The Young Urban Doctor

Chapter 348: 348: Embarrassed

Chapter 348: Chapter 348: Embarrassed
(Chapter 5)

Ouyang Huihui could never have dreamed that things would suddenly turn out this way, leaving her overwhelmed with embarrassment.

She quickly turned around and ran towards the restroom, “I’m going to wash my hands first.”

Ouyang Huihui put down the medicine bottle, escaped into the restroom, and immediately locked the door from the inside.

In the mirror, she could see her own blush-red cheeks, which made her even more distressed.

“What’s wrong with me?” she asked herself in the mirror, looking utterly embarrassed. The usually bold and carefree Ouyang Huihui was also struggling to understand her own behavior just now.

Don’t I really dislike that guy out there?

Every time I see him, don’t I just want to rush up and beat him up? Why am I feeling like this now?

“Hmph, it’s just because he was injured, so I showed some concern. And he did save someone just now, like a hero. I was merely moved by his courageous act,” she reasoned with herself, finally calming down.

After washing her face with her hands twice, she looked again and saw that her cheeks were no longer as red as before.

Looking at her pretty red face in the mirror, Ouyang Huihui felt a bit proud, still a very beautiful and likable girl. Judging by looks alone, she wasn’t less attractive than Yang Qingyin, and her figure even seemed better.

Ouyang Huihui was instantly filled with confidence.

She didn’t linger in the restroom, and after another glance at her face and body, making sure nothing was amiss, she finally stepped out. As she exited, she saw Luo Ziling applying medicine to his reflection, and she hurried over.

“Let me do it,” she snatched the medicine bottle from Luo Ziling’s hands, “How should I apply it?”

The wounds on his back were hard to reach, so Luo Ziling eventually instructed Ouyang Huihui on how to help him with the medication.

After all, one doesn’t have eyes on their back, and it’s difficult to apply medicine properly with hands reaching backward—so Luo Ziling let Ouyang Huihui help.

Fortunately, during this second round of medication application, there was no awkwardness between the two.

After staying in the room for about forty minutes, they left.

After Ouyang Huihui helped Luo Ziling deal with his injuries and apply the medicine, they departed.

When they went to check out, the receptionist glanced at the time and then looked at them curiously.

Ouyang Huihui blushed slightly while Luo Ziling seemed unaffected.

Once they walked back onto the street, the cool breeze calmed Ouyang Huihui’s restless heart.

Any strangeness Luo Ziling had felt had dissipated by the time they left the room.

The two continued their shopping at Yintai Department Store.

It was already past nine o’clock, and the mall had fewer people, no longer bustling as before.

When they arrived at the health products counter, they saw that the spot where the child had fallen was cleaned up, cordoned off with warning tape, preventing people from getting close.

The security guard nearby didn’t recognize Luo Ziling and Ouyang Huihui as the main characters from the recent incident, as this guard had arrived later. However, he still took several long looks at them, especially lingering on Ouyang Huihui—they were a striking pair.

Luo Ziling examined the health products for sale, including Cordyceps, Saffron, Tianshan Saussurea, and others. He found the quality to be poor and the prices extortionately high—at least a hundredfold more than he deemed them to be worth. Cursing the unscrupulous merchants silently, he abandoned the idea of buying these products as gifts for Ouyang Lingyun.

Influenced by Luo Ziling, Ouyang Huihui, who originally wanted to buy some of these items for her grandfather, also dropped the idea.

“When I go back to the Northwest for the winter break, I’ll bring some of these back,” Luo Ziling whispered to Ouyang Huihui as they walked away from the counter.

“Will there be something for me too?”

Seeing Ouyang Huihui ask with a playful expression, Luo Ziling paused before saying, “What would you like?”

“It’s not fun if I have to make the request,” Ouyang Huihui replied with a hint of dissatisfaction, pouting her lips.

“Alright, I’ll see what I can find then,” Luo Ziling could only respond vaguely.

Eventually, Luo Ziling spent a few hundred yuan on two bottles of fine Yuezhou Daughter Red wine. Knowing that Sir Ouyang enjoyed drinking, he decided to choose good wine as a gift. Ouyang Huihui didn’t find a gift she liked and decided to go shopping with Ouyang Feifei the next day.

She bought Luo Ziling an expensive shirt, justifying it by saying his shirt got bloodstained when he was helping someone in need.

After purchasing, she insisted Luo Ziling accept it, looking as though she would get violent if he refused.

With no other option, Luo Ziling had to accept her kindness.

At this time, neither was aware that because of the night’s events, they had become internet famous.

This notoriety would soon bring Luo Ziling and others a fair share of trouble.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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