The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 1031

Chapter 1031: Olympian Gods

The clog of reality churned in reverse. The mechanism of life, considered extinct – turned on itself. The fallen buildings were rebuilt; the scene played as if a movie in reverse. The prior destruction vanished, and the creation and amazing technology sought their rightful place. The unliving structures flourished – dead walls and concrete remnants returned. Igna’s nonchalant expression halted, he motioned a twirl with the fingers; “-what do you think?”

“What did you do?” gulped Lixbin, “-this place,” he scanned; the reddish-brown taint, the smell of sulfur and poisonous substance, a complete reset overtook the world. By the end, blue skies, green fields, and clean air were common. An empty town of the modern building stood firmly amidst nature. *Release,* he exhaled and leaped, “-that’s the town square?”

“Yeah,” added Lixbin with back against the stained wall, “-a lovely sight, isn’t it?”

“What purpose does it serve?”

“Name’s the Red Dome. It’s highly influenced by olden tradition. Modernism is great and all, don’t get me wrong, the square and geometrically pleasing office buildings were Unsog’s pride and joy... alas, the very same building cast a shadow of despair over the populous, before we realized, the unnatural attention to symmetry had brought a myriad of psychological problem, the main cause being Melancholy, else Depression by the current trend.”


“A utopia by definition is a place of complete happiness – however, in practicality, there will always exist contrarians. We can’t... no matter,” a salacious glee sprang as smiles, “-what did you do, I want to know!”


“Lixbin,” the aura around Igna settled, “-to control is to be influenced,” he rose his shirt, a deep-rooted scar cut diagonally across the abdomen, on closer look the mark was compromised of smaller marks, ancient symbols.


“Correct,” he nodded, “-so many think curses to be wrong. Midas is a prime example; the man was foolish.”

“He couldn’t eat...”

“Hire someone to feed, gold meant money, the ultimate power.” The jovial conversation cut across an asphalted street lined by trees followed by buildings; shops and the like. A distant flicker of traffic light cried, ‘-cross,’ at the crossing. They followed the zebra with Igna childishly leaping from the white rectangle to the next. Lixbin kept a slower pace. Lovely stairs climbed onto the beautifully layered walkways, “-Unsog is very clean.”

“Cleanliness was their creed.”

From stone echoes to marble clops, the noise of the walk told much of the promenade. The great building rose on the adjacent sides, larger trees were spotted amidst clean patches of green. The random separation seemed deliberate – an arching doorway led forth into the Red Dome. Fine silk, immaculate decoration – a grandiose air of prestige and reconnaissance, “-let’s sit here.”

“Fine by me.” A large window gave outside, “-the lonely openness is rather awkward.”

“Yeah,” affirmed Lixbin, “-we’re in the heart of Unsog, the place always rattled with activity. The lounge did serve a good coffee.”

“Onto the matter at hand. Lixbin, what are your intentions?”

“My intentions, sorry. You misunderstand, I’m the one who ought to ask said question. The world is restored to a time before the war, I never dreamt it to ever be possible. The show of power far surpasses what I, in my capacity as a high God, can do. What is it you wish, Igna.”

“I don’t want anything,” he returned, “-I have a sensation that the end is closer than I expect. I’ve seen the climax,” Igna quickly shrugged the matter, “-Lixbin, tis not only the planet but the world realm. I’ve restored it so the production of its lifeforce to be a constant activity. Depending on thy choices, the world will evolve. It’s a fresh start, do with it as thee please. The people of this realm appointed you as their Guardian and Deity – their faith lays in thy hand.”

“What about payment, what about you?”

“It was no bother,” he smiled, “-I did so to prove a point. Lixbin, I’m sure you understand, don’t you?” in so, a guilt-ridden spur locked his jaw.

‘Oh god... Igna has more power in his little finger than I have in my greatest of conditions. We messed with him, we altered his history, and choose to defy Orin. What have we done... what have we done...”

“Don’t,” he gestured, “-you passing out on me won’t solve my problem. Lixbin, the future holds much of what we don’t know. The point to be made is this; I’m superior to Zeus, and yet, have not to influence to alter the Heavens.”

“I get it,” gulped Lixbin, “-you want a war?”

“Correct. I want a war.”

“It won’t amount to anything.”

“Why not?”

“Because Zeus’ already reached his goal. The book of the past, present, and future are in his possession. I heard Miira, the Guardian of Time, is also in his service. I should know, I was the one who tricked her into giving her word.”

“Lixbin, let’s put our differences aside. Work for me,” he extended a hand, “-and embrace thy deepest desire. ”


“Yes, be cynical, be suspicious, it’s what I require from a potential partner. You have doubts, which shows a willingness to counter my thoughts and ideas. I like that, I enjoy conflict – and I prefer an entourage of wisemen, not yes-men. I should be frank; I restored the world in hopes of us making a deal.”

“Nothing is ever unconditional,” a disappointed exhale followed, “-I should have expected no less from you, Devil.”

‘Go, take the bait, Lixbin,’ Igna kept a stoic mien, ‘-conclude, take the hint; let the rumors influence the judgment.’

“The devil does as he wishes. For a favor, he asks for more,” came a disheartened Lixbin, ‘-what did I expect... Igna, I thought you could have shone the light. I’m an imbecile... was I blind to see us as the same, was I wrong to think you had light within? What sort of question is that...’ he locked upon the confident man, ‘-of course, he wanted more... I walked into his scheme, should have never let my guard down.’

‘There it is,’ he spotted the hint, a drop in posture, “-but,” came an ardent injection, “-I don’t care for it,” answered Igna, Lixbin’s eyes lit. “There’s true love for the world. I don’t have any right on said feeling of glee and pleasure. Lixbin, forget I ever mentioned anything about a deal or contract. Help the world flourish, become its guiding beacon – turn over a new page and follow thy deepest desire, become the light, Lixbin, BECOME THE LIGHT!”

The declaration rattled Lixbin’s very core to the point of tears. They fell silently, “-I’m sorry,” he sniffled, “-I don’t mean to cause such a fuss... I wanted to hear those words spoken to me, I wanted someone to tell me it would be alright, I wanted someone to say that I can become what I want,” in what seemed a pure moment, Igna gave a side-smirk, “-you fucking idiot,” Orenmir slid from her sheath, “-did you think I’d fall for your game?”

Crocodile tears stopped, “-what gave it away?” said an unbothered leer.

“Tears and the slow building of power. Your story is true, it’s all true until the last part. The world wasn’t destroyed by the heaven, no, it was you,” he smiled, “-you killed your creators, lord of Darkness.”

“Well, you have me there,” he swung and shattered the wall, “-the world’s a trap, good luck escaping.” Thunder and lightning crackled; the blueness swapped for a darker shade of gray. Heavy rain poured, and Lixbin was spotted hovering above Unsog, “-to Igna Haggard, tis my welcoming present,” the voice echoed.

‘Man, Lixbin is quite the actor,’ he rose from the seat and gripped Orenmir, ‘-he sensed Zeus’ presence and caught my cue. Lixbin truly is the god of Darkness. How I pity the fools,’ sticking with his part, Igna drifted through the broken wall and glared at two hovering figures.

“Good job, Lixbin.”

“I only did what I owed. With this, my favors to Zeus are over. Do haste, I’d rather be looking at the voluptuous women from Elze than stare at this sausage fest, what say you, Hermes.”

“Right you are,” the divine messenger winked, “-I’ll make it quick. Excuse the intrusion.” Curly hair hidden under a rounded hat landed, and the messenger bore a strikingly modern outfit, “-Igna Haggard.”

“Son of Zeus, else the Divine Trickers; Hermes. Never thought I’d see one of Zeus’ immortal children.”

“Never thought I’d see the one who stole my dear ol’ sister. Tell me, Igna, how is my sister doing these days?”



“She’s rather well. I must say her talents are extraordinary. Hermes, why would your father ever dare to throw such a fine specimen to the wild?”

“Athena’s a problem child,” inferred the messenger, “-as are you, herald of disaster. Taking a thunderbolt to the heart wasn’t enough to end the suffering. Don’t worry,” he approached, “-father doesn’t know you’re alive. As for me, I’m not interested in his whims – what I care for is entertainment. You know,” came a smirk, “-how a certain personage’s been recruiting fallen gods. I know quite a few things,” he did laps around Igna, “-and as been proven time and time again; knowledge is power.”

‘Cruse was right. Zeus’ isn’t a problem, it’s the people around him. Especially the children. He might be the supreme one – the children aren’t to be trifled with. The Olympian gods are trouble.’

“Igna, give me the symbol of time, else, something of equal value.”

“Come again?”

“There’s a price to pay for my silence,” added the messenger, “-and to that end...”

“Blackmail, yes?”

“I mean, you did go through quite the trouble to make the death look palatable. Removing the bounty is of greater importance if thee wishes to enact thy influence.”

“Don’t mind me saying, Hermes, you’re a piece of shit.”

“Oh, is that so?” he disappeared with only the voice apparent, “-I don’t take kindly to insults.”

Igna threw Orenmir in the air, *Snap,* fingers dug into Hermes’ neck, “-being fast is worth nothing,” he formed another fist and struck, the messenger dropped onto his knees and yelped, “-Hermes, poor ol’ Hermes,” Igna struck again, this time a heavy kick to the jaw, knocked him cold.

“IGNA!” Lixbin teleported.

“What now?” Igna side-glanced.

“Don’t just attack an Olympian God. I’d run if I were you.”

Orenmir landed, “-why not?”

Stronger presence gathered, “-Lixbin, go.”

“Don’t tell me twice,” he vanished, leaving a growing tempest to gather around Igna.

“The divine protectors,” said muffled coughs, “-wrong move, Devil. God fear the guardians, us Olympians are in a league of our own, you’ll realize soon enough.”

‘Mount Olympus, their domain,’ noble warriors came from nowhere. The golden glow from the fountain of Eeth ran through their veins. ‘-the same power Nike bestowed,’ he scanned, ‘-I attacked one of the Olympians and the bodyguards have come to play. Let’s see how they fare.’ First of two leaped, two strokes cleanly slit the figures in half, from the bodies, rose more, ‘-cut one and two grow,’ a colder stare turned the foot into stone, ‘-Medusa’s glare?’ came from another guardian... *Tharis,* the pistol materialized and fired – taking the medusa casting figure’s head.

“Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha,” angels lined Hermes’ injured self, “-it’s done, Devil, our deal is off. With this I bid my farewell; enjoy the coming massacre,” they carried the messenger, who, with a clap, opened the flood-gates, “-KILL HIM!” stronger, diverse warrior under the Olympian gods stormed Lixbin’s world. *...*

‘And he’s gone,’ Igna lowered his weapons, what could only be described as an army gathered, “-Hermes gave valuable information,” the marching stopped for it seemed the guardians were conscious of their actions. No sign of aggression came from either party. ‘Their version of the puppet army,’ came a yawn, ‘-meet my army.’

*To the heroes within the Shadow Realm, to the warriors waiting for battle – to the brave fighters readied to face the world – such is the word of thy master, such is my request for assistance in battle. Arise from thy slumber, take arms, dawn thy armor and show existence true power. Shadow Realm: Gate of Verhna – Meros.*

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