The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 1019

Chapter 1019: Charlie/Yonpo

“Unfortunately for you, the body was identified as Daniel. Fortunately for us, we have witnesses placing the last known location. Their report paints a very damning image,” cells were split. Skarla, the warrior, and the priestess were under close observation, “-shall I extrapolate?”

“No,” returned a composed Skarla, “-I’m no fool, guild assistant. I will speak no further than is needed. Don’t bother think I’ll working with you dogs,” she scanned the fellow opposite and side-glanced at the one-way mirror, “-I know you’re there, guild mate of YWC. No matter your clout,” she hooked her tag with her thumb and smiled, “-there are consequences and procedures, yes?”

The observing assistant, the same belligerent bloke of a few minutes ago; bearer of a ready-made suit and unkempt hair, “-leave her,” he said with a twitchy remark, “-we’ll probe at the other.”

A sudden tab shook the observing entourage, “-message from the top,” said an assistant, “-the murders are to be solved, the YWC mustn’t lose faith. They explicitly asked for your name and adamantly said there would be repercussions.”

“...” he listened in silence contrary to those around.

“Not fair, is it?”

“Can’t argue, orders are orders.”


“They’re always like this,” complained one, “-loving to play secret organization, when the hammer strikes, there’re none to come in aid. It’s us, assistant-”

“No more,” sliced the would-be rant.


“I said no more,” he narrowed, “-arguing with one another won’t help the situation. Take a breather, I’ll figure something out.”

Minutes cut into hours; Skarla sat comfortably, “-any update?” the door opened.

“No,” returned a sleepy observer, “-she seems at home. Hard to imagine her as the prime suspect.”

“Well, killers are often the charismatic type. The more they enjoy the game, the harder it gets for us to pin down the cause. What about the other two?”

“Charlie’s going there as we speak.”

“Charlie,” exhaled the fellow, “-I rather not be in their shoes.”

A click and a squeak, “-I’m sorry about that,” said a well-mannered gentleman, “-media outside’s giving us plenty of trouble,” he comfortably dropped onto the seat and smiled, “-relax,” came as a counter to the suspicious glances, “-I’m here as your friend. Tell me, what’s your name and occupation?”

“The name’s Iyan, no family name. Occupation, full-time hunter, I bear the crest of Rarknor.”

“The Rarknor guild, are the rumors true?”

“I fail to see how it affects me.”

“As I said, I mean no harm. Please keep the hostility at a minimum.”

“Sure, I’d like to see how you’d fair sitting in a chair whilst your friend’s murderer runs loose. I’m seething if you wish to know, the moment I know who did this, I swear-”

“-Run, enough of the bravado,” a switch in tone shook the dynamic, “-JWC has informed Rarknor about current events. We have full authority over what’s to happen. Let me refresh your memory, Iyan. The YWC serves as a conduit between the ruling party and the guilds. As such, we are host to many perks associated with said position. Though it’s unspoken, we YWC are the peacemakers, we keep you, I, and the general populous safe. To that end, I would prefer the truth... let’s not waste time.”

“Yes, yes, the ever vigilant YWC. Why was Syne dragged into this?”

“Syne, interesting subject you highlight,” the door tapped, silence diffused – a stern attendant murmured a few words and delivered a report. Charlie’s demeanor lit. Iyan sat back in wait.

“The world is full of surprises. Syne seems to have a rather shady past. Seems my comrade was a little rough in extracting information. Comes with the territory, I mean, hunters are very much subject to bruises here and there,” Iyan noticeably gestured, “-it reads here her pas-”

“Enough, don’t.”

“Why, what’s the matter, are you going to help?”

“I’ll drop the attitude, what is it you want?”

“Don’t frame it scandalously, I assure you, my job is to only seek the truth, nothing more, nothing less. Sadly for you, this conversation has no merit. One of your friends ratted you out. They called you by name and pointed out various pieces which link the case strangely. A history of temper, alcohol abuse, and frequent visitor to that god-forsaken brothel. It’s impressive Rarknor allowed scum to be in their band of warriors. No matter, all I need is a confession; the case stands on shaky ground, you know, conjecture and all.”

“Who ratted me out?”

“Who did indeed?” he rose, “-there’s something I ought to check, care for something to drink or eat?”

“Bring me water.”

“Right, it’ll be a minute,” the lock clicked. A humble figure waited across the corridor, “-how goes it, Yonpo.”

“Bad,” he answered, tipping his head and straightening the ready-made suit, “-what about him?”

“No, no, what about the brothel, I heard the manager gave quite the talk.”


“Moving on, what about the priestess?”

“Don’t know,” he answered, they came upon another door, “-she might break or might not, hard to tell with the religious type. Here are a few notes – do your magic.”

“Not magic,” he reached for the handle, “-only a hobby.” The observation room hosted more attendants, “-there he is,” they followed closely, “-he looks so confident.”

“Charlie’s not to be trifled with,” added Yonpo, the crowd parted as he drew upon the mirror, “-terrifying thing about that man is,”

“Hello,” played through the intercoms.

“-his way of analyzing the person in front. He knows what to say and how to say, he knows what they want, he can draw their desires; something about him,” Yonpo shivered, “-give’s me the chill. He’s not normal.”

“Sister, I hope my fellows didn’t harm.”

“All is as god planned. We came here to learn about my dearest friend’s death. Why has it taken so long, why are we being treated like criminals?”

“Protocol,” he answered, “-the guild needs information and confirmation. If the problem isn’t cut at the root; many others will follow the path of needless death. Sister Syne, might I be blunt?”


“Last night, where were you?”

“My room, why?”

“With anyone particular?”

“No, not really. Does it matter?”

“Yes, it does. According to Skarla, it seems you and Iyan are pretty close. Her statement was confirmed by many.”


“Excuse me,” he stopped, “-I’ll clear the picture a little. We have strong evidence pointing at Iyan. Skarla’s reinforced the hypothesis.” Heavy frowns lowered her brows, her posture tightened and her cheeks flushed mildly. Silence settled; thoughts clanged louder than words, her heart raced, and the beating in her chest boomed, “-Sister Syne, please don’t misunderstand my intentions. I’m here to solve the murder of your friend, we have to catch the monster else others shall lose their close ones like you. I asked if there is anything to link Iyan to you and confirm his location last night, the finger may start pointing another way.”

‘Iyan’s the prime suspect. Skarla’s saving her own skin... what should I do? Please, my lord, guide me so I can be freed and save my companion.’

*Tap, tap, tap,*

“-excuse me,” he made for the door, “-what is it?” whispered, murmurs recoiled, “-you sure?” he turned on himself and narrowed at Syne, “-it would seem there has been another death. I do apologize, until the situation is cleared, we have to keep you here.”

Questions of legitimacy flooded, “-another murder?” Yonpo and Charlie stormed outside.

“Seems like it,” added Yonpo, “-another hunter found in a similar state.”

“Doesn’t this prove their innocence?”

“Charlie, time like these makes me envious of your sense of justice. My job is to find the culprit, no matter the method,” empty halls echoed onto light in the distance. Voices and horrified expressions layered the already thick atmosphere.

“Charlie, Yonpo, I strongly recommend these,” an attendant handed masks – thick metal sheets pushed inward to an observation table. “Found a few minutes ago,” said an attending physician, “-cause of death, well, the decapitation speaks for itself. Same burn marks and foul stench. A strong reason to link the cases.”


“Unknown, the guild tag was taken. This lovely fellow has nothing to say,” a charred mass, wrinkled and withered skin without expression nor identification, the last states of nature’s cleaner oozed the stench of death.

Both attendants returned, door to Iyan’s room opened, “-sorry for the wait. Here’s the water. Iyan there’s a simple solution; prove you weren’t outside last night, give me a reason to believe you didn’t kill your friend.”

“Who ratted me out?” he glared, “-tell me and I’ll consider speaking.”

“Finding a job as a foreigner in Estral must be difficult. Different cultures, different standards, social norms, and acceptance are rather prejudicial. To mind my benefactor’s interest, I won’t speak further. Doesn’t matter in the end.”

“Syne and I,” he paused, “-It’s her,” he slammed the table, “-I know that rogue betrayed me. Syne can vouch; we spent the night together.”

A broad smile escaped, “-Iyan, you truly are a gentleman. I’ll confirm with the sister, and if it’s true, we’ll have a smooth ride for the enemy, yes?”

“Best we don’t cross paths,” he glared, “-also, if there’s anything wrong with Syne, I swear I’ll make you regret it.”

“She’s fine, only provocations,” he exited, another attendant entered to escort Iyan to a waiting room. The sister, he pushed and smiled, “-good and bad news.”

“Bad news.”

“Iyan said you can vouch for his location.”


“He vouched for your location. Sister what happens behind closed doors is strictly your business. Far as it concerns us, we’ve pinned the traitor.”

“Skarla... what about her statement, what if she-”

“Something for us to deal with,” an attendant pushed the door, Charlie remained seated, “-sister Syne, a representative of the church’s here,” a somber presence waited in the attendant’s shadow, Syne bowed courteously.

“Good,” the tone rose, “-the sister and her friend are innocent. We’ll keep Skarla for further interrogation, is that alright?”

“YWC, taking in a sister of Neos is a great offense. We’ll look the other way this time. if the situation ever repeats itself, I’ll make sure YWC suffers.”


“Please elder, don’t be angry at Charlie, he was only doing his job.”

“Yonpo,” the elder watched with disgust, “-the worst of ’em all. Come on Syne, we’re going.”

Fours passed and Skarla sat patiently, “-sorry for the wait.”

“No apologies needed,” she maintained eye contact, “-is YWC done with their schemes?”

Yonpo and Charlie entered, “-seems your precious team has pointed blame.”


“Are you not angry?”

“Why should I be?” she kicked her feet upon the table, “-I don’t care much for another guild’s thought. Tell me, YWC, how many silver ranks are under thy employment?”

“We’re asking the questions here,” gritted Charlie.

“Questions are relevant to enlighten a specific problem or, perhaps, clear up the misunderstanding. Doesn’t work when your mind’s already made up. Tell me,” she narrowed onto Yonpo.

“A question for a question.”

“Deal,” she nodded, “-Charlie, was it? you will stay out of this conversation.”

“HOW DARE YOU!” he slammed the table, she returned his gaze calmly, and the silence settled awkwardly.

“Charlie, sit,” thundered Yonpo, “-YWC has three silver ranks underemployment, all of whom are in Hidros, why do you ask?”

“To draw comparison. Our guild has ten silver ranked, three golden ranked, and a platinum hero. Due to legislation passed over the monopoly of talent, guilds are only allowed to hire adventurers of tier-five and lower. Those above-said rank ought to pass before the central guild and seek approval.”


“Well, having silver ranks is a simple matter of procedure. YWC, I hope you know what it means, yes?”

“Putting the focus on your strength won’t change the outcome,” Charlie interjected, “-what if YWC doesn’t have as many silver ranks, we’re still strong.”


“Yonpo,” she ignored the interjection, “-I’m warning about potential outcomes. War’s underway, Estral will be dragged into conflict one way or the other. And you’re right, we’re different. Guilds in Hidros hold less of a prestigious position compared to Estral, here, the guilds are akin to political cabinets. Would you risk it?”

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