The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 1029

Chapter 1029: “-bringer of our destruction, we sure believe some wild stuff.”

“How dare you!”

“Let him speak,” added the stern goddess. He spurred on energetically, raising both his head and voice.

“Goddess of Judgement, Tharis, it’s a pleasure to finally make your acquaintance. Considering my treatment,” a short but concrete glace towards the angered crowd, “-I’m glad to say your children, followers, are very well behaved.”

“Igna Haggard, you strike me as a man of shady disposition. How do you fair in the world of ours?”

“My lady, surely you jest. I was taken from my home under threat of the destruction of innocent lives.”

“I’m sorry to hear that,” she descended from her throne at a comfortably slow pace. Her action controlled the room, the follower’s previous actions became a subject of the past. ‘In face of overwhelming power, the first move is key. I need the initiative, I’ve already shown my power via regeneration. Balls in your court, Tharis, show me what sort of person you truly represent.” She walked past, following her nose towards a nicely arranged bar. A handsome bartender kept the glasses clean. Drinks and bottles followed a nice color scheme in which the lighter shades of booze were kept on the outskirts whilst the darker ones were propped in the middle. All and all, the creation reminisced of the eye of truth, so passed the thought.

“Surprised?” she stopped and took a seat, “-this place was built especially to welcome people I deem worthy of knowing.”


“I’m very surprised, the feel has a Hidrosian esthetic. Have you perhaps?”

“My,” she tapped and the bartender delivered, “-you ought to have a few questions?”

“Goddess, please, heed our warning. Being left alone with this devil of a man can only spark disaster. We protest at the mere thought.”

Igna remained still, “-alas the invitation has gone to waste. I’d have loved to taste lady Tharis’ drinks. I am as I was brought to be, a captive. There is truly no concept of respect when faced with a person of lower stature. Heaven is worse than I thought.”

“On that, I agree,” gesture said, ‘-scram’. The followers, intent on countering the request stood in a defiant line.

A muffled snicker escaped, “-what is funny?” narrowed the swordswoman, “-what is so damned funny?”

“Nothing, honestly...” the sternness broke into greater laughs.

“WHAT’S SO GOD DAMN FUNNY!” sword escaped its sheath, the sound clicked as suddenly as the blade was placed against his neck, “-you think this is funny?” gritted the woman, her veins bloated and her neck strained, “-one more word and I’ll have your head.”

Calmly as he could, Igna leaned, there was no care for self-preservation, the blade pierced, droplets fell, “-my head, my arm, my heart, do what you want, I’ll enjoy the disappointed gaze as my body heals and my anger builds. Do not test me, woman,” he grabbed the blade and clenched – the weapon shattered as if glass.

“Enough,” came from the bar, “-I’ve seen enough,” her anger flashed, “-Adle, I said to watch your mouth and anger. Some stand far above anyone else. There are entities of unknown origins abled to terrorize realms and domains, humility and respect are virtues, you should embrace them.”

“Goddess,” a feeling of rejection followed. Adle, an ardent follower, threw her face at Igna and glared, ‘-because of you,’ said her expression, ‘-because of you my lady is angry at me!’

“Stop with the nonsense,” came again, “-Adle, you’ve performed your duties admirably, For the loyalty and courage to stand by my side, I should compliment not chastise. There’s a thin line between loyalty and disobedience. Please, take the others to the dining hall, food has been served. A little rest will do some good, yes?” Thus the throne hall emptied with Tharis and Igna sharing a drink.

‘Astute lady,’ he sipped, ‘-she didn’t take my bait. If she asked why I was laughing, I’d have replied to bring into question the stance of goddess and follower. It’ll have given the perfect momentum... Well, it’s silent,’ they drank, he followed his own pace as did she. There was no sense of urgency, the world was theirs.

“Allow me,” she began on her sixth drink, “-there’s no hiding the truth. You’re here under the folly of the prophecy, ‘-on the day when three joins one, and one becomes whole, no entity of greater strength shall surpass the might of he who controls the three. By the powers bestowed on the circle of creation and death – by the rules imposed for the sanctity of reality, and the safeguard of everything; nothing mustn’t awaken for if he bears his true intent, all will fall without resistance’ it took the heavenly realm by surprise. Understand, there was also another entity with similar potential, Alfred. He killed angels and devoured all in his path. There was no stopping his power until Death and a courageous bunch intervened. History repeats itself, we have seen it time and time again. Forgive the gods for being wary – the fight for preservation starts with adequate protection.”

“I’m going to be tried and killed?” he drank, “-the bar is no commonplace item. The expression and awkward movement tell of a person who’s never been to a bar. It’s subtle clues. Tapping the counter only happens in movies – as for the butler, good imagination. Serving a screwdriver with an actual screwdriver in it is a well-known joke – though some take it very literally. Misinformation has its way of making the sensible look foolish. Goddess Tharis, when will the trial be hosted?”

A somber outline came into being, “-lady Tharis, if you please.”

Her face dropped, “-Lixbin, why are you here?”

“To play the fitting role of devil’s advocate,” he laughed, “-heaven knows him as the man of the prophecy. They view him as a threat. Why not change the perspective and show a snippet of his life?”

“What life?” narrowed Igna.

“Leave it to me,” came a very suspicious smile. The lounge vanished, and the throne hall rose into a scene taken from a classical painting by the hands of Nicolas Poussin, ‘The judgment of Solomon,’ she held the throne. Two sides faced one another; Igna against the Adle and Tharis’ close entourage. Bystanders were pushed further back. By push, it referred to a sensible fear, felt by strained looks, whispers, and all-around anxiousness. A moment was granted and Tharis was nowhere seen, “-Lixbin, what are you thinking?”

“Igna... did you signal for my help earlier?”

“I’m not a fool to make a deal with you,” he muffled,” -Lixbin, for the love of what’s holy, why do you always make yourself so valuable in my times of need.”

“Don’t forget, I did have a hand in your death.”

“Haven’t forgotten it. Tell me,” he held onto the god’s shoulder and peered deeply, “-what secret doth thee hide, why help, and what’s the deeper play.”

A blankness akin to white canvas washed the god, “-I want you to owe me a favor. I want to see the rise of an entity capable of wiping everything from existence. I want the birth of a new age, one where gods and demons don’t exist, one where I don’t have to live my pitiable existence as some jaded god forced to do the bidding of my whims. I want to be free, I want to have true comrades, I want to experience the brighter side... I want to-” consciousness returned, “-STOP!” he smacked Igna’s arm, “-WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?” the hall turned at them uncomfortably.

“A little technique,” shrugged Igna, “-I call the teller of truth.”

“Why did you?” he shuddered, “-I should have never accepted.”

“Well, you did volunteer. Best play the role of my advocate. You want to experience the light, yes?”

“Shut up,” he looked away, “-I don’t want to talk about it. What was that power?”

“Manipulation,” he said, “-rather, a more advanced version. I’m sure you can’t relate but, here’s an example. When a child does something wrong and he lies, the parents usually take a calm approach, this gives the child confidence that the lies have been believed. However, when the soft approach doesn’t work – an order or proclamation crumbles any sense of bravado that might have been felt. In our case, I simply ordered and it was so. When faced by authority, the lesser cracks.”

Rafters shuffled, and Tharis entered. Each side paid respects, she took her rightful place and brought with a sensation of utmost severity. Familiar gods and goddesses lined the upper stances, all eyes were on Igna.

“Welcome esteemed guests,” she said, “-today’s trial pertains to the man of the prophecy. We know of the destruction such an untamed power can bring bedlam to our otherwise peaceful existence.” Two blocks guarding the hall swung – Zeus’ electrified aura pulsed. A look of rage and impatience saw the footsteps amplify.

“Supreme god,” thundered Tharis, “-thee steps foot into my domain.”

“I’m Zeus,” he beelined straight for Igna and grabbed the collar, “-tell me where the symbol of Time resides!”

“Don’t be a fool,” Lixbin reached for Zeus’ arms.

“TRAITOR!” he snapped, electricity jolted – leaving Lixbin’s arm in a charred state, “-don’t come to me looking for help,” he turned to Igna and shook, “-TELL ME WHERE THE SYMBOL IS!”

‘I can’t afford to kill, not yet. This might be an opportunity to make the gods see my powerlessness,’ the shoulder eased, Tharis’ shout became the empty beat of her lips, ‘-replacing the supreme god will be hard. Maybe Lixbin’s vision of a world without gods or demons might bring a utopia.’

“LET HIM GO!” gavel flickered sparks – transcendent arms rose and separated the duo, “-I said,” her pupils burn with pure golden power, “-don’t interrupt the proceedings in my domain.”

“DON’T TAKE THAT TONE,” Zeus spun and leaped with his thunderbolt, ‘-that idiot,’ Igna disappeared.

“ZEUS, STOP!” the thunderbolt thrust as if a dagger, Tharis’ body froze as did time which moved at a snail’s pace. A domain expanded, the air felt dense in a marred color.

‘My movement’ sluggish.’

“Igna,” a separate entity rose behind. Blond hair and a friendly smile, “-Miira,” he said.

“Time’s stop,” she said, “-the heavenly realm has no special hold on us anymore. I heard about the marvelous job you and Julius performed. The Shadow Realm reigns above everything – a world of many worlds, children are born demi-gods and raised to be gods. They live their lives and are subject to said realm’s cycle of life and death. You’ve created what many sought after... we stand eons above.”

“That is why we can stop time as if we were on Orin?”

“Yes,” she floated to his side, “-I’m sorry about leaving. Someone had to keep monitoring their actions.”

“What of the Shadow Realm? You’ll return, yes?”

“I wonder,” she looked at Zeus, “-considering what I see, the supreme god might have to be replaced. Who is better than the assistant of the previous supreme god? No, Igna, I might not return.”

A moment’s pause followed, “-tell me, Miira, is that choice your choosing?”

“Why ask?”

“To be sure,” he blinked, “-I mean, if killing the supreme god resolves the issues, I’ll be happy to provide.”

“No, don’t show our hand, not just yet. When the time comes for true terror, you’ll know,” the flow regained momentum into a spark, “-THARIS, YOU DON’T HAVE AUTHORITY OVER ME!”

Igna reappeared and took the blow, the bolt went straight through – life drained and he fell headfirst, “-NOT AGAIN!” cried Zeus, “-MY SYMBOL,” he took Igna’s body and shook violently, “-WAKE UP!”

‘He died saving me...’ horror and despair, “-GET OUT OF MY DOMAIN!”

A cold-blooded stare side-glanced, “-this is your fault,” Zeus gritted, “-I’ll make sure you pay for his deat-”

“Enough,” an enormous presence served to swallow the hall whole, “-Zeus, best you leave.”

“Miira... Fine,” he turned, “-I’ll be back to collect his corpse later.”

The prophesied man laid lifeless, ‘-he’s dead,’ relief whelmed the masses, “-guess it’s over,” the crowd rose as did the gods. Wings fluttered, portals opened and flight spells activated, “-bringer of our destruction, we sure believe some wild stuff.”

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