Till the End of Time

Chapter 96

Chapter 96

Yu Doudou took a look at Lin Xinyan standing by the window and said, "we have a common enemy."


Guan Jin felt more interesting. He leaned forward and approached Doudou, "tell me."

Zong Jinghao, who used Lin Xinyan's hand as a toy, still lowered his head. Only when he heard Yu Doudou say that he and Lin Xinyan had common enemies, his eyelashes trembled slightly.

The thumb rubbed the back of her hand.

It's not complicated to say, it's complicated to say, it's not clear to say a word or two

Yu Doudou thought about it“ Let me start from the beginning. The first time I met Miss Lin, I was in business. She reacted greatly to my appearance. Seems to know me, but I don't know her... "

Yu Doudou repeated the process of his acquaintance with Lin Xinyan, "my brother died six years ago. Before he died, he was bribed to drive a lorry and hit someone intentionally. After that, he disguised himself as an accident." at this point, he raised his eyes and looked at Lin Xinyan, "Miss Lin is the one who was hit at that time. She's dead. The taxi driver is dead. She's seriously injured. "

Lin Xinyan's fingers curled slightly, and a layer of cold sweat oozed from her palm. Yu Doudou's words tore away the pain she had suffered.

There are pieces of her back embedded in the meat, and the location is still at the caudal vertebrae. If the operation is not carried out, the nerves may be compressed, resulting in paralysis and inability to walk. However, the operation must be performed with an anesthetic injection. As a pregnant woman, she cannot be anesthetized.

It will affect the baby in the stomach.

She wanted to keep the baby, and she didn't want to spend the rest of her life in a wheelchair.

Besides, she can't be paralyzed. If she gives birth to a child, who knows how to take care of her?

Who will take care of Chuang Tzu Jin?

She can't be paralyzed.

She couldn't do it without children. She couldn't bear to know that she was a pair of twins.

When they "take root" in her stomach, they are connected by flesh and blood.

She's there, they're there.

Never give up.

Finally, the only choice is non anesthesia surgery.

The pain of cutting the flesh, now she would feel numb when she thought of it, as if she was going through the pain which was not enough to describe.

At one point she fainted from the pain. But pregnant women can not faint, but also to keep awake, or the stomach of the child will be adverse.

Caesarean section has produced children all know that anesthesia, but also half body anesthesia, the mind is clear.

It's the same with her to stay awake.

She didn't want to think and forget, but the pain was hidden in her memory and couldn't be erased.

Once someone mentioned it, she would remember it clearly.

It's like this moment, it's gone, and it's been six years. But the pain, like the pain of the heart, will continue for a while, just like the tide of the Qiantang River coming towards her, wave by wave.

She suddenly clenched her hands.

Zong Jinghao obviously felt her abnormality. When he raised his eyes, he saw that her hair was soaked with sweat. She was nervous and afraid.

It's like being haunted by some terrible memory, falling into fear.

He reached out and hugged her in his arms, caressing her back with a big, generous palm, "don't be afraid."

Lin Xinyan closed his eyes. Bury your face in his chest.

His breath and his strong chest seemed to be able to calm people's heart. Lin Xinyan slowly calmed down.

For the first time, she showed such a weak side in front of him.

Zong Jinghao's mind moved and held her tightly. His lips were close to her hair.

"Because the people who hurt my brother and bribed my brother to bump into Miss Lin are the same person, so we have common enemies. Today, we have reached a cooperation. Naturally, it is a cooperative relationship. Miss Lin and I have met three times. This time, she needs to buy a car. She just came back to China and doesn't know her very well, so let me show her. That's it. "

Guan Jin touched his nose and secretly glanced at Zong Jinghao.

At the moment, he is appeasing Lin Xinyan, not looking at him at all.

He whispered a sigh of relief and asked, "do you know who that man is?"

Yu Doudou nodded honestly, "I know. It's a woman, from the he family, with some background. We want to overturn the case. It's not easy. "

Which family?

Guan Jin licked his lips, "who is the first group?"

Yu Doudou nodded, "he Ruilin."When Lin Xinyan said it was the he family, Yu Doudou almost knew who it was.

He family has two sons. It was quite a sensation to find her missing daughter a few years ago.

The room suddenly quieted down.

It's just a light breath.

Yu Doudou secretly aims at Guan Jin and asks in a low voice, "why did he hit me?"

Guan Jin, "..."

It's still because of him, not because he wants to see Zong Jinghao's joke. If he doesn't make it clear, send him a picture, Yu Doudou won't be beaten.

Is Yu Doudou a fool?

I can't see it because I'm jealous.

I can't see other men near Lin Xinyan.

Looking at Guan Jin's expression, Yu Doudou seems to understand.

But he was so wronged that he took Lin Xinyan to see the car and was beaten for nothing.

Aggrieved in the heart, murmured in a low voice, "money can bully people?"

Zong Jinghao seems to be leisurely and independent, but he can hear every word Yu Doudou says clearly.

He Ruilin.

"What compensation do you want?" Zong Jinghao's light way.

He's not bullying. It's just that he doesn't like men being too close to Lin Xinyan.

Lin Xinyan found that he did not know when to lean on Zong Jinghao's arms. His face was slightly red, and he quickly withdrew from his arms.

She pretended to calm look at the watch, "it's late, I should go back."

Yu Doudou also stood up, "why don't you compensate me?"

After all, he was beaten, and the compensation should be paid.

Besides, Zong Jinghao is not short of money.

He can't take a blow for nothing, can he?

Zong Jinghao put his arms around Lin Xinyan's shoulder“ I'll see you off. "

Lin Xinyan wants to refuse, Zong Jinghao buttoned her shoulder more tightly, "my chest has borrowed you, how, want to cross the river and tear down the bridge?"

Lin Xinyan found that he did not win him, sighed and let him embrace him.

When passing by Yu Doudou, Zong Jinghao did not squint, but warned, "she is a married woman, stay away from her, how much money and Guan Jin said."

Then he left with Lin Xinyan in his arms.

Sitting in the car, Zong Jinghao buckled her seat belt.

Lin Xinyan looked at him with low eyes, "don't you think you have affected my life?"

"I don't think so." He was righteous and didn't feel that he was wrong at all.

"I'm not your private property. I have my life circle. It's not good for you." Lin Xinyan doesn't want this to happen again.

"We're husband and wife. Aren't you my private property?"

"We are not husband and wife."



Lin Xinyan's words suddenly stopped.

Just because she didn't go to apply for a certificate, now it's his handle. Take this to influence her life.

"What you said to Guan Jin is that you have dealt with the certificate."

Her words did not finish, suddenly was buttoned back of the head, strong against the lips——

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