The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 941

Chapter 941: Ministry of Finance

Angio and Igna parted ways to much of the former’s dismay. Castle innards felt alive, and retainers and office workers had a spring in their step. For the first time in a while, the tension of socioeconomic and external affairs smoothed into a run-of-the-mill pace. Minister of Defense, Minerva, crossed Igna’s path in a hurry, she glanced, swaying her hair in a jolt, and carried on hassling her underlings. Prime minister, éclair, was spotted perched on the first level, crossing the inner balcony to his office. Deeper inside, at a newer construction, a large pillar formed by many triangles zoomed up, leaving much in ways of imagination. A triangle made of smaller triangles, such was the display – art or convenience, the king could but shrug and refocus. Scattered maids led the way as if breadcrumbs, eventually arriving at an office reserved for important guests. Around said room laid protection as in blast-resistant walls, a docile magical barrier, and always stationed palace guards. King arrived at the doorway to see the protectors exchange casual remarks, “-how does it look?” he asked.

“Looks pretty awesome,” said one of the guards, “-whoever she is, that lady is amazingly pretty. Don’t care if her hair is grey a little.”

“Adds flare if you ask me,” added the other, “-man, I wish I could meet her.”

“Why don’t you meet her?” said the strange but familiar voice.

“Oh hell no, I don’t want to get fired by the king. Who knows if the guest is one of the majesty’s many concubines.”

“Right,” continued the other, “-with our king’s reputation and pretty face, I’m proud he represents Hidros man,” he rose a heartfelt salute, “-to king Igna and his manliness.”

“Enough you two,” said a friendly voice.


“Majesty?” jaws dropped, “-I’m sorry,” hasty bows followed.

“No, no,” he offered fist bumps, “-I’m glad the castle smoothens, I was worried the stress would lower morale...” Curiously, the guards accepted the king’s offer, exchanged bumps, and blinked – the door opened and closed.

“What happened?”

“I don’t know?”


A lavish couch of excellent quality and craftmanship supported the guests, warm cups laid on the table, ‘-they’ve been here for a while,’ he concluded and approached, “-Dyu and Ela, long time no see.”

“Master Igna,” stood the former spy, now a full-time man of law, “-thank you for the hasty audience.” Igna passed the opposite couch, stared both up and down, and carried to a desk deeper inside. An unopened report slept, ‘-éclair must have left it,’ he turned the envelope and saw, ‘-Easel Run Gard’s report,’ interested and not impatient, he turned for the guests and waited.

“Allow me to explain,” said Dyu vibrantly, nature of the prior acquired familiarity felt strained, hands tapped, “-lady Ela wants to help!”

“Hold it,” exclaimed the index, “-before it all, Ela,” he crossed the room and sat opposite the queen, “-I was under the belief that Queen Ela had lost herself mentally.”

Elendorian feline gaze didn’t once falter, her tan complexion and rigid expression dug into the battlefield, a shield protecting her intent and companion. Dyu fixed on the king, visibly irritated by a subtle crinkle cutting across the somewhat wrinkled forehead, “-majesty.”

“Fine,” the room dropped, “-make it quick, I don’t have much time,” he glared at the previous queen, “-I’d prefer she speaks.”

Her intent gaze moved at Dyu, they spoke in signs, and she returned at her prey, the devil. Her breathing steadied, her legs crossed and the back straightened, ‘-it’s her,’ flashbacks swept his mind, her posture and body language, Ela, Queen of Elendor, a personage Staxius held in high regards made her reappearance without the gold and feminine allure. “Igna Haggard,” she said, “-I was once the Queen of Elendor, and I know we betrayed you, well, I betrayed you. There’s no questioning the facts, I worked with the Empire, allowed Hidros to enter Elendor, and experience the Wracia Empire. Excuses are poisonous, thus the truth, I led your uncle into his death, I was responsible for the attack. He wanted to help a friend and I abused the trust. It pains my heart to this day, I regret not speaking the truth, I regret not having the strength to warn Staxius – the world might have been a better place, we could have seen the man reach his true potential, not far to see him rule the world if such desires ever crossed his mind. What I mean to say is my actions have caused much trouble, and I’m guilty to this day, unable to shake the feeling of dread – a curse or something hangs over my head. The fear of retribution, I don’t know. Paranoia forced me into some strange decision and soon found myself wedded to King Juvey – by that time, I was a shell of my prior self. Drugged and abused, being treated like a toy, thrown from person to person, ‘-a chance to experience royalty,’ so they said, pisses me off!” she gathered her ire, shook her head a few, and stared deeply into Igna, “-everything feels like a dream, I was looking at me from an ethereal point of view, watching as the world crumbled and my life shattered. However, an unlikely man walked into my life, Dyu – he tried hard to better how I was treated, and for that, I’m grateful. If not for him, I most likely would be dead or sold to the highest bidder. A suave young man by the name of Xen entered our lives,” she smiled, “-I know it was you, Igna, posing as Xen to destroy what King Juvey sold. My memory isn’t great but I know deep in my heart of hearts, you were the one who rescued me, and I know I was crazy, I still am partly. We escaped into Hidros, Dyu and I moved into Plaustan, there, a medical team of Phantom allegiance use a lot of resources to treat my ailment. Don’t know how they did it. One day, I awoke from what seemed a dream – the bedchambers and seaside view were all affirmation I needed. I was saved from the clutches of insanity. Regained my sanity a few years prior, I wanted to reach out but Dyu advised against making contact, thus, I spent my life studying the world’s state, visiting towns, and getting to know Hidros intimately. Brings us to nigh,” she paused, checking if Igna assimilated her story, “-the speech, recruiting capable men and women to aid Hidros’ advancement.”

“Ela III Eliana, I understand most of what was said. Give me a reason why I should trust one who took responsibility for the death of a national hero. Why must I?”

“Because,” she narrowed, “-I sense a familiar intensity within. Igna, are you truly who you say you are?”

“Right, vacuous questions shall greatly benefit this discussion,” a glance toward Dyu, “-am I to assume this lady is worth the time?”

“Worth the time?”

“Yeah, what if she’s a spy,” he sat back, “-we’re in a state of war and Ela conveniently walks into the castle saying she’s recovered. I remember the prior state, there’s no coming back from alteration in the chemical composition of the human mind, doth thee think me a fool?”

“Actually, it was éclair who held her.”



“Let me guess,” he sighed, “-was he accompanied by a boyish figure bearing curly hair?”

“Yeah,” he nodded, “-I don’t know why the prime minister keeps company with children,” he covered his mouth and glared, “-does éclair like them youn-”

“Don’t,” he interjected, “-not even for a joke, don’t go there,” he eased, “-Ela’s healed mentally, I suppose.”

“Just like that?” she exclaimed, “-what about the chemical imbalances of my mind, what happened to the doubt...”

“When one’s entourage consists of individuals able to alter laws of reality – not hard to imagine one on the brink of insanity to return in pristine conditions.”

“Now what?” they reached a deadlock, neither knew what they wanted.

“Decisions, decision,” he hunched and sunk into a pensive mien, “-tell me, Ela, if I were to accept, how could thee help?”

“Finance,” she snapped, “-Elendor’s wealth was made possible by my intervention, creating trade routes across the continent, and exploiting the market of spice and jewelry. Wracia is ruled by men, why would they allow me, a woman, to stay as queen of an influential state?”

“The ability to make money.”

“Correct,” she smiled, “-I can handle financial affairs, after all, the role of the ministry of finance has yet been filled. Hidros’ coffers don’t look great, do they?” she leaned, “-I had help from a trusty friend,” Igna knew who she referred too, “-and with said help, easily had a clear view into the Kingdom’s finances. Seems tax is put towards bettering the state and helping the populous – tis written in red, after Alphia left, accumulated debts choked the continent – hence inability to fully deploy for war. You don’t have the funds to maintain war against a prosperous state – they don’t care if victory is achieved by Pyrrhic means, long as Hidros suffers the brunt. Losing Vigrant isle will greatly hamper Hidros’ ability to trade. Lest Hidros grow self-sufficient, there’s no way the Holy crusade’s going to ease. I don’t understand why the apostle of Athena was put in charge of the army, granted Athena’s the goddess of war and wisdom, her skill doesn’t really transfer to one under her blessing. Last battle came out of the pocket of Raven and Phantom. Bank of Arda’s only pillar holding Hidros’ economy, if they fail, we’ll be in ruin, far worse than losing a battle or facing starvation. éclair’s policies in times of peace such as free healthcare and transport have to be retracted, the state can’t afford to pay the growing populous. There needs to be reform; unpleasant but necessary.”

Igna rose his hand, “-fine,” he exhaled, “-I hear the concerns and I know what needs to be done. Taking on the role of finance minister will probably be the last chance Queen Ela has to be involved in politics. Tell me why intent on helping? Life of luxury in Plaustan must have been pleasant, why not continue the journey?”


“I understand,” he made for the door, “-excuse me, I need a break.”

A quiet click lightened the whole room, “-holy hell,” she gasped, “-was Igna ever this overpowering?”

“I have shivers,” commented Dyu, “-he’s a monster without fail.”

“An aura that puts Juvey to shame,” her pants steadied, ‘-I was right, Igna’s not who he says he is. The way he looked at me and Dyu, the subtle body cues and way of speech, it’s uncanny and familiar – he truly is the successor to Staxius Haggard. Here I was thinking it would be Eira or Julius who take the mantle, seems the nephew has more in common with the hero king.’

A cigarette lit under a clear blue sky – temperature felt just right and on the colder side, ‘-Ela threw me for a loop,’ he puffed, ‘-position of finance minister, I had lady Haru in mind, the merchant guild’s master must know a thing or two about making money. Ela’s arguments were clear and concise, she brought to light many issues I raised with éclair. Paying from pocket to fund the way will eventually drain Raven’s prominence – can’t let that happen. Since we moved into Rosespire, the company’s been buying agencies, funding productions, and recruiting talents from the various academies. Leina and a few Alphian agencies have moved into the city, the influx in celebrity names has transferred the title of entertainment hub from Odgawoan to Rosespire. I’m glad we did that,’ he puffed, “-actors, actresses, and idols are morale boosters for the kingdom – Aceline had a dream to heal the world through music; her legacy lives on.’

“Why not accept her offer?”


“In the flesh,” she winked and lit a cigarette of her own, “-Ela’s a good asset.”

“Right, you took care of her.”

“Yeah,” she puffed, “-maybe I’m being biased – Queen Ela’s only human and to say she once rivaled lady Elvira in ways of making money, the prestige speaks for itself.”

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