The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 1370: A Weird Situation!?

Chapter 1370: A Weird Situation!?

Translator: Sean88888 Editor: Elkassar1

A large mass of greyish-brown powder sprang out of the shattered container, as if what Sheyan had destroyed was a cloth sack. Upon careful inspection, each particle of the “powder” was actually a tiny ball of flesh. They continuously stretched and deformed in the air while twisting about like amoebas!

That’s right, this was the secretion extracted from the gonads of a male Zerg. The particles could be considered large-sized sperms. And due to the Zerg’s tenacious vitality, they still had some instinctive consciousness and reaction left in them.

The Keystone was able to make sure the secretion firmly adhered to it like magnet pulling on iron sand. Furthermore, the weird radiation energy generated in the Keystone was able to suppress the “sperms’” activity.

It was akin to using freezing cold temperature to suppress the activity of a virus or a pathogen. This way, the secretion would only emit its smell...or rather, its sexual hormones, bioelectricity, infrasound waves and every other kind of mating signals, while suppressing every other aspect.

But after Sheyan destroyed the container, everything was completely let out, like he had pried open Pandora’s box!

The secretion from the gonads of a male Zerg pooled together and, acting out of natural instinct, rushed towards the only female creature there – Artemis. A bizarre scene took place after that. Once the particles got close to Artemis, they instantly burst, hence covering her entire body with a kind of yellowish-green mucus. The mucus polymerised to form a strange substance, which tried hard to burrow into her body from her mouth, nostrils, ears, lower body and every other opening it could find!!

Artemis’ face distorted in disgust....

Sheyan was also really shocked to see this. To be honest, it caught him off guard too. Artemis’ current appearance gave him chills. He did not know how Artemis was feeling right now – after all, Artemis was used to having men move in and out of her body – but he knew that if he were the one whom this disgusting fluid was moving in and out of, he would rather just slit his own throat and end it all.

Therefore, Sheyan turned around and ran without uttering another word. He was currently running for the purpose of protecting his chastity, so he ran twice as fast. When he had fled a little more than fifteen metres away, he suddenly heard a buzz that was very similar to the sound bees or flies made when they flapped their wings. He instantly had a bad feeling, but before he could do anything, his back could already feel a heavy impact, and he was then grabbed onto tightly!

This feeling.... Sheyan could only lament inwardly. He did not even need to think to know what had happened. Obviously, that bitch, Artemis, had once again activated the ability of her wings and had rushed to him, then held on to him firmly. She wished to bring Sheyan down with her!

Artemis absolutely did not have enough Strength to hold onto Sheyan, even if she were to use all her might. However, the accursed sticky fluid had started spreading to Sheyan’s body the moment they came into contact. When Sheyan laid eyes on Artemis again, he saw that she had already turned into a something that looked like a dry corpse. There was nothing left of her but skin and bones, as if she had been sucked dry!

“Aaarrggh! What the hell is this?!” Sheyan was incomparably shocked. Fortunately, he found that the fluid was only moving across the surface of his skin. Wherever it passed through, his blood vessels would bulge and turn dark blue. Apparently, the ‘Stairway of the Sun’ had detected the foreign threat and had come out to resist the foreign invasion.

Sheyan tried his best to get rid of the disgusting fluid, but found that his actions only made the situation worse. It even started to feel like the fluid was about to infiltrate into his body. Sheyan instantly ceased all unfriendly behaviours in shock, and the fluid’s activity gradually calmed down. The ‘Stairway of the Sun’ was barely able to maintain a balance with the fluid, so the fluid stuck to the surface of his body like mucus, disgusting him to no end.

The current balance was achieved not only due to the resistance put up by the ‘Stairway of the Sun’, but also because Sheyan himself was a male creature. After all, when the Xel’naga created the Zerg back in the days, they would not deliberately give the male Zerg hidden gay attributes.

The reason the secretion extracted from the gonads of a male Zerg stuck to Sheyan’s body was because the surrounding area was a wasteland. Artemis had already been sucked dry, so Sheyan was the only living thing that remained. Although the secretion extracted from the gonads of a male Zerg did not have conscious thoughts, it did have survival instinct. It subconsciously knew that if it adhered to the stones nearby, it would quickly dry up and die, but if it attached itself to Sheyan’s body, it still had a slim chance at survival. It acted so out of instinct.

Sheyan’s attempt to forcefully wipe it away from his body was as unwise as trying to pull a leech away after it had sunk its teeth into a creature’s body.

The leech would rather be severed in two than be pulled out. Pulling it by force would only make the situation worse. The right method was to sprinkle some salt on the leech or roast it with fire, and it would let itself loose. Sheyan immediately thought of the best way to get rid of this thing – to jump into a bunch of women. As for the tragedy that would happen after that, it was not something Sheyan could control.

“Annie’s a woman.... No, I can’t, that can only be the last ditch measure if I really have no other choice. Wait, I remember now, there’s another woman! One of the people in the group Artemis sent out is a woman!” Sheyan instantly decided on his target. However, a doubt suddenly crept into his mind. “The commotion here was quite big, so logically speaking, those reinforcements should have been back by now. Why aren’t they here yet?”

While Sheyan was still puzzling over this matter, he suddenly heard a weird noise.

It sounded like the noise of water that had accumulated on the roof after a heavy rain dripping to the ground. One could even imagine from the sound the way the dry soil was greedily absorbing the liquid!

“No way. A place like this has rain?” Sheyan wondered.

He had already decided to ignore the substance sticking to his body for the moment and to look for the group of people Artemis dispatched first. When he turned around, he suddenly froze.

Because there was a person standing on the rock nearby.

A woman.

But even though Sheyan was in urgent need of a woman right now, he would never have wished to encounter this very woman. Even one as fearless as Sheyan dared not go up directly against her tyranny and majesty!

Snake-like hair.

Cold, merciless eyes.

Sharp chin.

Slightly high cheekbones.

An oppressive intimidation.

Skeletal wings.

Delicate facial features!

Together, they formed the one and only Queen of Blades!!

The Queen’s right hand was carrying a string of human heads!! All of these heads had been severed from their bodies. Their hair tangled together, wound into a rope which was being tied onto the Queen’s hand!

Although she did not seem to be carrying any weapon, she had feline-like claws that she could extend and retract at will, so her attack power was no inferior to that of the Dark Templars. And the scope and intensity of the Psionic Storm she unleashed were far beyond what any High Templars could achieve!

Sheyan instantly found the answer to his doubt. Why had the group of people not come back yet? It was because they could not come back even if they wanted to; they had already been killed by the Queen of Blades who had followed the smell to this place!

Sheyan’s only hope for survival right now was for these “sperms” on his body to jump onto the Queen of Blades at once. After all, they were a match made in heaven, a union decided by fate, a couple paired by nature... And afterwards, Sheyan would be able to run away amidst the confusion.

However, to Sheyan’s utmost surprise, the sticky fluid on his body started to desperately drill into his body as if it had met a natural predator; it would not calm down at all! Sheyan was horrified. Even in his optimum condition, he would still die if he encountered the Queen of Blades. Did he really need to experience feeling of being violated before he died?!

But Sheyan soon sensed that the goal of the fluid was not so obscene. It was only trying to take control of his body to run away. But even if they achieved their objective, what could they do? Ten Sheyan was no match for one Queen of Blades!!

The reason a strange situation like this had occurred was because of biological instinct. When making the Zerg, the Xel’naga race had used bees and ants as prototypes, but in terms of ferocity and combat, they had referred to the bug species that were proficient at attacking, such as mantises, scorpions and spiders.

These carnivorous bugs all had a common trait. Their females had a very brutal habit – after they mated, they would immediately attack and eat the males! It did not matter how powerful the Xel’naga race were, the could not erase such a deeply-ingrained biological instinct, just like it was difficult to make horses and cows carnivorous no matter how much they were cloned or their genes modified.

Therefore, during the initial phase of the design, male Zerg were very powerful creatures. This was not only for the purpose of war, but also to ensure their own survival after mating....

But now, the situation was that the Queen of Blades had the absolute advantage in every aspect, so even if the liquid was just the reproductive fluid left behind by a male Zerg, the instinct it inherited through the genes told it to stay the hell away from any female Zerg while it was still weak. Whenever a situation like this occurred, it would instinctively feel fear and try its hardest to flee! Even a newborn baby knew to suck when it saw a nipple and pull back their hand when they saw a flame!

Before Sheyan could even turn around, he already felt something tightening around his neck. The Queen of Blades lifted him up with a grip on his throat. They stared at each other eye to eye!

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