The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 937

Chapter 937: Priestess of the sea

An inner gong traversed the Shadow Realm’s variant of the Hidrosian landscape. A particular group of troublemakers had their hands full at teaching newer students birthed from the realm. A glamourous lady of light blue stared at her students through a bleak mellowness – she exhale desperate sighs in quiet and observed, ‘-nothing else to do,’ her eyes rolled, ‘-the Shadow Realm is peaceful, too peaceful. Everyone’s happy and everyone’s having fun, go slay monster says the general, I don’t want to get my nails chipped...’

“Saniata,” cried a uniquely recognizable Draconis, “-Raphael and I will take the kids on a dungeon visit. Want to tag along?”

“No,” she mundanely exhaled, “-I’m fine, have the snot nose kids enjoy their time off,” the ground beneath her feet scoffed – the air around her wasn’t very inviting, “-what’s with her?” wondered Draconis, her silhouette vanished into the forestry.

“Don’t know,” returned Raphael, “-she’s feeling a little down.”

“She’ll come around,” he shrugged, “-alright kiddos,” facing the bigger crowd, “-ready for adventuring?”

“YEAH!” they cheered; it wasn’t long ago the role was replaced – the student became a teacher.

Saniata’s noticeable figure strolled through the city, she had her hands hidden inside a white hoodie covered in flakes of pink petals. Bystanders, shopkeepers, and wanderers took one look and knew she belonged to the ruling family – a member of the Haggard Dynasty.


‘Why doesn’t anyone care to have fun,’ a docile expression and slow pace carried her figure up the slope leading into the noble district, ‘-Draconis’s mature now, he doesn’t go out and cause chaos. Vanesa’s more Vanesa since her return – won’t tell us what happened and chooses to sleep the days in her room. Raphael, don’t get me started on him, Arch angel of restoration travels to the overworld regularly, Starix and éclair find his services advantageous. What about me?’ she came upon a reflective surface telling of a blurry view of her upper torso and half of her head. The bold-straight line cowered, resting her lips into a heavy frown, ‘-I trained under lady Intherna, inherited a lot of her techniques... I’m considered an adult, still, everyone treats me like a kid. Why me, I only ever wanted to get strong, to spend time with my father, is that so much to ask?’

“GOD FUCKING DAMN IT!” murmured beyond the impromptu reflective surface, ‘-I know that voice,’ she stepped away and took a greater look, ‘-it’s the manor. Something interesting,’ she scurried for the front gate and casually leaped a few meters, ‘-that’s éclair,’ she sprinted.

“Damn it to hell,” cried a defeated howl, “-we’re going to lose the battle...” their gaze crossed, “-Saniata?” puffed éclair, “-why are you here?”

“I heard a noise outside,” she rose her head, “-what about you?”

“Ranting is all. Hurry on to the castle, lady Intherna’s waiting.”

There it was, she cracked, “-stop treating me like a kid!”

“Alright,” he rose a finger, “-no need to burst a blood vessel. I’m sorry, do whatever you want,” he rolled over, instead choosing to puff at the cloudy overhead sky. Saniata didn’t care to retreat, instead, thrusted water streams from her palms and landed on the balcony, “-éclair, take me to the overworld!”

“Huh?” he crushed the cigarette, “-not the place to enjoy a stroll.”

Her face froze, ‘-something the matter?’ he observed, ‘-Saniata’s acting more level-headed, that’s saying something.’

“Don’t,” she sighed, “-things never change. Tell me, éclair, why were you screaming?” she joined the cloud-gazing.

“Overworld,” said he solemnly, “-we’re in complete disarray. Everything that could go wrong has gone wrong – if I don’t straighten my campaign, Hidros might be at risk.”

“Pops losing a war is hard to imagine,” her regard glazed, “-what’s holding the army back? Am I not wrong to say training of those soldiers was a priority, especially since pops’ in charge.”

“You’d figure wrong. Master wasn’t home for half a decade; I was forced to channel military focus into a stable economy – there’s nothing worse than famine, I had to act, no questions asked. Naval warfare isn’t exactly Hidros’ strongest card – we’re surviving and evolving, however, there’s less of a chance at victory.”

“Why are you here then?”

“Needed a place to rest and think.”

Saniata’s long lashes stared éclair top to bottom, her long fingers tightened around the balustrade, a deep inhale, “-take me to the overworld!”


“I want to fight,” she gritted, “-life in the Shadow Realm is more than peaceful, I’m bored, I want to go and explore the world – exploring this one already makes me want to die.”

“Right and how will exploring the overworld be fun exactly?”

“Competition,” she smirked, “-there will be people wanting to kill, and I want to do my fair share of slaughter. Look at me,” she grabbed his chin and pulled closer, “-I’m an adult, not the little kid you remember.”

He grabbed her wrist and pulled away, “-still a kid in my eye,” he smiled and released the grip, her arms dropped, the face glazed with a disappointed mien, “-alright, I’ll bite, we’re lacking in manpower – take down a ship and show me what it means to be a resident of the Shadow Realm.”

“A ship?” she scoffed, “-I’m no resident of the Shadow Realm, the name’s Saniata Haggard, daughter to my uncaring father. I’ll make damn sure he notices me.”

A few days after Ares’ letter arrived, worse came to reality, pieces of information slowly filled Igna’s deck, ‘-we were played for fools, battle of Kreston was never a priority, using ten-thousand men as sacrificial pawns, they retreated in time to avoid greater loss from Erano’s regiment and focused attention on fortifying the sea. Trap was laid out from the beginning, not hard to imagine Dorchester sending their forces to the isle months if not years in advance – they knew the importance of the archipelago. Our naval forces sailed into an impasse – stuck in the middle of Dorchester’s coastguard and the Krestonian fleet. How did Minerva not see... no, don’t blame her, it’s my responsibility for putting her in charge. I should have been more careful. If the transmission between us and the envoys dispatched to Marinda was intercepted – ‘twould have been easy to send false information. We jumped the gun thinking the advantage was ours. Fortunately, internal affairs have been quiet since big sister took the job, those of opposing opinions have been found dead to frostbite.’

*Tap, tap, tap,* “-master,” gasped.

“I’m here,” he returned nonchalantly, “-General, what a pleasant surprise. Been a few weeks, yes?”

“Yes, since last we talked?”

“Since last, I got the letter. How about it, General, is the battle for Vigrant archipelago lost?”

She crawled to a seat and dropped, “-forget the war,” her expression fell, “-this came up in the missing in action report.”

“Saniata Haggard. Last seen leaving for battle on 1st March at 23:40.”

“Is that all?” he blinked, “-no picture nor details on the mission, what is this?”

“I’m afraid you have to ask éclair directly. From what I gathered, she’s responsible for turning the tides of battle by wrecking destroyers that pinned our escape route, her efforts allowed for a tactical retreat.” It was quite a sight; a heroine came to their rescue in a time of need. None knew the origin nor did they care – her blue eyes and blue hair were all the recognition needed; a slender body able to raise the sea into a destructive nightmare – lives were saved, prime minister and his aid led smaller campaigns throughout the coming days – priestess of the sea, such would become Saniata’s nickname in battle. She would take to the skies on the back of the legendary griffin – the latter of which defiled heavy weaponry and reined down hell. Novelty of the hit and runs took the opposing army by surprise, and for a first in the battle – had the enemy on edge. Fortune of battle could only lead her so far – seeing the deaths, éclair ordered for a tactical retreat – Minerva accepted, and the tide of battle was truly lost when the Krestonian army captured the centermost isle of the Archipelago. Escape was easier said than done, and so, an elite force compromising Saniata and a few soldiers left to clear the waters for a safe retreat. At 00:00, contact was cut – an explosion of condensed mana shook the seas, “-clear,” the last ever transmission.

Igna stared at Minerva, the fingers galloped across the table, “-so, she’s dead?”


“My,” he sighed, “-suppose my daughter’s efforts were praise worthy. What of the people she saved?”

“Last of the ships should arrive at Kreston, we’re currently fortifying borders. Arda managed to capture Krigi and its people, what are thy orders?”

“Grant them refuge, if they want to leave, let them.”

“What are your orders concerning the war?”

“We’ve lost the battle of Vigrant, Kreston’s next, do as you see fit, Athena, we’re against Ares.”

The goddess quietly excused herself, shutting the door and breathing a cold breeze, “-how did he take the news?” inquired a silver-haired lady.

“I don’t know,’ she replied, “-lady Eira, I had no idea what his majesty is thinking.”

“Can’t help it,” she said, reaching in for a friendly embrace, “-focus on Kreston, fate of Hidros depends on it.”

“Right, there’s more to come,” she cleared her mind and marched forth, leaving Eira leaning against a pillar before the king’s door, ‘-I have a bad feeling, he didn’t react to the news of her death, it’s unlike broth-‘ *CRASH,* a thump shook her feet, she sprung for the handle, “-IGNA?” nothing, curtains flapped in the wind, a glass statue laid in fragments, retainers hurried, “-my lady?”

“Where’s king Igna?” gasped Athena.

Eira side-glanced, “-you know.”

Blurred memory of bubbles rose, a light muddled and an ungodly siren rang. Waves of confusion swept the mind, and soon, those distant memories drowned, forcing the consciousness awake, ‘-cage, I’m bound by chains, was I captured?’ ringing in the ears escaped for distance chatter, ‘-I remember getting shot by a blast of mana...’

“Look who decided to wake up,” narrowed a disturbingly disfigured man, “-Saniata Haggard, the daughter of King Haggard. Looks like we struck gold,” heavy boots slammed the cage.

“Enough, Euro,” said a calmer voice, “-forgive my companion, he’s a little insane, to which the man tilted his head in an odd position and cackled, “-no insane, I’m not insane, I’m not, believe me, I’m not.”

“Euro, silence.”

“Okay, okay,” he flung a sack over his shoulder, “-I’m taking these for my collection. Later, boss,” dismembered limbs and severed heads, all gathered in a bloodied trail, “-ignore him,” added the taller man, “-how rude of me, my name’s Angio, I hail from Lucifer’s domain. I detest the title of an angel,” he leaned over, “-yet, tis how humans refer to us, entities from another dimension. Are you confused?”


“Silence, no matter. Your griffin was easy target practice for my colleagues. King Igna must know by now, Kreston’s not only backed by those of this world, but also demi-gods and angels from our world.”


“Say something, please,” he exasperated, “-talking alone makes me look insane. How about this, I give you three questions as a reward for a somewhat entertaining fight.”

“Where am I?”

“An outpost on the Vigrant archipelago.”

“How long has it been?”

“Today’s the 5th of March, do the math.”

“What are you planning to do with me?”

“Ransom I suppose,” he shrugged, “-truly depends on what he has in plan. Look around,” a snap brightened the tent, “-these are men we captured, loyal soldiers who kept their mouths shut until the end. I admire such a level of commitment. I wouldn’t bother escaping, see the collar around the neck? It’s a convenient mana-draining device. People of this world have advanced in ways of slowing the prominence of mana-users – goes beyond the title of god or demon, get hit by one of their invention and tis death,” he smiled, “-of course, we partly used the corpse of the god-slayer,” he hastily covered his mouth, “-there I go again, have a bad habit of divulging information.”

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