The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 910

Chapter 910: Ayder’s bill

A team of white overalls, white gloves, face shields, and blue boots arrived from a side entrance. Lower floor looking up, none could see what had happened save the frequent passing of floating heads. The surgical team, or so it appeared, pull freight from many of the customers – patrons stood midway through meals, glancing at the manager who consciously ignored the mess. Pretense, bedlam of the upper plateau.

“There’s nothing to worry about,” chimed a half-empty wine glass, “-ladies and gentlemen, from the Haggard household, we offer thee our warmest of regard. Please get back to your meals, ‘twould be insulting to the talented cooking staff for having such scrumptious morsels be left unfinished,” the devil smiled, “-my offer stands, if I where you, I’d stay until dessert,” a sharp but dignified twirl later, Igna’s shadow carried deeper into the reserved area. Pianist and violinist were quick on the keys and tight with the strings; energetic melodies washed. Those who stood halfway, embarrassed by the suddenness of Igna’s request, softly lowered onto their seat so as not to draw attention. In attempts to alleviate the tenses, the serving staff pulled on their biggest smiles and carried special meals to the many patrons. Chatter spawned anew.

“What’s the secret project about?”

“Aunt Elvira, wouldn’t be much of a secret if I gave all the details. There’s much to prepare. As for why I visited,” éclair stood at the cleaner’s side – the latter carefully examined and cleaned the bodies, “-where does Phantom stand?”

“Away from Hidrosian politics,” she said, “-we sell weapons and have taken much interest and stake in Elon’s Dynasty who’s actually headquartered on the upper floors. Our venture has proven quite a dilemma for four greats.”

“I see, and I presume there won’t be any involvement with Hidros politics?”

“Not until mines have been cleared from the land. There’s no way I’ll willingly walk into said mess. Dorchester’s a haven for the nobles opposing the crown, I’ve heard whispers of a coup, a conspiracy involving nobles of Alphia and Hidros to usurp the royal family’s claim on Oxshield. Plaustan’s neutral for now, though seems the capitalist province isn’t much for bloodshed, they’d rather flaunt the wealth, take trips on expensive yachts or spend time at one of the many resorts.”


“Don’t we own resorts?”

“I do,” she breathed smugly, “-the investment’s paid off, travel’s more common nowadays. We have the maintained peace between the world leaders to thank. Nothing’s black and white, many profited, and many lost. What’s good, what’s bad, I’m not one to debate morality.”

“Thy shoe speaks clearly.”

“Don’t get an attitude with me,” she finished her bottle, “-recklessly spending I see.”

Igna smiled at the display, “-would be my honor for you to keep the drinks.”

“Or you’re lazy to carry the cases.”

“You know me,” he rose from the table, “-let’s keep in touch, auntie,” and moved towards the emptily blood-stained floor, “-Igna,” she called, he side-glanced, “-before you do anything, head to Arda. Go meet your mother.”

“Mother,” he paused and thought, “-I will. Take care, auntie.”

Before much longer, Igna and éclair were outside with skyscrapers as their backdrop. A chilly wind blew and carried cigar smoke, “-Are any jets available?”


“Good, I’ll take the fastest one.”

“I’ll make arrangements,” éclair stopped, the car pulled into a side street.

*Puff,* “-what’s the matter?” inquired Igna at hands reach from the car.

A frigid expression froze éclair still, “-bad,” he said, “-things are looking bad.”

“Care to explain?”

“Master, I’m needed at Rosespire,” he hurried for the car, tapped and opened the boot, “-here,” a black-brief case exchanged hands, “-I’ll send the relevant information,” the door slammed and the engine cried a guttural screech, he slipped on the turn and slammed accelerate. Igna stood with a cigar in one hand and a briefcase in the other. A confused valet watched patiently, “-when’s the next bus for the airstrip?” wondered the devil casually.

Commuting to the airfield took quite a few minutes, close to an hour. Evidently, Igna walked onto the wrong bus which went around Rotherham, passing the university, terminal, briefly into the residential district to stop at Vaef street.

Slow rumbling passed his back, staring him was an empty field host to peaks and drops. ‘-Where am I?’ said a few blinks, cars were few if not rare, ‘-the outer city?’ he wandered in search of a nice place to sit from which the options were; the ground, on a rock, over a toppled wooden box or the side of the road. Quite desolate for the financial heart of Hidros.

‘There we are,’ he settled on the rock, brought the case over his thighs, and popped the lock. Inside were a brand new phone, contact lenses, and earrings, ‘-handy,’ he removed the beaten glasses – mana waves lit a flutter, threw on the contact lenses, ‘-it works,’ he smiled, ‘-blocks my eyes from unraveling reality. A tap of a button and it disappeared, nice,’ he pulled on the phone, retinas inscribed on a notification. More importantly, the earrings.

“Hello, éclair?”

“Greetings master.”

“Oh, here’s a voice I thought I wouldn’t hear. Hello Yui, how’s the return going?”

“Badly,” she muffled, “-I’ve devoured so many pastries across town – I can barely feel my legs.”

“Not that I want to ruin the party, where’s éclair?”

“On duty,” she said, “-I’m thy assistant. Prime minister is preoccupied with some shady stuff. Don’t worry, I’ve got this,” a notification lit upon the interface, “-you’re in the quarantine zone before the airfield, an airlock of sorts. The dunes are watchtowers under which reside AFR-equipped weapons. Move to the left, master should see a road.”

“Yeah, I barely spotted the path. Is that magic?”

“No idea,” her chewing overtook directions.

“Just layer the map and have the jet ready for takeoff.”


Arda, Queendom of Lady Courtney, Blanche duchess, a pleasant title given by the people in honor of her pure white hair. Similar to yesterday, Igna was left standing in the middle of the road, this time, at an airfield of unknown whereabouts. Slow rumbling of the jet engine taxied to a hangar. ‘-Looking at the map,’ an outward zoom, ‘-I’m a few kilometers from the capital, Greenoud. They changed the name?’ a glance upward, he headed for the entrance gate. Expectation turned amazement – the large dusty airfield didn’t reflect how advance Arda grew in the booming of Maicite’s economy. Large roads passed; vehicles nonchalantly crossed – better point to take, emphasis on preserving nature. Forest and greenery were still prominent. A green-spotted car screamed to a stop, “-get in,” said the driver crudely rolling the passenger window, “-I’ll take you to your destination.” Beaten on the outside, rough on the inside, what could possibly go wrong at the hand of a fully-covered demi-human?

“To Greenoud.”

“The vice-capital,” commented the driver, “-are you new around here?”

“Wouldn’t say new, perhaps a returnee?”

“Explains it,” he looked through the mirror, “-back during my adventuring days, these paths were covered with monsters and rough terrain. Most of the major cities are connected nowadays – we have the great wall of Arda to thank. It’s held strong for years, a trading post for the northern villages. Glenda’s the place to be.”

“Why Glenda?”

“It’s an awesome place, the real capital of Arda if you ask me. Greenoud’s a three-hour ride, I strongly advise taking a nap or doing some reading.”

“About adventuring, why are you driving a taxi?”

“I used to be an adventurer, well, it was before I took an arrow to the knee. Goblins are shrewd little demons. Drop your guard and they’ll strike mercilessly. If you don’t my prying, the briefcase, are you an investor?”

Igna glanced in the mirror, took notice of the man’s tag and injured knee, ‘-story checks out,’ he resettled and replied, “-yeah. Returning from Alphia actually. Heard the Ardanian economy boomed after the alliance with Easel Run Gard.”

“Oh,” he slapped the wheel joyfully, “-I don’t get that Maicite business too much. Arda’s a good place to invest,” he smiled, “-I’ve transported many investors and businessmen before, they all have a hurrying nature to them, always on edge about something. Ticks me off if I’m being honest. Anyway, Queen Courtney announced the construction of a new port to the southwest, seemed on paper it was to become the largest Hidros had to offer. What would you know, her majesty kept her promise, to that, Arda’s become very popular with tourists. Guess I’m rambling a bit too much.”

“No, it’s fine, always a pleasure to hear from the locals.” Aside from the phone, there laid a laptop under the masking foam. Igna pulled on the device and instantly jumped onto the Arcanum.

“The Ayder’s Bill of Taxation,” read an attachment, ‘-let’s see,’ he skimmed the large document, ‘-Ayder’s bill basically nullifies the alliance of Easel Run Gard and Arda, stating the kingdom and province being part of Alrosia are obliged to share profits and knowledge of unknown discoveries. Anyone who creates a piece of hardware, including but not limited to magic, Magiology, research and development of weapons, sorcery, in other words, anything and everything. éclair was wise to hurry home. Seems the Alrosian nobles have garnered much support to pass the bill, and part of the Gaien council was involved too. Well then,’ *calling éclair.*

“Master now isn’t a good time.”

“It is,” he firmed, “-the Ayder bill’s going to be my triumphant return. We have a month before it’s voted on at the meeting. Don’t worry about Alrosia or Alphia, the devil’s here. Since it affects merchants, traders and researchers, have copies made and handed to the public. Put it under the clause of duty to inform. Ask for Bleu and Raide Rosie, I want the best attorneys to cover our bottoms. Long as the legal aspect is covered, I’ll handle the rest.”

“I’ll ask for a meeting when possible and make arrangements for the bill to be diffused along the proper channel. What are you planning, master?”

“I don’t know,” he replied, “-we’ll move as the board evolves. Find our weakest link, a complete rehaul of the king’s entourage is in order.”

“What about backing, we don’t have the influence to overturn the financial advantage Alphia clearly has.”

“Oh, simple affair my friend. If we can’t overturn the table, we’ll simply add another,” he laughed, “-Kreston was granted access to the Alrosian council, there’s precedence. About Yui, have her chained to Serene, I want the seductive vampire to write a short story about Yui’s experience in Marinda. Quote Aidn of the Western Wind and create the second coming of Marinda. We’ve seen how the world was enamored by the discovery of a new continent, and the resources made available. Now imagine the same but better, a deeper legacy with god-like residents, it’ll make the world explode. ”

“I like where it’s going,” said a loud belly laugh, “-there’s no topping you, master.”

“Don’t underestimate a man who starve to take what was taken.”

Thus ended the call, Igna rested against the window and napped for the remainder of the journey. Warm taps on the shoulder broke the dream, “-hello, earth to mister man, we’re here,” said the driver standing outside with hand on the open door, “-the city of the ancient tree,” it covered the peripheral and went beyond, a scale undefinable for human comprehension.

“How much?” wondered Igna.

“For you, my king, a humble autograph shall suffice.”

“You knew who I was?” he rose a strange but pleasant brow, “-here,” quick to flip a 2000 Exa bill on the car’s top, “-name?”

“Arnesto Vianl,”

“To Arnesto Vianl, the warm and friendly driver,” the bill exchanged hands, “-now, is my signature priceless or is it worth 2000 Exa, tis the choice thee have to make, Arnesto. I’ll see you around.”

“Pleasure to meet the famed King of Hidros. May our paths not cross again.”

“Not cross again?”

“Royalty and trouble go hand in hand,” he laughed, “-pardon my caution.”

“To the short-lived trip then.”

“To the short-lived trip,” the door slammed, he carried off into the upward rebuilt diversion.

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