Thunder God's Reincarnation

Chapter 53

Chapter 53

The Cao Household is a subsidiary branch of the Shaolin Temple, and we guarantee their innocence.

The Wudang Sect guarantees the Wuchang Sword Familys innocence.

After listening to Namgung list a couple of sects and families, Great Monk Gong Seon and Elder Hyeon Myung immediately defended the Cao Household and the Wuchang Sword Family, their respective subsidiary families.

I trust the two esteemed clans words. However, for the fairness of the investigation, we have to inspect the Cao Household and Wuchang Sword Family. If your subsidiary branches take the initiative and set an example, the other families and sects will also respond more favorably to the inspection.

Namgung Jo asserted the importance of verification on the premise of fairness. Great Monk Gong Seon and Elder Hyeon Myung had no choice but to agree since he made sense. Above all, there was no particular reason for them to refuse the investigation because they were convinced that the Cao Household and the Wuchang Sword Family had nothing to do with the Nine Celestial Demons Sect.

With all due respect, the investigation of the Taiyun Household and the Lee Household should be prioritized before other martial sects or families, Huangfu Jian said.

Is there any special reason for that?

They were quite suspicious during the Great Sima Family incident, so it would be too farfetched to say they simply supported the Great Sima Family because they were all part of the Three Great Families of Jiangsu. Its more likely that theyre related to the Nine Celestial Demons Sect.

Those two households probably just reacted aggressively since they didnt want the Great Namgung Family and the Great Huangfu Family to spread their influence to Jiangsu Province.

At Elder Hyeon Myungs remarks, Great Monk Gong Seon asked as if he had been waiting for this moment, Now that youve mentioned that, what are the two great families going to do with the Great Sima Familys territory?

Destroying the Great Sima Family was an inevitable measure for murims safety. We annihilated them with a valid justification, so absorbing their territory does not violate murims law. Namgung Jo made their factions intentions clear.

Gong Seon and Hyeon Myung looked unhappy. They couldnt help but be displeased that the two great families would be expanding their influence.

If the two great families absorb the Great Sima Familys territory, then start an investigation on the Taiyun Household and Lee Household, youll be giving the public a lot to gossip about, Gong Seon commented.

If we say that it is fair, what does the publics gossiping matter? By any chance, does the Shaolin Temple and the Wudang Sect doubt our real intentions?

Thats definitely not the case. We are well aware of the great cause behind the two great families actions for the sake of murim.

All the more reason why there wont be a problem, then.

As Namgung Jos commented, for as long as they destroyed the Great Sima Family with a justifiable cause and occupied the Great Sima Familys territory according to the rights of the winner, the others had no reason to object.

Whats important now is for the Nine Prominent Sects and the Seven Great Families to work together in preventing the Nine Celestial Demons Sect from spreading their influence and annihilating them. For that purpose, I think it would be great to form a coalition between the Nine Prominent Sects and the Seven Great Families. What do you all think?

I dont think its something that we can decide on our own. Were not aware of the Nine Prominent Sects other members.

Thats right. Since we have to listen to the opinions of not just the Nine Prominent Sects but also the other members of the Seven Great Families, it would be better to discuss this matter in a meeting with both parties present.

Of course. I didnt mean to form a coalition right away. Im simply mentioning this since we have to give thought to forming a coalition.

Since weve brought this up, why dont we have a meeting between the Nine Prominent Sects and the Seven Great Families in a month?

I think thats a good idea.

Putting that matter aside, the investigation on the Taiyun Household and the Lee Household should be carried out immediately before they get rid of the evidence and hide, Huangfu Jian said.

Well, even if we, the Shaolin Temple and the Wudang Sect, send an investigation team as fast as we can, it will take more than fifteen days.

I think it would be better for us, the Great Huangfu Family and the Great Namgung Family, to deploy our people to investigate this. In return, if Great Monk Gong Seon and Elder Hyeon Myung join us, we will be able to ensure fairness in the investigation.

Then lets do it this way. The Great Huangfu Family will investigate the Taiyun Household, and we, the Great Namgung Family, will investigate the Lee Household. Great Monk Gong Seon should go with the Huangfu Family, and Elder Hyeon Myung should come with us.

Lets do as you say.

Great Monk Gong Seon and Elder Hyeon Myung decided to follow Huangfu Jian and Namgung Jos suggestions. They immediately departed to investigate the Taiyun Household and Lee Household.


After leaving the cave early in the morning, Mu-Gun and Yeon-Hwa left the cave early in the morning and crossed Mount Yangdan before noon, reaching Yueqing. If they took a high-speed boat from Yueqing, they would arrive in Wenzhou in only half a day. After having a meal at a restaurant in Yueqing, they went out to the port and boarded a boat bound for Wenzhou.

What are you going to do when we get to Wenzhou? Mu-Gun asked.

Im not sure. What do you think I should do?

Yeon-Hwa couldnt easily make up her mind. A part of her wanted to stay at the Baek Sword Sect and with Mu-Gun, but she also wanted to gain experience on a journey throughout murim as per her original plan. What she wanted the most was to travel around murim together with Mu-Gun. However, she couldnt request that from Mu-Gun, who was the Baek Sword Sects young patriarch.

Why dont you stay at the Baek Sword Sect and take your time thinking about it for now? You dont have to make a decision right away.

What would you prefer me to do?

Id like to keep you next to me.

You can just do that, then.

No, your thoughts are more important than anything else. I dont want you to make the wrong decision because of me or the Putuo Sword Sect. Id rather you follow what you truly want so you wont regret it later. No matter the choice you make, for as long as its your genuine decision, I will support and cheer you on.

Mu-Gun didnt want Yeon-Hwa to live passively by being tied to him. He wanted her to live independently and proactively.

Okay. Ill stay at the Baek Sword Sect for the meantime and think about it carefully, then.


After the ship they boarded arrived at Wenzhou Port around sunset, they headed straight to the Baek Sword Sect. The journey took about an hour.

When they arrived at the Baek Sword Sect, the Baek Sword Sects gatekeepers welcomed Mu-Gun.

Welcome back.

Did anything happen while I was away?

No, nothing in particular happened.

Has Father finished his closed-door cultivation?

He did three days ago.

I came back just in time, then. Is he at the White Sword Pavilion?


After confirming Baek Cheon-Sangs whereabouts, Mu-Gun asked Yeon-Hwa, Im going to see my father. Do you want to come with me?

No. You havent been back here in such a long time, so you probably have a lot to talk about with your father. Ill greet him later.

Okay. You should get some rest. This person will guide you to your accommodation.

Mu-Gun instructed the Baek Sword Sect member to guide Yeon-Hwa to where shed be staying. He then headed to the White Sword Pavilion and immediately went up to Cheon-Sangs study.

The guard of Cheon-Sangs study greeted him politely as soon as he saw Mu-Gun.

Please announce my arrival.

Sir Patriarch! The young patriarch is here.

Let him in.

The guard opened the door after Cheon-Sang gave his permission. Mu-Gun bowed slightly to the guard and went inside.

Welcome back. Cheon-Sang stood up to greet Mu-Gun. He was doing some work at his desk.

Mu-Gun smiled as he sensed the change in Cheon-Sangs energy that made him nearly unrecognizable. It was as if he was greeted by the ocean. Cheon-Sangs enormous aura indicated that he had advanced into the Absolute Realm.

Congratulations on your advancement, Father. Mu-Gun congratulated Cheon-Sang.

Its all thanks to you. However, the energy Im feeling from you doesnt seem to be that much different from mine. No, to be exact, it seems like your energy is greater. What happened? Cheon-Sang asked in surprise. He immediately noticed Mu-Guns energy just as how Mu-Gun recognized Cheon-Sangs level at a glance.

I was able to chance upon an opportunity while traveling outside.

An opportunity?


Huh, what kind of opportunity was it that allowed you to reach the Absolute Realm at your tender age?

Because of my connection with the Medicine King Family, I was able to consume medicinal pills along with the beast core of a divine beast.

The Medicine King Family?

Its a family that made it their lifelong task to create medicine that can cure all diseases. By chance, I got to establish a friendly relationship with them, which in turn allowed me to get medicinal pills and the divine beast core from them.

Is it really by coincidence?

How could I have known the Medicine King Family otherwise?

No matter how much I think about it, I cant help but conclude you went on a trip to get the opportunity to meet the Medicine King Family.

Haha, youre overthinking it.

Well, it doesnt matter what you did. Whats important is that you have advanced into the Absolute Realm. Still, it truly is amazing that youve reached that realm at such a young age. The others will be astonished when they find out.

Cheon-Sang felt that Mu-Gun was hiding something. However, he didnt bother digging into it and just thought Mu-Gun would have had a good reason to hide it.

Im sure that I dont have to tell you, but we shouldnt spread the news that I have reached the Absolute Realm to other places.

Dont worry. That aside, I havent had the chance to test my martial prowess since Ive reached the Absolute Realm. If you dont mind, why dont we spar with the sword?

You mean right now?

Ehem, nows not a good time, is it? Youve just returned, so Im sure youre tired from your travels.

No, its fine. Lets go straight to the training hall.

Will you be alright? You dont have to force yourself.

Im also curious about how your martial arts have changed, Father.

I see. Lets go.

Mu-Gun headed to the training hall with Cheon-Sang. Upon arrival, they faced each other with swords in their hands.

Dont go easy on me just because Im your father.

Dont worry. I plan to win against you, Father.

You wicked brat. Who said Id lose? Come.

Mu-Gun launched the first attack on Cheon-Sangs words. He seemingly disappeared from Cheon-Sangs line of sight for a moment, then penetrated through Cheon-Sangs left side with a golden ray of sword qi. In response, Cheon-Sang drew an arc lightly with his sword. A wave of sword qi filled the space to his left and blocked Mu-Guns sword qi. The golden sword qi was pushed back before it could break through the wave of Cheon-Sangs sword qi.

Without a moments hesitation, Cheon-Sang immediately thrust his sword straight at Mu-Gun. The wave of sword qi that formed from his sword stormed through as if it was about to sweep everything away. He had just unleashed the Heavenly Sea Waves Saber Art, which had a different style from the Baek Sword Sects martial arts.

Instead of blocking the wave of sword qi, Mu-Gun quickly evaded by invoking the Thunder God's Aerial Steps. He followed up by charging through from behind Cheon-Sang and proceeded to unleash a golden moonlight ray again.

Cheon-Sang swung his sword while turning around lightly. The golden sword qi was once again shattered and swept away by the wave of sword qi.

The power of the Heavenly Sea Waves Saber Art was strong, but the Celestial Moonlight Sword Art was no less powerful. Although the Celestial Moonlight Sword Art was created by Mu-Gun to make up for the 36 Phantom Moon Blades lacking power, its foundation was still based on the changes in tempo.

On the other hand, the Heavenly Sea Waves Saber Art was a martial art based on overwhelming power. In fact, it was one of the greatest in murim in terms of power since it was a great ascension realm martial art.

Based on its power alone, the Celestial Moonlight Sword Art was no match for the Heavenly Sea Waves Saber Art, but that didnt mean that the Heavenly Sea Waves Saber Art was definitely superior to the Celestial Moonlight Sword Art.

The Heavenly Sea Waves Saber Arts overwhelming power quelled the Celestial Moonlight Sword Arts dazzling changes. However, if the latter could create a change beyond the formers overwhelming power, it would be possible to break the Heavenly Sea Waves Saber Art.

Mu-Gun combined the Celestial Moonlight Sword Arts tempo changes with the unpredictable movement of the Thunder God's Aerial Steps, making his movements and attacks increasingly incalculable. As a result, Cheon-Sang had his hands full trying to block his attacks. If Cheon-Sang didnt know the Celestial Moonlight Sword Arts techniques, Mu-Gun would have already broken through his defenses.

Cheon-Sang couldnt help but be in awe at Mu-Guns martial art. It was far beyond his expectations. Nevertheless, he couldnt let it end like this. Cheon-Sang drew the power of the Heavenly Sea Goliath Cultivation with all his might. A tsunami-like aura enveloped him and encroached on the surrounding space. Cheon-Sangs aura pushed back Mu-Gun, making the latter quickly step away.

Thats amazing. I didnt expect your martial arts to be at this level.

Youre amazing too, Father.

Sparring with you makes me feel as if I can give it my all. Are you fine with that?

Whenever youre ready. Mu-Gun exuded the Thunder God qi, which he had yet to unleash throughout the spar.

A golden thunderstorm violently formed around him. Seeing Mu-Gun in that state made Cheon-Sangs eyes shine.

A thunder-style martial arts Is that your true martial arts?


Is there anything else you havent shown me that will surprise me?

Who knows?

Mu-Gun grinned.

Ill check that later on. I should focus on this match for now.

At that comment, Cheon-Sang and Mu-Gun exchanged gazes and rushed toward each other without any warning. Golden lightning collided with a blue tidal wave, causing a deafening roar to erupt. Mu-Gun and Cheon-Sang braced themselves against the shock wave from the collision, then proceeded to unleash sword attacks imbued with vajra qi at each other.

Their swords clashed multiple times, resonating deafening blasts each time. Mu-Gun still used the Celestial Moonlight Sword Art. However, its power was on another level than before. Imbued with the Thunder God qi, it didnt fall behind in power against the Heavenly Sea Waves Saber Art. Mu-Gun didnt even use the Thunder God's Aerial Steps anymore. He simply pushed Cheon-Sang back with just the power of the sword itself.

Cheon-Sang initially held his ground against Mu-Gun, but he began to be significantly pushed back as the battle progressed. Mu-Gun did not concede at all. Of course, he could have intentionally lost in consideration of his fathers pride.

However, doing that would be no different from belittling and deceiving Cheon-Sang as a martial artist. Moreover, martial artists, even Absolute Realm masters, grew through defeat. Hence, Mu-Gun truly thought he should give his all against Cheon-Sang for the latters sake.

Cheon-Sang tried his best to counter Mu-Guns fierce attacks, but they proved beyond his capabilities. In the end, he had no choice but to surrender.

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