The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 908

Chapter 908: “-what’s my title again?”

“I’m back,” simple words echoed, éclair’s expression rose and dropped. Igna, the king of Hidros, stood in the middle of the prime minister’s doorway. “...” said the mind, thus, the date writes itself as 8th January X115. Half a decade elapsed, and much is known of Igna’s stay inside Marinda. Hidros and the international political climate went through much changes. The Wracia Empire and the United Nation of Alrosia became household names, two de facto leaders of the world, superpowers abled to wipe each other at a moment’s notice.

The rise of Magiology in the field of Maicite proved fortunate for the world as a whole. Advancement in various fields skyrocketed; air, sea, and land travel grew accessible to everyone. Cost of plane tickets lowered, and many travel agencies cropped up in large commercial districts. Rosespire, Rotherham, Odgawoan, and Melmark; cities of utmost importance – many infrastructures depend on both nations. Hidros and Alphia were more lenient when it came to foreigners contrary to the Wracia Empire whose leadership closed on itself. Cutting access from most of the world and preference placed towards the development of the new continent, named, Wacia. Non-aggression agreement between Wracia and the United Nations proved necessary for the development of both superpowers. The rivalry all but grew – scholars from the Cobalt Unit fought against researchers from the University of Rotherham; a subsidiary of Phantom’s large pool of research and development.

On the surface, the events didn’t seem much too difficult to understand. People lived their lives and repeated the cycles of eating, sleeping, and working. Underneath, once one dives into the pool of intrigue and inner power struggle, matters grew tedious. Handling an exponential growth of the populous, including their thinking power and rights in how things are run proved quite arduous. Especially wrongful pressure from investors, corrupt politicians, and state officials from Alphia – they forced mandates, loopholes, and ways to steal money from Hidros bustling coffers. Arda and Easel Run Gard, on the threat of being swallowed by the officials from Alphia, declared their independence from Hidros, thus standing as separate entities from the Alrosian Court of law.

Easel Run Gard thrived in the overwhelming demand for Maicite. Phantom and Arda shared technology and know-how on the refinement of the ore separate from Alphian greed. Henceforth, the fortune of Arda and Easel Run Gard jumped to equal that of Elendor, surpassing the smaller independent nations. Where money mattered, Alphia saw itself at the top of the food chain; the industrial revolution had many countries outsourced to a nation where a strong work ethic counted as the people’s pride. Machinery flocked the southern districts; Skouso, Legury (famous for the first missile blast of unknown origin), and Oglor. Whoutan’s became a haven for the rich and famous – most of the monster problem was relegated to the western side of the province, a dividing mountain range proved efficient in stopping advances of the weakening monster population.

A close second stood the Wracia Empire backed by the four conglomerates. Non-aggression pact made it easier for the eastern trade route to be established, the same route used by the Empire to invade Whoutan. Money dictated everything. Third stand Hidros, though disparities between second and third were sky-reaching.

Hidros’s meritocracy was tainted by nepotism of the corrupt alliance of nations. The nation suffered many blows after signing the alliance. The founding of the current power ruling each nation – the unfairness and injustice, blatant abuse of power has very well stripped Hidros. If the continent had been a lady, her clothes would have been ripped and her body forced into humiliation by her assailant. The once culturally rich continent laid but the remains of a once-revered hero.

Currently, it stands there on the open seas as a trade center for the rich and a haven for the religious factions. The population live in relative modesty as opposed to full-on poverty. The rich either fled to Alphia or have taken refuge in Plaustan and its inherently free-spirited court of law. There is but one saving grace, and tis Phantom’s military might and Elon Dynasty’s massively rich wealth. The duo has battled the four conglomerates of Alphia. Cimier and the Dark Guild remain secretive about their inner workings. Narcotics are bought and sold, and the vice-filled lifestyle of Odgawoan proved lucrative for a relatively unknown company, the Raven. All and all, the deeper one dives, the more discrepancies in the world’s nations become. For the common folk, long as the food is on the table and money to be made, they’ll live quietly in their villages and settlements.


Matters turned for the worse a few months ago. éclair, unable to answer for King Igna’s supposed laziness and inability to restore Hidros’s reputation, staged an air crash in Dorchester.

‘Disaster strikes Dorchester,’ read various headlines, ‘-Sunday morning, the king of Hidros planned a diplomatic meeting with the independent land of Dorchester and its neighbors. However, the king’s royal transport wouldn’t make the journey. His majesty’s jet crashed somewhere in Winterpar, the famed alps of the Dorchestrian sky. Search efforts have located the crash but no sign of the king or his crew has been made. Primary speculation has said the force at which the plane crashed must have vaporized the King and the crew.’

A week passed after the crash, and a new headline read, ‘-the revolutionist party advances,’ said a boldly titled article, “-unforeseen events of the king’s disappearance has raised the question on whether the title of king will be transferred to the Queen or the heir of the kingdom. Royalist factions have argued, ‘-an empty throne is a sign of a weak and irresolute kingdom. An heir must be placed on the throne and guide the nation towards a better future.’ Wherein, King Igna’s entourage snapped with, ‘-putting an unfit heir on the throne shall but spell disaster,’ reference made to the child. Pressure heightened at Dorchester’s border – it is reported the Revolutionist faction has sent armed forces to patrol the area. Hidros replied in stride by moving their forces to the north. There’s no saying what the Queen will choose.”

Result; by a sudden twist – the Alrosian leadership intervened with aid of Kreston and Arda. If Dorchester acted maliciously – the trio would mount a full-scale attack against the province of nobles. A decision was made for Empress Eira of Alphia to occupy the throne in lieu of the heir. She will sit at the top until the heir of Hidros is old enough to take the throne. Long as the noble faction was concerned, Empress Eira had the blood of Queen Gallienne coursing through her vein.

*Smack,* éclair overplayed his luck, leaned a little bit too much, and fell, “-my head,” he cried. Igna entered accompanied by Yui, she softly closed the door and skipped to a nearby couch, threw her feet on the table, and pulled a copy of a fashion magazine. A flash imploded, an outline of a powerful spirit knelt with head bowed to the King, “-Vengeance,” said Igna, “-job well done,” he said, stretching an open hand at the spirit, “-return to my shadow and rest.”

“Will do, my king,” he kissed the palm and vanished. Behind the desk, éclair clambered, the forehead crept first followed by the shoulders and torso.


“Astonished,” he replied and crossed the table, “-king Igna, you’re back,” he knelt.

“No need for formality,” Igna interrupted his bow and stuck to the butler with a loud and tight embrace, “-we’re friends before all of that political dressing,” hands-on the minister’s shoulder, “-tell me, how have things been?”

“Bad,” said a fearful shake of the head, “-Hidros’s not what it once was. We’re but slaves to a higher power. I’m at wit’s end – everyone’s gone.”

“They left after weighing the pros and cons of sticking around. It was wise of us to separate the entities. Venom can only flow so much.”

éclair looked at Yui, “-her plane crashed, right?”

“She survived the years in the wilderness.”

What about you,” he rose a confused brow, “-there’s a sense of elation and pride. What have thee done?”

“A lot,” he smiled, “-I didn’t venture to Marinda for a stroll. I was there for a simple reason.”

“Which is?”

“Whim,” he laughed, “-come on, old friend,” he spun, “-let’s take a stroll and discuss politics.” A mighty stroll it was for the King and Prime minister found themselves in a supercar blasting across the asphalt to Rotherham.

Igna lowered his window and dropped the speed, “-a lots happen,” he said turning into a road passing through the center of town, “-the three towers,” he watched fondly, “-Rotherham’s impressive. More buildings from what I remember,” éclair didn’t seem pleased, “-something the matter?”

“Yeah,” he exhaled, “-after you left – I had to take the spot of villain. As a result, most of the Haggard dynasty hates me.”

“Do I care?” he tapped éclair’s head, “-you’re my right-hand man, nothing will ever change said truth,” the luxurious car strolled at the foot of one of the skyscrapers. A valet scurried to the vehicle, blinked at the prime minister, and locked onto a silvery-haired man, “-young master!”

“Hello,” winked Igna, “-Been a while, hasn’t it?” he handed the key, “-take the baby for a joyride, I’ll send a message when we’re over.”

The man gleamed, “-will do, young master,” envious onlooking valets watched, to which Igna simply gave an expression of, ‘-better luck next time.’ They entered the always growing inside – men in suits moved to and fro, beautifully dressed office ladies ended their shift and exchanged laughter with their colleague.

“Excuse me,” he moved to the nearest receptionist.

“Yes?” she turned from her display; “-how can I be of help?”

“Is lady Courtney around?” inquired a polite voice.

“Do you have an appointment?”

“An appointment?” he looked at éclair, signaling the prime minister to come over, “-does this constitute as an adequate appointment?”

“My,” she gulped, “-young master Igna, it has been so very long. Please head on to her office, I’ll have her notified.”

He leaned over, “-tell her it’s only éclair,” whispered.

“A surprise?” she winked, “-will do, young master, will do.”

A lift soon arrived to carry both men. éclair kept throwing meaningful glances, “-is there something wrong with my face?”

“No, no,” he replied, “-I’m surprised. If it had been Vengeance, I’m sure the receptionist would have told us to wait.”

“There are differences between a copy and the original,” the lift dinged, “-mannerism and confidence,” he said, “-subtle clues non verbally enhance how one is perceived. No matter,” lady Elvira’s office stood bluntly, he pushed opened the door to moans and pleasureful screams. Two ladies were deep in sapphic love over Elvira’s large desk.

“Right,” he shut the door on éclair’s nose, “-now this is a fun sight,” he laughed, “-two ladies having fun on my aunt’s table. Tell me,” he snapped, undergarments covered the exposed selves, “-Is this some kind of kink?”


“Don’t stagger,” he said and turned for the knob, “-any idea on where my aunt is?”

“Downstairs,” said the other, “-young master, you won’t tell, right?”

“Long as the desk is clean, I have no qualm. Do return to the bond,” he left and arrived at a frowning éclair.

“Moans,” he interjected, “-must be the Sapie sisters.”

“You know of them?”

“They’re world stars in the adult entertainment industry. Not the first time they’ve shot movies in the lady’s office. Kind of thrilling, isn’t it?”

Igna nodded, “-must have been hard not to intermingle with people of thy kind.”

“No, I’m good,” he returned, “-I asked lord Asmodeus once, never again, the seductress nearly took my soul by the way she worked. My inner demon is terrified of his harem, they truly are the envoys of pleasure and lust.”

“Here I thought Rotherham to be in grave trouble.”

Exactly halfway along the skyscraper resides a five-star restaurant built for the pleasures of rendezvous and business meetings. Famous people were common, especially Hidrosian stars. The entrance was reservation only, furthermore, the price and location automatically shaved most visitors.

“Igna, if the lady’s at the restaurant...”

“Business meeting, whatever, I don’t care,” they stood before an ornamentally filled door, “-what’s my title again?” he smirked.


“No... Devil.”

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