become a normal occurrence for them now.

But as they were about to look forward and talk further, Michael suddenly noticed how the bags under his eyes were much dimmer now.

"Wait, are you using blood manipulation?" He asked and Amon slumped his head to the table while shaking it.

It was then that Ren also noticed how his sleepiness currently gave more of a refreshing vibe than his previous traumatized one.

"Wait did something happen?" He asked and Amon looked at both of them with a smirk.

"I'm finally free of those darn nightmares." He gave a thumbs-up.

Both of them looked at him with surprise.

"Bro, stop sleeping and explain how?" Ren dragged him up from his table.

And in the next 10 minutes, Amon quickly explained a shortened version of what happened.

"Oh, well, in any case, it's good that you are back to normal." Michael smiled.

"Yeah, previously you looked as if you would die any second," Ren remarked.

"Thanks, now shut up and let me get my remaining sleep." Amon slumped his head back to the table, burying it in his arms.

Unfortunately, it hadn't even been a minute before the class door opened with a snap.

Amon woke up with a snap, his eyes widened.

Athena elegantly walked over to the podium.

The black-haired boy clicked his tongue and without removing his gaze from her, whispered to Ren.

"Can't your sister come a little late for once?"

The reply came instantly.

"You think I have never asked her that?"


"Fair enough." He whispered and focused his attention back forward where Athena handed Elizabeth some sheets.

"These sheets will be handed to the students that have been selected for the personal training sessions."

Then she asked her to distribute them.

Amon knew he wasn't going to get any but since Michael was going to get one, he could confirm it from his sheet.

There was also the name of other disciples on the sheet so he could confirm that as well.

Elizabeth handed Alya, Liliana, and Charlotte a sheet.

She placed one on her seat as well before advancing upstairs.

He saw her give a sheet to Adam and Klein which made surprise pass over his face because in

the novel the latter wasn't supposed to get a personal trainer.

'Maybe he got to shine in the FULLDIVE?' Amon pondered.

Regardless, he shrugged.

It was to his advantage if Klein got stronger so he wasn't complaining about this change.

Next, he saw her handing some to random students before reaching the last row.

Which was only occupied by the trio.

She handed a sheet to Ren which was quite expected since he was going to get personal training from his sister.

He was probably getting it even before this but this form just legalized in a sort of way.

Then, she handed a sheet to Michael as well which he graciously took from her hands.

But before Amon could look towards his sheet, his attention was taken by another sheet that was still in Elizabeth's hands.


'Did she miss someone?'

But to his surprise, she extended the sheet to him.

"Here." She spoke.




'Me? Someone chose me for personal training sessions?' He thought.

It wasn't that he was complaining.

It was just surprising cause of how weak he was in the class before FULLDIVE.

He was suddenly pulled out of his thoughts as he saw the sheet still extended towards him.

He had gotten lost in his thoughts.

"Ah, sorry, I was involved in my thoughts." He apologized.

Elizabeth nodded. She then went back to her seat.


Before he looked at his sheet, Amon had to first confirm his thoughts.

He neared Michael and peered over his shoulder to his sheet.

However, as soon as he looked at his sheet, his body went rigid.

He quickly pulled back and opened his sheet to look.

Personal Training Sessions

Teacher: Daniel

Subject: Mana Transitioning and Layering

Chosen Students:

Elizabeth Snowcrest

Michael Von Lancaster

Amon Ashford

Taken by the surprise, Amon couldn't help but curse.

"The fuck..."

Fortunately, the voice was low enough to be only heard by his friends and they didn't mind it.

Among their group, Ren already cursed a lot on the most normal of occasions.

Even Michael had gotten used to them despite being a royal.

Well, he was already used it because of Alya who cursed a lot even before coming to the


Amon's jaw was hung open at the list.

'Wait, why am I selected!?' He screamed in his thoughts.

Wasn't there supposed to be a random instead of him?

It wasn't that he hated it.

He wanted to ensure that the first arc proceeded exactly like the plot so Michael and Ren could

blend in with the main cast at the front.

It was only after this that he could reveal his powers and take the spotlight.

He scratched his head in frustration.

But it seemed like that the plot had already been ruined for some reason.

'Was it because of our first interaction and how I behaved to him in the Michael incident?

Does he want to get revenge?' Amon's thoughts raced.

But in the end, all he could do was shrug.

He just had to cope with it.

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