The Young General's Wife Is Mr. Lucky

Chapter 144: Entering the virtual world

Chapter 144: Entering the virtual world

Okay. The smile on Yu Jinlis face was even brighter and brighter.

Seeing Yu Jinlis smile, Jiang Mosheng couldnt wait to hold the best things in the world in front of him so that his smile could continue like this.

Jiang Mosheng originally planned to take Yu Jinli outside to eat and return, but seeing the little guy cant wait for the virtual network; he cancelled the plan to eat outside and drove home directly.

This time Yu Jinli and their exams ended early, so when they returned home, Qiao Yinlan and Jiang Zhentao were not back at the military.

Master, the virtual cabin you ordered for Madam Young has been placed next to your virtual cabin according to your requirements. Jiang Bo, the housekeeper Jiang Bo, said to Jiang Mosheng with a smile.

Jiang Mosheng nodded slightly, then took Yu Jinlis small hand and walked to the room where his virtual cabin was located on the second floor.

Although Jiang Mosheng has his own virtual cabin at home, in fact, he has not used it much, especially after graduation, he has used it less. If it was not for Yu Jinli, he would have forgotten how Everything exists.

When Yu Jinli saw the huge cabin that could lie down, he couldnt help asking: A Sheng, is this a virtual cabin?

This looks like a small boat that can carry people. Can it really take him into another world?

This world is really amazing.

You lie in and try. Jiang Mosheng said with a smile.

Yu Jinli couldnt wait to lie in, and then from the bottom up, she saw Jiang Moshengs handsome and handsome face appearing above him. For some reason, his heart suddenly jumped violently, and his face was slightly glowing. Hot, afraid to look at each other.

Axi Lost Jinli cried softly.

Jiang Mosheng, who was debugging the virtual cabin for the little guy, was called by Yu Jinli, his body stopped for a moment, his breathing was disordered for a moment, but he tried to control it.

Whats wrong? Jiang Mosheng tried to calm himself as he asked.

Yu Jinli, who has always been able to perceive the changes in other peoples emotions, immersed in her thoughts at this moment, and did not notice the strangeness of Jiang Mosheng.

He looked at Jiang Mosheng with big watery eyes, and put his little hand on the position of the heart of his chest, and said, Asheng, do you say Im sick? The heart is beating, its strange, it feels like jumping. Out.

Why did you jump suddenly? Jiang Mosheng asked with a husky voice, trying to keep himself calm, but when facing the little guy, all his proud calmness and rationality ran away from home. Already.

You just came over, I saw your face, and suddenly my heart beat fast, Ah Sheng, you said if I was sick. Yu Jinli said sadly.

With a click, Jiang Mosheng heard his rational disconnection, but he couldnt take care of that much. The person who likes tells himself in front of him that he sees his heartbeat speeding up when he sees himself, which means that no matter if Yu Jinli is unconscious, at least it means that he also feels about himself, and even the little guy may like him Yes, just didnt realize it.

Jiang Mosheng felt extremely happy at this moment. Every cell in the whole body was relaxed and relaxed, shouting to hug the little guy, and he was so eager to touch the little guy.

However, when looking at Yu Jinlis simple face and the eyes that she trusted so much, all her urges were deeply suppressed by Jiang Mosheng.

Its not the time to scare the little guy. His little guy deserves him to wait until the day when the little guy really opens up, but its okay to charge some interest.

Jiang Mosheng lowered his head slightly and looked at Yu Jinli with a deep and affectionate look. The distance between the two was getting closer.

Yu Jinli felt that her heart was beating faster and faster, and the feeling of wanting to jump out of her chest became stronger and stronger.

Eventually, when Jiang Moshengs soft lips touched his lips, he reached the maximum. Yu Jinli almost thought he was going to pass out.

Hows it? Is the heart beating fast? Jiang Mosheng asked with a soft smile, the low magnetic sound seemed to be in his ear, causing bursts of numbness.

Yu Jinlis face was very red, almost making people think it was about to explode, and her heart was completely out of control, making him both comfortable and scared.

A Sheng, what can I do if I can jump faster? Yu Jinlis voice was anxious, and her eyes were staring at Jiang Mosheng tightly. This is the only person he can fully trust in this world.

He believes that Ah Cheng will have a way to save him!

Its all normal, little chestnut is not sick, you see my heart is beating fast, just like little chestnut, you touch it. Jiang Mosheng took Yu Jinlis hand and put it on the heart of his chest. position.

Flop! Flop!

The heart beats again and again, and even across the chest, the frequency and intensity of the heart beat can still be clearly felt.

It turned out that not only was his own heartbeat fast and scary, but A Shengs heart beat so fast. Yu Jinli finally felt relieved.

Did you feel it? Jiang Mosheng leaned close to Yu Jinlis ear and said puzzledly.

Breathing on her ears made Yu Jinli feel a little itchy and couldnt help but want to step back, but because of lying in the virtual cabin, there was no way back.

Well, Ah Shengs heart is beating fast, as fast as mine. Yu Jinli touched Jiang Moshengs chest with one hand and put it on her chest with one hand, feeling and contrasting at the same time. A sweet smile appeared again.

There were only Jiang Mosheng and Yu Jinli in the room, and a warm and sweet taste spread throughout the room.

Well, its as fast as A Sheng likes small chestnuts. Jiang Mosheng said with a smile. Xiao Lizi likes A Sheng, too, Yu Jinli responded.

When Jiang Mosheng heard Yu Jinli s words that were almost confession, his heart was beating faster. He almost thought that the other party was getting rid of it, but when he saw the pure smile on the others face, he knew that the other party liked to follow The one he thought might be a little different.

At first, when he was seriously injured and could only lie in bed, his mother came and told him that someone liked him until he knew he was going to die, and he was willing to marry him.

At that time, he was moved. When he saw that person was a little guy, he was lucky again.

However, in the later get along, he gradually found out that the mothers original communication seemed to be somewhat different from the reality. The little guy was a very simple person, and his likes were also very simple.

The little guy likes him, and he likes his parents as well. This love has nothing to do with love for the time being. When he realizes this, he feels lost.

But soon he adjusted his mindset, even if the little guy has nt opened up yet, he is his fiance, and he spends the longest time with himself. He will let the little guy open up someday.

The little guy can only be his own!

Although Jiang Mosheng has not been in love, he is bound to have Yu Jinli alone!

A Sheng, your heart is beating faster. Yu Jinli seemed to have discovered something fun, giggling, and said that her small hand was still restlessly stroking around Jiang Moshengs chest.

Jiang Mosheng immediately felt a wicked fire rushing directly into his abdomen, and he reacted almost instantly. He hurriedly distanced himself from the little guy, lest he couldnt control what he would regret.

You lie down inside, and then complete the login and registration in accordance with the guidelines. After entering the virtual network, do not disturb, I will go to you. Jiang Mosheng hurriedly finished the last commandment and covered Yu Jinlis virtual cabin , Isolated the look that made him linger.

Then, Jiang Mosheng almost ran out of the virtual room and returned to the bathroom of his room.

Yu Jinli, who had already entered the virtual network reception room, did not know it. He was curiously looking at the place in front of him like a real room.

He had just been lying in the virtual cabin just now. How to change a place in the blink of an eye is really amazing, just like Master used to teleport him.

Ky520 users are welcome, please enter your nickname by voice. A sweet voice sounded in the room.

After hearing this, Yu Jinli looked around for the source of the sound, but found that there was no one else in the room except herself, which made him feel more amazing here.

Hello. Yu Jinli politely greeted the girl who did not show up.

Sorry, Hello, this nickname is already taken by someone else, please enter another nickname. The sweet voice sounded again.

What nickname? Can you come out for a moment? Yu Jinli for a moment failed to understand what the voice was saying.

Sorry, please control the nickname to less than ten words, please re-enter your nickname. The sweet voice continued to sound patiently.

Yu Jinli was completely confused, and his head was full of question marks. However, he is now on the virtual network and is connected with his brain waves. In other words, what he thinks now can actually be given by the main brain of the virtual network. Captured.

So the virtual network automatically converted Yu Jinlis puzzlement into? symbol.

Sorry, do nt just use the symbol as your nickname. Do you want to convert it into text? The sweet voice sounded again.

Listening to the sweet voice, Yu Jinli couldnt turn around in her head, and nodded subconsciously.

A translucent screen suddenly appeared in front of him, with two large characters nicknames on it, followed by a question mark followed by two other characters, and the sweet voice sounded again: The symbol has been transformed into text

Excuse me, are you sure you want to use this nickname?

Yu Jinli looked at the screen in front of her and felt very amazing. She didnt hear the guidance of the elf clearly, but she curiously looked at the screen in front of her, and her head was unconscious.

For him logging into the virtual network for the first time, no one told him how to register his own information. These were all that Jiang Mosheng should teach him. However, he was eventually burned by fire. Let him feel for himself.

Please choose whether to adjust your image? The sweet voice continued to sound, and several characters similar to Yu Jinli appeared on the big screen in front of them, each of which read: Decreased appearance by 10% and decreased appearance by 10% Twenty, the appearance is reduced by 30%, the appearance remains the same, and the appearance is increased by a percentage the last item is the fabrication of a virtual image.

Yu Jinli looked at the characters carefully. After the nickname, he vaguely realized that this was what he wanted him to do. With the guidance of the elf again, he finally understood and was excited. Made up.

His current body is not his original one, and his appearance is certainly not the same. Although he has been used to it for several months, he still likes his original appearance. Now he has the opportunity to make his own appearance. Yu Jin Li naturally wants to change back to herself.

Because thats who he really is.

This option made Yu Jinli very excited. After the fabrication of the page appeared, he couldnt wait to fabricate his previous lifes appearance.

Looking at the look exactly the same as his previous appearance, Yu Jinli was hesitant.

Its been a long time since Ive seen myself like this. Looking at the people on the screen makes him feel like hes back to Earth, and is still around Master and Brother.

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