The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 970

Chapter 970: Heart-to-Heart

“Different,” commented Miira, “-I didn’t expect such a level of craftmenship.”

“Don’t be surprised,” he guided the goddess, passed halls, turned to pick the scenic route until an arching doorway. Here, locked behind a thick curtain, Igna softly passed the latter, clicked the lock, and pushed. A warm breeze burst, catching Miira’s outfit by surprise, “-warm,” said a calmer expression. They settled on a terrace. Sky brimmed nicely, maids hesitantly brought meals and drinks. Some passed knowing glances at Igna, ‘-who is she?’ were the curious regards. Igna nodded, asking for the curiosity to be maintained.

“How have you been?”

“Normal,” he returned, “-Miira, I won’t play these games. Tell me,” he inched forward, placing his hand on a warm cup, “-what’s the matter? Tis a first, you came to me for help, I’ll do anything I can.”

“Igna,” she stopped whatever fa?ade formed, “-why do you think of us so highly. I’m not daft,” her observant pupils leaped between his shoulders, “-there are three sharing the same body. No, they control different sides of the personage known as Igna Haggard. Tell me, who are you, do you know who you are, what is your purpose, what about the others, ask yourself, are you truly you or just an illusion brought by the other yous’?”

“Slow down,” he rose his hands, “-too little too great of yous’,” he sipped, “-if it’ll calm thy mind, then here’s a short answer. I’m Igna Haggard, the third incarnation of an entity shunned by reality. My personality spawns from the depths of Alfred’s rejection of fate. The uncaringness to kill and take lives spawns not from Staxius, but rather, is carried from the first incarnation. There’s little difference to who I am now. Honestly, saying we three are different is awfully wrong. We’re one of the same, a linear path of evolution. Despite this, I myself, am no finished product. I highly doubt we to become complete. Rejects may fight, rebels may revolt; the all-encompassing normalization of the worlds shall always hammer the nail that sticks. As for these two,” shadows manifested, “-they’re present and part of me. No one controls the other, the relationship is unconditional love and hatred for our collective prize and regrets. I did say short, and such is my final answer. I am, who I am, no one dictates who or what I stand for.”

“See,” she smiled, “-conviction and pride in what thee represents. The answers were clean and precise. I can’t match said level.”


“Tell me more,” he said.

“Haven’t answered my question. Why do you think of us so highly?”

“On the simple reason that I trust my guardian deities. I do an awful job at hiding my standards. Goddesses, especially you, Miira, have controlled and maintained the birth of a new world. Staxius’s ultimate goal and I say so with confidence. The Shadow Realm had always been the only thing he wished for. A place for rest and peace, a place far from himself, the memories of a little kid forced onto a battlefield. My dreams are plagued by nightmares. I vividly experience events that I wish I had never known. Torture, and abuse, he was forced to stand for a week as a mage’s plaything. How could someone keep their sanity, and how can I brush off the matter as if it were normal? Then there’s Gophy, Intherna, you, Miira, and Lilith, people who I know to trust. Amazing people, I look up to you as a person, not as the title of a guardian deity. I’ve always thought of thee as my friends – however, my being weak felt rude and presumptuous to act casually. Instead, I chose to keep a formal and quaint relationship. There needs not to be unnecessary harm done. I know it’s stupid. Deep down, I have respect and admiration for you all. Our strength and power, the ability to rival heaven and hell – it’s your hard work and courage, not me, not mine. I just wanted a simple life for my guardian deities. I’ve come to realize I’m a whimsically selfish person – who’d adopt and soon abandon a child on mere fancy. Tis one of my greatest flaws; self-acceptance is the path to salvation. Many events spell out what I should do and work on. Even now, this discussion is supposed to be focused on you, and yet, the way you stare, the way I’ve grabbed thy attention... it’s, it’s unsettling.”

Her focus shook, “-you’re right,” she said snapping from the deep concentration, “-Igna, have you gotten better in using Dark-Arts?”

“No,” he replied, “-Dark-arts has long faded from my skillset. What I possess is experience of decades of,” he paused, “-pardon my French,” exhaled, “-bullshitting.”

“Good ability to have,” she said, “-convincing a goddess is no easy task,” part of her reservations erased, “-I appreciate it. Pouring your heart out like that requires courage.”

“Yeah,” he sipped, ‘-great way to make another talk.’

“I shall begin where we sent Yuria and the others to Draebala. We asked them to create a stronghold for when the day comes when the Shadow Realm decides to reclaim, we’ll easily march to said destination. Alas, we underestimated how cruel the place was, and I did something ungodly. I know people in Draebala, old acquaintances from my days working with Kronos and Scifer, don’t forget, said realm is the dominion of Kronos. It began innocently, I had them send reports – willingly placed a young adventurer in their path. A demi-god of sorts, I won’t go into details on who he is or what he stands for. Tis a story for him to narrate. The more I read, the darker I felt; they undermined how dangerous Draebala is. Winning battles whilst on the verge of death, calling onto their restricted abilities in times of need. Using the Shadow Realm’s vastness is a favor granted to only the blessed. They fought time and time again, clawed their way across difficult quests – laughed and played, when matters worsened, call onto us for help. What’s the point of establishing a stronghold if one were to constantly contact their leaders for information. There’s no opportunity for self-growth, it was the complete opposite of when we watched your journey. A talented warrior who slaughters on a whim. Choosing the path of diplomacy lest the situation demands the signature Haggard treatment. We watched the struggles, should have been there when Intherna had her army of phoenix warriors ready to invade. You never called for us, never acted upon our promise of mutual aid. To see you win after many failures, accepting you’re losses. Death of Aceline, the entire realm felt it, a pain so heavy a hurricane washed over the capital. Guess I wanted my student to experience the same level of grit and sense of accomplishment. There’ll come a time when they’ll stop and reflect. I shudder. They’ll see how they won by relying on their masters; never able to break the title of student. Compared to them, we have Draconis, Raphael, Vanesa, and Saniata – the four children of the one. They’ve taken a fundamentally different approach; one the resembling yours,” her hands trembled as more words came, “-then, I decided to act. They needed a lesson,” she bit her own lips, straining her visage to remember the dubious act, “-I-I asked for Vesper,” she exhaled, “-I asked for her to stage a play where worshippers of the dark-gods would take up residence and act upon their vices. She did so discreetly – the plan came to pass yesterday. Yuria’s dignity was defiled, the traumatic sight facing Kaleem and Cora, seeing their companion be violated. A blessed can’t refute a goddess’s blessing. Yuria saw fit to distance herself from the mark. They knew, the goddesses knew. None seemed particularly angry, I don’t know why... that’s,” she exhaled, “-that’s why I’m at a loss. What’s right, what’s wrong, were my action truly justified, or did I abuse my power. Tell me, how can you come to terms with the actions thee’ve made? How to deal, how to deal...” her voice faded on the cycle, “-I’m lost,” she melted into the seat and stared at the vacant skyscape. Reflection of blue upon her eyes poetically told what she felt inside. Each flutter felt soft, her sharp lashes stood emptily, like withered trees bordering a lonely lake. In said instant, the reflected blue turned dark – becoming the very lake her lashes bordered.

“Enough,” added Igna, “-what’s right and wrong? who cares, the very idea is subjective. What’s there to think when an action’s already come to pass. I won’t blame you; such is why the others didn’t ask questions. They know what had to be done, a necessity. If tis reassurance, then, I’m afraid, I can’t grant it. The only one who can... is you. Me saying, ‘I’d have done the same,’ would be superficial, and we both know it doesn’t stand to those who bear greater responsibility. I won’t reassure you, however, I’ll say this – to learn, one must fall. The greater the fall, the stronger the struggle, in the end, the more one fights, the thicker grows their skin. Look here, Miira,” they crossed glances, “-Draebala’s on the verge of war. I don’t know when, I don’t know how – titans have made themselves a nice continent south. The god of titan, Artanos, God of knowledge, wants the Sickle of time. We met one another, we’re cut from the same cloth, such as the feeling I had. It felt like I was looking in a mirror, not me, but what I was to become. I’m not ashamed to admit it... I was scared, terrified even. He had walked the same path I did. Aceline died because of me – indirectly but true. Such the reason why I’m here,” he exhaled, “-the new world, so speaks the local gazette. What I see is an exploitative newfound mine. Fortune is to be made – and here, I suggested Artanos set up camp, and he listened. I must know the intentions before a move is made. Miira, Draebala’s out of my reach, I’m ill-equipped to stroll into a new dimension and start anew. As a friend, I request this from the Shadow Realm; establish a stronghold and train our soldiers. Ready everyone for the eventuality of war. When time’s nigh for battle, I promise to lead our realm into battle. Aapith was lost to Alfred, godhood was lost to Staxius – I won’t stand to lose what’s precious to me.”

“The request,” she finished her drink, “-won’t be accepted by me. It’ll be they who make us proud.”

“All I wanted to hear,” he smiled, they both headed towards the balustrade, a faint moment of silence allowed for normalcy.

“Igna, I’m glad we spoke. Putting everything into words, I’m light, I feel at ease.”

“Feels good to have a heart-to-heart...”

“Corny,” they laughed, “-honestly, Igna, you’re amazing. I’m glad we’re on the same team.”

“If only it was that simple,” he mumbled.

“What you say?”

“Nothing, just doing some thinking.”

“Well, I should get going,” a portal opened, “-until we meet again, Igna.”

“So long, Goddess Miira,” she stopped midway, spun and charged, ambushing Igna with a peck on the lips, “-not Goddess, we stand more to gain as equals,” she winked, “-Lilith’s not the only one who gets to have fun,” goddess left with a joyous smile.

“Seriously?” he blinked, finding himself on the terrace floor, ‘-equals she says. First Lilith, now her,’ he laid, watching the sky, ‘-we’re not all on the same page, Miira, at least, not all of us.’

A portal rematerialized, “-Miira?”

“Gophy?” she squinted, “-what are you doing here this late?”

“Nothing,” she returned nervously, “-what’s with you anyway?”

“Nothing,” returned Miira equally nervous, “-went on a little excursion is all,” the awkward exchange ended. The portal room’s tranquility returned – though it had been dark, ‘-why was she wearing lingerie under her nightgown?’

‘Why was she in such a good mood?’ they parted in the corridor. A soothing resonance shook her core, ‘-my love, I wait so dearly for thy touch...’

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