The Villainess With A Heroine Harem

Chapter 266 - Resolving The Hero’s ’Misunderstanding’


Although Crystal knew that Emilia had been learning how to fight from Dixie's grandfather, her heartbeat still turned a little erratic when she saw the insidious smile on the silver-haired boy's face.

Feeling the worried gaze from the love of his life, Amos gave her a reassuring smile before swinging a punch with almost 20% of his power. "Take this, you vile whore!"

Of course, Emilia easily avoided it with a small side-step and gave him a derisive look. "You know, you keep looking at Crystal like that, and I wonder how it is possible for your brain to still be unable to comprehend the truth at this point?"

The hero snorted as he felt rage surge through his veins. "Don't you dare speak her name, bitch!"

This time, he put almost 80% of his power into the punch. Amos was sure that even if he didn't end up knocking all the redhead's teeth in, it would at least knock her out.

Emilia just blinked and avoided his fist, although she was a bit surprised at just how bad the boy was at brawling.

He just stood still and threw fully telegraphed punches that were far too easy to avoid, and even made sure to warn her before doing that!

"Fuck! Just stay still, you slippery snake whore!"

Obviously, Emilia could have taken care of him even before he made the first move, but the reason she didn't do so was because she wanted to use this opportunity to complete one of her missions.

Of the three long-term tasks she had, the first was the most straightforward, the second was the easiest, and the third was the one she would have the most trouble with. At least, that is what she'd thought.

The second mission, which she had thought would be the easiest, was of course to make the hero and heroine hate each other.

With her relationship with Crystal and the hero's general attitude, the girl had obviously long since been disgusted by the boy. Emilia had already confirmed so multiple times, but the mission still remained incomplete.

Emilia could tell that the problem stemmed from the hero, who not only didn't hate Crystal, but even 'loved' her still!

To be able to fancy a girl who was firmly in the camp of his 'enemy', and was even already in love with his arch-nemesis… Emilia assumed that rather than the hero having a very 'big' heart, he must instead have a very 'small' brain, to the point where he couldn't even understand what was going on.

Unfortunately, the task of making him understand fell to her, since as long as the hero continued loving Crystal, her second mission would never be fulfilled.

Amos raged and roared as he wildly swung his fists around, but the red-haired devil in front of him just seemed to easily weave through his attacks. "AAHH! You fucking—?!"

Emilia had already moved behind him before he realized it, snatched the gun out of his belt, and slammed her heel into the back of his kneecap.

The silver-haired boy fell to the ground on his knees with a grunt, his eyes clouded in confusion and shock. "W-Wha—?!"

Emilia didn't give him the time to respond as she sent him reeling and wheezing across the ground with a kick.

By the time the hero regained his bearings, he could already feel the opponent's foot on his back, and no matter how he tried to get up, he couldn't muster the strength at all.

Breathing the dirt on the ground, he spotted Crystal's shoes just a few feet away from his face. Immediately, humiliation set in as Amos realized he was subdued like this in front of the love of his life, and his hatred reached a whole new level. "L-Let me go, you whore! Don't you dare to fight me fair and square?!"

Emilia chuckled. "Stop whining. Tell me... Did you know that Crystal and I love each other?"

The hero scoffed as he continued his futile struggle to get up, only to collapse back down. "D-Do you think this nonsense will put a rift between us? What, are you going to f-force her to confess by threatening me like this, and expect me to believe you?"

Amos sneered in his mind. If this vile witch thought it would hurt their relationship, she was dead wrong! Such tribulations would only make true love stronger!

The redhead could feel her temple throb in pain as she kicked the hero towards Dixie and threw her the gun as well. "Hold him down for me, alright?"

The dark-haired girl blinked as she let go of Crystal's shoulders to catch the incoming object.

Amos, now on his back, barely managed to lift himself up a little before Dixie slammed her foot down on his chest, not only knocking all the air out of his lungs, but even making him momentarily blackout.

Emilia rolled her eyes as she wrapped an arm around Crystal. "Don't knock him out. I want to 'convince him' you know?"

Dixie coughed, feeling a little embarrassed. "I-I didn't mean to, princess. Let me wake him up for you."

A few 'gentle' kicks later, the hero finally regained his senses with a wheeze, though now he was back to being face down on the ground, breathing in dirt while staring angrily at the vile witch who had an arm wrapped around the love of his life. "Just you wait, I will—!"

Emilia sighed as she kissed Crystal on the cheek. "Baby, you tell me, who do you love?"

Crystal turned her head shyly at the touch of soft lips on her cheek, and wrapped her arms around the redhead's slim waist. "Of course it's you! Who else?! Emilia, I'm telling you, this bastard doesn't deserve even a moment of your time—!"

Emilia silenced her with a kiss while the hero gaped in both horror and disbelief.

'My sunshine's first kiss was stolen right in front of me?!' The pain in his heart was immeasurable, and Amos felt like letting the whole world burn, his eyes turning red from rage and grief. "Y-You must have threatened her before, h-how dare you—?! Don't touch her!"


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