This Ascent to Divinity is Lewder Than Expected

7.02 – Commemorate

7.02 – Commemorate

They admired the temple a little longer, just walking around and inspecting everything. Eventually, Zoey ended up at the altar, as did the rest of the three, their wandering paths converging by fate.

The altar was large with a flat rectangular top, a few feet tall. It was made of white stone and had thick decorative pillars on each corner to support the flat top, with a slightly inset middle. It was one of the more ornate parts of the temple, as was fitting for an altar. Still not nearly as gaudy as some of the things she'd seen in the d'Celestin estate, though that was a high bar to clear.

"The temple is ours, then?" Sabina asked, breaking the brief silence that had fallen over them as they admired the space one more time. "Officially, I mean."

"As far as I know, yes," Aria answered.

"Perhaps a celebration is in order then," Sabina said. "The altar does, in my opinion, need breaking in."

"Breaking … in?" Aria blinked cluelessly at the older woman, though Zoey, knowing Sabina better, stared at her with wide eyes. The interpretation of what she'd said, considering the woman's personality, seemed obvious, but surely she hadn't just suggested—?

"That is the purpose of this venture, no?" Sabina asked, unruffled. "It would be a special act of worship and commemoration."

"What would?" Aria asked innocently.

Sabina raised an unimpressed eyebrow. Her gray gaze shifted to Zoey. "You have a priestess to be marking as yours, I do believe. Your patron would appreciate it, no?"

The bluntness finally made Aria understand. "M-Mark me as her own? You mean here? Now? On the altar?"

"With your two allies standing witness," Sabina agreed, voice as cool as always. "Assuming Miss Adrienne is interested in such a show, of course. I wouldn't presume."

Adrienne, understandably, had also gone wide-eyed. As maybe she should. Sabina was hardly some chaste woman—quite the opposite really—but Zoey wouldn't have expected her to be the one to suggest something so lewd while they were all together. Then again, Zoey had been inside all three of these women, so it wasn't like the ice wasn't broken in that aspect. Still, Zoey was a little surprised.

"I'm merely looking out for the temple's continued success, of course," Sabina said mildly.

No, Zoey didn't believe that. The alchemist definitely just wanted to see Zoey fill up a priestess on top of an altar, for whatever reason.

For whatever reason? Zoey supposed it wasn't like that was a strange thing to want to watch happen. She hadn't taken Sabina as a voyeur, but she also wasn't surprised in the slightest.

"With you two watching?" Aria stammered.

"Indeed. Are such events not what this temple would be hosting, in the future?" Sabina asked. "And you are its high priestess."

"That's … true," Aria said, squirming. Her face was reddening at an impressive pace, and not just that, but her breathing had become labored: more so than just embarrassment could explain. "But really? You think we should … commemorate the event? I-I suppose it does make sense. It would be a very potent act of worship, especially with everyone here who's been involved in its conception. Yes," she said, her voice growing breathless and her pacing a bit rambling as she went on, "yes, I think Sabina's right, Zoey, this is a good idea. N-Not that I want to, it's just a moment of power, conceptually speaking, and worship is all about ideas, don't you think?"

For all that Sabina was a woman obsessed with work, she really knew how to read a woman: her suggestion had turned Aria into a blushing mess in mere moments. Even Zoey hadn't known Aria would respond so eagerly.

Of course, if it had just been the three of them there, Zoey would've already been picking Aria up and carrying her over. She glanced at the fourth, their brunette accountant.

"You know, I'm kind of mad you even hesitated," Adrienne said, lips quirking up. "Why doesn't this poor High Priestess have a cock inside her yet?"

Yeah, Zoey guessed 'checking in' on Adrienne hadn't been necessary. Quite frankly, she might be the biggest of perverts here, from what Delta had described of their first meeting—when she'd used Zoey's own cock to plow the woman silly.

"Good question," Zoey said sagely.

And thus, she turned to Aria, picked up the High Priestess of their new temple, and carried her over to the altar, setting her down gently.

Aria was wearing temple garb, meaning a chaste white robe that would've left near everything to the imagination, if not for how busty the young woman was: there was little hiding the attractive swell to her chest.

Running her hands down Aria's sides, settling on her hips, Zoey leaned over her—still standing, with the priestess sitting on the altar—and murmured, "By the way, add this to the list: our priestesses should have special robes when they're on duty. And you, a particularly unique one."

Zoey leaned forward and grabbed Aria's lower lip with her teeth, gently pulling back—teasing, before letting go and securing the woman's mouth in a kiss.

"Don't get me wrong, fuckable is always a word that's on my mind, no matter what you're wearing," she emphasized her words with a squeeze of Aria's waist, her fingers digging into soft flesh, "but your current clothes are a little too unrevealing, I think, for my High Priestess."

"You want me to wear something … more revealing?" Aria breathed. "While working?"

"I'm ordering you to," Zoey said, voice growing husky. "You can pick. If I carry you off and leave you a sweaty mess the first time I see you in it, that means it has my approval." She brought her kisses lower, nuzzling into her neck. "Something tight, I think," she said. "Something that shows off these tits of yours." She squeezed the mentioned breasts, the flesh soft and plush underneath her robes. "You don't mind, do you? Tending a temple with your tits practically hanging out?"

"If that's what my Goddess desires of me," Aria gasped, overwhelmed as Zoey kissed and sucked at her neck.

And Zoey had thought she'd been the one teasing, but the way the word Goddess fell from Aria's lips, the genuine worship there, was twice as effective as whatever lewd images she'd been painting in Aria's head. Because Zoey's stomach squeezed, and she was suddenly tearing Aria out of her robes.

Literally tearing. Wayfaring strength was such a convenient thing, and besides: Aria wouldn't be needing her old robes anymore. She'd have a new uniform soon enough.

With a powerful rip in the middle of Aria's chest, the fabric split open, spilling Aria's breasts out. They bounced from the sudden freedom, tantalizingly, and the high priestess gasped at the abrupt nudity, or maybe the violence of the action. Zoey continued tearing, removing all of Aria's robes in the most direct, primal manner possible. Aria lifted and turned to help her along as Zoey worked her way down, eager for it to be gone and her body bared.

Zoey took especial joy in ripping through Aria's bra and panties, ensuring no piece of her clothing remained intact when the priestess was finally nude. She felt a twinge of satisfaction in doing it, in destroying her clothes to expose the woman. A cavewoman's sort of glee.

Soon enough, Aria was laid out on top of the altar, breathing hard, looking up at Zoey with husky excitement. When those blue eyes turned slightly sideways to their two spectators, Zoey's attention followed.

Sabina was murmuring words into Adrienne's ear, the shorter brunette blushing but grinning and returning her own commentary. Seeing them look over, Adrienne gave two approving thumbs up.

"Still no cock in the priestess, I can't help but notice," she said.

"Quite," Sabina agreed.

Zoey turned back to Aria and began stripping herself next, skin tingling at the knowledge they had spectators. A part of her was aware she could, if she wanted, remove her clothing simply by throwing it all into her inventory, baring herself in a heartbeat. But where was the fun in that? She wanted to see her partner's reaction to exposing herself.

Zoey pulled off her blouse first, tossing it to the side of the altar. Aria bit her lip as Zoey revealed her tits next, bra coming off, and the heat in her eyes only grew as Zoey removed her pants afterward. Her boxers—straining to contain her—were last, and Zoey pulled them down with exaggerated slowness, making sure to give Aria a good look of her aching tool springing free.

With all the worship befitting a High Priestess, Aria let out a shuddering breath as she watched Zoey's cock bounce and settle, worship on her face. She pressed her legs together, squeezing them tightly.

"Goddess," she repeated, softer and even more awed—her eyes only for the twitching fourteen inches in front of her.

Zoey crawled up and onto the altar, fully naked, to join Aria. There was just barely enough space to hold them. Perfectly sized.

"High Priestess," Zoey murmured in return, with just as much adoration in her voice. "Ready to break in our altar?"

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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