The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 994

Chapter 994: Advent of Disaster

A parade of officers lined the roads between castle and city. The hill climb thought of as the fictitious stairway to heaven, dulled into what seemed rows of lined fences. The air breathed crisply. Guests of honors, envoys from the Wracian Empire, had made their way onto Hidros. It was a first, and considering the event – media outlets were quick on the scene. Clicks of the camera – the hastened pace of a reporter, the shyness of young journalists – the think shielded car rode as if a turtle. Flashes and heightened noise – the tainted windows shielded most – rendered a quiet and docile interior. Riaz threw his unimpressed gaze outward; at brief intervals would gaze at the rear-view mirror, casting an air of suspect upon the driver.

“To prime minister Riaz, we wish you a very warm welcome,” the doors opened to an entourage of elegantly dressed personnel. He exited and scanned, ‘-everyone was dressed sharply and has the aura of accomplishment. Suppose I’d be happy working under a great leader too,’ he thought and continued, up the stairs and into the open arms of the inner palace.

“Prime minister,” the two locked eyes further inside, “-it’s a pleasure to formally meet.”

“The pleasure is all mine,” to which éclair passed Riaz and stood as to shield the latter from the other crowd, “-you may retreat,” he said at the guards, “-we’ll take it from here. Please, guards to lord Riaz, make yourself at home.” The cloudy instruction led to both guard details exchanging greetings under a peculiarly lit chandelier. Wracian escorts’ faces opened effortlessly – thoughts and emotions laid bare.

Before he knew it, Riaz, without noticing the change in demeanor, was swept off his guard and forced inside to a somberly decorated hallway, “-quite the taste,” he let a comment.

“Compliments ought be addressed to the retainers,” added éclair, “-Lord Riaz, I hate to cut the pleasantries short, perhaps you’d be so kind as to entertain my curiosity?”

“éclair of Hidros, you sharpen to the point as the story has recounted. I’m honestly pleased to witness the singlemindedness.”


The quip begot no response – he was simply led to an ‘out-of-the-way,’ office. Inside was a simplistic arrangement of furniture; no strange presence either for complete seclusion reigned.

They sat face to face, Riaz’s expression was hard to read. éclair, doubly so. “I’ll get to the point,” began Riaz, “-I’d like to thank Hidros’s hospitality. Our empress has returned home safely. We were afraid of news of her airplane crash. Never expected the devil of a king to be present for her rescue. We’re extremely grateful for the good deed shown. Hidros and Wracia have been on opposite ends since the turn of the century. Once Hidros broke her shackles... history lessons are not needed, my point is simple, we’re not on the greatest of terms. However, I see matters grow and change; petty squabbles are a daily occurrence. We who reign from above must know to ignore the pointless arguments and focus on the greater picture. Getting lost in the details is one way to lose sight of the world. Let’s bring the topic to her imperial majesty; our palace practically leaped – she’s expecting a child from our emperor,” the tone deadened, “-alas, as prime minister, leader of the other ministers, I can’t share in celebrations. After countless years, why would she return home, they knew nothing was to happen – and by what seemed a miracle, our withered tree bore a flower. What does it all mean? My head, my cynical side – everything pointed to Hidros. There was a strong possibility her child to be a bastard. This is why I’m here,” he locked forward, “-prime minister, I don’t care about the clout your kingdom has... if it ever comes to light the babe is a bastard, I will never forgive you.”

“Hold it,” he rose a hand, “-circumstance and intrigue have led your thoughts astray. Look at me, Riaz, you care for the happiness of your emperor more than the state of the realm. Tis the same for me. The street is no one-way, you can’t barge into Hidros expecting us to preserve your emperor’s happiness. No, it goes beyond selfishness – how big of a hypocrite can the Wracian Empire be? My king, the one who fought tooth and nail for Hidros’ stability and economic growth had his happiness taken, not once, not twice, but all the time. Do you realize how much we have to suffer, how much we have to grit and bare, the constant attack from Wracia – the invasion, our surrender of Dorchester’s coast, and the capture of the isle? Word of a ruler is most important – and a promise my master made was to keep Hidros forever united, what then, what now? We’ve lost everything – his words mean naught, the relations are torn asunder. Elendor, Alphia – betrayal at every corner... how could we, in the right mind, accept what you’re saying, even if the accusation is preposterous. Trust me,” the glare darkened, “-if it ever comes to life that child’s not the king’s baby, I’ll be the first to laugh.”


“Don’t scream,” he eased and took a sip, “-Wracia’s sword came for a visit not so long ago. They warned us of how your rulership didn’t adhere to thy side of the contract. Right or wrong, I must be certain of most facts. And now, what was brought onto the table has spoken volumes of thy priorities. Riaz, you fooled us once, not twice. Thus, I simply ask for the simplest of explanations. No more sugarcoating, the bare truth, and the hardened reality. If those conditions are acceptable, I’ll willingly give an attentive ear.”

“Is this the Haggard way of negotiations I’ve heard rumors about?”

“No,” returned a sharp response, “-the Haggard way would have been to poison the guards and take you to our master torturer. One of many facets to use when dealing against a person of influence.”

‘The threat of violence,’ he paused and asked for a cigarette, éclair obliged, ‘-my guard details were taken somewhere out of sight. the mention of torture – I’m on no diplomatic mission, my coming here was a whim. The emperors yet signed on the agreement... if that’s discovered, I could be, no, being careful won’t help anything. I need to stand strong for his sake.’

“Aha,” the door opened loudly, “-I heard quite the interesting tale,” éclair’s shoe clopped a painful monotonous rhythm, “-your guard detail,” he stopped, “-never mind, it doesn’t matter,” he gave a blatantly jovial smirk, the shift in auras triggered Riaz’ controlled breaths, ‘-don’t fall into his game. Move at your own pace, act natural.’

‘Act natural,’ éclair horned on his seat and dropped, pushing forward cigarettes and a lighter, ‘-the moment that line of thought crosses the mind, it’s over. He’s not here for diplomatic reasons – the man made a grave mistake. Take full advantage, éclair, it’s the best chance we have.’

Smoke puffed, “-I came for the purpose of discussing Alphia’s future.”

“Oh, that place has no future,” remarked éclair, “-since the militarist faction overthrew the crown, the invasion of the church’s draconic doctrine, what was once Alphia’s pride and joy has turned a curse. They’re worth only their worth in the level of industrial advancement made. Northern province’ turn home for the infected – the monster plagues evolved greatly.”

“Yes, it has, we’ve had to quarantine many.”

“What was it about Alphia thee wished to discuss?”

“More the empire gets involved, the lesser becomes of our influence. They’re like a blackhole, always sucking resources and never-answering our demands. Good thing we suppressed the conglomerates...”

“What good can we bring?”

“The empress Eira,” narrowed Riaz, “-I want her to reclaim the throne. Take back Alphia and join us – together we unite and create the strongest leadership around the world.”

“No thank you,” he returned, “-empress Eira’s found stability and peace. She raises her child and is in good company. No one’s foolish to willingly walk into a lion’s den. Alphia’s loss has lost its meaning to us. We were soundly betrayed and forced into an unclimbable situation. You understand how Alphia’s a curse – their greed and willingness to exploit those around – I’m glad their societies have fallen apart. Good ridden,” he smiled, “-Lord Riaz, you surely think me a fool. Art thee not also waiting to gather the shattered pieces?”

“Well, since you know everything, tell me the reason why we can’t move.”

“Oh, how easy a question,” he stared, “-the church.”

“...” the cigarette snuffed, “-tell me, éclair, what is it that Hidros wants?”


“I’ll do anything in my power to help,” he firmed, “-we can’t afford much expenditure seeing as our attention is forced towards the new continent. Expansion is a costly business.”

“What we want?” he paused and glared, “-Elendor,” he smiled.


“Go big or go home. Don’t worry, it was a tasteless jest. How about you, what does the Empire wish?”

“For suppression of the Church’s influence. Lucifer’s sect has amassed followers in the millions since the expansion into Alphia. They’re on their way to becoming second to Syhton’s Church.”

“Oh, so that’s the issue?” he simply exhaled, “-my lord Riaz, I doubt this will come to any shock, however, have thee ever thought of staging a religious uprising?”


“Oh, never mind. Lord Riaz, this discussion has reached its end. I’m afraid Hidros has nothing to gain. You surely understand our disposition. I made my feelings pretty obvious. A sign of Hidros’ compassion, why not enjoy the capital. Some relaxation has never wronged anyone.”

A senseless meeting. Riaz exited the palace beside drunken guards. They made way into the always-expanding Rosespire – by which night took her beauty to another level. Light shows and the bustling of its nightlife. Meeting renowned stars out and about wasn’t unheard of – sometime they’d join random drinking parties and make friends. Rosespire was a world of its own.

A lift lowered, giving sight onto the nightscape, “-a good deal,” said a smartly dressed man, “-we own substantial shares in the conglomerates and outright have full ownership over many major brands. Majesty, how was this possible?”

“Oh, I made a good friend,” he smiled, they skipped outside where cars parted.

‘I feel so small,’ wondered Igna, wandering the amber-lit walkways, ‘-the city’s nothing from what I remember. Everything’s changed. All for the better, I think?’

Meanwhile at the palace, “-so the prime minister told the other prime minister to enjoy the capital...”

“Listen, I had no choice,” he argued, “-he came on a whim, there wasn’t anything I could touch.”

“Well, by what we heard, he seems to have doubts about the empress’s child. I do hope the baby takes after their mother.”

“Don’t make it sound so ominous. I helped a family in need, is that bad?”

Shy off the coast of the new continent – a greater entity fell into the sea. Reports the following day told of a massive ball of fire being swallowed into the sea’s depths. Fishermen shy off the coast heard an inner growl, “-you always get hungry when we fish...”

“Come on, they look so good I can’t help it. My stomach wants to eat them whole... let’s get back to shore...” a shadow passed under their little boat, “-did you see that?” fired one, “-I saw something big and dark.”

“It’s the clouds,” he turned to the sky, “-look, a cloud.”

An eruption blasted the lagoon, the sound resounded to the shore where troubled fishermen turned to the seas – the peaceful weather dulled, the forecast went down the drain, wind and rain swept, and the seas cried the song of the fallen. A humanoid figure rose above the sea, it held seaweed-like curly hair, a deep green pensive gaze, and wielded a trident, ‘-so this is the mortal realm,’ the ocean parted as if to make way. The two-meter man touched land, “-there you are,” came a familiar voice, “-I appreciate the speed.”

“A god must answer to the request of one of lesser stature.”

“Lord Poseidon, your personality might bring downfall... I humbly ask for tact.”

“Tact my foot, Artanos – I’m here to reek chaos. Who’s the target?”

“A little kingdom that goes by Hidros. Make them suffer.”

“Consider it done.”

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