The Villainess With A Heroine Harem

Chapter 163 - Hawk-Owl-Eagle?


Reality was a harsh teacher, and Mrs. Porter quickly learned that 'whatever could go wrong, would go wrong', no matter how impossible it may have seemed.

She couldn't believe it at all when she was first told about her son's mental breakdown, and how he had loudly proclaimed he was sorry for bullying Michelle to her death. "What do you mean he just went crazy?!"

Thankfully, he had been with his 'friends' when it happened, and they managed to quickly inform her of the matter before it got out of hand.

With her younger son's condition being so bad, it was no wonder that Mrs. Porter was worried. And what really infuriated her was when she learned that the irresponsible media chose to air reports of a 'monster sighting' that resembled her son's nightmares, which she believed was what really made the situation so bad.

Mrs. Sullivan's face was gloomy as she stared at the worried woman. "If you keep pacing around like that, you're gonna give me a headache."

Mrs. Porter took in deep breaths to calm herself down before taking a seat on the sofa. "I-I'm sorry, Mrs. Sullivan. I just… can't you do something about it? I believe if they stop airing that crap about—"

The gloomy-looking woman slammed her fist on the table, not hiding her annoyance at all. "I don't give a fuck about that. I already covered up his fuck up once because I didn't want it to affect my plans with Samantha and Jeoffery, but at this point, I'm really wondering if I should just pick someone else! If I knew you were going to give me so much trouble—"

In fact, Mrs. Sullivan knew that she had made a grave mistake in picking the right pawn this time. This woman had always been licking her boots for so many years, and she had somehow gotten soft enough to the point of not picking the best candidate for such a crucial plan, and going with this toady's son instead.

Now that it had come back to bite her in the ass, Mrs. Sullivan couldn't help but regret. 'Fortunately, it's not too late yet! It's not impossible to discard them, and then go for—'

Mrs. Porter immediately panicked, knowing how ruthless the woman could be to 'useless' pawns. "N-No! Mrs. Sullivan please, I assure you my Jeoffery is perfect—!"

At this moment, Mrs. Porter really regretted forcing her son to go to college. 'I should have locked him up instead!'

Unfortunately, it was now too late to regret.

The Sullivan lady scoffed. "Then get that younger son of yours in line before it's too late, if the matter slips out of my hand because of—"

Of course, she had no intention of forgiving them, Mrs. Sullivan just wanted to control and cool the matter down first, and then…

It was at this moment that a young woman burst into the room with her face covered in sweat. "B-Boss! I-It's bad!"


As the video of a young George Porter 'confessing' to all his crimes soon became a major topic of discussion. Even when Mrs. Sullivan tried her best to suppress it, the results were lackluster at best… it was already too late.

The clip had already gone viral before anyone could stop it, and both of them knew that there must be a black hand behind the whole thing.

And what really shocked everyone was that he confessed not just his own crimes, but also those of his family, friends, and even dared to name a major political figure!

Mrs. Porter hadn't known about the full extent of what her son had said when she came to her for help, but Mrs. Sullivan instead believed that she intentionally hid the most incriminating facts, leading her to such a pitfall.

'She must have done it as revenge for not immediately cleaning up after her son's mess again!'

Mrs. Sullivan squeezed the glass in her hand till it shattered, piercing her palm with glass shards. 'Did she think she could get away with this?! I'll kill her AND her spawns!'


The Sullivans' influence couldn't be underestimated, and within a single day, George Porter was declared mentally unstable and admitted to a mental hospital.

All his confessions were concluded to be the result of his mental illness.

Unfortunately for some people, however, George's mad ramblings were like a tiny spark in a pile of hay. Even if the spark itself died out, the fire it ignited was uncontrollable.

Especially as a very enthusiastic girl was fanning the flames from the side.


Emilia already knew that anyone who could have suppressed the release of Michelle's news before... could do the same with George's case now. Obviously, she had long since expected this result.

However, her goals had already been achieved the moment George's will had cracked.

With the boy's mad ramblings, and all his confessions, the Porter family was no longer just a 'useless pawn' to the Sullivans, but an actual 'thorn' that had to be picked out.

Of course, having been her toady for so long, Mrs. Porter was well aware of the nature of her 'friend'.

But even at this point, the woman wasn't resigned to becoming a sitting duck, and had of course tried her best to seek out a way of survival.

Unfortunately, that landed her right in the trap that Emilia had already laid out, and the girl smiled gleefully as she finally received the expected call from Michelle.

"Okay, all set to go here, just waiting for you!"

Emilia smiled. "You made sure everything looks perfect, right? Remember, there's no room for flaws! My little angel's eyes are as sharp as those of a hawk that's been raised by eagles and taught by an owl!"

Michelle couldn't help but pause. "… Is this really a real person you're talking about?"


"I-It should still be okay, I'll look through everything again, just to be extra sure."

Emilia chuckled. "Okay, don't be nervous. Oh, and make yourself scarce after setting things up, she's seen your face before, after all."

Michelle didn't recall ever meeting a girl with eyes the size of tennis balls, which was what she expected from Emilia's descriptions, but she agreed nonetheless.

Of course, there was also a determination in her eyes as she put down the phone. 'I've got to take a look at this owl-eagle-hawk thing myself if that's the last thing I do!'


~ To be continued ~


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