The Villain's Little Cat

Chapter 80

80 [Bonus chapter]Pets and the Half

Blood contract?

That phrase surprised both Kyle and Kate. The two of them had never thought that it would be possible for there to be a contract or something like that between humans and the animals.

“Is the method truly safe?” Kyle asked with a frown.

“Some people have tried to communicate with their pet by forming a blood contract with their pet. This report hadn’t been verified yet, but it was said that some of them succeed while others suffered backlash.” General Ryan glanced at Kate.

“Some people even tried this method to the giant mutated animals and almost got themselves killed. These giant mutated animals no longer have much rationality left if they had any in the first place. Anyway, their intelligence was just like rabies dogs that would bit anyone they saw.

So for now, they said that this could only be tried on those who had pets who also mutated and close with them.”


Kate looked at Kyle but she was unwilling to form whatever contract that was. She still wanted to cling onto the small hope that she might be able to turn back into a human being in the future.

At that time, how could she stand having a contract with another human that should have belonged between human and the pets?


She refused.

Kyle could sense Kate’s reluctance and shook his head. “She’s not willing.”

“Alright.” General Ryan knew that this so called contract required the consent of both parties. It would be impossible to force the pet to make the contract because it would only hurt the two of them.

“You said something about half. Can I see them?”

“Yes. In fact, I was going to bring you there after Dylan’s sister come.” General Ryan smiled bitterly.

Kyle pursed his lips.

It seemed that this half should be in the research facility. Even though General Ryan had good relationship with Dylan’s father, some places that were restricted from public such as the research facility was still off limit for them. They were not allowed to go there.

Kyle was the only exception.

Anyway, he used to be part of the military until he broke the order and got kicked out of the army.

The relationship between him and the military was lukewarm because of the existence of his father. Some places like the research facility still opened their doors to him because of his education.

After all, he was qualified for a spot there if he wanted to.

It was only because his father didn’t want him to be so withdrawn that he ordered his son to become a teacher for a year in a university before going to the research facility if that was what he wanted.

General Ryan genuinely worried that his son would instead make a biological weapon instead of medicine.

Thankfully, his son seemed to have become much milder after this apocalypse instead of getting worse.

“In that case, I would also like to see them.” Dr. Dall’s eyes lit up.

He definitely couldn’t research on Kate and didn’t even dare to approach that little cat. After seeing what she was capable of, Dr. Dall had long erased any kind of nonsense thoughts about having the little cat helping him with his research.

However, there was still the research facility in City B.

This would be his destination.

“Yes, I have already told them that they will have a new colleague.” General Ryan laughed lightly. “Don’t be so impatient.”

“Yes.” Dr. Dall nodded.

“How does they end up being a half exactly?” Kyle asked what he was most curious about. It was impossible for them to suddenly turn into a half, right? There were no crystals that seemed to be dedicated for them.

“They’re not completely certain, but it seems that they’re holding their pets when they experienced their awakening.”

“Holding their pets?” Kyle thought of that student in the classroom.

He had actually forgotten about that student, but he still thought it was weird for the student to disappear suddenly. But with so many bizarre things happened one after another in this changed world, he had no time to think about it.

“Yes.” General Ryan nodded. “Some are not even holding their own pets but wild animals but when they wake up, the animal had disappeared and they have some animals’ characteristic.”


The animal was the one who disappeared?

In that case, why did it end up to be the complete opposite for her?

Kate wanted to howl in anguish.

Even if she had to end up having cat’s ear and cat’s tail, it seemed to be a much better option rather than living as a little cat. She almost couldn’t go anywhere without Kyle carrying her and felt tired so easily because of her young age.

Kate felt miserable.

She felt unloved by this changed world.

Kyle looked at Kate and soothed her slightly. He seemed to be able to guess that Kate was upset, though he didn’t completely understand the reason for her sadness. “In that case, have you seen the opposite case?”


“The human is the one who disappeared.”

General Ryan was silent. He looked at Kyle incredulously. “No, there has been no report about it so far. But with the number of missing people’s report increasing every single day... it’s really hard to know whether such thing happened or not. There’s no one who had the time to check.”

“I see. Dylan, if you have time, do check on them.”


“Wait, wait, please don’t use any unscrupulous means to obtain the information. Do you understand, Dylan?”

“I know.”

“Don’t just say that you know! The last time you entered the secret database and had almost caused everyone to enter the state of emergency!” General Ryan felt so vexed when facing these three brats.

Neither one of them... could ease his mind.

Kate blinked her eyes.

It seemed that among the people inside this room, she was the only one who was out of the place...

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