The Villain's Little Cat

Chapter 74

74 [Bonus chapter]Habit is Scary


Kate sighed deeply and looked around as they entered the hotel. The room was pretty nice. There was a bed, TV, table, refrigerator, cupboard, and inner bathroom. Alright, this is a luxurious hotel, so what did she expect less.

The last time she entered a good hotel room was when her cousin got married. Since her uncle and aunt were filthy rich, they naturally prepared grand reception, which allowed her to come to their hotel room and watched as they prepared themselves.

Well, she didn’t really like it.

Watching them had to prepare makeup for hours... she really didn’t want to undergo such torture.

Thankfully, she was just part of their family members who had special seats in the reception wedding. There was no need for her to worry too much about having to wear thick makeup.

Just a simple one will do.

Speaking of her family members, Kate wondered what will happen to them now that this ‘apocalypse’ happened. She was not close with her cousin and rarely met the other party. Anyway, they had a lot of money, so they might have already settled down somewhere out of her vision.

Kate was not worried that much about them.



Kate jumped down to the table and walked to the nearby sofa. She leapt down easily and walked around before settling on the sofa.

“Claiming your territory, Little One?” Kyle laughed, watching the little cat acting as if this place was her own. Anyway, he didn’t care that much this heartless little one acting as if this place is hers.

He walked to the bathroom and cleaned up simply.

Afterwards, he checked the hotel room and walked to the bedside table. He clicked his tongue. “Dylan, turn it off.”

Kyle should have expected that this friend of his would like to snoop around to check on them. While it was good that they could be monitored for safety, he didn’t really like having anyone listening in.

Not that he was doing anything, though.

Glancing at the sleeping cat once more, Kyle then turned off the light and fell asleep easily.


The night passed by quietly.

When it was morning, Kate was startled by the sudden light. After getting used with it for a while, she realized that she was no longer in the car but inside a hotel room. Raising her head, she saw that Kyle was still sleeping.

It seemed that she had somehow gotten used to sleep near Kyle that when she woke up, her instinctive reaction was to look for him.

‘Habit is really scary.’


Kate jumped down the sofa and walked to the bedside. She frowned when she saw the height and looked around before finding a small stool that she could use to jump up.


With swift motion, Kate landed on the bed. She looked at her body and shook her head internally.

Since she became a cat, Kate realized that her body seemed to have become more flexible. And after a few days, she could already control her body well. At the very least, she no longer looked like an awkward cat who couldn’t even walk properly.


Lowering her furry head, Kate peered to Kyle’s face.

He was still sleeping and breathed normally. From the way it looked like, he was tired after the long journey and exhausting his ability again and again. After coming here, his body instinctively wanted to rest more.

Looking at his handsome defined face, Kate felt a bit awkward. No matter how many times she was being close to him, she was not used to see his face this close, alright?

And being a normal woman, she naturally felt attracted.


Kate raised one of her paw and prodded Kyle’s face lightly.


Kyle stirred and slowly opened his eyes. Seeing the cat beside him, Kyle showed a smile. He had long become accustomed to see a little cat waiting for him beside his head. “Morning, Little Kitty.”


At this time, Kate no longer cared about calling Kyle with his professor title. There was no point with her calling him that way when he himself said that he was not a professor in front of her.

Anyway, calling his name directly is good.

He wouldn’t know either way.

Since all he could hear is meowing.

Kyle sat up and looked at the phone beside him. He narrowed his eyes when he saw that it was six in the morning. It seemed that he was quite tired that he didn’t wake up in time at dawn.

He rubbed the little cat’s head before walking to the bathroom.


Kate stretched her body and laid lazily on the bed. This bed is really soft... she really wanted to sleep here forever.

Uh, she knew that it was impossible.

The three of them wanted to come here because their parents were here, right?

Now, Kate felt a bit curious about who their parents were. Oh, she already knew Dylan’s parents because they were quite famous. She had already seen them in television from time to time.

As for Kyle and Jake...

She honestly had no idea.

Aside from the fact that the two of them have some connection to military, she didn’t know who their parents were.


After taking a bath, Kyle walked out while wearing bathrobe. He glanced at the cat on his bed. “My clothes.”


Kate was dumbfounded. It was then she recalled that she seemed to have put his entire wardrobe into her space... On the road, they didn’t bother to take a bath aside from washing their face and hand, so Kyle never asked Kate about the clothes that he asked her to put inside.

After knowing what Kyle wanted, Kate dumbly took out a set of his clothes... including his underwear.

Looking at the clothes on the bed, Kate felt her face was flushed and quickly moved under the cover. Anyway, the clothes were all there!

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