The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 933

Chapter 933: Ministry of Defence

One could feel the rough and raspy air grip one’s lung. A landfill of waste, broken soil, and disintegrated remnants of what once lived. Nearby trees curled in flames, spouting white dust smoke from their dried member. A few bodies survived, no one left alive, however, the former told of how great a blast it had been – for said night, a clear message was sent to the opposing faction, ‘-enter at thy peril,’ so said the unspoken threat. Yet another scar adds to Dorchester’s fair skin, her sense of self waning by each strike, each attack, and each resolve.

A rescue party of Dorchestrian allegiance wandered far north to a newer built port. Before their location, the leader of said party discovered what they had searched out for; utter annihilation of Kreston’s scouting forces. Communication wasn’t easily made – as said province used Oxshield’s grid to connect, war and blatant revolt saw fit their means of communication be cut. A more primitive way of sending messages returned, and before long, a few hours later in the day, news eventually reached Queen Eia’s sleeping quarters.

Day had just risen for her royal majesty – thick curtains separated outside from inside, “-enter,” she answered short of her door being tapped hastily.

“Majesty,” answered a familiar face, “-a message has arrived, Kreston’s advance forces were wiped out last night.”

“Wiped out?” she gawked, “-how?”

“We suspect Hidros’ launched an airstrike.”

“An airstrike,” the news digested plainly, “-have word be sent to the envoy, he ought to understand the nature of our current predicament.”


Beside Castle Garsley, on a gentler hill rose a church, one surrounded by walls as high as hers. A known underground passage linked both entities. Armed with a torch and a few brave souls, the retainer advanced to complete his duty. Night prior’s rained filled the inside with damp and humid air, a haunting silence presided by a disturbingly horrid shriek, they walked, droplets fell at regular intervals – minute echoes amplified down the passage.

A priestly dressed outline prayed at the foot of a religious symbol for Lucifer; footsteps invited his vacantly subtle gaze, “-lord Oat,” nodded the retainer, “-I bring news from her majesty the queen.”

“News you say?” he turned, paying respect at the symbol first, “-tell me, what troubles you?” information relayed from one to the other – news of the defeat barely struck a chord, to which Oat simply smiled at the messenger, “-I understand,” he said, “-entering into enemy territory was a mistake. I will handle the issues from here, have queen Eia rest assured – Western Sect of the four cardinals will aid her efforts in the coming crusade.”

Landscape changed from wounded and saddened to Rotherham. Students walked to their respective academies; scholars returned from their long hours of research – budding businessmen ran to work for a chance at striking gold. Such observations were commonplace, before long, said buildings faded into tiny pieces in a three-dimensional map, ‘-air-force,’ narrowed Igna.

‘The master’s more focused,’ wondered Alta, ‘-what’s he thinking about?’ Conversation under the rotors wasn’t much the pleasing idea. Soon, the crown jewel of Hidros appear on the horizon – Rosespire and its always changing nature – districts were added on top of the already extended districts, namely; Lei, Onel, Juei. The transport touched down on a helipad built off the side of the castle, “-good trip,” he said, stretching the arms and legs. No response had him glanced at Alta, her white and crimson hair flapped, she had her ear pressed against a phone, a few words exchanged and she wore a worried, “-majesty, I must leave,” she firmed, “-those granted the gift of immortality must seek acceptance by the vampiric clans.”

“Right, I forgot about the ceremony of rebirth. Go on,” a crystal diadem shaped in the infinity sign manifested, “-here you are – a symbol of thy hard work,” her outline vanished into the ever-large castle innards, leaving Igna on a request lady Elvira made, ‘-a general.’

‘She’s right, I have just the right person in mind,’ hands in pocket, the king strolled about the castle, descending to the main entrance wherein a deja-vuesque scene came to mind, “-majesty,” said a familiar faced butler.

“There are cars, I’m shocked. Who gave the order for such a lavish purchase?”

“I did,” said a wandering voice, “-hello cousin,” smiled Julius accompanied by Malley, who technically was dead but not, and twins born to the Haggard household, both little ladies. Time elapsed was long – one day the twins were both and the other, Igna stood before Julius’ family half a decade later, “-Malley,” he nodded, “-and I see twins were truly born to the family.”

“Yeah,” blushed Julius, “-my little princesses are the most precious things ever.”

“I see they are,” to which Igna extended a handshake, “-my ladies, might I have the pleasure of knowing thy names?”

“Anna,” said one, “-Hanna,” returned the other. Igna rose a frown at Julius, “-Hanna and Anna, nice to meet you.”

“Give uncle Igna a handshake,” whispered Malley, the shy twins timidly extended their hands and firmed, “-we’ll go inside,” she said, taking the twins by each hand.

“Julius, why bring them here?”

“Oh, I see,” he breathed, “-sorry, my mind wandered for a bit there. It’s to teach them about what the Haggard name represents. Hanna is the talented one, Anna’s not so much fond of her studies and lesser about hard work, she’s happy looking around the estate, wandering across the meadows, and playing with the dogs. I honestly don’t mind her doing what she wants, first, as a parent, my job is to arm her with adequate tools. Maybe learning about her family’s past would motivate the imagination, I don’t know...”

“Cousin, we’re in rough times. Wandering the palace isn’t exactly the wise choice. Who knows when a spy might jump in, steal the twins and ride off into the sunset,” the interface interjected a sudden spike, “-operation’s successful,” returned a manly voice, “-I have the targets – going to use the teleportation scroll,” simultaneously, Malley ran outside with a petrified expression, “-HANNA AND ANNA ARE GONE!” she cried.


Igna facepalmed, “-I predicted the future again,” he rose his arm at the castle, clenched his fist, turned, and snapped – a vortex materialized, “-Anna, Hanna, and a spy,” he said nonchalantly, “-welcome to Rosespire’ castle,” armed guards stormed their way to the king’s side, “-take the spy away, treat him well – I’ll return later for a questioning session.” Everything happened in mere minutes, the now prisoner was forced to stand, a strange device escaped his pocket and fell, “-I rather die than be imprisoned,” the jaw shifted to a chewing motion, a burst of air had the man held by the mouth, “-no dying on my watch,” glared Julius, reaching into the man’s mouth and pulling out a pill, “-poison.”

“Take ’em away,” shrugged Igna, “-I told you, Julius, the palace isn’t a safe place for children. We’re in a state of war, do bear it in mind,” the family of four soon caught their transport and left the castle to their estate. Igna stood beside a sports car with the dropped item in his hand, ‘-I knew it,’ the door opened upward, ‘-the castle is still compromised. There are spies everywhere; the last one was a fool; he saw high-value targets and thought the escape would be easy. A teleportation capsule,” he threw the item onto the seat, ‘-Cobalt Unit’s getting on my nerves.’

L’Atelier d’ Exsque, a place stuck in time, he pulled to the side and exited, throwing a glance at the unchanging potage of spices, herbs, and vegetables across the street, ‘-I hope she’s here,’ inside the atelier laid a gentle chatter, a strong female voice echoing at a crowd – hung paintings and sculptures were more the better – architecture of the inside never truly changed, same big open space varying in size and depths depending on the area one used.

“Excuse me, sir.”

“Hello,” he returned, “-is lady Marinda around?”

“Lady Marinda... she’s inside, teaching the volunteer class. Should I take her a message?”

“Yes, tell her the Devil’s come to take.”

“Pardon me, sir?”

“Must I repeat myself?”

“No, no,” the attendant shuddered, “-I meant no disrespect. I will tell her right away.”

Marinda taught with all her might, her nails and apron stained by paint, “-lady Marinda,” whispered the attendant, “-the devil has come to take,” he quoted, a chill rose her hairs, “-alright class,” she clapped, “-we’ll end for today, practice the techniques and I’ll see you later.” Cheerful chatter escaped, and the students took a side door and laughed. Strong scent of turpentine followed the apostle, eventually arriving in the showroom, “-devil’s back to collect,” she chuckled, “-good day, Igna.”

“Marinda, been a while. How are you doing?”

“Pretty good,” she replied, “-let’s take the discussion somewhere private.”

“Alright,” they drove off into the distance, making way to a local park, and arrived on a bench shielded by overgrown foliage.

“Tell me, Athena, how’s the recovery?”

“Great,” she beamed, “-I was able to return to my domain. My people are safe and sound, I was amazed to see them unaffected by their guardian’s disappearance. Being hailed patron goddess of Glenda’s reinforced my symbol of power, it’s shy off to my prime, but who am I to argue. I sadly lost the Aegis shield; another one can be forged by Hephaestus. Aside from that, what about you, devil, how was the hiatus?”

“Pretty uneventful, you know, the usual of staging a revolt and creating a better place that suits my purpose. Athena, I’m sure you know, Hidros is in big trouble. Per our contract, you owe me a favor.”

Her mesmerizing gray pupils scanned, almost bracing for an imminent ultimatum, “-éclair told me about his failed attempt at recruiting. I ask the same, Goddess of Wisdom and War, adored patroness of Athens and Glenda, I, humble king of Hidros ask for thy support. My search for a talented individual responsible for shaping the future of Hidros has led to you – I need you, Athena, to take the responsibility for the safety of our kingdom by becoming the General and head of the Ministry of Defense.”

“Wow,” she smiled, “-never expected the Devil to be polite. I guess the talks about me belonging to you were smokes and mirrors?”

“No,” he said, “-I meant what I said, thee’ve made a deal with the devil. However, I’m not daft as to forcefully impose the responsibility on one who doesn’t which to fight. It’ll lead to chaos.”

“Say no more,” she smiled, “-a simple matter of war is nothing. I’ll gladly accept the position.”


“Yes,” she grinned, “-a sword is meant to be drawn, no matter how long it’s rested, a weapon is ultimately made to slay and defend. Besides,” she inhaled fully, “-I love this place, the people, the connections and the bonds I’ve made. It’s all strange to me, strange novel experience, it’s amazing, there’s a choice to do just about anything the mind thinks of, especially in the world of adult entertainment,” her eyes lit.

“Athena?” he blinked, “-pardon, but are you not a virgin goddess?”

“YEAH,” she fired, “-I am, though, it’s hard not to be curious about the consumption of such material. Let me tell you, I’ve seen a lot of weird things.”

“Best we stop here,” he rose an open palm, “-lest the situation gets out of hand. Make way to the castle, éclair will explain the nature of the responsibilities.”

“Understood,” she sprang, “-the taste of blood and sweat, I’ve missed the utter chaos that war brings,” and headed on the path out the park.

‘Too bad, Kreston, Hidros has just recruited a literal god of war and wisdom to handle its security. Now, to handle the spy affair; Goldberg. Visiting Leonard sufficed to push the duchess into action,’

“Hey, Devil,” interjected the goddess, “-tell me, why not call on help from the four guardians of the Shadow Realm?”

“Oh, I rather not, they have the potential to equal the supreme god. They’re always here to help,” he tapped his chest, “-and I love them for it. Deep down, if I go awry, I know,” a brief glance up, “-they’ll spring into action and stop me,” two shadows walked beside him, each more powerful than the other, “-I just hope it’s in time.”

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