The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 962

Chapter 962: Marriage

“You think me a fool for allowing them salvation?”

“I didn’t say anything.”

“Oh don’t play coy with me, Sathanas. Nothing’s truer than allowing yourself to watch enemies become worthless. The boon of youth comes with a burden, I rather not go into details.”

9th of September read on the display; Igna found stride at the castle – a strange part of him move clearly and with objective. Sathanas, by her wandering sneers, kept herself busy in aiding Midne and the ministers. A freelance agent of some sort. The defeat of the noble faction and inheritance of the Goldberg title shortly made their way to unscrupulous characters. The king, newly engaged and present, pensively glazed a monitor of various logs and displays. ‘The message’s clear,’ he leaned, ‘-Hidros’ united, the threat of a noble rebellion has been quashed. For the moment anyway. Yumie and Soph seem to be doing great at the musical academy. Out of all the choices, they had to pick the saturated market. Now,’ the logs darkened at certain headings and paragraphs, ‘-the death of lady Goldberg,’ exchanged many messages. Nobles came out of hiding, and soon, as the day ended and the 10th shimmered – those same characters shamelessly presented themselves at the castle.

The throne room grows with the king sitting before a council of peerless supporters. “-Lord De,” narrowed éclair.

“Prime minister, I don’t recognize the king to be the true king,” fired the gutsy noble, “-I’m not a stupid individual. We were foolish in contradicting the prior queen’s decision. For said respect, I’d prefer to swear allegiance to lady Katherine.”

“We also second the proposed idea,” narrowed a group of similarly dressed nobles, “-we’ll serve a true duchess as opposed to a false king.”


It took strength, Igna noticed, ‘-takes a lot for the ministers to entertain blasphemy against their king. It’s a good trait to have.’

When all was said and done – a queue of nobles lined before the yet recovered Katherine. She spent the afternoon answering to pledges, ignorant to the under-the-table happenings. ‘All the pieces are in place,’ narrowed Igna, the sun draped over the horizon a few hours earlier – he stood straight facing the outside with coffee in hand.

*Exhale,* the door shut, “-welcome back,” said Igna.

“T-thank you,” returned Katherine.

“Tell me, how were the nobles?”

“Boring,” she said, “-I don’t know, I’m lost as to what my life entails. My mother’s younger and prettier, I’m haunted by visions of my assailant, and most of all, I’m married to the king.”

“Engaged,” he said, “-don’t get ahead of yourself.”

The vacant stare carried deep through the kingdom, crossing lands, climbing mountains to a battlefield. The jaunts of death, echoes, and snaps, the screams of the dead. “-The might generally led his team, carried the wounded, killed the leader, and captured the fort. He with the heart of the strong, armed to the teeth and empathetic to his team, Esvalo the chevalier, a true knight amongst knights, fought thick and thin, from dust until dawn. It was hilarious how easily General Minerva led her forces in foreign territory. Didn’t matter if the army was led by the Sadian people via proxy – her head-on approach and defiant campaign served as a warning, “-don’t anger the Hidrosian people.” What seemed a daunting task turned into a national tale of heroism and grit. October came around, the chill weather eased for a slight warmth -mild distinction drunkards and locals couldn’t make.

5th of October, “-good evening, people of Hidros. Tonight is a special night, we have General Minerva on the show,” the camera panned, “-tell us, general, how did you win so affirmingly?”

“Comes down to disciple and order,” she answered, “-we’re bustling with starved younglings wanting to prove might in battle. Frankly, circumventing a force of their size would have been hard if conditions were off,” as she spoke, an unlikely duo watched. Mild crunches of popcorn, the warmth of cold feet under a blanket – the satisfaction of an awesome surround sound system and expensive television. Igna and Katherine watched, “-she’s talking nonsense,” said Igna, “-they don’t know why we truly won.”

“Why did you win?”

“Because we’re us,” he answered, “-animals hunt to survive, and we fight to live. There’s no greater pleasure than winning after countless defeats,” he went silent on Minerva resuming her speech, ‘-why did we win? Simple, we had intel, superior soldiers, advanced weaponry, and most of all, Minerva. She did cause trouble in the past, but at last, the goddess’ confidence has returned. To see it in action is a treat.’ Life in Hidros found its rhythm – stability rejoined the norm. Days turned weeks, which took steps into darting past years; X117 read proudly over the evolved nation of Hidros.

*Tap, tap,* ‘-morning already?’ darkness blinked onto long lashes and blond hair. An exposed Katherine coyly returned Igna’s gaze, her exposed status kept from cold air by a lavish blanket. Shuffles, Igna rolled over and faced the ceiling, Katherine warmly inched and laid her head over his chest, “-been two years,” she said, “-since I was taken as a prisoner. I dare say, Igna, you didn’t take me, but my soul and heart. Thank you for last night, the traumatic memories are replaced – I don’t feel so on edge anymore, I’m grateful, thank you.”

“Details,” he answered, “-whatever the future holds, I’m not one to decide,” he stood, “-I vehemently said, didn’t I? We’re engaged. Marriage won’t happen, I’ve had my share of heartaches – rather not experience those feelings again. To be honest,” he offered a helping hand, “-love at the end of the day, is but the want for companionship. Acceptance of the other’s flaws, faults, and inherit personality traits. Katherine,” he smiled, “-I know the past wanes heavy, we perhaps have a future together; emphasis on the perhaps.”

“I know,” they walked over to a window, she ambushed by a tight back embrace, “-and I don’t need more, greed isn’t good. I’m happy, you’ve stayed by my side, even though I’m tainted and worthless – I’m grateful. Igna,” she whispered, “-listen, if you want to take in a concubine or pursue other women, please go ahead...”

“Say it with conviction,” he held her arms, “-I rather not,” he replied, “-those who I loved have moved on, I don’t expect to have everything. Sometimes, it’s best to let go,” her heart echoed, an embedded chagrin read in his voice.

*Knock, knock,* echoed the door, “-majesty, are you awake?”

“Yeah, give us a moment,” he escaped into the balcony, allowing for Katherine to change and entertain the newly arrived guest, ‘-the sun, sand, and sea. No castle this time,’ breathed a relieved sigh, ‘-Plaustan, what a wonderful province. Meadows inland and beautiful beaches outward, aunt Elvira’s empire of resorts and hotels were mindful not to damage the natural beauty,’ dots jogged, some swam, and others simply stretched.

“Igna,” said Katherine in her soft and unassuming voice, “-come in.”

He entered to a surprise, “-my, Aceline...”

“Hey, Igna,” she threw awkward glances, meanwhile he observed.

“Honestly,” he stormed through the room and lifted her chin, “-the pride of Hidros should dawn her signature smile and face the world. We’re here to celebrate your wedding after all.”

“I know,” she grabbed his shoulder, “-time’s right to fade from the spotlight. Newer generation of stars are problematic and charismatic in their own way. I just-,” she looked up and darted, “-don’t want to have regrets.”

He stopped her advances and held her shoulder, “-Aceline, the past is the past. I don’t want to think about what-ifs. The life you lead now is yours, I apologize for my overwhelming selfishness. You know,” he woefully kept a strong stance, “-don’t you?”

“I know,” she stepped away, lowered her shoulders, “-I wish I didn’t.”

“Aceline, where are you?” muffled within the corridors, “-come out already.”

“Your future awaits,” said Igna, “-I wish you the best.”

“You too,” she unclenched her fist – her confident aura escaped, leaving Igna to drop onto a nearby seat.

“She’s the one?”

“Was the one,” he answered, “-not anymore.”

“She still loves you.”

“I know she does... I’m king, I have to show respect to her determination. Her feelings isn’t love, they’re fragments of an affection that never started on the right path. I won’t get in her way, not anymore. Aceline deserves happiness, her retirement and marriage will be a success,” he stood, the shaky feeling within eased, “-I have you,” he grabbed her hands, “-don’t dare think of yourself as a replacement. I made my choice on the day I announced our engagement. Katherine, would you?”

“Yes,” she tiptoed and gave a kiss, “-you’re always thinking about others, always hidden under a veil of terror and death. I love each side of you, the murderer, the cold tyrant, and my personal favorite, you.”

Pierrot, most expensive and lavish hotel in all of Plaustan. Elvira’s masterpiece and the hangout spot for many celebrities and elites, a night could easily fetch five months’ pay from a regular worker. Spread against the backdrop of the sunny Plaustan beach – the hotel had all sorts of activities, from drinking to gambling. Raven established themselves when Alphia grew inhabitable. Plaustan as a whole’s now known as the De Costle province of Hidros.

Igna and Katherine casually made the trip to a seaside restaurant. Not to take thunder from the bride, Katherine opted for a more unnoticeable outfit and makeup, still, the charm of a silent strong noble lady sufficed to entertain lustful regards. “Majesty,” hailed éclair, “-please join us,” a long table stretched, “-please do,” added others.

‘Minister’s grown friendlier,’ scanned the king, “-where are Alta and the others?”

“Helping the bride,” returned Eira, “-brother,” she changed seats, “-hey,” said a gentle whisper, “-don’t lie. What’s the matter?”


“Arie, why are you here?”

“My apologies, my lady, the young lady was quite troublesome this morning.”

“It’s fine,” she replied, “-come here, Arie,” settled on Eira’s lap, “-thank you, take a break and enjoy yourself.” Chatter and laughter overtook the table, “-Igna?”

“There’s nothing wrong,” returned the king, “-let’s celebrate.” As the day progressed, many familiar faces hopped into sight, Malley, Julius, and their twins were spotted running in circles, “-having kids is hard,” he complained. “-It’s half my fault and half yours,” quipped Malley, “-stop being a wuss and catch them already.” The comedy routine continued with a drunken Ela dragging a step-ladder into the lagoon. Minerva and éclair scratched their heads, “-what are you doing?”

“Watch and see,” she climbed and jumped, letting an “-ouch,” after resurfacing, “-DAMN IT!” They could but explode in laughter. A distant rumble of pleading workers, “-my lord, tis not made for the sea.”

“Get on, will you,” a golf cart passed by, “-MASTER!” cried Asmodeus’ party of Mammon, Beelzebub, and Sathanas. They escaped at a jogging pace from a horde of man-eaters, striped bikinis, and weaponized shells, “-faster,” cried a higher-pitched Beelzebub, “-we move, we move!” Yonder, at a squint and aid by the lens; Yui was spotted piloting a helicopter with Shanna, Courtney, and Elvira.

“Hey,” said a familiar voice, “-long time no see,” a well-built Elon dropped at Igna’s side, “-want something to drink?”

“I have my share,” he tapped a cooler box, “-everyone’s having fun.”

“Yeah, I saw Starix and the others earlier – they sure are excited about her wedding.”

“Who wouldn’t be,” he smiled, “-it’s a private but massive event. We’ve earnt the rest.”

“Certainly,” worried glances landed, “-Igna, are you okay?”

“I’m doing just fine. Why’s everyone worried suddenly?”

“Well, I’m not one to judge, but...”


“The smile feels out of place.”

“Oh this?” he opened his mouth, “-I cut myself yesterday, damned thing was injured by an anti-healing syringe. Let me tell you, my fiancé has some weird taste when love-making is concerned.”

“Are my fetishes that strange?” returned a blank but murderous smile, “-Igna?”

*Gulp,* “-I didn’t mean anything bad by it. Have a seat already,” he slide, to which the gorgeous Katherine sat, putting emphasis on her long legs, locking her curves behind a tame hoodie, “-everyone keeps looking. Didn’t realize your fame, Igna...”

“Actually, they’re looking at you.’



Elon smiled, “-I guess you’re fine,” he stood and leaned, “-she’s fucking hot,” said a discreet mumble.



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