The Villainess Proposed a Contractual Marriage

Chapter 81: Spark

The imperial banquet was at its peak.

Ibria engaged in perfunctory conversation with the attendees while Harte kept a vigilant eye on her from afar. Intimidated by Harte's intense focus on his duty, most people refrained from approaching the quiet knight.

Occasionally, a curious noblewoman would try to strike up a conversation, but Harte would politely cut it short, making his reluctance clear. He preferred the idea of casual small talk with Elphisia over unfamiliar women.

'I wonder what Elphisia's up to... I'm worried.'

Elphisia had been acting strange lately. She'd reveal flashes of inexplicable anxiety in her eyes, or mutter incomprehensibly as if paranoid. Yet when questioned about her behavior, she'd compose herself and laugh it off as mere mood swings.

To Harte, Elphisia's mocking demeanor was like mist - tangible, yet untouchable. Like a rose reflected in a pond, it seemed that reaching out would only cause ripples, blurring the image.

'Ibria's lips are starting to twitch... If she begs to leave soon, I might just give in and let her.'

Even as the Holy Maiden, Ibria was still human. Forcing an unnatural smile when it didn't suit her nature was bound to cause facial fatigue. Harte found himself newly impressed by Elphisia and other nobles who performed this act with such ease.

Just as Harte resolved to approach Ibria, a thunderous announcement echoed from the entrance of the banquet hall.

"Count Askalion Lurentisia has arrived!"

Count Lurentisia was the title given to Askalion, who was no longer a prince. Traditionally, former royalty would receive at least a marquis title, like Rayners. However, Emperor Rupehit had deliberately oppressed Askalion, resulting in his mere count status.

Askalion's arrival caused a commotion in the banquet hall.

"To think he'd actually attend the banquet..."

"Isn't it rude to have his name announced after arriving so late?"

"He's acting as if he's the guest of honor."

Despite the nobles' shock and gossip, Askalion's stride remained proud. Harte found himself unconsciously drawn to the imposing figure.

'So this is the former Third Prince...'

He had some shallow knowledge from Elphisia's mentions. Though he hadn't pried, he understood that Askalion was someone she paid considerable attention to.

'So this is the kind of man he is.'

A man of striking appearance. This was Harte's first impression of him.

Soon, a familiar figure followed Askalion into the banquet hall. Harte's eyes widened in shock. The woman who had just entered was the same one he had encountered mere days ago.

"Lady Tina...?" Harte murmured unconsciously. But the distance was too great, and his words didn't reach her. Moreover, judging by the gravity in Tina's eyes, she seemed to have no attention to spare for her surroundings.

"What insolence from the Count!" Emperor Rupehit deliberately shouted, aiming to undermine Askalion's authority in front of the crowd. However, Askalion, hardened by his climb from rock bottom, showed no sign of intimidation.

"Forgive my rudeness, brother. I stand here merely to fulfill my promise to the Empress Dowager."

"What did you say?"

Askalion took a deep breath, then spoke clearly, his voice commanding attention. "Let all present hear this. I am here to disclose the secret agreement I made with the Empress Dowager, and to demand its fulfillment."

"... It can't be."

At last, the Empress Dowager, who had been observing from behind Rupehit, spoke up.

Her once dignified face was now contorted. To Harte, she looked as if she had just encountered something inhuman and terrifying.

"Some time ago, I approached the Empress Dowager with a proposal. I offered to remove the tumor eating away at the empire. In exchange, I asked for half of what 'that person' possessed."

It was a convergence of interests.

Askalion had exceptional abilities but lacked a foundation, while the Empress Dowager was wary of both the Luminel duchy eyeing the imperial family and Askalion seeking revenge.

Above all, that person was a common enemy to both of them.

So they made a deal.

Askalion, to expand his influence.

The Empress Dowager, to swiftly devour whichever side tired first in the conflict.

She had no expectations for Askalion. If he unexpectedly performed well, she could dismantle both factions. If he failed, she could eliminate the troublesome Askalion. It was a plan to kill two birds with one stone.

The possibility of his victory was so absurd, she hadn't even considered it. To the extent that she made such a rash deal with an impudent upstart.

'The situation... is taking an odd turn.'

But look at Askalion now.

Mentioning their secret agreement with such confidence.

He wasn't one to speak lightly.

Then... as implausible as it seemed...

It was highly likely that Askalion had claimed victory over the person even the Empress Dowager couldn't handle. Even if some incredible luck had played a part in the process.

Soon, the adversary before her eyes drove a stake into her heart.

"From this moment, I will fulfill my part of the contract. The Empress Dowager should prepare to honor her side of the agreement as well."


"Bring him in."

Ignoring the Empress Dowager's shock, Askalion calmly gave the order. On cue, a guard waiting outside entered the banquet hall, dragging in a tightly bound man.

The atmosphere grew chaotic.

It seemed unnatural for a seemingly ordinary human to be so excessively restrained. He was bound not just with ropes, but with chains wrapped tightly around him.

"State your identity."

"Kuh..." The man spat, then spoke with resignation. "... Vampire. A low-ranking one active in human territory."

Another wave of commotion swept through the hall.

Some were skeptical, as the man appeared to be an ordinary young man by all outward appearances. But when his mouth was forcibly opened to reveal his strange fangs, people began nodding in understanding.

"From now on, speak nothing but the truth."

"Is there anything left to discover?"

"Of course. Guards!"

At Askalion's signal, another guard brought in a guest. Even the vampire's curiosity was piqued as he focused on the new arrival.

The criminal being escorted by the guard was a man who evoked a strange sense of déjà vu. At first, the vampire frowned, wondering who this person could be. But as the distance closed, the feeling of familiarity grew stronger, until his eyes widened in shock.

"Speak again," Askalion demanded in a cold voice. "You must know who this man is."


He did know.

How could he not?

Black hair and black eyes are rare among humans. Rare, but not non-existent.


The probability of an unrelated person with black hair and black eyes looking exactly like 'Him' is virtually zero.

'Impossible... To think I'd encounter Him in this form.'

Letitia Baskhill, the Demon King's companion and humanity's traitor.

The young man before him resembled her so closely that even if someone claimed she had been reincarnated, it would be believable. No, it was as if his entire being screamed that he was of her bloodline.

'He must be the offspring of His Majesty and Lady Letitia... There's no way lies would work. Then, as expected, His Majesty and that woman...'

How frustrated he must have been.

Risking everything to infiltrate human territory, only to find the object of his vengeance.

The intense loyalty boiled into anger, but only for a moment.

The cold reality quickly cooled his rage.



His body felt heavily pressed down. This sensation of every drop of blood in his body gaining weight. It was unmistakably the ability of the Bloody Dragon.

Silence... would not be tolerated.

"With your own mouth, confess the name of this man."

"Ah... Ugh..." He tried to resist, letting out a suppressed voice. But soon, he reached his limit. The low-ranking vampire succumbed to the Bloody Dragon's ability.


"His surname?"

The vampire squeezed his eyes shut and finally spilled the truth. "Glen... Baskhill."

"... What did you say?"

It was Harte's voice.

Harte, who had fought in the holy war in the former Baskhill Kingdom. As a witness to that historical event, this name was profoundly shocking to him.

"I'll ask again. Whose bloodline is he?"

"This person is..." But the truly shocking statement came next. "The bloodline... of Lady Letitia."

It was a bombshell.

The last direct descendant of the Baskhill royal family, thought to be extinct - the only offspring of humanity's traitor - was kneeling behind Askalion.

At that moment, the Empress Dowager, composing herself, calmly asked a question. "You've done quite an impressive thing, Count. Certainly, the appearance of humanity's traitor before our eyes is shocking... But how does this relate to our 'contract'?"

"It's simple logic."

This time, Askalion stepped in front of Glen. Then, without forcing a confession, he revealed the identity himself.

"Glen Baskhill. This man... has been working as Elphisia Luminel's closest confidant."


Glen's confession was unnecessary. The truth would soon come out when the servants of the ducal house were interrogated.

"Let everyone here listen carefully!" Askalion delivered a grand speech. "Elphisia Luminel not only harbored humanity's traitor but also employed him as her closest aide. Considering the Luminel duchy's status as a major pillar of the empire, you can imagine the gravity of this crime! This is a direct challenge to the Human Defense Agreement."

The Human Defense Agreement.

This was part of an international treaty ratified by all nations in human territory.

Violating it renders the size of one's house meaningless. After all, even a powerful duchy cannot stand against all of humanity.

For instance, Baskhill, which betrayed the Human Defense Agreement, saw its entire kingdom crumble.

"She can't possibly claim ignorance. It's nonsensical for someone with the Luminel duchy's intelligence capabilities to keep such a suspicious individual by their side without knowing. This implies she was aware of his identity when she took him in."

Finally, Askalion declared. "I hereby petition the imperial family to immediately subject Elphisia Luminel - humanity's traitor - to the full weight of imperial law!"

A heavy atmosphere pressed down on the banquet hall. The previously jubilant mood had sunk into a darkness reminiscent of the deep sea.

After a moment of tense silence.

The bound vampire let out a hollow chuckle.

"Kuh, ha..."

"What is it, vampire?"

"Nothing... It's just that if you were planning this conspiracy, you should have acted faster. I can barely contain my amusement."

"... What do you mean?"

"It means you're already too late." He snickered mockingly. "My lord has personally taken that human away."

Vampires possess various unique abilities. One of them is a mental connection with those they've formed a blood contract with.

Fortunately, the demon who accompanied the Demon King was Count Tzepesh - a vampire lord who happened to be his master.

The vampire had conveyed the general situation to Tzepesh and prompted Elphisia's abduction.

This was the behind-the-scenes truth of the events that unfolded during the festivities.

"... Harte?" Ibria cautiously called out the knight's name.

What returned was another name.


Harte immediately turned and set off.

To fulfill an eternal promise.

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