The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 900

Chapter 900: War of independence

Beginning of the end; what else was there to say? Two weeks later, faes of sound and air flooded the capital, ‘-take heed, Celestials, the revolutionist faction have decided to attack and claim Nordway,’ echoed warnings. The operation was simple, tight, and efficient. The gathered mass of willing subjects found themselves onboard the floating isle – destination, a battlefield at a time which would be later remembered as, ‘-the war of independence.’

Troops deployed at strategical locations; per the devil’s promise – mana in the atmosphere lightened the bodily exhaustion and allowed for long operations. The transient homebase made launching counterattacks difficult. Remnants of the top were naught to be found, Igna fulfilled his promise to Terisa and her mother, Laurine. Her anger and rage would surely soothe if she’d been alive. Don’t dismay for the Celestials were far more cunning than anticipated. Generals whomst the devil defeated gathered as a last-line of strategical defense. Populous flee, the army marched into Nordway – the streets were empty. Many surrendered and were peacefully escorted to a nearby settlement built for prisoners and their kind alike. Until a victor was crowned, the townsfolk of Nordway was by all means war criminals. Discipline across the soldiers, their leaders, and officials told much of what kind of people led the battle. Blood kept to a minimum, the courteous warning before the invasion and overall respect endowed trust in the captives.

Five days later, after clearing the town and fighting guerilla forces scattered on the outskirts – Nordway was captured and a newer stronghold erected on the bridge leading to Einheim. Toughness in scaling the beast was the defenses and the dried surrounding moat. Not a mild drop but an opening to what seems the earth’s core. The floor was so deep just looking down sent tremors across the feeble mind. And here, the real battle began – the tenacity and power of the combined army would be tested. Canons roared day in and day out – Einheim’s defenses included a Celestial’s ability to control Prowlers and Flyers, a secret weapon kept from the general record. The diminished Celestial army bolstered their ranks with usable and monstrous fighters. Then again, when it came to a fight; blessed by the gods – the combined army blasted their prey singlehandedly through the aid of magical relics.

Days crept into weeks, and weeks eventually turned another year. A grueling battle, one where many lost their lives. However, by the rise of heroes amidst the rank – Einheim was conquered, the revolt’s flag planted high and mighty on the tallest tower. Goes without saying, the following days were filled with celebration, joy, and laughter. Previously dignified dynasties pleaded their case before the Devil. On the court, before an audience of ministers and stateman, Igna granted free passage to Celestials, and in his own word, “-hear me, the hand of justice’s been dealt. There need not be more bloodshed, those who vow their support and knowhow to birth a new Marinda will be granted shelter and welcomed as part of a united party. Marinda is as much ours as it is yours.”

“Thank you,” they said joyfully, “-we will pledge everything to the new leadership.” The court adjourned, officials intermingled and Igna shortly excused himself from the room, or so was the idea. A line of influential figures, including the likes of Gustv, Mariena, Elliana, Yean, and a few unnamed leaders of the neutralist faction barred the door. Others threw knowing glances at the sudden interjection. Hands in pocket, Igna rose his brow at Elliana, “-care to explain?”

“After deliberation,” she stood her ground, “-we’ve decided the revolutionist party’s leadership to be yours,” they smiled, “-tis no secret the Devil was he who vanquished the likes of Lixbin, Lombart, Zeus. As gratitude, we’d like for you to have the honor of leading Marinda into a better future. Installment of a new nation, the birth of something truly great.” The smiles were ear to ear, however, one wasn’t very fond of the idea, and it was Igna himself. He stepped back a few, lowered his guard, and fondly thought about the prospect.

“I must decline,” he said, “-my actions weren’t to climb the ranks. From the beginning, my intent was to sit back and take in the life around Marinda. Circumstances force my hand; here we stand today. I mean it with the warmest of intentions, Marinda is best left to the people of Marinda, you,” he stretched his arms as if to point to everyone, “-guide the nation, make it equal, make it what thee wish. I’m but a Devil, a leader of another nation, the King of Hidros. Duties bind me to my homeland sadly. I’m not all-powerful or all-knowing, I’m a man who observes, processes, and takes action. My greatest shame is how I stand before you today, I stay stripped of my title – played a fool by bigger nations and put to the sword by my own entourage for the safety of the people I vowed to protect. Humility is a virtue not easily found – and by the gods – I see the radiance of humbleness, kindness, and understanding radiating from everyone here. You were born Celestials, brought up for a life of leisure and power, instead, by ideals of the younger generations, questions asked if what thee possessed was right or wrong – a movement grew. A faint movement – flames of which were snuffed. Regardless if I was here or not, I certainly say that the movement would have taken fire one way or the other. I’m glad,” he smiled, “-glad to have been part of a legendary movement the country will never forget,” and looked at Gustv.


“Tell us, Devil, who should lead us to a better future?” inquired a minister in the crowd.

He scanned the faces, crossed his arms, and thought, “-my ideal team consists of Gustv, Mariane, Elliana, Djen, and Yean. Gustv takes the mantle of leader and representative of Marinda. Mariane, as shown by her efforts and grit, would lead domestic affairs, she has a golden heart, an idealist who sees the world and populous as her own. Elliana’s a logical thinker, her know-how and background in trading from the Azian dynasty would counteract Mariane’s idealism. They’d make a great pair and I truly think they’d handle internal and external affairs quickly. Djen, a young man of quick wit and rapid growth; put him in any situation and he’s bound to show results as I was proven time and time again. Lastly, Yean, a strong-headed impatient man, don’t confuse with short-fused for he’s a talented general and warrior. The army respects and venerates his bravery, tales of the blockheaded general’s spread – compliment to the veracity shown when faced by a difficult situation,” he paused, “-Kuthl and Tania will make great additions. My student’s already proven her worth in leading the Shadow Army. All the pieces required for a strong foundation are already within reach. One needs not to look further for grass is always greener on the other side.” Warm words of encouragement had the entourage stunned and emotional. The way he spoke, the way the words rolled off the tongue, and the way the tone flowed, there was something magical to it. Many, if not all those at the court choked.

“Thank you,” saluted Yean, “-Lord Haggard, Devil or not, we know what caliber of man you are.”

“Marinda’s doors will always be opened,” thundered a teary Gustv, “-screw what the others say,” the formal speech shattered, “-don’t care about ’em. If they can’t appreciate the king they have, we’ll be happy to crown thee king!”

“I agree,” nodded Djen, “-to the man who brought me and my lover together. We’re eternally grateful.”

Elliana coyly looked away and breathed a few words, “-still owe me three gold coins.”

“Right,” he turned, the doors opened to bright light, “-I’ll see you all tonight, the new nation of Marinda, show the world who thee are,” the wrist flicked as ‘-goodbye,’ same as Staxius used to so many decades ago.

The grandness was lonely, he vaulted and flapped to the highest level of the castle and dove into one of the open-air walkways. The marble railings spiked with frosted blue tips shimmered in the sun, he sat with one foot on the ledge and the other off the railing, ‘-finally,’ he breathed, “-Laurine, Terisa,” a close fist rose to the chilly outside, “-rest in peace,” the grip opened into orbs of gold, “-may the afterlife be filled with happiness and love. We’ll meet again, someday, if the eternal hand of destiny wishes.”

Loud footsteps rattled behind, “-Teach!” cried Tania, “-how could you,” she sprinted for the balustrade and grabbed the top, “-I thought we were homies.”

“Excuse me?” he blinked, “-Homies?”

“Yes, I learn the word over the Arcanum...” she held her phone mindlessly, “-whatever. I thought we were an item?”

“An item?” he chuckled, “-look in the context of the words more, little Tania.”

“No, no, no. I’m not little anymore – look at me,” she twirled, “-I’m a full-grown adult. Father’s already got plenty of suitors trying to gain his favor.”

“I’m happy for you,” he said listlessly, “-there comes a time where the students have to graduate from their master’s side. You led my army flawlessly and truly helped change the tide of war. I wish I could have seen you in action, little Tania. I’m proud, truly.”

“Is that it?” she tightened her lips in annoyance, “-what about the grimoires, what about the symbols, what about the profound knowledge of magic and mana. I have so much to learn. Besides, a student graduates after beating her master,” she grinned, “-and there’s no way I’m ever going to win against the Devil.”

Igna looked at her with a saddened expression, “-you’d be surprised.”

“Then,” she threw her glove, “-I challenge thee, master, to a battle. Fight me as you would any other enemy, don’t hold back...”

“I won’t.”

The area changed to a quaint open space within one of the countless rooms. By the hanging swords, crests, weaponry, and training equipment – it’d be a practice area. Igna grabbed a training sword and stood squarely against Tania, a summoned handkerchief floated – white against the ground, the duo lunged for each other’s life. *Crash,* Tania trembled, “-master?” she looked at her side and saw Igna on the ground with a slit throat, “-MASTER!” she cried, the wounds slowly healed by the efforts of the vampiric blood.

*Gasp,* he shot forward and breathed, “-I told you. There’s nothing more I can teach.’

“No,” she said adamantly, “-that was so weak, even for you master. What happened?”

“Long story,” clambered to a stand, “-and I rather not get into the details. By all means, the victory is yours, Tania. You’re my first and best student, Princess of Faes, Enexia. The clockwork Grimoire of Fnex is yours, consider it my graduation gift.” Long lashes blinked, Igna faded into the bright walkway, leaving the princess on her knees and head turned to the godly book. ‘-What happened during the war? Master’s presence and lifeforce have weakened considerably. Kuthl must know something.’ Fairy wings summoned at her back, she flapped outside and dove into the courtyard, “-Kuthl!”


“I need to know... what happened to my teacher?”

“Oh,” kind on a stool overlooking an orchard, “-a lot actually,” she licked her lips, “-I’m stunned the Devil was able to sustain my father’s insatiable hunger for mana. The battle went for longer than expected; and, to make for the deficit, the devil dug into his own lifeforce to quell the Cthulhu’s thirst. I’m surprised he’s still alive.”

“How could-”

“No,” the lass shook her fingers, “-don’t point the blame at me. The war was a long time coming, Igna understood the pros and cons, weighted the multiple outcomes, and chose what he thought was right,” she exhaled, “-lifeforce or not, we’re talking about Igna Haggard, an entity so powerful we can’t fathom what lays deep within Trust for he says recovery will be but a simple process of rest.”

Inside Rosespire II, “-it all comes to an end as I predicted from the start,” dropped into a beanbag, “-some rest at last.”

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