The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 1027

Chapter 1027: Heavenly Realm

“What are you smirking at,” a hard push tumbled Igna, “-damn devil,” came a vicious glare. ‘-These binds,’ he stood with hands in tied, ‘-I can’t break from its hold.’ The heavenly realm rose spotlessly amidst the sky; floating isles went to and fro, golden showers rode under rainbows – angelic beings fluttered innocently, ‘-heaven is as they think.’

“Stop gawking,” glared Earlsa, the view swapped for the innards of a prison cell. News of the arrival reached the very top, “-supreme one, the devil has been apprehended,” reported Earlsa.

“Good,” returned a handsome young man surrounded by prettier ladies, “-I will see to him shortly. Go look after your father, he seems distraught lately.”

“Understood,” a bow, and the throne room shut. Palace whispers followed along the way, “Qhildir is at it again.”

“I know, the man’s a deviant. No one’s able to stop him once he starts to laugh,” they scurried as Earlsa’s uninterested glare landed. ‘-Idiots,’ she shook her head and ambled into a lesser clean area – the heavenly image of a palace made of gold and silver swapped for the crude reality of an uncleaned and dull interior. The discrepancy between Zeus’ quarters and what may have come was stark, a clear show of power and position. Her boots went from clean marble to damp carpet – the guards yawned, uninterested at the thought of work.

*Knock, knock,* “-father?”

“Open,” said a feeble tone, “-are you there?”


“Yes, father, I’ve returned,” she smiled and suddenly stopped her expression, “-why are you here?”

“Am I not allowed to visit a friend?”

“My father is no longer interested in you, woman, Please, get out of his chambers.”

The gorgeous outline breathed a reserved sigh and pressed Qhildir’s hand, “-by my name, you won’t suffer long, Qhildir, I will make good on my promise.”

“Thank you, Syhton, I appreciate the help.”

“Anything for a friend,” she left, not after passing Earlsa’s pathetic frame and embarrassing features, “-word of advice,” came a whisper, “-don’t get in too deep else thee might pass the point of no return.” Fury carried her twirl, alas, the room was already shut by the time her fist clenched, ‘-bitch.’

“Earlsa, why are you there my daughter, please, come to my side.”

She obeyed and took a seat beside the wounded old man, “-I’m sorry about all of this.”

“It’s fine, father, you don’t have to worry. I’m glad you created me, I’m glad I can be of service to my father.”

“Oh Earlsa, you were always such an angel,” he coughed, the pace slowed considerably as Qhildir’s frame laid as but a shadow of the prior self, “-the price for knowledge is stark. She came back, I had to save her this time, I had to do my best, I’m sorry.”

“Please father, don’t strain yourself,” she patted his hand, “-I successfully brought Igna to the heavenly realm. Forgoing long old tradition of non-involvement was foolish, father.”

“What did you do?” the sunken cheeks hallowed further, it was as if the skin sucked deeper to the point of being one with bone, “-what did you do!”

“I blackmailed Igna, he’s the embodiment of evil, we had to show our resolve.”

“Who did you kill, TELL ME!”

“A lot of people,” she blinked, “-to get to him we had to take hold of the man’s weakness... what greater weakness than the very thing he spent decades cultivating. I’m sure the other gods can take it from here.”

“YOU’RE A FOOL!” roared, “-A COMPLETE FOOL!” the room shook, items levitated – neither table nor bed was spared, potion flask fell, books went awry. She calmly held her finger above his glabella and tapped – the room instantly dropped, ‘-father, I’m sorry, but the old way of doing business no longer applies when dealing with him. I should have taken action long before it grew out of control.’ A darker presence phased into view, “-my lord Lixbin,” she dropped on her knee, “-you should have ordered and I would have come. I don’t deserve such level of attention, my lord.”

“Earlsa, I heard you brought Igna to the heavenly realm?” he floated past the bed and stretched towards her cheeks with long, wrinkled fingers. The lower body seemed a little translucent, though it didn’t matter for he leaned close and narrowed, “-did I hear correctly?”

“Yes my lord, I brought him to the heavenly realm.”

“...” no reply for he stood straight and scanned the room, “-I see your father’s attacks haven’t stopped.”

“No, it’s getting worse and worse – nothing seems to work.”

“Healing him is a simple matter for the Arch Angel Raphael.”

“Never heard of him.”

“He’s the angel of restoration and humble servant to Igna. The man residing amidst the castle’s dungeon is indeed a person of great knowledge and connection. What means did thee employ?”

“I killed people closest to him and proved my message. He complied when I asked... was rather weird seeing the man for what he was – a lunatic that spoke nonsense at himself. I don’t get why his name is so feared?”

Lixbin hovered back to her side, “-he represents the very essence of death and despair. No one in heaven and/or hell will say they don’t fear what Death’s power represents. From insects to the very essence of the universe and realms – end, else death, will come for nothing is infinite. Gods prolong their lives and it is in no way truly considered immortality. The pyramid of mortality from which one entity is subject to another’s whims shows clearly where gods and humans stand. To them we’re immortal, to us, we’re just us, gods.”

“How does Death relate?”

“List the three most important entities.”

“Creation, Death, and Time.”

“Good, tell me why they’re in that specific order?”

“Creation is the start; Death is the end and time is the flow by which Creation travels to Death.”

“Insert the position of a god.”


“Where do gods fit in that loop?”

“I don’t know, maybe at the start?”

“Wrong, we’re not in that circle, we’re not even on the same level. True immortality is when something or someone becomes unaffected by said concept – for us, we see Death as another obstacle, however, true immortality transcends the very concept.”

“My lord, I’m confused.”

“You killed Igna’s closest companions, perhaps a niece or even a daughter. What was his expression, how did he look, was the aura murderous, was it calm or was it unnervingly observant?”

“I guess calm?”

“You haven’t observed – you didn’t see what was meant to be seen. That man,” he laughed, “-is no ordinary entity, since the dawn of all, none has experienced the powers of the trinity as Igna has. He holds Origin, Death, and Time... I’m sure of it.”

“You’re being cynical, my lord. The implication of my actions having been guided by another power is wrong, I chose this path willingly. Lord Lixbin, tell me, this angel Raphael, where can I find him?”

“Only he knows. Praytell, where is Igna being held?”

“At the Evangelic’ dungeon – the maiden of Erien said she’d watch over him.”

“DAMN!” the god vanished, leaving the room in a duller state. ‘-Raphael,’ she left for the dungeon.

Loud lashes, the painful sound shattered bone, muffled laughter and sizzling of liquid, “-STOP!” thundered Lixbin, “-Erien, what are you thinking?”

“What?” she stabbed a knife straight into Igna’s legs and moved aside, “-I came for payback. No way this fucker’s leaving my dungeon unscathed,” muffled laughter came from the torture chair, he bit and tore straight through metallic mouth-restraints, “-payback for what I did to Cleopatra?” *spat,* blood splashed, “-a pleasure to see you, Lixbin. How’s life been, I sure hope great because mine has been God awful.”

“SHUT YOUR MOUTH!” she grabbed scissors and powerwalked with the intent of delivering the final blow, “-stand down,” narrowed Igna, her rage and fury vanished – tremendous power from the gaze alone brought her bravado to a standstill, ‘-what is this?’ she froze, ‘-one more step and I’d have died. Wait, why am I thinking about death, I’m a demi-goddess, I shouldn’t be affected by the fear of termination. Who is this?’ Long fingers grasped her shoulders, “-Erien, don’t do anything foolish. Cleopatra’s punishment was well-deserved,” he continued until Igna’s chair, “-these binds are weak and useless. Why haven’t you escaped?” inquired Lixbin.

“True,” Igna calmly stood and shattered all the previously tied restraints, “-just thought I’d have a go at playing the victim. Try as I might to be scared, nothing happened,” he dusted off his shoulder and exhaled, the wounds healed almost instantly, “-Lixbin, I haven’t forgotten what you did,” he reached for Lixbin’s collar. The god simply returned the stare.

“Got past my defenses... the title of high-deity doesn’t affect you anymore, does it? Tell me,” a macabre grin propped on the demented visage, “-how strong are you?”

“Whatever,” the grip eased, “-congratulation on killing my previous incarnation. Compliments where it’s due. There’s something you said about the punishment, care to elaborate?”

“Yes, yes,” the duo pulled blood-soaked chairs and sat as if reunited classmates, “-Cleopatra entered Orin, said realm is under the strongest authority’s command, thus you. You saw fit as the leader to sentence her to perpetual torture and suffering, I knew full well you’d want to relish the torture. We do share the same sense of pleasure.”

“Don’t group me in with your kind.”

“Deny all you want, Igna – the story has followed a linear path, and let me tell you, the place I see it ends won’t be happy nor will it be sad. It shall be-”


“Earlsa?” Lixbin paused, “-why are you here?”

“My lord, why are you chatting so comfortably with the devil?”

“I see, the daughter’s one of your pawns too,” to which Igna threw silent applause, “-poor ol’ Qhildir, how’s the man doing these days?”

“After Eira’s revolt and ascension, old man Qhildir’s slowly losing relevance as she takes to the mantle of Philosophy.”

Heavier footsteps lined the walkway, “-Igna Haggard,” shouted an announcer, “-by order of the Legion of Justice and Truth, you are to come to the Capital of Lawfulness and stand trial before our goddess.”

“Tharis’ gotten involved,” Lixbin sighed, “-well, I shall but say my condolences.”

“So the great god of darkness fears the goddess of judgment.”

A bolt of lightning flashed, “-where’s he going?”

“Supreme one,” everyone except Igna bowed.

“By order of lady Tharis, we’re to take Igna to the capital.”

“No, no, it doesn’t work that way. You’re in my domain, my castle, my land. I will do as I want, yes?” he clapped, “-Igna will be tortured and killed by my hands. The symbol of Time, give it else I tear thee limb from limb!”

Simple threats fell on deaf ears, Igna looked towards the announcer, ‘-he’s shaken and unable to respond to this idiot.’

“IGNA!” the boyish attitude leaned too close, a sharp gust blew, taking Zeus’ fingernails clearly, “-Supreme one,” with said nails in a pinch, “-a god must also be wary of how he looks,” after which the nails fell onto Zeus’ palms, “-announcer, take me to Tharis,” he passed by the guards.

“IGNA!” thundered.

“Don’t bother,” added Lixbin, “-once the goddess of judgment passes her word, none of us has the authority to rival her talent. Best leave it, Zeus, I’ve brought more maidens from the village down south, care for a taste test?”

“My, more maidens,” he licked his lips, “-I’d rather have that other goddess, Syhton. She’s one heck of a woman, I’ve dreamt about breaking her chaste vows for so long, MAN!”

“Something about the unattainable,” returned Lixbin, “-come on, supreme one, let’s have some fun.”

Thus, the moist dungeon air cleared. Earlsa and Erien kept silent, ‘-he attacked without the supreme one’s notice,’ went through Erien’s mind. ‘-He forced Lixbin and Zeus to move to his whims,’ gulped Earlsa, ‘-who the hell is he?’

“Hate to say this but thank you,” mumbled a begrudged expression.


“Doesn’t matter,” they came upon a lovely landscape, “-got bored of the torture chamber anyway, pay me back some other time, Announcer.”

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