Till the End of Time

Chapter 145

Chapter 145


Alan said, "don't tell me, you don't know."

Lin Xinyan didn't know until he saw the people in the exhibition area.

Su Zhan and Shen peichuan.

"Who designed this?" Su Zhan is standing in front of a long skirt, which is clearly signed, but he pretends not to see it and asks Qin ya.

"I don't know." If she didn't know that this person was rich or expensive, she would have scolded her for a long time. A big man, looking at women's clothes here, would be fine, and would always ask questions.

"Oh ~" Su Zhan Oh, also deliberately pulled a long ending, inexplicably uncomfortable. Qin Ya is patient, "do you have any questions? I didn't invite myself to watch. I'm very busy. "

"Yes." Su Zhan is carrying the skirt thin shoulder belt, "what is your design inspiration source? The reason why the shoulder strap is so thin is to take it off easily. Or to expose the meat? "

Qin Ya's face turned red instantly, staring at him.

You're here to make trouble, aren't you

"No, no, I'm just curious." Su Zhan grinned, "smash the field? Am I tired of living? "

This is Lin Xinyan's place.

Who is Lin Xinyan?

Now Zong Jinghao is on the top of his heart. He has no guts.

"If you like, you can buy it. I'll tell you my source of inspiration. How about it?"

"I don't have a girlfriend. What am I doing here? " Su Zhan turned his mouth.

Qin Ya smile, mouth presents two pear vortex, shallow, some lovely, "if you are interested, you can wear."

Su Zhan, "..."


Shen peichuan didn't hold back and laughed.

"It's OK. Let him wear it himself. I'll tell you, the goods have this hobby." Shen peichuan took the opportunity to bury him.

Su Zhan stares at him, "you will die if you don't speak?"

"Yes - what are you looking at?"

Shen peichuan found Su Zhan's face changed.

He followed Su Zhan's eyes and saw Yuxiu coming in from the door.

As Zong Jinghao's good friends, Su Zhan and Shen peichuan all know this Yuxiu lady, Zong Jinghao's stepmother.

Because of this woman, Zong Jinghao left home early and lived alone outside.

Because of her, the relationship between Zong Jinghao and Zong Qifeng is also very tense.

I don't like her.

This is just her relationship with Zong Jinghao.

Personally, Yuxiu is a third party, but it doesn't have those gaudy clothes. The whole person feels very gentle, peaceful and not worldly.

"What is she doing here?" Su Zhan squints.

Shen peichuan did not make any comments, but he felt that her coming was not a good thing.

Yuxiu is in poor health and looks haggard. In order to avoid being seen, she puts on light makeup.

Qin Ya came to welcome the guests, "hello."

"I'm looking for --"

At this time, Lin Xinyan came to this side. Last time I saw her, she said that she would be invited when the store opened, so Lin Xinyan handed the invitation. I didn't expect her to come so early, because the time hasn't come yet.

"Here you are." Lin Xinyan came up with a smile.

"Of course." She didn't plan to stay more. She came here early on purpose. She was afraid of meeting Zong Jinghao. I'm afraid she would be upset when she knew she was coming.

"Can I sit alone with you?"

There is still some time, Lin Xinyan promised, "OK, you come with me."

Lin Xinyan went to the front to lead the way.

Yuxiu deliberately walked slowly. Looking at Lin Xinyan's back, she was thin and charming in pink dress.

The bloated man who has never had a child looks very young.

She thought to herself that her son was excellent, and so was her daughter-in-law.

Especially after she gave birth to twins for her son. I like it even more.

Although the identification result has not come out, she knows that it is Zong Jinghao's child.

Lin Xinyan pushed open the door of the reception room, turned to Yuxiu and said, "it's quiet here."

"Good." Yuxiu came in and sat on the sofa.

Lin Xinyan poured a glass of water in front of her and sat down on the sofa opposite her.Yuxiu thinks she is good-looking.

Lin Xinyan was a little embarrassed by her, so she began to say, "how are you? I don't think you look very well

Yuxiu back to God, cover way, "a little cold."

She took a sip of the water from the table to hide her embarrassment.

As she put the glass down, she said, "I came here today. Don't mention it to Jing Hao. "

Lin Xinyan said with a smile, "OK, I will."

"I believe you." There are thousands of words that she wants to say to her, but she doesn't know where to start. She takes out a wooden box from her bag and pushes it to Lin Xinyan. "Here you are."

Lin Xinyan didn't want to accept it. He pushed it back. "I can't accept it."

After all, they are not familiar.

And her identity. If Zong Jinghao knew they had contact, he would not be happy.

"Are you going to refuse me before you see it?" Yu Xiu looked at her, "are you afraid that Jing Hao is not happy?"

Lin Xinyan pursed her lips. She was right.

But there's another reason. It's the second time they've met. It's not appropriate for them to accept gifts. They're not so familiar.

It won't develop too well.

After all, identity is among them.

"I always have to think about his feelings." Lin Xinyan deliberately takes Zong Jinghao as a shield.

In fact, it's not entirely true. If Yuxiu and Zong Jinghao were not in that kind of relationship, she would not reject this woman.

She is like water, gentle, graceful and calm.

Yuxiu is sad and happy.

Sad that Lin Xinyan does not accept her kindness, happy that she will think for Zong Jinghao.

"You don't have to think too much about our relationship. You are you and I am me. It doesn't matter. When your store opens today, I always want to show my heart. Even friends will not come empty handed. " She pushed the box over“ Open it up and have a look. "

"It's not appropriate --"

"Open it up." Yuxiu continued, as if Lin Xinyan did not accept, she would keep this posture until she agreed.

Lin Xinyan had no choice but to open the box with his hand. A jade bracelet was lying in the box. There is no impurity in the whole body. It's of high quality. It's worth a lot at a glance.

Lin Xinyan is more reluctant to accept, "so valuable, I can't accept."

What does she mean by that?

Give her such a valuable thing, is it difficult to buy her off?

Lin Xinyan thought in his heart.

"Nothing can't be accepted. You're the daughter-in-law of your family. You can afford it."

Lin Xinyan, "..."

She doesn't know what kind of relationship she and Zong Jinghao belong to, husband and wife? lover? friend? None of them can describe the relationship between her and Zong Jinghao.

Yuxiu takes out the jade bracelet and puts it on Lin Xinyan's hand. Lin Xinyan quickly shrinks his hand, but is held by Yuxiu. She stares at her deeply, "don't refuse me."

Her tone is so repressive that she seems to be enduring something unspeakable.

Lin Xinyan was stunned, "but..."

"I like you very much." Yuxiu's hand was tight, "I will want to tell you a story when I have a chance in the future."

Lin Xinyan saw sadness in her eyes and stopped struggling. Yuxiu put the jade bracelet on her hand“ This is from my mother-in-law. Now I'll give it to you. "

Her mother-in-law?

Isn't that Zong Jinghao's grandmother?

But isn't she a junior?

Lin Xinyan is confused.

"You should be busy today. I should go." Said she stood up, Lin Xinyan also stood up, "I send you."

"Good." Yuxiu is happy.

But Lin Xinyan felt uneasy. She was ashamed of it.

Give it back to her when the chance is right.

Yuxiu's car stops at the side of the road. Lin Xinyan helps her open the door, and Yuxiu bends over to get on. Sitting in the car, she lowered the window, looked at Lin Xinyan, laughed and praised, "you are very beautiful today."

Lin Xinyan's expression is slightly unnatural, "thank you."

Yuxiu asked her to go back, then raised the window and said to the driver, "let's go."

Lin Xinyan stands on the side of the road, looking at the passing car, squinting her eyes. She is not familiar with Yuxiu, has not seen it several times, and doesn't touch much.But she could feel that she was not a bad person.

There are many things in her eyes, but they can't be said.

That kind of depression——

Lin Xinyan doesn't know how to describe it.

She thought there must be some secret in Yuxiu.

She was so absorbed in her thoughts that she didn't know where she was. A black car stopped by the side of the road.

The man is wearing a tailored suit, smooth lines, can't find a wrinkle, which makes him happy and expensive. The street is covered with sunshine, and the weather is no longer hot. The sun will not glare, and it won't feel hot and just cool.

His eyes fell on the delicate body that was enveloped in the aperture.

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