The Weakest Tamer Trash Picking Journey Begins

Chapter 738 Story 684 has fallen.


In response to the unexpected sound, I quickly grabbed the lightning ball and confirmed the sound.

At the end of the line of sight is a large mass that rolls to the ground.

To take a closer look, it was about the size of a rock on my head.

It's a rock, isn't it?

Looks like it. Where did it come from, this lump?

In response to Leah's words, Arielus looked around.

It's the ceiling.

Look up at the ceiling, as your father said.

It's dim so it's hard to see, but it looks like part of the ceiling has fallen.

And then something elongated came out of it and was moving.

It's a monster, isn't it?

Your father looks at me.

Besides, I'm a little troubled.

There is no doubt that the elongated object is a creature because it moves in a bumpy manner.

But even though I'm in front of you, I don't feel any magic power.

And the signs are very thin.

It can be said that there are very few of them.


It's bumpy.

It's bumpy.

"Hey, maybe you can't get out anymore?"

Everyone nodded at Lilia's words.

No matter how you look at it, it looks like you're trying hard to get out of the hole.


Sheil looked up at the ceiling as she approached the elongated object.

After a while, I went under Sora and pushed Sora's body towards us.



Is this a conversation?

Sora and Ciel rang one by one, and Sora and the others came back here away from the slender monster.

Maybe we should stay away too?

When she sees Ciel, she sings, "Ya-ya-ya."

Seeing that, Fathers also distanced themselves from the elongated monster.

I looked at the monster from a distance, but something was still shaking.


When shells roared toward the monster, she stopped moving even though she had been rampaging until now.

A disturbing sound echoed through the cave as I was a little excited about what would happen.


Baki, bokko.

... bum bum bum.

I don't know. You'll want to cheer me up.

Everyone laughed bitterly at Lilia's words.

She's right, somehow she wants to say, "Just a little more."

Ah, did you come out?

Your father's words make you nervous.

What is it that makes you look like?

Butterfly, bishivishivishi.




The sound of a familiar chirp.

But, a voice a little lower than the one you're listening to, looks at the Tron beside you.

Tron is excited, and the leaves are flickering.

Tree, tree monster!

Arielus and the others set up weapons against the fallen monsters.

It is true that the reaction was correct.

Be careful of the monsters in the cave.

No sounds, no signs, and attacked.

Because it's a monster that says so.

"Calm down. I don't think it's the commonly known monster of the tree."

Arias and the others gave a confused expression to his calm voice.

Are you okay?

Ah, Tron is so happy, and Sora and the others are so happy.

In response to his father's words, Tron and Sora were looking at Arias and the others.

Everyone was excited about the tree monster that appeared.

I can see that I want to go play right away.

"Um, the tree monster is a horrible monster, isn't it?" It's true that there are many individuals with magical powers who become superior monsters. "

Leah was right. The Tree Monster was a terrifying monster.

I've been attacked once and I'm dying.

But Tron is also a monster of trees.

That's why I couldn't tell that the monsters in the tree were terrifying.

"I've always thought so, but I think the monsters in the tree are different depending on the individual." Because Tron is also a monster of trees. "


Arielus-san's gaze turned to Tron.

That's right. Tron was a tree monster.

Lilia smiled bitterly at Tanras's words.

Even though you're like a tree monster, you forgot until you said so.

When Mr. Arielus and the others finished the weapon, the slightest tension that remained disappeared.

I saw a tree monster falling from above.

It is about twice as tall as your father.

If you just put it up to the root, it will be more expensive.

The number of branches is five times as many as the number of torrons, and the leaves are lush, so it must be energetic.

I was curious about the fruit.

The wooden monster that showed me had pale green fruit on it.


In the meantime, when I said hello, the leaves shook.

If you reacted the same way as Tron, I'm sure you'd be happy to, but what do you think?

Plump, plump, plump


Sora and Flem, who were pulling at her feet, leaped toward the wooden monster.

Apparently, I was at the limit of my patience.


When Tron crowed in a rare excitement, he moved his fist and roots toward the monster of the big tree.

However, since the roots are short, it is a cute way to run.

"She's cute. What a cute figure."

Lilia is thrilled to see a running tron.

It's cute, isn't it?

I know how you feel.

Somehow, the little one looks like he's doing his best.

"Ah! Sora! Flem! Don't try to play with wooden monsters!"

I noticed Sora and Flem trying to jump aboard the wooden monster, but it was too late.

The two of them played with the branches that extended from the tree monster.

“I'm sorry, are you okay?”

I stood beside the wooden monster and looked up.

I was a little scared when I stopped by because it was so big.

"Giggle, giggle"

A slightly lower voice than Tron answers as he shakes his body.

Well, I don't know what you're talking about, but it seems like it's fun because of the atmosphere.


I heard a deafening sound coming from behind.

When I saw him, he held up Tron and walked near the wooden monster.

"On the way, my roots got pinched in the ground and I couldn't move, so I brought him here."

Oh, I was so focused on Sora that I missed Tron.

"I'm sorry. Is the root okay?"


It seemed that the tree monster was more concerned than the sound of a little squeal.

A glimpse of his gaze turned toward the tree monster.

Did your father notice that? He placed a tron next to the wooden monster.

This is a different child than the tree monster who gave me Tron, right?

I think the wooden monster that Tron gave me was bigger.

"Oh, I guess it's goodbye." There were three times as many monsters as there were monsters from this tree. Besides, all the caves were covered with the roots of that tree monster. "

Isn't that right?

You didn't look so detailed.

Well then, is this... Tron's brother?

How does a tree monster leave offspring?

Because it's a tree, after all?

Tron, are you brother to this girl?

Tron, who leans his body in his father's arms, doesn't seem to understand what he's been asked.

Maybe the Tree Monster doesn't have the concept of a brother.

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