The Young General's Wife Is Mr. Lucky

Chapter 124: Picking experience area

Chapter 124: Picking experience area

You are familiar with the earth? Jiang Mosheng couldnt help asking.

He didnt intend to ask anything about the origin of Little Chestnut, because he knew there were many secrets that could not be told about him.

But as we get along, and as our relationship deepens, Jiang Mosheng feels that he has to control himself more and more, and he wants to know more about Yu Jinli, the whole thing!

Its a terrible feeling that the other party has something in the past and he has no idea at all.

Well Li Jinli just wanted to nod, and suddenly remembered that some of the worlds cultures and materials on the earth were severely broken. If he showed everything, he would be suspected that he was not. People in this world, will he be caught for experiments and dissected?

However, he didnt want to lie to He Sheng. Although he didnt know why, he didnt want to hide Ah Sheng.

A Sheng, shall I tell you later? Yu Jinli looked up at Jiang Mosheng and pleased.

Wait, wait for A Shengs body to recover, and when he can change shape again, he will tell everything


Okay. Jiang Mosheng worked hard to suppress the upsurge in his heart. Although he now wants to know all about Yu Jinlis past, since the little guy has an inexplicable secret, he will wait and wait for him to speak to him. That day.

Didnt the little guy lie to him just now, didnt he just say he would tell him later? Then he waited for that day to come.

A Sheng, you are so good, I will definitely tell you everything in the future. Yu Jinli once again sent Jiang Mo Sheng a good man card, and moved to hug the other side actively.

The car has slowly entered the interior of the resort. Pedestrians can be seen everywhere. Everyone visits the resort alone or in groups, sighing.

The buildings in the resort are very different from those in the interstellar era. The most obvious difference is that the floors are very low.

In the era of the interstellar human explosion, even though there are many inhabited planets, Shidi is still in short supply. Buildings are basically towering into the clouds, and even some planets will build aerial towers.

Suddenly seeing that the resort is all built on the ground, and the highest building is no more than a dozen floors. Tourists are immediately attracted by this different style.

Is that these are the buildings inhabited by humans on the ancient earth? Quite distinctive, they are a bit short. A tourist could not help but sigh.

Although it is a bit short, it feels very good to live. Where does our building now almost all have a style, or the happiness of the ancient human beings on the ancient earth? Another tourist said helplessly.

The construction of this resort is really good. It is the best antique earth resort I have seen so far. Some resorts are under the banner of antique earth. As a result, I went in and saw that nothing special is the same as now. Architecture, so what do I spend that money to see those buildings that I can usually see? The former tourist said angrily.

It is said that although the development of science and technology of the ancient earth is not as good as ours, they are very good in many other aspects, especially in terms of food. It is said that what they eat is very, very delicious. If given the opportunity, I I really want to taste it, I do nt know if it will be there. Another tourist longed for it, and he hoped that this resort would not only copy the buildings of the ancient earth, but also the food. Come here, it will be more perfect.

Yu Jinli listened to the words of several tourists beside her, and could not help raising her small chest proudly.

He is a koi who has lived on the ancient earth. He has experienced those who have not seen and thought of the interstellars, especially the Chinese food. The taste definitely feels above heaven. The interstellar estimates After thousands of years of development, I am afraid that it is difficult to surpass Gu Huaxia in food.

In addition, any building in the ancient earth period is novel to interstellar humans. They cannot tell whether these are all buildings in the ancient earth period, but Yu Jinli can.

He looked at the various buildings in front of him, and couldnt help but be silent and some couldnt help laughing.

In the eyes of others, it looks very distinctive and the perfect building is built. In Yu Jinlis eyes, it is full of loopholes.

No matter which dynasty in the earths time, who will build ancient and modern buildings together? In modern times, there may be ancient buildings left behind, but it will definitely not be a modern high-rise building next to a very ancient building with period characteristics. Nor will there be a house unique to the north. A southern style house.

These buildings are seen in Yu Jinlis eyes, they are like a hodgepodge, messy and forced to be arranged together.

However, he can also understand that after all, there is very little information about the Earth period, and the people who plan this resort can find information about these buildings, and it must have taken a lot of effort.

Although in the architectural style, various styles are combined, for Yu Jinli, it still makes him feel very relaxed and comfortable, and he always feels back to the earth.

Apart from these buildings in the resort, there are also a lot of entertainment places for tourists to play. The car is still moving slowly. Of course, this slow speed is relative to the speed of the speeding car.

After passing through the building area, the purpose is to enter a large area and

If the number of tourists viewing the building is described as more, then the tourists on the Liangtian side can only be described as very many.

Liangtian is divided into two areas, one is a farming experience area, and the other is a picking area. No matter which one is, there are tourists standing next to it, and almost the entire field is surrounded.

However, although there are many tourists standing by Tanabe, there are still a small number of tourists who actually land. Otherwise, it is estimated that these promising crops will be trampled.

Nevertheless, these fields are very attractive to Yu Jinli.

Jiang Mosheng, who has always focused on Yu Jinli, noticed that the little guy liked it, and asked the driver to park the car on the side of the road.

Tourists can rent a car and stop at any time to watch the surrounding scenery or entertainment during the tour.

Jiang Moshengs cars stopped, and naturally, the cars of members of the God Beast team will not continue to drive forward. Hey, its not that small. It turned out to be such a large area of natural food plantation that can be picked and planted by tourists. The owner of this resort is really wealthy. Bai Hu couldnt help but say.

Natural ingredients are very precious and scarce to interstellar human beings. They are all cultivated by professional people. The harvested ingredients are only enough to supply the big families. As for ordinary people, the money they spend on natural ingredients will be Would be great.

Even they only occasionally eat natural food once and for all.

For a large piece of land like a resort, the cost required is an astronomical figure, a number that ordinary people cant even imagine.

Whats more, the plantation land can not be taken down just with money, but as a result it is used for tourists to experience the joy of farming and picking.

I have to say that the owner of the resort is really generous.

Natural food is very attractive to everyone. The boss has created such a piece of field here, and naturally it will attract a lot of people. Qinglong said beside him.

Ordinary people, even the children of large families, rarely have access to planting test fields, let alone to experience the joy of farming and picking, but this resort provides such services, so those children of large families naturally cannot stand the temptation, Will come here often to experience.

In this way, the tickets and experience fees collected will not be a small number, so its income is naturally as attractive as it is.

From this point of view, the resort owner is also a good hand to make money.

This boss is pretty good at calculating. Bai Hu could not help saying that.

Listening to their conversations, Yu Jinli kept her eyes on those fields, and couldnt help thinking about it. People in this world probably couldnt think of it. Just thousands of years ago, they hadnt migrated from the earth to here.

Planting is a very common thing for people, as long as you want to do it, everyone can do it.

However, only after thousands of years, farming has become a luxury, an experience that can only be performed by children of nobles.

Things really change. Qinglong. Jiang Mosheng cried.

Qinglong immediately received Jiang Moshengs intention, and hurried to find the person in charge, and then paid for admission. Sure enough, as he imagined, the admission fee is not cheap, so there are many people who are watching, but there are very few people who actually enter the experience. After all, this expenditure is still for ordinary people. Its too big and unnecessary.

Little chestnut, which one do you want to go to? Jiang Mosheng asked.

Yu Jinli looked at the people who were experiencing planting in full swing next to him, looked at the fruitful fruits on the other side, and immediately pointed at the picking experience area and said, Go picking.

Just look at the ingredients in the picking area here, and see if you can find ingredients that you havent encountered before, so you will have more ingredients to eat in the future.

All the crops in the picking area can be picked. If you want to take away the crops, you need to pay extra, and if you dont want to take them away, you need to return them to the person in charge. Over and over again.

The boss really did play, letting tourists pay for themselves and freely work for him. Bai Hu couldnt help but spit his mouth and said.

Moreover, most of the tourists who come here to experience are people who are not bad at money. The crops they have picked will naturally be taken away at last, so the credit value of purchasing these crops will certainly be a considerable cost.

Sure enough, treacherous traders, treacherous traders, no trespassers!

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