The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 948

Chapter 948: ‘May she rest in peace.’

A parade no less worthy of an emperor swam across the city streets. Procession compromised of soldiers, military personnel, flying squads, and a show of might carried tremors. Onlookers watched through skeptic glasses, the latter pointed to a single foe, Queen Eia. Vested in military uniform, the march arrived at the shore, passing the big castle gates and entered the inner-castle limits. “-Changed,” she commented, “-look, father, the area’s changed.”

Piers currently sat beside his daughter – flushed many lines of thought, eventually arriving at the elephant in the room, ‘-why the sudden personality change?’ It began a few hours ago, after Saniata gave her cold, objective view in an attempt of soothing the prince, she accidentally opened the floodgates to suppressed emotions.

Eia landed, her plane taxied into where the escort waited, stairway rolled to the side and opened with a bellowing humph. Out exited the ambassador and a few attendants dressed in formal attire. A harsh mien laid the few seconds after she exited, perhaps the light catching her eye or the sun’s sneaky reflection game. She stood before them dressed in Dorchestrian gray.

‘Prince consort is anxious,’ observed Saniata, ‘-fingers are a good tell.’

Father and daughter stood face to face, allowing the tide to settle, “-long time no see, father,” she threw a curveball and immediately locked around Piers’ back. He rapidly rose his hand in warning at the guards, many of which rose their guns.

“She’s unarmed,” said a bodyguard, “-here I was under the impression it was an escort.”

“Foolish are those willing to trust in another’s faith,” added Saniata, “-gather round people,” she drew a midair circle with a twirl of the index, “-Lady Eia is an important guest in today’s talks. Let us show them Hidrosian courtesy.”


‘How could she have hugged so brazenly,’ still scenery swapped for the inner castle, ‘-I don’t understand, we’re enemies, told her plenty of times, never listens.’

Eia was first onto firm ground, throwing an observant gaze, “-populous sure hates my guts.”

“Unfortunately, the more rebellious kind were excused,” added Saniata cynically, almost as if cutting any foothold the lady could muster.

“I do hope the welcoming ceremony’s far more generous,” she sneered, returning Saniata’s remarks tenfold.

A line of retainers waited on the steps; carpet rolled in honor of the ambassadors.

‘Castle’s lively,’ she blinked, entering the renovated office area. Workers carried on their daily duties, ignoring her presence and focusing on their jobs – only part of the castle entertained said occasion. No hint of genuine welcomeness, a steady aura of uneasiness climbed her feet to her shoulders, ‘-so prosperous and intimidating.’

“Welcome to our castle,” greeted éclair, “-honorable ambassador, if you’d please accompany me,” escort halted at the start of another corridor – Saniata broke off the march and scurried elsewhere.

“Prime minister,” she paused, “-is my bodyguard free to participate?”

“Who says no,” he smiled, “-we welcome observers.”

Duo hung in Eclairs’ shadow, opting for whispers and giggles, “-never expected them to be so rich.”

“Neither did I,” she replied, “-such a lavish ceremony. Living out in Dorchester proves harsh on a person’s sense of value – I miss the castle life...”

Without warning, éclair arrived at the start of the throne room – knights in black armor pushed heaven’s gate. Chandelier, lavishly dressed guests, fetchingly expensive decorations, a melodic symphony led by Syndra Lordon and her orchestra, headed by Aceline, Lizzie, and Celina to name a few.

“Amazing,” escaped her lips, “-how can they afford such luxury?”

“Breaking the Alrosian Alliance had perks,” said éclair slyly, “-remunerations were discussed under the table. Besides,” he locked onto the king’s entourage, “-the Haggard name is entrenched, no shaking the royal family’s abundant wealth.”

‘Entrenched,’ she narrowed, ‘-the wealth is rightfully mine. Don’t worry, Hidros, when my son takes his place as the legitimate king, I’ll live a life of endless fortune. Whatever the world says, it all belongs to me, I care not for excuses, tis my birth right.’

“Sister,” said a solemn kempt personage, “-I see the travels weren’t hard.”

“Empress Eira?” her mouth widened, “-pardon, I was out of line. It’s a pleasure to see you again, sister.”

“I wish I could say the pleasure is mine,” she blatantly showed discontent, leaned into Igna’s ears, whispered, faced éclair, curtsied, and carried on her merry way.

“Always the charmer isn’t she,” added a nervous chuckle.

“I should rectify a misunderstanding, Lady Eira is the Countess of Elony. Seems another entourage wishes for my participation, if you’d excuse me, my king,” bowed éclair, “-I shall be back shortly.”

Ela and Minerva kept a certain distance; entertaining idle chatter with focus on the coming exchange, “-Queen Eia,” he narrowed, “-long time, yes?”

“King Igna,” she curtsied, “-with all due respect, I certainly didn’t wish for my arrival to be made such an auspicious celebration.”

A shuffle from Ela missed the ambassador’s attention, Minerva forcibly tugged onto Ela’s hand, “-laugh internally,” said she through gritted teeth, “-don’t want to ruin the reunion.”

“Can’t help it,” she turned her lips inward and strained, “-it’s too funny.”

Over the distance, Igna calmly explained, “-ambassador, I’m sorry to say, today’s celebration is in honor of the brave fighters who live to tell the tale. Tis also an occasion to mourn the death with smiles and respect – honoring brave men is one of the smaller pleasures I get to host in my position. I dare say, peace talks are secondary. Anyway, Eia, I hope you find the celebrations to your liking, I doubt Dorchester has the means to entertain such lavish ornaments,” he strode to her ear and whispered, “-yes, I’m showing off,” he winked, “-enjoy the party, we’ll speak formally when it’s over.”

A bitter taste filled her palette and nostrils, ire-filled leer cut short, “-drink’s madame?” interjected a beautifully dressed waiter – handsome and well defined, truly a gentleman fit for the entertainment world. A simple smile, the leer lowered, her strained posture eased, “-thank you,” she sipped and scanned, ‘-where’s Riaz.’ Equally, if not more handsome men and women roamed the halls – beauty be a subjective prospect quickly exited the preverbal window, retainers in attendant were handsome, no ifs or buts about it, they truly were epitome of new-age set standards. Pretty faces at her beckon call – smooth music, the constant flow of beverage, there was no beating said atmosphere, Eia was soon enchanted, carried by the swing of the melody to exchange pleasantries, making herself comfortable, opening her guarded persona.

*Gulp,* three fingers of whiskey down in a single drop, “-another,” ordered Igna, next room held a somewhat reserved area entertaining gambling, drinking, and the usual under-the-table affairs of the underworld.

“Hello pops,” waved Saniata hopping onto an empty right stool.

“Pops,” added Vanesa climbing the empty left.

“What are you girls doing here?” he leaned.

“Came to pay a visit,” said Saniata, “-was hoping to get some drinks too...”

“How old are you?”

“I don’t know, “she shrugged, “-we drink back home, taught by iron-clad stomach Miira and the voluptuous Lilith.”

He watched skeptically, “-fine.”

“Pops,” tugged Vanesa, “-can I have some too?”

“Why not,” he smiled, summoned an empty basket that soon filled with alcohol.

“Thanks for the drinks,” waved an unsteady Saniata, “-we’ll be back,” she turned the corner, met with other noble young adults of their age, and scurried into the castle’s inner confine.

“Was that wise?” inquired Starix who also hailed the bartender, “-majesty, why the party, imagine my surprise when I returned to a glamourous castle.”

“Come on now, Strategist, have a gander.”

“Let me see,” beer in hand, “-morale.”

“Correct,” they cheered, “-a show of strength and relief at the top eases the mind. If we take breaks – subordinates won’t feel threatened to relax. Hard work and dedication, we’re blessed to have such loyal followers. About the matter, is it settled?”

“Yeah,” he nodded, “-Alta and I have established a stable line of communication with the vampiric clans. They’re willing to join the council as mediators of peace.”

“Another day, another ally,” he rose yet another glass, “-speaking of Alta, where’s she?”

“Glenda,” he returned, “-handling her duties as Stewardess.”

“Right,” they sipped, “-she’s amazing, isn’t she.”

“The lass was a member of the hero’s party. You sure knocking back this many drinks is smart?”

“Don’t worry,” he stopped at the seventh’ glass, “-trusty o’ drinks are men’s best friend.”


“No, you idiot,” he tapped Starix’s head casually, “-time’s nigh.”

Clockwork, impeccable timing, “-majesty,” said maids, “-we’re ready to proceed with the ceremony.”

“Has the duke arrived?”


“So be it,” Igna rose, “-time for the game to begin.”

Backdoor deals, under the table agreements – romantic endeavors hidden inside castle gates, the intrigue of head exploding proportions. Kingdoms, by a rule, never hosted celebrations without an agenda in mind – many of the invitees held their own greedy means to attain. Music slowed to decibels over silence, unnoticeably swayed – King Igna was announced to the crowd with the aid of a thunderous voice. He sat, allowing for éclair, Ela, Eira, and Minerva to take center stage.

“On behalf of the kingdom,” said éclair, “-we’re grateful for the efforts and grit showed in war. Worry not, the party shall continue,” he smiled, garnering a few giggles from tipsy bystanders, “-in honor of the collective military accomplishment, General Minerva would like to speak a few words.” A dense aura stormed her stance. Resemblance could be drawn to Igna’s equally terrifying presence. “-Warriors,” she thundered, “-the battle of Kreston was hard fought, many allies were lost. We mourn their deaths and respect their wishes – their tags forever chained with ours,” her beautifully stern regard entranced the room, “-today’s an auspicious day, for tis the day we stand firm and face the world. Hidros shan’t be bested, we shan’t lose – our devotion and your loyalty, my comrades, are the most precious things to the future of our kingdom. Small as we are compared to the wider world, our heart is larger. Dorchester showed their hands and proved their worth, veering the ugly head of discrimination. We’re a proud multi-racial nation, fair-skinned, dark-skinned, long tail, small tail, scaled or nay – we’re the same at heart.”

Igna took the stage, “-as general Minerva said, we’re one. In honor of the brave fighters, let’s observe a minute of silence.”

Fighters stood with hands on their chest, and minute faded, “-let the ceremony begin,” added éclair. Distinguished fighters were promoted, given medals, and congratulated personally by the king. For his action, Brigadier General Erano was awarded the highest honors – fighting a battle of attrition, protecting his men, and joining the front lines. The retelling of the countless accomplishments would but make short of what was seen firsthand. In all, the ceremony lasted three hours. éclair ended the last on the agenda and gave the floor to his majesty.

“Comrades,” he bellowed, “-the war isn’t won. Countless skirmishes lay in our path to peace. For fighting to cease, one must kill – the concept is absurd. We’d love to return home to our families, alas, what comes next is far worse. We pride ourselves as a nation birthed from a simple motto, survival of the fittest. Time’s nigh for reversion to the olden ways – take up arms, take up swords, train, do what is must, if thee wish to fight, come join us. Your kingdom needs you,” he said directly into the live camera, “-may the celebrations continue,” the feed ended with a reporter summarizing the event. Music played anew; the atmosphere lessened into celebrations. Distinguished warriors made the attraction of palace flowers.

“Eia’s cauldron should be boiling.”

*Incoming Message – Starix,* “-meet me at the balcony,” it read.

‘Quite informal,’ he dodged the crowds and threw acknowledging glances at éclair and other ministers.

Starix hung over the balustrade, “-majesty,” he said noticing the footsteps, “-my apologies for the urgent summons.”

“Don’t worry,” he joined Starix’s enamored look at the orchard, “-what’s caught thy fancy?”

“Look,” giggled Starix, “-Queen Eia’s in love,” he pointed, “-majesty, was this the reason for the decadent celebrations?”

“Whatever do you mean?” he lit a cigarette, “-she found herself attracted to one of the incubuses,” a jovial puff escaped, “-nothing beats blackmail in a negotiation. Who’s recording the romance?”

“Look carefully.”

“Right,” he noticed a massive camera, “-little on the obvious side.”

Starix drew the cross of death, “-may she rest in peace.”

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