To ascend, I had no choice but to create games

Chapter 129: 108: The Key to Activating Dynamic Plants (Added for the ally of Boss Qiu Ge)_1

Chapter 129: Chapter 108: The Key to Activating Dynamic Plants (Added for the ally of Boss Qiu Ge)_1

Three days flashed by in an instant.

After three days of observation, Number Two had come to a conclusion.

And that conclusion was that these humanoid entities were definitely not human, not even biological.

They neither ate nor drank water, and they could appear or disappear at will, which was entirely unnatural.

They were merely a bunch of things resembling humans, shrouded in human skin, wandering around and carrying out inconceivable rituals.

With Beta’s reminder, Number Two finally realized how dangerous the Botanic Garden was.

Every seemingly beautiful plant was actually a hybrid of animal and plant, much like itself. The only difference was that they were more plant than animal, while it was the opposite.

Each hybrid lay in ambush, like spiders lying in wait in the darkness, nesting and waiting for the moment to be activated, then pouncing to capture their prey.

The suddenly appearing snow was some kind of microorganism, slowly descending upon its host before consuming it.

The extra shadows were another kind of hybrid, possessing the strong ability to mimic shadows to catch their prey.

Fake water would appear on the surface of the water, and false wind on the dead-end roads. This place was entirely a massive hunting ground, a place of terror where one might die at any moment.

But even more terrifying than these horrific hybrids were those humanoids.

Because, they actually seemed to enjoy this place!

Based on Beta’s analysis, although these humanoids showed no signs of life, they possessed complete emotions. By deducing from their behavior, Beta discovered that these humanoids had a fondness for this place.

It was like a chipmunk that had entered a home of hawks and wolves, admiring the sharp teeth and drool of the other while musing how nice those teeth looked.

What was even more horrifying was that these humanoids were provoking the hybrids.

Even though they lacked the ability to trigger the hybrids, let alone make them cease hiding, they seemed tirelessly fond of trying to coax these lurking creatures to attack them.

This behavior, utterly fearless of death and even treating it as fun, convinced Number Two that these beings were definitely not human.

They were just a group of monsters wearing human skin, or perhaps some kind of mechanical imitation of humans, but decidedly ineffective puppets.

After carefully observing for three days, the chipmunk felt it needed to take action.

The stockpile of nuts was running low, and they had to try to obtain food from a plant resembling nuts, which unfortunately included squirrels on its menu.

As soon as they approached, the plant would drop its mimicry and launch an attack on them.

Therefore, it had to try coordinating with Beta to obtain the nuts together.

With its mind made up, Number Two began to devise a plan.

It would use its sharp wit, a brain that even a King had praised, to come up with a perfect plan to acquire the nuts it wanted!

“Time to eat!” Number One called from not far away.

Interrupted, Number Two moved over discontentedly and started gnawing on a nut.

The nut today tasted sweet and fragrant, unlike any it had tasted before, making it deliciously enjoyable.

It wasn’t until after it ate one that Number Two became alert and asked Number One, “What’s going on, where did you get these nuts from?”

“Didn’t you give them?” Number One asked, confused.

“I picked them up.” The dopey Number Three raised its paw and said.

“And where did you come from?”

“I slept at the side of the road, and those humanoids brought some to me.”

Number Two felt like it had a mouthful of swear words it wanted to say.

Grabbing Number Three by the chest, it angrily demanded, “What are you doing? Do you know how hard I work every day to avoid those humanoids? Why did you have to expose us today!”

“Not today, I was exposed since we arrived. Although I’m still quite scared of her, she’s really gentle when feeding.”

“Then what have I been monitoring for the past few days!”

“I don’t know, but you seemed pretty happy doing it.”

“Happy my ass!”

Panting with frustration, Number Two released its paws, utterly speechless.

It had thought itself a super agent, only to turn out to be an ultimate fool, self-involved in its act for three days, ignorant of their exposure.

Standing there, it looked up at the sky and muttered, “I’m not acting anymore, I’m going to touch the snow now.”

“Don’t do it, Number Two! If you go, who will we bully?”

“Screw off! Bully whoever you want, there’s no damn future with you two idiots!”

“Have you forgotten your mission?” shouted Number One suddenly.

The angry Number Two calmed down, also remembering its purpose.

After calming itself, it said to Number Three, “Who did you expose yourself to?”

“To a humanoid marked as female.”

“Does she have companions?”

“No, just her alone. And she doesn’t move very fast, so I’m not worried about her catching me.”

“Alone, no companions… How did you meet her?”

“I just went to the side of the road, and she came over by herself.”

After confirming the details with Number Three and learning that indeed the other was alone and not very swift, Number Two felt it could take action.

The fact that she fed nuts every day suggested she must bear some kind of goodwill toward squirrels, so using this goodwill to make contact with her and understand the humanoids seemed like a good choice.

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