The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 986

Chapter 986: Unidentified Victim

“Addressing the elephant in the room. Igna, why is Katherine not present?”

“Yeah, I’d like to know more.”

“We deserve an answer.”

“Can’t run away forever. Here’s the full story,” the ministers listened with great interest. No stones left untouched, no details hidden, he spoke as it happened, “-she lost her memories. Artanos is one of the greatest foes I have ever faced. He’s thinking and the god of knowledge.”

“And?” narrowed Eira, “-we have Origin and Nexsolium.”

“Sister, we shan’t fail,” he said, “-long as the world isn’t shattered, we yet have a chance.”

A troubled call interrupted the meeting, “-I ought to take this,” said Minerva.


“Meeting’s over, no need for such an expression,” narrowed Ela, “-I don’t get what’s with Plaustan all of the sudden. Feels like they were forced to act.”

“There are many kinds of people, some of the words, little of the action. One concrete rule combines the two; urgency.”

“They didn’t look hurried,” added an astute Eira, “-on the matter of the regency.”

“Yes, I know. I’ll take to my duties. Thank you for the help, sister.” One tête-à-tête displaced for another.

“Trouble,” added Minerva, “-crime’s risen in popularity. The coroner’s office called, and another body was found – this time, an unidentified female.”

“Perhaps I should give a helping hand,” said Igna, “-is there anything to do against the mounting trouble?”

“Noble faction?”


“Could always kill them,” shrugged Ela, “-they already hate my guts since I forced many of their schemes to light. We’re a stronger nation without them,” she said an unspoken truth, “-what should we do, majesty?”

“Ignore them,” he added vehemently, “-focus our efforts on gathering allies. Easel Run Gard, Arda and Marinda. Let’s foster deeper relationships. Lady Eira, as the one responsible for such tasks; please see to it.”

“Understood,” she returned, “-good to finally return.”

“Us, my lord?”

“Civil war,” he added, “-there’s merit in the man’s word. Not necessarily on our land – any of the provinces may falter. Let’s stabilize the issue before it grows out of hand.”

Alas, where Igna walked – trouble followed. A loud crash signified a heavy entrance. éclair’s demeanor changed to terror. A lady of sharp and stern feathers entered. Her eye never once broke from the prime minister, not until Igna side-stepped onto the linear path.

“My lady Empress Lia.”

“Oh Igna,” she grabbed his hand, “-please, Igna, I do very much need help.”

“I’m here to listen,” he softly said, “-the meeting’s dismissed. Please, everyone, let’s make Hidros better than anything before.”

King and empress exited audible range, “-he seems changed?” added Eira with a hint of suspicion.

“I don’t think much has changed,” added Ela, “-when he spoke earlier – my memories of good ol’ Staxius returned. It was nostalgic and scary. I get shivers thinking about it.”

“Not that great a deal,” followed éclair, “-we should get back to work. The king’s back on duty,” they turned expecting Minerva’s response... “-where’s she?” nothing.

A bleak room made to serve lower guests soon held the fragrance of pastries and good drinks. Igna had himself seated comfortably opposite Lia, a lady who jumped at a mere tap. “-shall we begin?” he sipped, “-lady Lia, before anything is said, might I inquire to why thee haven’t asked for a return home?” he observed, ‘-her expression changed when I mentioned home,’ thus a picture began to grow.

“Home’s not home.”

“Well, who am I to judge,” said a comforting smile, “-forget I ever brought it up.”

“O-okay, well, Igna, the thing is,” she shivered before even grabbing her cup, “-I don’t know how to say this... I think I’m pregnant.”

“Pregnant?” he paused, ‘-oh don’t tell me,’ wheels and cogs churned, ‘-éclair...’

“I think I know who the father is,” she sniffled, “-my husband and I have tried to conceive for so long. Everyone said the problem lies with me, not the emperor. They said my soil wasn’t fertile, a barren woman stripped of her only duty. The pain and resentment I suffered as a result... why me, why me, I’m not barren, my womb isn’t worthless. I’m destined to be a mother,” and in those words, a comforting smile exuded, “-I feel at ease, I feel great. I wasn’t the problem; it was him, he deserves the blame, not I.”

“Hold on a moment.”


“You’re keeping the baby?”

“Well,” she blinked, “-yes?” returned blankly as if an offense to her pride as a woman.

“In all good conscience, I’m afraid keeping the child isn’t a possibility. When the truth gets out, an international conflict may be brought to pass. If the child is born male, he’ll have a nice claim over the throne regardless of being a bastard or not.”


“Then, you surely understand the secret might be life or death, yes?”

“Yeah,” she exhaled, “-I know what I did was stupid. Hidros’ been nothing but kind.”

“Well, if you’re determined to keep the baby, there’s a way.”


“It involves a deception that’ll last a lifetime.”


“The baby isn’t éclairs’. Tis the emperor’s child. Long as he takes after you in look – we won’t have an issue. I’m sure his child will have features of a typically Iqeavean baby.”

Amidst the discussion, a curious Minerva found herself at the coroner’s office. The guards saluted her entrance, immediately to guide inwards. “-as you see,” they reported, “-the victim count’s only increased. They’re all budding new starlets, or perhaps those of reported involvement in the musical academy. Either that or we have a serial killer who lusts after women. Can’t tell for now – the recognizing features were all destroyed in some way, leaving on the head. Even with that, there’s nothing to link...”

“Excuse me,” said two men dressed in patrol uniform, “-this young boy here has something to confirm.”

“Patrice...” the coroner rose his hands, “-I told you, the morgue is no place for a casual visit. Look, tis about time thee learns.”

“Not here on a social visit,” said the larger man, “-my boy here thinks he’s onto something.” With the lifeless body – the long-vested expression – Minerva found herself drawn to the victim as did the rookie.

“Never mind,” sighed the rookie, “-not her, I thought, well, it’s fine. I do beg your pardon for any affronts I might have caused.”

“You’re fine,” said the coroner – the metallic block closed, both figures passed a reinforced window and disappeared.

“Maybe!” fired the coroner hanging his phone, “-we have got a new missing person’s report. A lady by the name of Celina,” Minerva’s face dropped to pensive gaze, ‘-starlets, related to the musical academy, a serial murderer? No, it doesn’t add up,’ a noiseless shuffle had her peering onto the clean-shaven head, “-ITS HER!”


“IT’S HER!” she cried and ran out of the morgue. Wouldn’t be long until the room held Igna, Minerva, and Elvira, “-she’s dead,” he watched emptily, “-Celina’s dead. Where was she found?” the coroner did his due, “-what’s the cause of death?”

“Drug overdose and trauma to the head,” he added, “-besides from that, I found nothing to point at foul-play.”

“Right, I’ll handle the rest. Minerva,” ire-filled regard turned, “-have him on the case. I want the fucker apprehended and brought before my throne.”

The car door shut emptily; rain dripped. ‘-If it’s not one thing...’ the palace rose in the way distance. Outside noise hailed silently.

The king’s office opened loudly, “-MAJESTY!” cried éclair, “-have you heard?”

“About Lia?”


“Correct, she’s expecting, and you’re not the father,” he added harshly.

“But she said...”

“-And I firm, you’re not the father. Tell me, éclair, what would possess thee to have intercourse with the empress. Okay, no, tis the wrong question. Intercourse is none of my business. Long as there’s no proof, none’s harmed. Could have at least used a condom, yeah?”

“Why the need for protection when she wanted me to melt...”

“No more,” he held his head, “-enough. There are more pressing matters at hand. éclair, consider yourself lucky,” he smiled, “-nothing’s worse than a secret as dastardly as knowing ones’ isn’t one’s own.”

“What about Lia,” the tranquility spawned doubt, “-what have thee done to her?”

“Don’t worry,” he said, “-the empress’s on her way home. She took my private jet and is on her way to Iqeavea. To make certain her plan works – she’ll have to convince the empress that her babe is theirs. éclair,” he leaned into the desk, “-you’re very sly, aren’t you?”

“Figured my master would soon catch on,” he took a seat and breathed, “-I apologize for the outburst.”

“Playing the game to see if I took the hint. My trusted companion, I understood the moment whispers of the rendezvous took the castle. It was nice while it lasted, I do hope her companionship was adequate.”

“Well, if I were to voice my opinions – I’d compare her to a lifeless sack of ice.”

“Crude but accurate,” he sipped, “-the seed for the revolution’s been planted. éclair, thee seeks for a long game. One in which Hidros is to rise above the world and take Iqeavea by force. The claim over one’s bloodline.”

“Most effective in a state where one’s belonging matters far more than one’s merit.”

“The complete opposite of Hidros. Tis settled – the Lia matter shan’t be spoken of.”

“I appreciate the help, majesty.”

“Anything for my companion,” the office door shut anew. Igna rose and lit a cigarette, ‘-the worse part is nigh,’ he puffed, threw on a coat, and left the premises. Passing traffic on a motorbike seemed easier as to take a car.

Gnah university, ‘-this brings back memories.’ Many cautious looks ended in his direction – a snap easily erased his presence – leaving the students in wonder, ‘-who was that?’ giggles and chatter displaced for music and silence. A disparity in outfits – quality, texture, and branding, ‘-smells of the rich,’ he stopped and stared, ‘-music’s little more than the passing fancy of the nobles. A clear divide within the campus – why do they even bother,’ he passed two closely distant buildings – an alley stretched beyond the dark. “-why don’t you try this,” a group accosted a lonesome figure.

“What’s that?” they inquired brazenly.

“Something that’ll really make you fly,” added a charismatic response, “-why don’t you try it, princess. Allow me to take thee to Elysium.”


“Please, I rather have my nails done,” she fired, “-get away from me.”

“No, doesn’t work that way,” the figures blocked off the exit, “-if you don’t buy, I’m afraid we ought to get rough.”

“Please,” her tone deadened, “-weaklings like you aren’t worth the trouble,” various hues flashed, “-scurry on home to daddy,” added the short but strong stature. Princess Lizzie exited with a shake of the head, “-bunch of idiots.”

‘Seems the supposed dealers were noble heirs. What even is this place?’ he unassumingly locked onto the princess, deactivating the erase presence. The ruthless pianist side-glared, “-what are you looking at?” she stormed, each footstep resounded – giving the impression of tremors, “-not from around here... creep.” Adjacent chatter commented unfavorably, “-between her beauty and her terror, those who stare are the brave...”

“Yeah, feel bad for the new guy.”

Igna could but watch, every word she said fell on muted ears, “-LIZZIE,” he rushed into an embrace followed by a twirl, “-you’re alive!”

“BROTHER!” she melted within his arms, “-you came, you actually came!”

“YEAH,” the twirl ended, alas, the world kept spinning – having the duo shortly fall upon the stone brick walkway. “-why are you here?” she asked.

“Can’t I pay a visit?”

“Never said that,” they stood, “-it’s rare for you to come out the palace nowadays.”

“Work’s pretty harsh,” he commented, “-what was that before?”

“You mean the ambush?”

“Yeah, a lot of young girls have been accosted by creeps posing as drug dealers. Don’t know what the deal is, thought I’d investigate.”


“And what, I kicked ass,” she clenched her arms, “-I’m strong!”

“No doubt you are,” he returned, ‘-yeah, she’s truly Staxius’s child. Bearer of his blood – the power inside her body is unfathomable... I wonder if.’

“No,” she returned,”-I’ve rejected the boon of godhood. Goddess Syhton came to me long ago and wanted to bestow her symbol – I said no, wasn’t interested and she pursued no further.”

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