The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 1017

Chapter 1017: Nothing

“About the conference, is there something I should know?”

“Master Julius, you worry too much. I know Hidros declared war, but still, we have time to relax.”

“Serene, cutting corners at this moment isn’t viable. I saw brother with the emperor earlier and I heard about King Ezel and king Juvey, what is happening?”

“It will all be explained,” journey climbed tension-filled stairways and through darkened halls of murmurs and whispers. Soft tones and sudden silence, a dance he all but drew attention towards. ‘Retainers are acting a little weird. The place feels empty even if I know there are more present. What’s going on?’ Serene’s guided tour landed at large golden-rimmed barriers.

“Meeting place?” he inquired, she nodded. A brief pause to inhale followed by a click. The rectangular slabs parted to a silent interior. The sound of flowing liquid caught their attention, “-what’s this?” he looked around, “-did we miss the room?”

“SURPRISE!” exploded fireworks and applauds; music raged in full swing, “-HAPPY BIRTHDAY!” read banners. Tables adorned by pastries and snacks, a dancefloor of familiar faces, and a performance for musicians. Hanna and Anna hastily went up to their father and smiled, “-happy birthday father.”

“Happy birthday,” they mutually held a present, “-here’s to your health!” Malley joined at their side, placing her hand on their shoulders and smiling, “-happy birthday, Julius.”


“On behalf of the palace,” added Igna, “-happy birthday, brother.”

A look of surprise, lowering of the blond eyebrows, a flushness added to the gleaming cheeks, and a sudden highlight of the man’s lips, “-don’t be embarrassed,” winked Igna, “-you’re adding on years, brother.”

“I sure am,” he laughed, “-I didn’t expect this.”

“That’s what it means to host a surprise,” the twins exchanged with Igna. Thus, the evening’s celebration went on blast. Man of the hour, Julius Haggard, went through a lot of chatter-filled circles and exchanged pleasantries.

‘A sight for sore eyes,’ wondered Igna, he tipped his glass of liquor at the prince and drank. The festivities carried into night, dinner was served, a cake was cut and the dance hall was full of half-drunken men trying their best at courtship.

“Opening the celebration to the noble was a great move,” said an exhausted voice.

“Julius,” Igna flipped, changing view from over the balustrade to the prince and the backdrop, an archway inside which dance and laughter roared, “-came for some fresh air?”

“I came for a cigarette,” he reached into the suit jacket, “-but I guess I forgot my case.”

“Here,” Igna reached into his and pulled, “-can’t believe your fifty-two.”

“Don’t say it aloud,” he puffed, “-I don’t care for it. Age’s just a number.”

“Such the excuse used by the depraved. In fairness, age’s just a number for us immortals. I was wondering,” they flipped and stared at the silent garden, “-ever regret becoming something more than human?”

“Long as we will it, our existence can’t ever be forfeit. World’s full of contradictions. A child wishes to be an adult, an adult longs for the days of old, maybe because of the energetic body or childish innocence. A mortal longs to become immortal and the immortal wishes for the day their destiny types a full-stop.”

“I get it,” Igna puffed, “-suppose it’s the alcohol talking.”

“Alcohol talking?” he chuckled, “-brother, you can drink for the whole of Hidros.”

“Don’t start,” he tapped the cigarette – ash crushed and tumbled, a wind swept the remains, “-Julius, on a serious note, what is the plan going forward?”

“Elaborate, brother.”

“Creation’s heir,” Igna side-glanced, a comforting silence imposed as if a blue sky being clouded by a somber taint, “-the mortal realm won’t remain so forever. Every start has an end, and for us, for me, I know the pain of starting over. You have a lovely wife and two kind and mature daughters. They’ve reached the age of maturity, should take consideration about their futures, yes?”


“No, not that,” he puffed, “-they’re free, such is the luxury those at the top can enjoy,” he flipped and tapped Julius’ arms, “-look,” Julius followed, “-if our position was reversed, we would be like them.” Reference drew on a hunched noble egging on his daughters to find suitable partners, “-scouring the dancehall for someone to keep their wealth and prestige, by association, complete.”

“There’s a lot to think about, what brought this on?”

“Heavenly realm,” he added, “-moves are being made without our knowledge, moves able to destroy reality as we know.”

“What do you mean?”

“Zeus and his entourage sent a clear warning. Remember Achilles?”

“Yeah, member of Kniq and aid to Staxius, what of her?”

“History’s changed and she’s dead.”

“Excuse me?”

“Depending on a person’s action, the repercussion has much deeper impacts later down the road. Take geometry, for example, a simple off-distance of one millimeter can result in a meter long difference.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yeah, I confirmed the situation. Those residents of the Shadow Realm and entities of higher level to Orin are aware of the change. As for the world, it continues without hassle.”

“What then, won’t they be punished?”

“I don’t know,” he puffed, “-the guardian of time and space, the weaver of destiny, and the entities involved have special signets burnt into the offenders. Why do you think I’m unable to attain godhood.”

“Because of a curse given by Zeus?”

“Partly... for the sin of reviving Aceline from an alternate timeline, logic doesn’t make sense when dealing with those multiple fragments. The signet of Vagabond... too bad.”

“Is that why?”

“Yeah, we need to consider those unable to see things from our point of view. I’ve made sure those closest have access to my domain. Heir to Creation, if we are to face everything as a team, as brothers as we so affectionately call our bond, I think it’s time for you to create a realm of your own. Only there can one feel true safety.”

“If I do that, my identity as Creation’s heir will be ousted. Father might try to reclaim the symbol. After all, we did ignore his wishes... I, I don’t know, Igna.”

“Fair,” the cigarettes snuffed by a press on the balustrade, “-how about you create a realm within the Shadow Realm. Create a continent using my domain as your core, branch it out, and enjoy the anonymity.”

“Won’t that put your world in danger?”

“Oh, the Shadow Realm’s exceeded both the mortal and heavenly realms. Kronos’ sickle transformed, the evolution guaranteed its existence for all of eternity and beyond. Worlds within worlds, planets, and newer civilizations – the never-ending cycle of life and death. Consider this my way of saying happy birthday, brother.”

“Creating domain within your domain... it sounds fun but what about if I want to bring those close to me, they might not enjoy the blandness of my imagination.”

“Why are you worrying about that,” he laughed, “-they’ll live in the Shadow Realm of course, in another world far better than what we have here.”

More cigarettes lit, *puff,* “-Igna, pardon the suspicion... I just know there’s something more to it.”

“There is something more,” he puffed, “-consider it as rent.”

“What about the present?”

“That’ll be the initial construction fee,” they stopped, stared at one another blankly, then burst into full-on belly laughter, “-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!”


“Are...” the laughter hampered understandability, “-Igna,” Julius paused, the lips strained... then shattered into another burst.

“Okay, okay,” they breathed, “-let’s take it easy,” the amusement, “-talking about creating another world as if pushing a construction plan.”

“I know,” coughed Igna, “-the worldly influence is one not to be trifled against.”

“About the offer, what should I do?”

“Creation of multiple secondary cores to sustain and boost the Shadow Realm’s primary heart.”

“...” silence settled once more, the waves of thought washed, ‘-creation of a core is hard, I can barely manage to make a fifth of what’s required with my inherent mana. Brother wants me to create sub-cores and add to the Shadow Realm. The balance between mortal and gods will effectively come to an end,’ a realization hit, “-cousin, are you trying to create a land where children are born as gods or entities higher than the gods... don’t tell me you’re planning to make a heaven?”

“The concept of Elysium is one of bliss and peace. In said regard, I suppose a place for rest would be considered so. Raising the Shadow Realm’s status would ensure its survival.”

“Breeding beings able to kill gods for the simple reason of doing so is mad, brother, are you seriously trying to found a new standard?”

A somber grin escaped, “-Julius, we’re competing against gods. I’ll do what I must to make sure those who I care about remain untouched. I was never able to help those I wanted in their dire moments.”

“You’ve gone mad, brother. There’s no way such a plan will ever work. Tis possible in theory. I’d require more mana and far more life energy to create subcores. There’s a reason only a few gods have the ability to expand domains, they, themselves become cores for said realms.”

“Conquering the unknown,” he puffed, “-you forget, brother, who I am. Alfred, Staxius, Origin, Scifer, the burdens placed upon these shoulders are akin to blades. I wouldn’t have come without a plan. Vesper has been collecting domains and capturing symbols of power on my order. Don’t underestimate the idealness of my people,” a purple haze flashed across the eyes, “-they wait on purpose and strike when true. Heir to Creation, why not join my quest for absolution.”

“Do you hear yourself?” the cigarette dropped, “-Igna, please, wake up from whatever trance you are,” he shook Igna’s shoulder, “-please for their sakes, don’t end up thy own demise.”

‘What would you know about demise,’ the gaze lowered, a silent mist covered his feet and torso, ‘-what would you know about ending one’s own life? I’m selfish, I’m whimsical and I’m self-aware. Julius, you don’t realize just yet... my actions today will echo in the future.’

“Brother, wake up!”

“Julius,” Igna held Julius’ chin, “-look at me.”

“...” silence, “-do you see?” said Igna, “-do you see?”

“See what?”


“I see nothing?”

“No, nothing sees you,” the world suddenly disappeared, “-nothingness permeates the world, the space inside the space, the force within a force. Truth, false, nothing matters,” and indeed, there laid nothing, “-what’s black, remove it, what’s white, remove it, what remains, nothing – remove it.”

The heart sank, “-HELP!”

Reality snapped back, “-Brother,” whispered Igna, “-look at me,” he lowered his gaze, “-look at me.”

“Brother, I apologize,” the hands trembled, “-what are you?”

“I’m nothing,” he returned neutrally, “-look at the horizon, the cityscape, the place around. The ultimate truth is nothing.”

*Cough, cough, cough,* blood splattered, a sense of vertigo, ‘-I can’t stand,’ he dropped forward into Igna’s arms, “-brother, there’s a lot the world hides, a lot of people and teachers speak of – the culmination of other timelines, the death of entire universes. It’s all bound by a simple word, nothing.”

“Stop it,” he pushed Igna and fell onto the terrace, “-what’s the talk about nothing, don’t you...”


“I don’t,” returned Igna with a strange symbol within his gaze, “-I don’t,” it was there, the third incarnation’s true power resounded, ‘-I’m losing consciousness,’ Julius fell.

“Master,” Serene ran outside, “-is he okay?”

“Yeah, he’ll be fine,” returned Igna sat with one knee to his chest, “-got a little high off the produce.”

“Told you not to smoke that stuff,” she rolled her eyes and knelt to help Julius, “-you should stop taking those, messes with your head.”

“A cigarette a day keeps the devil away,” he laughed, “-let’s get him to bed,” they lifted the prince to a nearby room.

“Should do it,” exclaimed Igna, “-shall we continue?”

“Yes please,” Serene winked and locked arms, “-let’s party, the Dark Guild’s way. I’m calling for reinforcement from my fellow comrades. Is that okay, majesty?”

“Have them host it at the manor,” added Igna, “-we’ll take the celebrations there.”

“Now that’s what I expect from my king,” they laughed.

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