The Villainess With A Heroine Harem

Chapter 420 Emilia's Declaration

Chapter 420 Emilia's Declaration


  When faced with the interviewer's obvious question, Emilia naturally accepted it with a smile.

  Of course, although the questions did indeed come from the public through various social media and web forms, which ones would be picked at 'random' was still up to the program team.

  The first few were naturally more innocent questions, such as what her childhood was like, what kind of things she liked, her hobbies, and so on. 

  Emilia didn't bother covering anything up, and honestly confessed everything in front of the camera.

  The melon eaters at home who were happily enjoying getting to know what the private life of this 'princess' was like almost choked when the crimson-haired girl started counting her 'hobbies'.

  Starting from sewing, knitting, and embroidery, the list went on and on, covering everything from the girliest to the manliest of pass times, including fencing and wrestling.

  Of course, considering how she could fight as she had on the first day, and also ride a horse so proficiently, the audience soon found that it wasn't really too unreasonable.

  The reactions were still a little mixed though, for entirely different reasons.

  "It's okay to be so heroic and gallant, but do you still have to be good at knitting and sewing too? Can you please let others live without crushing their pride?"

  "Hey, she just said she liked it, not that she was good at it. Who knows, Emilia might be pretty clumsy with the needle."

  One of the fresh new male celebrities couldn't help but 'rub the heat' when he saw the chance. "Ohh, somehow this gives me the image of her wholeheartedly knitting a scarf for her boyfriend, only for it to end up way too crooked. Of course, I still wouldn't mind wearing it to show off."

  Unexpectedly, his usually aloof female cousin responded even before his fans."Dreaming!"


  "She clearly prefers us girls!"

  "Auntie, why must you hurt me this way? Both of us stand no chance, anyway. Only the ones closest to the tree get the fruit, after all."

  The lady who had been ridiculing her cousin on social media was suddenly stunned. "Ugh…"

  Of course, once she realized she had been called an 'aunty' by the annoying bastard, she quickly started fighting back, beating both the little celebrity and his friends black and blue with her vicious words.

  Those arguing with each other were naturally ignored by the others as they continued on with the topic.

  "Whether it's for a boyfriend or a girlfriend, it's unexpectedly cute when I think about it!"

  "I suddenly have the urge to look at her crooked sewing skills, too."

  With this wave of discussions, the topic of 'Emilia's terrible knitting and sewing skills' was bound to start trending, though the girl herself remained completely unaware.

  Of course, there were a few who had their attention somewhere else entirely.

  "Ah ah ah! I can't believe she's into wrestling too! Isn't some type of elegant martial arts good enough?"

  "No way, I'm almost dying of envy of her 'opponents' over here."

  Meanwhile, once Emilia was finally done reciting all her hobbies, even the interviewer couldn't help but be stunned. "Aren't there too many?"

  The crimson-haired girl looked a little embarrassed. "I-I didn't have any friends before, so there was a lot of free time on my hands. Actually, I suppose the list isn't really that long. In reality, my favorite hobby is just one… learning new things."

  It was quite fortunate, too, because Emilia didn't know how frustrated she would have been had she not enjoyed it so much. 

  After all, her time in this world had been a learning experience from day one. Just figuring out all the features of her smartphone took her weeks.

  Looking at the gorgeous girl preaching about how learning new things could bring one so much joy, Crystal couldn't help but giggle.

  Noticing Dixie give her a curious look, the blonde girl smiled. "It's nothing. Just recalled a little observation I made a while back."

  Once Crystal told her how Emilia's 'joy of learning new things' was limited to only things she could make actual progress in, Dixie couldn't help but blink in surprise. 

  So if something was far too frustrating to get started with, her princess would ignore it in favor of something else?

  The blonde girl giggled. "I remember how gloomy she looked when I tried to teach her some of the more advanced topics in chemistry, at her own request, by the way. She gave up within two days."

  Dixie hummed thoughtfully. "Instead of easily giving up, I think it's more like she has a lot of things to take care of? While Emily sometimes seems easy to get carried away while having fun, when it comes down to it, she always knows her priorities right."

  Crystal turned to the dark-haired girl in surprise, and then nodded hesitantly. "You know what? When I really think about it, what you said makes sense."

  Dixie couldn't help but be stunned. "Eh? You admit it?"

  Crystal narrowed her eyes dangerously. "Why would you think I wouldn't?"

  The dark-haired girl gulped and shook her head immediately. "I-It's not like that. I just thought you prided yourself on your deduction ability. A-Anyway, you're rarely wrong, so it's not like I don't understand."

  Immediately afterward, though, she was stunned once again. '… wait a minute, why do I get scared of her so easily?!'

  Fortunately, Crystal didn't seem to mind it at all as she giggled. "I can't believe you're still the same girl who used to glare at me every time you came to study with Emilia. Am I so perfect and infallible in your eyes now?"

  Dixie coughed in embarrassment. "To deserve being by the side of our princess, we naturally have to work hard and smooth out our flaws. Are we not the same?"

  The blonde girl hummed. "I get it, but still. It's better to admit when you think you're wrong, just like it's wiser to retreat when defeat is certain. Only that way can we continue making progress in the future."

  Dixie nodded thoughtfully as she turned her sight back to Emilia.

  At this point, the interviewer was already done with her initial questions, and was just about to move on when she hesitated.

  Emilia tilted her head with a smile. "What is it?"

  "W-Well, there are a few new trending topics related to you, and I wonder if you'd like to respond to them right now?"

  The crimson-haired girl blinked. "Sure, I don't mind."

  The interviewer coughed, looking embarrassed. "D-Don't take this the wrong way, b-but… do you really 'wrestle' with others?"

  Emilia nodded. "Yes? Is it so strange?"

  The interviewer quickly shook her head in denial. "No no, I just… um, who do you usually wrestle with?"

  The people online couldn't help but praise the woman.

  Give this interviewer a medal! She knows what must be asked!

  Emilia's eyes glinted mischievously as her gaze flitted over to the side. "It's no secret, really. Among the ones who've shown their faces on the show, there are my friends Dixie and Crystal, my big sister, and her assistant, Noelle."

  She sighed happily. "I'm very blessed to have quite a few angels helping me out whenever I need, and they don't mind 'wrestling' with me at all."

  The program team was quite 'helpful', and showed the images of all the mentioned people on the screen after Emilia's words, making the audience sigh with emotion.

  Looking at them again, they couldn't really bring themselves to feel too envious. After all, compared to these girls, few could lift their chin with pride and call themselves better.

  "W-Well, I see. And then, the next question is… are your sewing and knitting skills really bad?"

  Emilia couldn't help but pout. "… No? Where did you get that?"

  The interviewer coughed. "I-It's on the trending list. I-I didn't think so at all!"

  The crimson-haired girl hummed suspiciously, but then nodded.

  The interviewer breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly continued. "Although there are a lot more questions on our side, there's not really enough time, but there's something I wish to ask personally, may I?"

  Looking at Emilia nod, she almost jumped in excitement. "W-Well, although it was so, so exciting to watch you fight and ride the horse, I can't help but wonder… why and how did you get into… well, swords and horses?"

  Emilia grinned. "It all boils down to just two words… Freedom, and Justice!"

  "Ahaha… well, being who you are, I doubt you lack freedom, and who would dare mistreat you?"

  It was a mocking statement that many thought in their hearts, but didn't dare to say out loud. After all, the trend right now was overwhelmingly in this girl's favor, and jumping up now would only get them crushed without results.

  The crimson-haired girl knew it well, but she still smiled. "Every coin has two sides. My life is surely much more privileged than most, but it also comes with its own responsibilities."

  The interviewer couldn't help but blink in surprise. "Oh?"

  Emilia hummed. "Today, I'll use this opportunity to make an announcement to everyone. I have always believed in justice by my sword, and taking my right, but my parents are kind and softhearted. They dislike getting into conflicts. Therefore, today I will use this opportunity to make a declaration. It is in my own name, and has nothing to do with my family."

  The atmosphere around her instantly chilled, and even people across the screen felt like the previous soft-looking girl had suddenly turned into a sharp sword.

  "I, Emilia White, cannot stand injustice the most. And since there are some things that no one else is willing to do... I have no choice but to take things into my own hands. Those who are willing to follow me, please trust in my command!"


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