The Villain's Little Cat

Chapter 83

83 Intelligence Test

Kyle glanced at his father, but General Ryan simply coughed. He refused to tell Kyle that he believed his son will be fine.

After all, it would be too shameful for him to admit such a thing.


Kate phrased her words carefully. She didn’t want to call Kyle with the terms professor, especially when in front of Lica. If the other party were to translate her words to Kyle, that would make him a bit suspicious.


Lica laughed.

“What did she say?” Kyle turned to look at Lica. He started to consider asking them to hurry and make the communication device or something like that which will allow him to communicate with his little cat.

Not being able to understand her words had become a bit more annoying.

“Pardon me, but I think I’ll offend General Ryan if I were to translate it.” Lica waved her hand and pointed at the door in front of them. “This is your room, Dr. Dall. I hope you will like it. There are other people inside who will brief you about your work in City B Research Institute.”


“Thank you.” Dr. Dall nodded and walked into his room.

It was good that he didn’t need to accompany that annoying brat anymore.

“Just say what she said.” General Ryan sighed. He felt that his son must have pampered this little cat a bit too much.

“Little Kitty said that Professor Kyle’s father is a tsundere.”

General Ryan: “...”

Kyle glanced at Kate and nodded in agreement. “You’re perfectly correct, Kate. It seems that you understand my father well.”


General Ryan was speechless.

Kyle then looked at Lica. “Did she call me professor?”

“No, she uses your name directly.”

“I see.”

Kate peeked a glance at Kyle, wondering whether he will be angry at her because she was using his name directly or not. But seeing his calm expression, it seemed that he didn’t care that much that she was calling his name and not using any honorific title.

Even though there was some uncomfortable feeling because she knew that he used to be her professor, Kate suppressed whatever she thought.

She didn’t want to make him more suspicious.

It was already enough that he found the incident at the school back then weird and wanted to investigate the missing people. If he found out that she was actually his student and not his cat, would he want to kill her?

Kate shivered at the thought.

“Is it too cold here?” Kyle sensed that the little cat in his hand shivered. He positioned Kate carefully to make sure that the wind would not reach her.

General Ryan looked at how Kyle was so caring for the cat and lamented, “I’m happy that you start to show tenderness... but why is it have to be towards a cat?”

Kate: “...” She’s 100% HUMANS!!!


Lica looked at Kate and blinked her eyes. At this time, she didn’t catch any words that Kate said at all.

“Don’t be angry. It’s not worth it to be angry towards this old man.” Kyle rubbed Kate’s head tenderly.


“She said that she’s not angry,” Lica seemed to have assumed the role of Kyle’s translator as she conveniently said what Kate said.

“Good.” Kyle nodded.

They finally reached the third floor and entered a room. There were several children toys inside that could easily be used by them. Kate looked around curiously and her eyes shone when she saw the swing.

She loved swing!

Unfortunately, as she grew older, it was hard to find a swing that suited her. In the end, she could only forget about this childhood thing that she liked.

“Little Kitty, come here.” Lica walked to the table and put down the few pictures on the table. “Now, I want you to show me the picture of the items I said.”

Kate jumped to the table and looked at the few pictures with disinterest. They were indeed pictures for children that seemed to be distasteful and so simple. Well, for children, simple is indeed the best.

But her intelligence was already that of a 21 years old woman.

For her, these were naturally not interesting.

“Now, where’s apple...”

Kyle watched from the side as Kate easily finished the first test. There was not even the slightest mistake and her reaction was so fast as if it was her instinctive reaction. The number of things she could recognize was also very astounding.

She was not like a little kid at all.

At this moment, Kyle was thinking about the university student who was holding Little kitty back at that class during the first event. Ever since that day, Little Kitty did change and become smarter, but her action looked so childish and rather cute.

But somehow, it was not annoying.

When Kyle was dealing with other kids and Little Kitty before, he always felt that they were very annoying.

He was impatience.

But after having some intelligence, she was indeed very coquettish and childish, but she was not annoying at all. In fact, Kyle felt that he surprisingly had some kind of unlimited patience when dealing with the cat.

It was strange.

Beside Kyle, General Ryan watched the cat completed the intelligence test and his lips twitched. He had watched the other pets doing their test and it was hard for them to fully concentrate on the task on hand.

But this little cat was very different.

She looked like someone who had been taught about human’s rule and so on. The way she kept on staring at someone’s face when they were talking to her and her response made her look so closely like human being.

“Your little cat is very special.”

“I know.”

“I think I would need to investigate where this cat come from. I got it from your aunt and she said that this is just one of her cat’s children.” General Ryan’s lips twitched.

If that cat somehow had some kind of powerful gene, it would be better if they could get it in their hand first. However, General Ryan knew that it wouldn’t be easy to trace the other cat’s children that had been passed to different people.

Not to mention, many people were busy with the fact that their lives were no longer as peaceful as it should be.

Who would have time to care for cats?

“I’m more interested in the missing people’s case. Are there any of them who went missing while they’re with their pets. After all, the first red rain occurred in the afternoon and it’s possible for them to play with their pets.” Kyle’s eyes narrowed.

And the second time, it was at night.

There might be some people who were still sleeping with their pets and might be the one who ended up disappearing.

General Ryan rubbed his forehead. “Well, I’ll look into it. However, I would like to tell you that all half have dual abilities after the second red rain.”

“All of them?” Kyle raised his head.

General Ryan nodded. “Lica is one of the example. She was originally only wind elemental awakener with bunny ears that’s far more sensitive. This caused her training to be extremely fast. However, after the second rain, she awakened fire ability.”

Wind and fire.

Kyle thought of Little Kitty and recalled that at the beginning, she awakened space ability and the second time, she awakened healing ability.

There were also two abilities.

“How about pets?”

“This is what I actually want to tell you. All the pets only have one ability.” General Ryan looked at Kyle. “I’m sure you understand that the specialty of your pet might attract a lot of attention.”

“It doesn’t matter.”


“Those who dared to covet her will have to go through me.” Kyle’s eyes were filed with dangerous light as lightning danced between his fingers. It seemed as if he was ready to destroy everyone who dared to harm his little cat.

General Ryan let out a hollow laugh.

It seemed that he had underestimated the little cat’s position in his son’s heart. He could only hope that this was for the best.

“There are indeed some report of some powerful animals appearing in several different cities. However, they’re treated as mutated animals and had to be killed, so I don’t know the specific for sure.”

“Anyone nearby?”

“No. The nearest one is in City C, but that city has been in quite the turmoil ever since the insects’ infestation. It’ll be nearly impossible for you to go there.”

“I see.”

Ring! Ring! Ring!

General Ryan sighed and took his phone, walking out of the room. There were various calls that were directed at him from time to time, so he was used to it.


Kyle was looking at the little cat on the table with thoughtful expression. For some reason, he felt that this little cat had somehow inherited the intelligence of that student but not completely and only partially, which resulted in higher intelligence.

But if that was the case...

It meant that his cat had indirectly killed that student.

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