The Young General's Wife Is Mr. Lucky

Chapter 148: This unscientific!

Chapter 148: This unscientific!

Yu Jinli didnt think about things that she didnt understand. She would know the day when she should know the truth, and let it all go.

As a result, Yu Jinli no longer struggled with why the powers in this world would control the five elements, but felt a little happy, so that when he accidentally used the five elements, he found a reasonable excuse. And it will not make people feel abrupt, and then catch him as a monster.

Think of it this way, it seems pretty good.

During the period of Yu Jinlis ecstasy, the fire-powered person was obviously on the downside. His strange beast was bitten tightly by the opponents strange beast, and he could not break away. Restricted by the opponent, it is difficult to win this match.

Although the strange beast is formed by the energy card, and does not want the flesh and blood of the real beast, but visually, it is not much different from the real beast, even the weakness is almost the same.

Biting a deadly place like this in your throat makes it difficult to turn around.

Sure enough, it didnt take long for the fire-powered person to be completely defeated by the water-powered person. The names of the two and their existing points were displayed on the big screen. Dropped points

And the other is to add a point, this match is over.

Yu Jinli feels that she has really gained a lot of knowledge today. Not only has she entered the virtual world, but also learned a lot about the virtual world and some common knowledge about card makers and abilities. In this way, his understanding of the world is also Going deeper, this feels good.

After watching this match, Jiang Mosheng said to Yu Jinli, I will go down and help you test the power of the energy card. You cheer me on.

Yu Jinli heard the words and blinked and said, A Sheng, are you going to participate in the competition? Just like the two people just now?

Um. Jiang Mosheng said with a smile.

But, hasnt your power core been repaired yet? Yu Jinli said worriedly.

He used to think that the broken nucleus in the thigh of Jins body was similar to him, but after knowing him, he knew it was the nucleus and the source of the power.

Once the power core is broken, the power person will become an ordinary person who will not use the power. Although the power core of the golden thigh can be repaired, it should not be repaired at present, right? Is it really possible to play at this time?

Rather than detecting the power of the energy card, Yu Jinli was more worried about Jiang Moshengs body.

Regarding the little guys concern, Jiang Mosheng was very helpful, calming him and saying, Relax, even if I dont use the power, I will win.

After speaking, Jiang Mosheng took the energy card to the backstage registration office.

Those who come to the battlefield for the first time to participate in the competition must first register and check the ability, and then log in to their personal information, so that the competition and the accumulation of points can be increased.

Jiang Mosheng was a frequent visitor here before going to school, so he knew the rules and rules here very well.

He cant use the power nuke now, but he doesnt worry about it, because after practicing the exercises given by Yu Jinli, he found that some skills of this work are similar to the powers, but better than single powers. Powers are even more powerful.

The battlefield test is only to test whether the psionics really have abilities. It does not need to detect the nucleus of the power, and it can completely deal with the past by using the skills of power law.

Sure enough, not long after Jiang Mosheng completed the registration, the name Mo also appeared in the system of the battlefield, and he could come up to match his opponent to participate in the battlepoint at any time to get points.

Most of the abilities in the junior field are relatively low-level, and most of the energy cards used are in the F and D levels, which is the best choice for detecting the power of Yu Jinlis energy cards.

Jiang Mosheng immediately chose to match his opponents randomly. After a few seconds, his information and the information of the matched opponents appeared on the big screen of the battlefield at the same time.

Although it is said to be a random match, any one who is still in the primary field may be matched, but in order to ensure relative fairness, the opponents points and the number of matches will be used as a reference when trying to match. Matches to opponents with corresponding strength.

For example, Jiang Moshengs account has not been played in one game. A pure novice, the power actor who he matched is also a newcomer who has just participated in more than a dozen games.

However, as a pseudo-novice, Jiang Mosheng didnt want to bully the real novice at all. He took the energy card made by Yu Jinli and played directly.

The audience cheered as they saw the new powers coming on.

The moment Yu Jinli saw Jiang Mosheng, her gaze was tightly locked on the opponents body, and she didnt even give half of her attention to the opponent.

Jiang Mosheng seemed to feel Yu Jinlis gaze. He glanced in the direction of the auditorium, his mouth was raised, and a charming smile appeared, and all the female audiences who were present instantly took a look at the fans, even if they knew it. Its just an other person with a male gods appearance, but if you can see the male gods appearance with a smile, the lethality is also huge.

Youre too foul, how can you face the face of Major General Jiang. Rong Jin, who was matched to Jiang Mosheng, could not help complaining, especially when the women at the scene reacted madly to each other. .

This guy even has the face of Major General Jiang. In this way, which girl will pay attention to him during the game. It is simply too much.

When he first created an account, why didnt he imagine that his appearance would be like that of Major General Jiang, so there must be many adorable girls who would like him.

Every time King Kong meets a person who looks almost the same as Jiang Mosheng, his heart is full of resentment. The whole person exudes a strong sorrowful feeling. I do nt know if he thinks the other person has lost his heart.

King Kong glanced at Jiang Moshengs record on the big screen, especially when he saw the opponents zero points and zero battles, he suddenly felt the opportunity to find his sense of existence came.

He will ask the bunch of idiots to wait and see how their cheering supporters were slaughtered by him.

King Kong looked at Jiang Mosheng with eagerness to try. He first took out an F-level Panther energy card, summoned the Panther, and then took out a D-class five-petal flower, summoned to the Black Panther. Blessing speed.

Jiang Mosheng summoned the civet cat and F-class gravity grass.

When King Kong saw the alien plants summoned by the other party, he was a little hesitant, and then he was more at ease. The corner of his mouth was about to reach the back of his head. The silly look made the audience laugh loudly.

As we all know, the F-level allogeneic energy card can only be used in practice. It is not useful at all in the real game. As a result, the opponent only took out the F-level allogeneic energy card, indicating that the opponent only has the F-level.

Now, King Kong has a better grasp of himself.

Jiang Mosheng didnt have any anxious expression on his face, and he was very calm from beginning to end. Even if the opponents energy card level was higher than him, even if the opponent shot faster than him, he didnt panic.

The audience is also very nervous staring at the stage or large screen, not willing to miss this contest, even if both are newcomers, there are still many audiences interested, especially female audiences, can see the male **** That face, even if you look at it all day.

Let you attack first, so you dont have to say I bully the newcomer. King Kong raised his eyebrows slightly and looked at the calm Jiang Mosheng, but the corner of his eyes was directed to the place with the most women in the auditorium.

He came to the battlefield on the one hand to enhance strength, and on the other hand to get rid of singles.

He heard his friends say that there are countless beautiful women coming to watch the match every day in the arena, and those beautiful women like the most powerful people. If he can win all the time, maybe there will be any beautiful woman who looks at him cross-eyed. Help him take it off.

With such a beautiful wish, King Kong came to the Budo District. However, he had no experience at the beginning, and he lost a few games and suffered a terrible loss, so that the friends who followed him could not bear to watch it.

Fortunately, as the number of battles increases, he also wins and loses. The points are no longer a duck egg, and now he is encountering a novice who has no combat experience at all. It can hardly be more fortunate.

This point, he is certain!

Jiang Mosheng was not polite to the other party either. His purpose here is to test the power of the energy card made by Yu Jinli. Since the other party wants him to attack first, he is not polite.

Jiang Mosheng commanded the civet to start the attack. The first skill used was crazy grabbing, which is one of the few effective civets skills.

King Kong didnt put the civet in his eyes. Although civet and black panther are both F-level energy cards, there are still strong and weak energy cards of the same level. From the appearance alone, black panthers have won. Now, even if the black panther doesnt dodge the rigid, it wont be hurt by the cat.

Therefore, King Kong did not escape at all, but instead directed the Black Panther to face up.

A huge and strong black panther, a petite and flexible civet cat, the contrast in body shape alone is very obvious, plus the leopard gives a strong feeling, while the civet cat is cute and harmless, making the audience bear Cant help but sweat for the civet.

When the civet cat and the black panther ran into each other, the audience, especially those female audiences, raised their hearts tightly, worried about the civet cat, and only Jiang Mosheng was very calm.

However, the next moment, a burst of exclamation burst into the audience, even King Kong couldnt believe what he saw.

Its unscientific! King Kong stared at the scene in front of him, as if watching a science fiction movie, making him dare not believe his eyes.

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