The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 983

Chapter 983: Yumi Haggard

“Igna, Igna, Igna.”

“Awake,” he replied, “-I’m awake, no need for a scene.”

“Igna, finally,” said a troubled expression.

“Yes, I’m alive,” he sat straight and faced the cold outside, “-did I pass out for long?”

“No,” she said, “-you didn’t.”

“Right,” he slid off the bed swiftly and slithered into the sandals to an echoey corridor.

Syhton remained still. ‘-why did he have that expression?’


*Knock,* “-the lady said she doesn’t wish to speak,” carried across the doorway. The lock clicked, “-don’t fault me for wanting to see my fiance,” he entered, leaving the attendant astonished. Her lips spasmed, “-don’t mind it,” he said softly, “-may we have a private moment?” She carried on outside, shutting the door and skipping by the way her shoes sang. Katherine sat under a comfy blanket. Her face, was ever so pure and her aura stagnant. There laid an air of intrigue to the way she glanced. Her empty stare landed on Igna, no response.

A muffled drop followed; someone fell. ‘-Why,’ went across his mind, ‘-why... am I never to experience...’ he stared at the carpet coldly. Being so low to the ground reflected his state of mind. There was nothing else to be added. The world’s many stimuli faded to only the dangerous quips of the inner thoughts. A painful memory returned. The last instance of the battle, at a time when the shadows returned and the bloodied vision eased. Associated pain of torn limbs forced a cringe; a failing comparison to what he saw. The malicious Artanos sought to bring Katherine back to life, but the question of if she had died or not remained unsolved. A familiar spell, Rend, was cast, not before the lass dropped to her knees beside Igna. She screamed and cried – the voices never reached. He watched as if a silent movie – seeing the one he vowed his empty seat cry crystal tears. Her figure, soon overshadowed by an Artanos’ taller stature, plastered himself at her back. He rose an arm to Katherine’s head; she gave no reaction.

Silence, Rend was cast – her body toppled and he lost consciousness.

“Katherine?” he rose a dulled mien, “-can you hear or understand me?”


“Do you know my name?”


“Do you know your name?”


“What is your name?”


“What else do you remember?”

“I was told to remain quiet by the lovely lady who cares for me.”

“Anything catches your fancy?”

“Am I royalty?”

“Yes, does that surprise you?”

“I suppose,” and on the last syllable, her lovely locks turned right – the sky outside shifted into a growing thunderstorm, “-where you close to me?” she asked.

“I guess you were,” he returned, “-we were engaged to be married,” he closed the distance and sat beside her bed, “-tell me, Katherine, you don’t need to carry this burden alone.”

“Wow,” she blinked, “-how could I have possibly become engaged to a man like you?”

“Ah, the slow burning question,” he said in jest, “-Behold, a king?”

“A king?” she chuckled, “-please, I know kings are far more fearsome... I don’t know, I guess some part of me feels kind of, I don’t know, relieved?”

“Katherine, listen,” the voice lowered, “-if I surmise correctly, you lost your memories?”

“I guess,” she replied, “-I don’t remember much of anything. It’s frightening. Waking up to an unfamiliar place, unfamiliar area, and unfamiliar faces. You sat there doing nothing, the feeling is all so strange. I mean, I don’t know anything. You’re left to the mercy of a stranger, to the mercy of another... everyone here is all so kind. She gave me books and this,” a phone laid on her bedside, “-I mean, I knew what they were and used them effortlessly... it’s very strange.”

“It is very strange,” he returned, “-and honestly, I guess it’s for the best.”


“Drop the look of suspicion,” he exhaled, “-your memory loss is my fault. We were ambushed by an enemy; I couldn’t protect you. The truth, do you want to hear what sort of person you were before, from a subjective perspective?”


“Katherine Goldberg had a dark past. A war shattered the unity of the realm,” he continued explaining, her affectionate gaze deepened the more he spoke. Intrigue, drama, and death – he spoke true and reached the near end, “-despite all that, you remained strong and fought, ultimately agreeing for a political marriage. You’d unite the noble faction and I would unite Hidros. Those plans are out the window,” he smiled, “-even if you regain your memories, there’s nothing to unite. Hidros’ is already fragmented by the arrival of enemies on our northern coast. Here’s my word of advice, Katherine – you’re free to leave.”


“Don’t hide it,” he laughed, “-you’re free to leave and forge a new way in life. Find new love and live a fulfilling life. In a way, I’m saying to forgo thy past and forge ahead.”

“My memories,” she said, “-they might come back... then, then, maybe?”

“No,” he shook his head, “-the spell used destroyed every single memory you had. There’s no rebuilding a shattered glass. Such’s the truth of our world,” he rose a gaze to the sky, “-Katherine, for my sake, for the sake of the promise I made, would you consider my offer?”

“Of starting again?” she narrowed, her hands strained a little around her phone.

‘A tell,’ he toggled the interface’s infiltrating capabilities, ‘-the institute of Arts and Craft,’ read the last visited page, “-my offer extends to enrollment at a university of plain or manual labor. The sky’s the limit,” he said confidently.

“Then,” pushed her phone over, “-I would like to enter this place!”

“A university... doable,” he smiled, “-on one condition.”


“A retainer will remain at your side; no memories and all, life can be tough without knowing commonsense.”

“Is that all?”

“No, you ought to dye your hair and change how it’s styled.”

“So I don’t get recognized?”

“I guess,” he smiled, “-as long as you’re happy with the terms – I’ll have the arrangements made. You’ll have an apartment and a car to make the journey to and fro easier. How about it, Katherine?”


“What is it?”

“Katherine Goldberg,” she gulped, “-I don’t know that person... please, may I have a new name?”

“Yeah, it’ll be no trouble.”

“Yumi,” she said, “-you pick the family name.”

“Family name,” he narrowed, “-Haggard?”

“Yumi Haggard... okay, that’s fine by me.”

“Thus, it’s settled,” he smiled, “-Yumi, from today onward, thou art a member of the royal family, Haggard. My cousin is from a distant family. No need to worry, I’ll have a few of my people create a legend of Yumi. Learn the ways of the palace until the paperwork is finished. Experiment and have fun around the capital, after all, you are a member of the prestigious Haggard dynasty.”

Two sides to a coin – one poisoned by darkness and the other, propped by a caring light. Katherine’s room shut; a glimpse of her joyous expression hung until the door closed. Igna exited, he carried an expression of nothingness.

*Click,* “-welcome back?”

“Syhton,” he paused, “-still here?”

“I mean, yeah?” she narrowed, “-I was waiting.”

“I guess it’s fair,” the balcony door slid.

“Did something happen?”

“Suppose I owe thee an explanation,” he recounted what transpired. The burden of truth stacked upon her weakened heart – the more he spoke, the greater seemed her fault and ultimately, as the devil concluded his soliloquy, a single tear dropped.

“A disappointment,” he echoed, “-what a disappointment. The world at large knows nothing about their existence. They lead simple lives guided by ups and downs, faced with challenges they can overcome. For us, there’s no learning from a mistake – the latter might spell disaster for our realm. Everyone at the castle is hardworking and talented. The ministries, expand and gain more offices depending on the population’s needs. Our coffers have grown exponentially and public fate in the crown and government has been exemplary. I couldn’t have wished for a greater result...” he gripped the balustrade, “-then why, why do I feel like shit!” he hammered upon the marble barrier, “-why don’t I feel a sense of accomplishment. Look around, the capital’s expanded and grown marvelously prosperous. The place is the new entertainment hub of the world – the successor of Odgawoan. Why then, why do I feel nothing... why me?” he sat and headbutted the railings, “-why me, why me?”


“I’m sorry,” he stared at the sky and sighed, “-don’t worry, I need a moment.”

Therein, warm fingers ran along to a tight embrace, “-what now?” he asked with a cold tone, “-Syhton, don’t,” he warned for her fingers meandered around his chest with intent of more.

“Why not,” her warm forehead rested against his back, “-why don’t you take advantage of the situation... am I not attractive enough?”

“Shut up,” he said, “-attractiveness’s worth nothing in the greater state of things. How can a goddess feel insecure about her looks – it comes with the title. Honestly, Syhton, I don’t know where this feeling hails, I beg of you, stop it,” the last words, ‘-stop it,’ came forth as a dying beast’s last howl. Nails dug into his skin, she flung around and knelt facing him, “-don’t brush me off so easily,” she grabbed his chin, “-do you forget who I am?” her eyes flashed a beautiful light-blue, “-I’m no ordinary goddess,” she grabbed his collar and pulled, licking his ears and whispering, “-I don’t care.”

He placed a hand as if a barrier, “-goddess Syhton, I’m warning you, if this is a ploy, it best stops for when I do call thy bluff, there might be more to repay than mere words.”

“Call it my taking advantage of a heartbroken teen,” she smiled deviously, “-I’ve sold my soul to the devil – you know everything about me. Why search far and wide when what thee can have is here, in front of you,” she leaned for a kiss stopping millimeters from his lips, “-am I not good enough?”

‘Why am I hesitating...’ *thud,* the innards tore, “-stop holding back!” cried a thunderous echo, “-THIRD INCARNATION, STOP ACTING LIKE A BITC-”

He took the initiative and closed the last remaining distance. A burning warmness eroded from Syhton’s jaded heart – her teasing, her coyness, ‘-so passionate,’ they stopped and gazed enviously, she blinked invitingly – Igna obliged.

“Igna, tell me now,” she laid face up on the bed, “-how serious are you?”

“As thee said,” he loomed atop of her, “-taking advantage of a heartbroken teen. I did say,” he leaned closer, “-when I do call a bluff, it’s usually when I’m certain of victory.”

“Devil,” she giggled – the curtains drew and the locked firmed. Hours would pass until noon spoke upon the clock. A teary-eyed Igna snoozed peacefully – Syhton turned over and sat, her feet within Igna’s slippers, ‘-he did call my bluff,’ she blushed, ‘-what am I to do now,’ her whole body shivered, butterflies turned her stomach, ‘-why did I have to intervene,’ she covered her mouth in amusement, ‘-my first time was with a devil... I always heard about how great it felt. Other goddesses always went on about how they felt satisfied. So much for the virtuous title...’

“I’m awake,” said an abrupt proclamation, “-Syhton, seriously,” he facepalmed, “-I’m sorry, emotions got the better...”

“Don’t worry,” she smiled with childish glee, “-I’m glad it happened. You seem more you...”


“Man,” he laughed, “-I feel like such a baby,” and went around to where she sat, “-did you manipulate me into this?”

“What makes you say that,” she leaned in deviously, “-very rude to accuse a lady,” her face carried a warmth he’d yearn to see.

“I mean,” he returned a similarly coy look, “-the virtuous are always the more devious.”

“My, then, the devil has nothing to fear.”

“Oh please,” he held her hands, “-manipulation or not, thank you. Even if we didn’t, I’d have said thank you.”

“Don’t worry,” she leaned and hugged, “-I did forge a pact with the devil.”

“That you did, and I’ve come to recollect,” he pushed her onto the bed again, “-care for an encore?”

“I was waiting when.”

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