The Villainess With A Heroine Harem

Chapter 365 Devout

Chapter 365 Devout


Ever since the day that Penny had first stuffed her clothes and bag full of treats to take them back to her 'fellow knights', Emilia had wanted to personally meet this cute little group of girls and boys.

After all, how could she not meet such adorable little children?

Given how surprisingly helpful they had been since then only made her more and more curious.

Unfortunately, one thing or the other kept making her put it off for later, and Emilia had to cancel their meeting not once, but twice. Even if Penny and her friends didn't mind, it did make Emilia feel a little guilty for 'disappointing' and giving them false hope.

Naturally, now that she had some time, fulfilling this pending promise became one of Emilia's top priorities.


Penny's excitement when Emilia told her she would be visiting them was as infectiously high as ever, even though Emilia had ended up canceling on her twice before.

Of course, only she knew how ecstatic she was when Emilia actually went with her after the compulsory classes were over instead of canceling it, though she didn't dare to show it.

After all, that would be like saying she didn't believe in the words of her Princess, which was just blasphemy!

Naturally, whenever her princess showed any intentions of visiting their 'base', Penny had the duty of not only escorting her to the 'premises', but she also had to make sure that everything was 'presentable'.

If they couldn't even show their most beautiful form in front of the princess, there was no saying how much regret some of her club members would drown themselves in later.

As a leader, instead of dealing with their bouts of depression later, Penny would prefer to rather spend more time admiring the candid photos of her princess.

Needless to say, the sheer pandemonium caused by the news of Emilia's arrival at the headquarters of 'Princess Emilia's Royal Knights' could be imagined.

"What are we going to do?! I feel like we're not ready!"

"Don't panic, didn't we already do everything we could? Surely—"

"You don't get it, do you? The princess is really coming here this time!"


Even though they had clearly done everything that they did to prepare for Emilia's arrival like the previous two times, having done 'the same thing' before when she didn't even come made them feel like they hadn't prepared 'well enough' for her actual arrival.

Just like the news of their goddess descending would alarm a temple, it was impossible for them to remain calm no matter how well prepared they were.

But of course, since they had already 'done their best', it was impossible for them to come up with any 'better ideas' in such a short amount of time either, leading them to mostly fly around like headless chickens in a panic.

Under such circumstances, it was natural for the calm appearance of Adele to stand out, making her the target of 'scrutiny'.

"What is she doing?"

"Cleaning the commander's personal 'holy' collection, of course?"

"I can see that!"

The 'holy' collection was obviously the most 'prized' of pictures that their 'club' had managed to capture, some of which looked like they were straight of out some tantalizing magazine.

And among the members of their 'club', who didn't know that these particular picture frames were cleaned so many times every day that they had to be installed with special tempered glass to increase their 'endurance'?

Obviously, cleaning them was just an excuse to gaze upon the forbidden imagery as much as they could, enjoying the exclusive privileges of the commander for those few short moments.

In the end, one of the 'seniors' finally couldn't endure it anymore. "Adele! Even if you're now a captain, it doesn't mean that you can perv over the princess at such a crucial time! Shouldn't you instead go ensure that the fireworks are set up properly, the carpets are free of dust, and all the flowers are fresh and fragrant?!"

Adele turned around with a frown. "Do not speculate on my intentions with that filthy mind of yours. I only have the purest of affections for the princess, untainted by the carnal desires, just like the commander!"

While the girl who had called her out was dumbfounded, the nearby members couldn't help but shake their heads in amusement. No wonder she was called the 'nun'.

In the mind of the class B girl, there was no need to 'appear good' in front of the princess at all, as they only had to serve her faithfully from the background.

Though not everyone shared her extreme obsession, some were 'extreme' in their own unique ways.

Of course, the one who called her out was still a little unwilling to give up, since she believed that she was fighting for the sake of getting the best treatment for her princess. "Although commander Penny will probably never be able to do anything to the princess in her life, her intentions are definitely a thousand times more perverted than mine. If you're just like her, I can bet my left tit that you're drenched right now!"

Adele sneered, her gaze full of derision for the 'base' girl in front of her. "Heh, what would you even know about the commander? She discovered the glory of the princess before any of us, so she's definitely more enlightened and mature than me. How could what you say be true?"

The girl looked aggrieved at being called a pervert over and over again, so she pointed at one of the more tame frames. "Okay, explain to me what she intended to do with a photo like this, then, if not for being a p-pervert like me?"

This particular shot consisted of a clear image from high up that 'peeked' into the soft valley faintly visible through the open collar of their princess.

Adele took one look at the photo before smiling, not perturbed by her question at all. "The commander's faith in the princess is far greater than any of us can imagine. Clearly, while what you see is limited to smooth, glowing skin, the commander sees through everything to peek directly at the heart, admiring the nobility and courage of the princess."

Meanwhile, Dorothy, who had been Penny's only friend for years, observed their argument with a worried smile. 'If they knew that Penny kept even more perverted photos in a private collection… they would probably both team up to dismember her, right?'


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