The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 1024

Chapter 1024: Humanitarian Society of Hidros

‘Everyone has their own problem. Happiness is a fleeting moment, a resting spot through the never-ending climb of life. So many of my comrades have died, and so many people have given their lives believing their death were grand and that their actions would amount to more. The burden of being king, standing at the top is harder than being at the bottom. The latter can send their grievances towards those above them – a prime target for unresolved issues, greed, and lust. Envious of the fame and wealth, envious of the perks, and discouraged with the responsibilities. They won’t understand, they don’t understand, they turn a blind eye to suit their benefit – such is the way the worthless have gained influence. They’re creating trouble, they want the monarchy to relieve some of their power, and they want to form a mutually beneficial alliance. To that I simply say, die,’ the royal transport drove across the expanded Rosespire – little over a year and a half had passed. 3rd August of the year X129 – the whole world sunk into the dark ages. The battle over the fallen Wracian Empire only increased – more nations joined and independent kingdoms sought favors with every nation willing to hear their case. The great divide of the north and south hemisphere, Ulem; provided a natural barrier as in the battle kept confined within the north whilst the south remained relatively untouched.

“Majesty, we’re nearly there.”

“Elixia,” he smiled, “-thank you.”

She held her gaze, “-majesty, are you alright?”

“Yes, been doing some thinking, wasn’t hard maintaining Raven’s growth, I’m sorry.”

“It’s fine, I had help, everyone’s been very supportive. Besides, master, you should focus on the greater picture, leave the side-project to me, I am your left hand.”

“Rather say my brain,”


“Thee jests.”

“Suppose so,” momentum slowed, and her unbalanced posture tipped a little. Skyscrapers rose behind the tinted windows, the door opened by a smile of a retainer, “-welcome, majesty.”

“Thank you,” red carpet lined the path forward. The great gray rectangle and windows confidently stood above the buildings around, “-majesty, please follow,” said an energetic Elixia. The windswept outside(brought by bad weather) surrendered to the man-made castle. Suited men and women passed the hall, “-about what we discussed, these men are from the Humanitarian Society of Hidros, HSH, or HS. Please have a minute amount of compassion.”

“Yes, compassion, I’d love to indulge their idiotic idealism. Why wasn’t éclair abled to snuff the growth?”

“They expanded their network across the continent.”

“Showing animosity might endanger our position. I don’t promise much,” the lift carried to a media hall, the place crawled with reporters and cameras. The leader of the HS, a gentleman by the name of Piaso, waited patiently. The noise brought by the king’s arrival served a raise of the brow, and the two crossed stares once Igna entered. A chiller sensation fell upon the room, Igna gave no room for doubt and stared at Piaso until the allocated seat. A small table separated both parties – the podium was set so as to display each person’s attitude and mannerism.

“My king,” bowed Piaso, a modestly dressed man. He sported a bald spot as for the sides grew frizzled grayed hair, the overcoat looked well-worn, darker shade of brown caved for lighter shade per wear and tear. Opposite him waited for the king whose outfit was much to the envy of some. A prestigious tailoring house of prices in the five figures neatly contoured the body’s natural outline.

“Welcome dearest guests,” came a monotonous greeting, “-on behalf of the HSH, we would like to give our warmest of thanks to King Igna for making the trip. It must have been difficult to leave matters unattended,” such came the first strike – of which Igna dismissed the dig and simply stared back. Nervousness bubbled, ‘-feels like he’s going to kill if I keep up the act...’

“Thank you, thank you,” interjected Piaso, “-I’m grateful for your visit, my liege. Today’s event was brought by a growing concern by the people – we asked much to no answers. The only way I saw our grievances to be calmed is to have had the king himself visit and answer said questions.”

“Piaso, head-teacher at Skeire Highschool, a college prep school for admission to Hidros’ prestigious colleges... I see you’re much of a fighter than other scholars. Tis wise to do one’s research,” he looked to the crowd, “-the HSH movement, as king, I’ll personally see said grievances be answered.”

‘Get ’em, majesty,’ Elixia’s inner joy cheered for her master.

“Our organization’s main objective is the betterment of the world,” Piaso said to the crowd, “-many of the founding members are soldiers from the war, refugees, and businessmen who lost their lives working in the tempest of war. The world’s no longer the same. I dare say many despised the thought of war – to see his majesty so brazenly come to Emperor Essin’s aid was truly an act of kindness and compassion. The heroic display of forgiveness sowed the seed of chaos in our daily lives. Answer me this, majesty, was it necessary to wage war?”

“Yes,” he coldly returned, “-an entire Empire barely hung, would you have chosen the life of one over the lives of many or vice-versa?”

“Putting the spotlight on Wracia doesn’t absolve the fact that our people suffer from the repercussion. The economy is at a standstill, the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.

“Scholar,” he narrowed, “-tell me, are you a person of intellect or manual labor?”

“What does that mean?”

“Where doth thee see disparity?”


“You must have an example, or must I provide so?”


“I see my question’s stumped the bravado. Here’s the thing,” he flung across a hovering disk, it thrust forth a holographic display, “-Hidros’ economy, compared to the world’s stagnant, why is it so?” the graph pushed to show the others, “-compared to them, our economy is doing great, granted the tourism market’s a little underwhelming, we’re still on top of our industrial revolution down in Totrya. Some families and people haven’t the means to survive – their only hope is to join societies like the HSH or ours, the law of Supportism passed decades ago. It states of those unable to sustain their own life per aliment or disabilities, the crown will recompense their activities depending on the level of disability. Let me ask you think,” he turned at Piaso, “-have you taken a look at our healthcare?”


“My, do you ever stick your head out of the clouds? Healthcare is a paid service around the world – Hidros demands it to be free. Said sector is always running at a loss... small price to pay for the health of the populous. What about the HSH, what has the organization done, what are you fighting for, and what’s the goal? Give me a concrete level-headed answer, not some abstract description arranged to tug upon the heartstrings. Nothing’s worse than playing with a person’s heart, that I won’t stand for, regardless of one’s repute.”

“I apologize if I sounded rude, majesty,” he refocused, “-the HSH’s goals differ. We encompass not ours, but others’ goals as well. The answer won’t be as simple as one plus one. As such, my liege, I would like to ask this,” thus followed a debate between the HSH and King – words from Igna came frankly and based. Piaso’s statements were mostly designed to attack behind a cloud of relative safety – when it came to wit, there was no one better than him. Regardless of Piaso’ words or points – the crowd had taken to the King’s charisma and no-nonsense point of view. Acknowledging the wrong, stating ways to circumvent said problem, and speaking on how said the change wouldn’t affect much greatly spoke to the people.

“What about your spending, my king – all the talk about being reserved and saving for the future, are you not simply using the people’s money to indulge?”

“...” silence befell the crowd, Igna calmly reached for a water cup and sipped, “-there’s the HSH’s real purpose. Piaso, it’s shameful that thee live in such a fantasy. The organization’s only intent is to force the crown to accept and grant a budget for the ‘-supposed betterment of humanity’ give me a break. I could have the little charade put before the supreme court. Don’t you dare question the spending of my money, are you daft, are you an idiot, are you so secluded into your bubble that you don’t see how foolish the words come off? The people’s money goes towards bettering the people, one ought to check the Arcanum, we’ve published reports for the public audit. As for me and my family, that is none of your business,” a sudden glanced at the crowd, “-Hidros’s growing weak, what is the meaning of this Humanitarian Society, what is the purpose of this panel. I pity the fools who thought it funny to waste my time. I say this here and now, anyone who’s unhappy with the state of how Hidros is run is free to leave. Take a trip overseas, live there. I’ll fund the flight, such is my word,” he side-glanced Piaso, “-I suppose talking about HSH’s lawsuits of fraud, not a topic thee wish to hear?” he stood, “-waste of time, all of this,” he shook his head and left.

A tsunami took the Arcanum – it took minutes after the broadcast for the panel to go viral. “-king Igna strikes again,” read some titles, “-the Devil of Glenda logically destroys a Humanitarian,” so much for compassion, there was nothing left the organization to say save issue an official apology to the crown.

“Master, I said to have a bit of compassion.”

“Elixia, don’t start,” he sipped whiskey inside the private lounge, “-pathetic really.”

“Majesty,” in came to éclair with Ulgra, “-some people have come forward demanding for the king to pay their ticket out of Hidros. Looks around five-thousand?”

“A lot,” he gulped the beverage, “-have them sent to Elendor, they’ll make good soldiers,” he smiled, “-and if they survive, have them executed.”

“My liege...”

“Make it happen,” he exhaled, “-I don’t have time to waste on them,” Ulgra caught his attention, “-my,” he shook his head and smiled, “-Ulgra, you’re looking beautiful,” she wore a jacket over her performing attire of which came from her leggings and footwear, “-what’s today’s play?”

“Syhton’s love affair,” she smiled, the expression potently displayed an innocent charm, “-today’s the first time I step on stage as the prime ballerina,” her hands trembled,” she looked at éclair – for a kid her age, the growth spur carried her silhouette tall and flexible, “-éclair, take the day off. Ulgra’s debut should be experienced by people closest to her, yes?”

“Uncle Igna,” she fluttered at him and took his hands, “-please, I want you to be there.”

“Ulgra, my graceful and foolish little niece, you’re the gem that sparks the will of curiosity. You’re confident and strong, there’s a heavy burden weighing on your shoulders, and for that, it’s okay. Accept the burden, make it the weight that keeps you grounded – don’t become like us, jaded adults, stay true to yourself and do it for you, not for us, not for anyone else. The family will support the hard work, don’t worry – go there and smile.”

“Majesty, we should go,” interjected Elixia, “-we owe ourselves a break. Syndra and Lizzie are part of the orchestra tasked to accompany Ulgra. I really want to see the Haggard’s perform, please my liege.”

“No need, Elixia, we’ll do it,” he exhaled, “-sure drive a hard bargain. Are the cars readied?”


“So be it.”

Ulgra’s already big smile lit even more so, the genuine joy served a beacon, ‘-stop living in the past...’

“Thank you, master.”

“Don’t need an apology,” returned Igna, “-éclair, the duties assigned are performed behind the cover of Elixia’s unlimited power. We shouldn’t be worried.”

Kul’s outline crossed their path, “-majesty, where are you headed?”

“The theater, want to come along?”

“...” she paused in thought, éclair continued forward, “-are you sure?”

“Yeah,” he tapped her shoulder, “-people come and go, we must accept the truth. Come on, Kul, let’s go see them in action.”

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