The Villainess With A Heroine Harem

Chapter 362 Books Are Better Than Movies

Chapter 362 Books Are Better Than Movies


Noelle rarely slept as well as she did last night, but unfortunately, the pleasant mood from her beauty sleep was quickly replaced with a throbbing headache.

Although they could already be considered 'reconciled', the gray-haired girl had wanted to make it up to Emilia for not treating her well the past few days, and even making the younger girl take the initiative to clear the 'misunderstandings' when what happened was mostly her own fault.

But not only did Emilia leave with just a note on the table informing her of today's schedule, but her 'younger cousin' also seemed to have caught a hint of what they were doing… again.

Nicole stomped her foot on the floor without a pout. "You don't have to lie to me, aahh! What kind of 'business' do you talk about after dragging a girl to your bedroom like that?!"

Thinking about how she had finally had the chance to chat with the little beauty last night after just being able to watch her from afar, her irritation was understandable.

The gray-haired girl couldn't help but roll her eyes. "Am I not a girl as well? Why are you so suspicious? Can we not just talk in a more private setting?"

Nicole thought about it a little before quickly shaking her head in denial. "Hey, although the soundproofing of your room is good, I can still hear it if someone moans so loudly, can't I? Don't try to fool me!"

The only reason she hadn't tried to slam the door down was because she didn't hear any cries for help… and she probably couldn't break the door even if she wanted to.

Noelle blinked innocently. "Moaning? Are you sure you aren't getting carried away by your delusions?"

The younger girl couldn't help but be stunned. "E-Eh…? No way, so you really didn't…?"

Looking at her older cousin's serious face… she really didn't seem capable of doing such things, right?

When she thought about it again, the younger girl couldn't help but wonder if all the stress from work was really getting to her head.

After all, the maids in the White Deer mansion really were a bit overzealous. Although Nicole didn't feel like she was overdoing it yet, wasn't it possible that their attitude had subtly influenced her subconscious?

Nicole couldn't help but be shocked.

Although she did idolize and admire Emilia, it didn't mean she wanted to turn into a fanatic like that Michelle girl!

"Ahhh! I have to take a leave today and go see a psychiatrist!"

Without another word, the younger girl immediately rushed off, not even bothering to close the door on her way out.

Noelle couldn't help but blink. "Hopefully she doesn't just run all the way… did she even take her purse?"

But having fended her off, the gray-haired girl couldn't deny that her mood was now significantly better than before.

Noelle decided to message one of her subordinates to keep an eye on her 'younger cousin' today just in case she got into trouble.

She couldn't help but sigh when she noticed the unexpectedly large number of notifications from the 'Crimson Rose Sisters'. "Do these girls never shut up or sleep?"

Most of the messages were from her 'boss', who seemed intent on making up for her absence during the day.

The younger girls were still fine, but could Noelle couldn't help but worry for Sam's health. Not to mention keeping up with her work without proper sleep, wasn't this just a recipe for getting sick?

Noelle sighed. "I guess I'll scare them by saying their skin will turn dry and unattractive if they don't get proper sleep."

Looking at her own glowing, youthful skin, her belief in that saying turned even deeper. The combination of being happy and sleeping well was really like an immortal medicine for the body!

Just as she opened the chat box to send her 'warning', Noelle noticed that her previously unsent 'essay' admonishing Dixie and Crystal for sharing their 'sneak shots' of Emilia was still sitting there since she had just closed the app without deleting it.

Although she hadn't dared to send it before, now that she had reconciled with Emilia, Noelle was no longer so hesitant when it came to interacting with this bunch of 'babies'.

Seeing how they seemed to be overdoing it, the gray-haired girl thought it would probably be a bad idea to let them continue like this. It was fine to play around, but not without limits!

Editing her previous message a little, Noelle sent it along with her 'warning' without hesitation.

Of course, although Noelle thought her message was already quite 'tame' compared to the original, it still scolded Sam for being a completely hopeless pervert and a bad example for everyone else.

As for Dixie and Crystal, they were also scolded for being childish and immature.

Noelle believed she was doing the right thing. Teaching them how to be proper, responsible adults was her 'responsibility' as the oldest person in their group.

Sister #1: "Me, a pervert…? And what were you doing last night?"

Hard Candy: "That's right! Miss Noelle, Emilia told us she would spend the night with you, did you… have fun?"

Sister #1: "Ahhh! My baby returned covered in hickeys and bruises, how can you be so rough?! I'll teach you a lesson when you come to the office today!"

Not only did they not respond to what she said before, they even turned the topic into gossip about what happened between her and Emilia last night?

Noelle couldn't help but be furious. "What the hell? Don't make things up! How can I leave her covered in hickeys and bruises when I was tied up the whole time?!"

She knew she made a mistake the moment the message was sent.

Hands shivering nervously, she quickly did what any reasonable, responsible adult would after making a mistake.

[Sorry, you don't have the permission to delete messages in this channel!]


Sister #1: "Heh."

Knight Lady: "Ohhh… miss Noelle sure has some weird fetishes, huh? I've been enlightened."

Hard Candy: "Teaching us about decency right after an S&M session with a girl over ten years younger than you, and you were even the 'M'… tsk tsk."

Noelle immediately deleted the app.


Back at the White Deer mansion, Sam and Dixie couldn't help but stare at Crystal.

The older girl scratched her head in confusion. "Didn't Emilia say you were the most innocent, purest angel in the world?"

Dixie also nodded. "I also thought you were so innocent! Just where did you learn these things?"

Had Emilia not been absent from the table because she insisted on preparing their breakfast, she would have been the first one to face their 'inquiries'. After all, she was the most likely suspect of 'corrupting' the girl she proclaimed as an angel by herself, being the equivalent of a goddess of seduction as she was.

But knowing how Emilia treated her like a baby, no matter how they thought about it, it was quite unlikely for her to try anything 'extreme' with the blond girl if she hadn't even done that with them, right?

So how did she know?

With her 'angelic' image thanks to Emilia, they couldn't imagine Crystal looking up indecent stuff by herself at all.

The blonde girl blushed as she looked away in embarrassment. "D-Don't stare at me like that! I-I just learned it from.. b-books?"

Sam couldn't help but be stunned. "Just how much did the curriculum change after I left?!"


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