The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 913

Chapter 913: Mischief

For bleak, the solemn silence hovering over the dining table was a picture-perfect definition. Igna had his arms on the knees meanwhile the Queen of Arda took pleasure in wandering about said hall, she’d stop at paintings and observe.

“Mother, does something or someone bother you?” he asked.

“Not really,” she said, “-one rarely realizes how long a year is for another. Time, an illusion thrust upon our minds to understand the process of creation and decay. Something along those lines,” she finally made way to the table and sat, “-curious as to why Arda seems desolate?”


“Well,” her expression changed into a glimpse of mischief, “-the ancient tree no more stands as the capital of Arda. Said title is held by Glenda, Arda’s split into two halves aided by the Ardanian wall. Bottom half is reserved for agriculture and more or less abiding to the olden ways – not to say we’re slow in adapting to move, the older folks prefer tranquility over the hysteria of advancement. In many ways, tis the defining reason why Arda’s Arda. Our rich tradition and culture are a part of what defines us. Look at the shipping port southwest, many budding investors have scurried to take a slice of the cake, and can’t blame the greed of humanity. I mentioned a love for tradition, yet, I’ve ordered part of the Southwest region to be cleared for a better-supported trade route. Demand for a better way of transport sort of spilled from the northern region, the technologically crazed industrialist portion of Arda. I’ve ensured the middle half remains how we know and love, full of nature and her children.”


“Yes?” she paused.


“What brought on the tangent about regions?”

Her long lashes rolled, “-tell me, why are you here?”

“Am I not invited?”

“No,” she chuckled, “-it’s out of the ordinary. To be honest, the similarity between you and Vengeance’s rather mind-blowing. Vengeance’s act very much made me shudder any future idea of dealings with Oxshield and Alrosia. Thank god we’re self-sustaining, the roadmap laid out by Glenda served as an example for other major cities to boom.”

“Mother, mother,” he tapped the table, “-do you hear yourself?”

“Yes, why?”

“It’s awkward,” he said, “-I don’t recognize you.”

“Awkward, isn’t it?” she laughed, “-keep the interaction fresh in thy memory for tis how I and the others felt when a bootleg replacement took the throne. Awkward a mild way to put the distaste,” a melancholic smear upon the gallant queen of Arda cleaned, her face brightened as did her stern gaze. “-How was the performance?” she asked.


“Yes, of the melancholic queen,” she held a smug grin, “-welcome home, Igna, been a while.”

“Now I get my welcome back?”

“Don’t complain. I heard from Elvira before the arrival.”

“I see,” he narrowed, “-a mischievous ploy...”

“Don’t pout,” food arrived ten-fold, music played, the darkened hall shimmered in a sublime golden flicker, it was akin to angels descending from the heavens, “-Welcome back, majesty!” said many retainers, Igna gawked cluelessly.

Lady Courtney hung at his shoulder and whispered, “-this, dear Igna, is what we call a surprise. Go enjoy yourself, I’ll be right back, there are a few things I ought to settle.”

“Understood,” a swarm of friendly castle residents exploded, he laughed and drank – a surprise welcoming party.

‘Didn’t once sense their presence... guess I was blindsided.’ Still, during the celebrations and after much parle between residents – Igna sneakily exited the music-filled hall and arrived at an empty corridor which carried inside whereupon rose a spiral. Up said steps and spread a view of magnificent proportions – a full view over the buildings surrounding the castle and remnants of Kreston’s destroyed cathedral.

“There you are,” murmured Courtney in an outbreath, “-Arda’s in quite a pickle,” she said holding a jar, “-get it?”

“A pun... right?” he climbed fully and stood at her side, “-how’s Arda in trouble?”

“Ayder’s bill; not the first time they’ve tried to take from us. Dorchester and Arda have had skirmishes for quite a while, news isn’t covered since the matter stays under wraps. Deaths and casualties are placed under monster attack, families don’t dare argue – compensation is lucrative.”

“On paper, Arda’s booming, the economy in the green, I got the reports.”

“Yeah, on paper,” she sighed, “-money is good and all; refinement of Maicite falls into our domain to keep Alrosia’s nosy greed out of our research.”


“Don’t give a look of concern,” she reassured, “-I have the situation under control. Don’t underestimate Arda, we have money and power,” therein, she rose her nose, “-before leaving, calibrate the teleportation portals.”

“Ayder’s bill won’t pass, I’ll make sure the message is sent. I’ve been left out of the loop; aside from voting power, what does Alrosia have on us?”

“The title of Emperor,” she said, “-by signing the alliance, we surrendered the right to decree order, not until the latter is examined and voted on by the Emperor’s personal court. Alrosian council is an assembly of representatives, six for each regional member. Arda, Easel Run Gard, and Hidros count as one. Therefore, each state sends two of their representative to the meeting; we allowed Kreston and Dorchester to have their own say. Diversification lowered our voting power, Arda is represented by your’s truly and lady Haru. Easel Run Gard is represented by the King and Queen, as for Hidros, éclair, and Prince Julius. Dorchester’s represented by Queen Eia and lady Goldberg. Kreston as an exception is led by Pope Carrigan II, Duke of Kreston. Alphia has the liberty of choosing whoever they wish, thus, I don’t much care to know who’s on their side. Factor in the Gaien Council, and we have an independent party at the table of the council.”

“I see,” he paused to think, “-what of the king of Hidros, does he not have the power to equal the emperor?”

“Come on,” her lips tightened, “-were you not the one who signed the agreement?|”

“King and Emperor were supposed to be equal in taking decision, ‘twould have been possible if Alphia wasn’t so corrupt. Under-the-table deals are common... there’s a limit to how compromised a nation is, especially an Empire as rich as Alphia.”

“Well, on the day the bill passes, you’ll have Arda’s support. Hidros’s voting power are Kreston, Dorchester, Easel Run Gard, Arda, Hidros, and the Gaien Council. Igna,” she kindly looked at him, “-Hidros voting power of six is split. Alphia’s voting power of six is united and I’m sure it’s not hard to turn over one of Hidros’ voters. Dorchester and the Gaien Council... they’re the weakest link. Looking at it now, you have a solid two out of six. Better start making moves, you have a month to prepare. A tie would cancel the vote – we’ll need at least three to turn to our side, a task well, improbable.”

“It’s not as difficult as you think,” he said, “-imagine another nation willing to join the UN-A?”


“Oh, a country of wealth, knowledge, strength, and undeniable prestige. We know the council’s not united, everyone’s out for themselves. Therefore, it wouldn’t be difficult to add another member.”

“Their voting power will depend on how strong they are on the global market. Strength is gauged by military might and fortune.”

“How powerful would a nation of god spawn be?”


“You can only trust those who are willing to die for you, not family, not friends. Complete strangers showed grit and unconditional trust to the devil, in return, the faith greatly affected how I think about the world. Family, big sister, she hasn’t done anything to aid Hidros. I understand her priority is with her family, thus where we stand. A new journey begins, a quest to find powerful allies who’ll go to hell and back, I swear on my name, those who show that level of trust, I’ll make sure they are rewarded grandly.”

*Incoming call; Yui,* “-pardon me,” he nodded and touched the earpiece, “-what’s the matter?”

“éclair sent news of thy arrival to Raven, well, I mean, it’s hard to put into words...”

“Spit it out already.”

“Lord Asmodeus and representatives of Raven hosted quite the lavish party. During the celebration – a young actress, aged 14, was assaulted and beaten within an inch of her life.”

*Beep,* “-greetings master,” said éclair joining the call, “-Yui’s given a brief remark on the events, yes?”

“Yes, seems the party got wild. Can’t they cover the incident?”

“No, her family is affluent and is resorting to pushing the matter to the Imperial Court. Relations between Raven and the Imperial family haven’t been great. Emperor Markus suddenly increased taxation on gambling revenue – we were forced to launder money through Arda and hid. We owe the government quite a lot of money, something in the range of hundreds of millions.”

He breathed a quiet sigh, looked at Courtney, and shook his head, “-go on,” she said, “-I’ll see you in a bit.”

“Was a pleasure to see you again, mother,” he smiled.

“Don’t disappear and I’ll think about forgiving you,” she winked, more details flooded the channel and Igna made way to the teleportation portals. Finger in motion to remain quiet, he leaped inside the circle, deactivated the lens and summoned magical circles of his own, three symbol addition, and gained nonrestricted access to the various points, “-there,” he stopped at a strange line, “-a backdoor inside. Seems the spellcaster had more in mind,” a flick and the entrance closed.

“Master,” screamed Yui, “-can’t you teleport home?”

“Teleport home?” he stood outside, peering at the tall trees, “-must I remind, my mana consumption’s a little excessive?”

“Do it!” she screamed, *Snap,* mana sucked dry in the vicinity of where he once stood – scorch marks laid in where he waited, “-I’m here,” he popped into éclair’s office. “-YUI!”

“Over here,” she waved with a bag of chips, “-I knew the devil had powers to return. Please,” she rose her feet and pointed at a defeated éclair, “-he needs help.”

“What’s happening here?” inquired the devil standing before the desk, “-éclair?”

A tired mien rose, “-master,” he pushed himself off the counter, “-enemy,” he breathed, “-we triggered more than anger,” he lifted his shirt and showed a bullet wound, “-anti-magic bullets, I got shot...”

“You got shot?” he turned to Yui, “-and why aren’t you helping him?”

“éclair said not to call an ambulance. If not an ambulance, I decided to call on the devil. Do your thing,” she smiled, “-heal the butler from all his wounds and find the culprit, though, I’m sure he’s already been caught.”

Half an hour earlier, on the minister’s daily commute back from the castle’s yard, a strange voice interrupted his walk. One of the maids was seen hunched over the table pale and unresponsive. He rushed to her side, tapped her cheeks, and checked a pulse – nothing, a shadow cross the peripheral, and a thunderous boom struck the eardrums. He fell, stomach warm and adrenaline coursing. A nonchalant Yui saw the wounded éclair, grabbed him by the shoulder, and hauled him to the office a simple walk away.

“The wound’s not bleeding,” he said, “-though I’d have more time in settling the incident in Alphia. Raven’s mustn’t be brought to the imperial court, I need to stop the ordeal no matter what.”

“Breathe,” said Igna, “-there’s nothing more pitiful than a wounded person acting tough. I’ll take it from here,” he side-glanced.

“Ambulance is on their way,” she said, “-I’m not an idiot, called them the moment I saw him wounded.”

“Where’s the Empress?”

“At her estate in Alphia, why?”

“Oh, I need to talk to her privately. Have a jet readied,” he rolled his sleeve and cast a minor rite of healing, “-should hold until doctors get here.”

“Master, where are you going?” she asked seeing him make for the door.

“To find whoever is responsible and get some answers,” a flash of purple threw Yui’s bravado, “-care to join?” paramedic rushed the instant Igna opened the door, “-prime minister,” they said, “-are you okay?”

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