To Hell With Being a Hero!

Chapter 418. Organizing (2)

Chapter 418. Organizing (2)

After the war ended, Shalyh, which had been half-destroyed, was finding its former self day by day. With the full support of the League, the collapsed buildings were reconstructed, and roads were newly built. The more the reconstruction progressed, the more lively the streets became, but the Seven Stars was still surprisingly quiet in consideration of Chi-Woo.

Of course, Chi-Woo didn’t have a very authoritative personality. Although there was a saying that a person’s status changes them, Chi-Woo had not held himself like a privileged individual even after becoming the leader of Seven Stars, and his attitude had not changed even now. Nevertheless, the members of the Seven Stars stayed quiet in consideration of Chi-Woo’s concern for his brother. Of course, he did it unconsciously and tried to not make it obvious by acting like his usual self.

“Yes, certainly. As Mr. Eval Sevaru said, they’ll also soon…?” Chi-Woo stopped mid-sentence and slightly widened his eyes when Eval Sevaru gave him a strange smile. He took a moment to figure out why Eval Sevaru was smiling at him like that. “Ah, um. So that’s it. As you said, Eval.”

When Chi-Woo hurriedly corrected himself, Eval Sevaru’s smile deepened. “You promised us, boss. I was almost disappointed.”

Chi-Woo smacked his lips at Eval Sevaru’s soft laugh. After Hawa’s public announcement at a dinner not too long ago, it was decided that Chi-Woo would talk informally to everyone as the leader of Seven Stars. Since his members wanted it so much, Chi-Woo was forced to agree, but he wasn’t used to speaking casually. Habits were scary, and it felt awkward to suddenly speak informally when he had maintained formal speech with everyone all this time.

“Didn’t you profess before everyone that you’ll speak informally? Of course, I know that you’re trying, boss.”

“I don’t know, Mr. Eval Sevaru. I don’t understand why I have to speak informally, and I don’t understand why everyone wants it so much. What’s wrong with speaking in honorifics?”

“Well…” Eval Sevaru looked at Chi-Woo, who was unconsciously grumbling without dropping honorifics once again, and rubbed his chin. “Then, boss, I dare to ask you this. Is there a reason why speaking informally is bad?”

“That’s—I don’t think it’s bad, but it feels kind of iffy to speak so casually without permission. Mr. Eval Sevaru, how do you feel when a stranger speaks informally to you at the first meeting?”

“Of course I won’t feel good. But are we strangers?” When Eval Sevaru replied with a question, Chi-Woo found it difficult to answer. “Boss, don’t we have a relationship where it’s completely acceptable for you to speak informally to us?”

“…Even so, I don’t know if there’s a good reason why I have to give up speaking in honorifics.” An employee speaking informally to their boss was socially unacceptable, while it was common and completely acceptable for an employer to speak informally to their employee. However, not all bosses would opt for informal speech with their employees.

This was Chi-Woo’s logic, but Eval Sevaru calmly refuted, “No, there is a reason.”

“What is it?”

“It’s because if you stick to honorifics like this, there is a possibility that others might look down on you.”

“I find that hard to agree with.”

“Well, I respect your thoughts. Since we’re all from different planets, there’s bound to be cultural differences.” Eval Sevaru shrugged and continued, “But this is Liber. There are laws and policies established in accordance with the situation and the environment here.” When Chi-Woo tilted his head, Eval Sevaru cleared his throat. “Boss, you know how heroes like me think of the legend, right?”


“I was let in on the true nature of your relationship, but…let’s say that a hero who doesn’t know your relationship with the legend sees you talking casually and treating him however you like, then what do you think that hero will think of you?”

“Well…that I’m one crazy punk?”

“Of course, but what if the legend accepts your behavior like it’s nothing?”


“That hero will look at you and think, ‘Wow, what the hell happened? Even Ismile Nahla can’t act so recklessly with the legend, so who is he?’ Then they’ll think that you’re a big shot they can’t carelessly dismiss.”

Eval Sevaru waited for Chi-Woo to refute him.

When Chi-Woo didn’t say anything, he continued, “We can also use Ru Amuh and Yunael as an example. They’re heroes who are quite famous in their own right in the Celestial Realm. What would other heroes think when they see two famous heroes bow and act politely to you?”

“I understand what you mean, but isn’t that all just a show in the end?” Chi-Woo replied sharply without intending to. He meant to counter the argument by saying the other heroes’ respect and reverence didn’t really come from the heart.

“So what’s the problem with that?” However, Eval Sevaru did not back down an inch. “They say it takes only three seconds for a person to decide their first impression of another person in their first meeting. On the other hand, it takes an average of 60 meetings with someone to change their first impression.” Eval Sevaru firmly continued, “That’s why keeping up an appearance is necessary, even if it’s all for show. There’s no more effective way than that to arouse others’ imagination and establish a firm impression of you on a subconscious level.”

Chi-Woo opened his mouth and tried to say something, but Eval Sevaru beat him to it. “Even if you don’t personally prefer it, it can’t be helped because you’re in a world where someone of your position should behave like this.”


“Of course, I know very well that you’re not an authoritative person relative to your background. It’s understandable as few people would like to be authoritative if it’s taken to the extreme, but on the other hand, it’s also a problem if a person with authority is not authoritative at all.”

Chi-Woo closed his mouth because he could understand to some extent what Eval was saying. Eval wasn’t saying that he should be authoritative, but rather he would have no choice but to even if he was reluctant. Chi-Woo fell into thought. Authority was the power to command or enforce others to comply. It also referred to being socially recognized by individuals or organizations in a specific field and the power to influence others. If this authority was shaken, members of Seven Stars as well as the very organization itself could be affected as well. This was probably what Evan Sevaru was getting at. Chi-Woo had no idea that Eval Sevaru would make Chi-Woo’s reluctance to speak informally into such a big issue.

However, Chi-Woo couldn’t argue against that, so he nodded in the end. “I see, Mr. Eval…no, I got it, Eval. I feel super awkward, but I’ll try to get used to it as soon as possible.”

“Sir, I’d like to tell you to take your time if possible, but…as you said, please get used to it as fast as possible. There will come a time when we’ll soon need it. At least until then…”

Chi-Woo scratched his head and blinked. He was about to look up and ask Eval what he meant, but Eval Sevaru was already bowing and turning away.

‘There will come a time when we need it?’ Chi-Woo frowned; it was hard to understand no matter how much he thought about it. As soon as the door closed, he heard it open again. Chi-Woo wondered if Eval Sevaru had returned, but his eyes widened because it was not Eval Sevaru, but a woman of quiet beauty.

“Our Ran-Eum is here?”

Byeok Ran-Eum came to a stop. When she glared fiercely at him, Chi-Woo immediately bowed in a hurry. “I apologize, master.”

“Punk, you really have gone crazy this time.” Byeok gnashed her teeth. “Did you hurt your head in this war?”

“No, that’s not it… It’s just I got a serious scolding from Mr. Eval Sevaru just now.”

“What did he say?”

“He told me to hurry up and get used to speaking informally, so…”

Byeok snorted. “You rascal. Even then, how dare you address your one and only master in that manner?”

“I’m sorry, in my anxious heart, I wanted to get used to it as soon as possible…”

“I know you’re trying in your own way, but…tsk, anyway, I got it. Make sure you listen to what he says; he’s steps ahead of you at reading the flow of the situation.”

Chi-Woo inwardly sighed because Byeok seemed to be letting him off easy for his impertinence; frankly, he had merely been teasing her.

“Anyway…are you free in the afternoon?” Byeok clicked her tongue and finally brought up the main subject at hand.

“In the afternoon? Yes, I’m free.”

Then she gave him a strange look for a moment and said, “That’s good. Then pack my lunch box and bring it to me. Get ready now.”

Chi-Woo looked puzzled because the request had come out of nowhere. She wanted him to pack a lunch box and bring it to her?”

Byeok continued, “I have something urgent to do and have to go right now, but I still haven’t eaten yet.”

“…Where do I find you?”

“At the official residence,” Byeok said clearly and added, “Since Noel is supposed to eat with me, it would be great if you prepared a lot.”

“Yes, well…I got it.” Chi-Woo nodded, still a bit confused.

“Then I’ll go ahead and wait for you.”

Chi-Woo stared at her back as she moved away. He had packed lunch boxes for her dozens of times. It was a bit sudden, but it wasn’t a strange request. Following the order of his stern master, Chi-Woo enthusiastically got back into cooking after not being able to do it for a long while. He prepared so much food that Byeok could stuff herself to death and went out carrying the lunch box. He had worried about this on his way to the official residence, but as expected—

“It’s the little legend!”

“Long live the little legend! Hooray! Hooray!”

Chi-Woo had to endure intense embarrassment as everyone who saw him gave a rowdy cheer. ‘Damn it…I didn’t expect her to get revenge like this for speaking a bit informally to her.’ Chi-Woo’s mood gradually worsened as he climbed the stairs to the top floor of the official residence, where Byeok was waiting for him. The further up he went, the stronger he felt that he should give her the lunch box as quickly as possible and get out of there. If he stayed any longer, the resolve he had finally strengthened after Eval’s lecture would waver again.

“Master, I’m here…” He opened the door with a light knock and was soon startled. Byeok was enjoying her tea on the sofa, and Noel Freya was standing with her hands politely clasped in front of her, next to the desk. They both glanced at Chi-Woo when he entered and gave him a soft smile as if they’d been waiting for him. However, Chi-Woo wasn’t looking at them; his eyes were only fixed on one person.

Chi-Hyun sat at his desk and looked intently at the document in his hand. Then he looked up at Chi-Woo, who was standing still like a stone statue. “…Hm? You’re here.” With these words, Chi-Hyun looked down again.

Chi-Woo stared intently at the man he had thought looked most natural to be sitting on that desk chair looking at documents. His mouth slightly gaped, and the lunch boxes in his hands fell to the floor with a loud clang. Frankly, while he was climbing the stairs, he had imagined seeing his brother reading documents at the desk like usual when he opened the door. He had dismissed it since he thought it was all wishful thinking.

“Since you’re here, grab a seat already. It’s distracting.”

It was really Chi-Hyun. It was really his brother. Judging by his irritating and awful tone, it couldn’t be anyone but his annoying brother. “Ha.” Chi-Woo let out a hollow laugh. Although it was more of a snort stemming from the ridiculousness of the situation, it was the first time he had laughed since the war ended. Chi-Woo looked back at Byeok, sitting while feigning ignorance. He had wondered why she suddenly asked him to bring a lunch box to the official residence. She should have just told him right away. He never imagined that she would get her revenge like this.

Chi-Woo stared at Chi-Hyun for a long time and suddenly asked, “When did you return?” His voice sounded a bit hoarse.

“47 minutes and 15 seconds ago,” Chi-Hyun answered calmly.

“It hasn’t been that long.” It hadn’t been one hour yet. “You haven’t seen my messages?” Chi-Hyun could have replied before he came; Chi-Woo was disappointed since he had sent dozens of messages.

“I didn’t see it.” However, Chi-Hyun gave an unexpected answer. “As soon as I returned to the sanctuary and the device was reactivated, notifications rang like crazy.” In other words, he received too many messages that Chi-Woo’s messages unintentionally got buried.

“Just how many messages did you get?”

“About ten thousand.”

Chi-Woo doubted his ears. He had sent only 30 messages. Then who sent the remaining 9,970? Chi-Woo looked to the side, and Noel Freya, appearing anxious for some reason, hurriedly averted her eyes. There was nothing but a wall in the direction she was looking in. He had been wondering why Chi-Hyun hadn’t contacted him, but the culprit had been someone else all along.

“…” Chi-Woo turned back to Chi-Hyun and looked at him with a fed-up expression. “You’re working as soon as you come back?”

“It’s because he’s feeling shy. So shy,” Byeok interjected. “Since he feels awkward making eye contact with you after all this time, he’s pretending to work—”

“Three,” Chi-Hyun suddenly said apropos of nothing. “Master, if you speak any more nonsense, I will reveal your age in order from the last digit.”

Byeok instantly closed her mouth and sipped her tea quietly.

“I heard you’ve made some achievements in this war, haven’t you?” After successfully quieting Byeok, Chi-Hyun raised his eyes and looked at Chi-Woo. “I heard a brief report from Noel. What do they call you? Little legend?” The way his tone slightly rose at the end made it sound like he was teasing him. “Well, you’ve worked hard. Little legend.” No, Chi-Hyun was definitely teasing him. He was questioning if the title of legend was even appropriate for someone like him.

Of course, Chi-Woo didn’t get riled up. “Yeah, you also worked hard.” Rather than getting angry, he replied with a soft smile and then said, “Shit head.”

Chi-Hyun faltered after going back to look at his document with a flat smile. He raised his head and asked, “What did you say?”

Chi-Woo grinned. “I said great job, you shit head.”

“Why am I a shit head?”

“You are a shit head. You shit such a generous amount and left everything to me.”


“If I just think about how I had to go back to the past and clean up the shit that you left behind—” Chi-Woo couldn’t finish because Chi-Hyun had risen from his seat indignantly.

“Come here. I said come here right now!”

There was no use retreating. Chi-Hyun grabbed and locked Chi-Woo’s head under his armpit before squeezing tightly, saying he had been waiting for this moment.

“No! Hyung! Why are you being like this all of a sudden! Hyuuung!” Caught in a headlock, Chi-Woo struggled and resisted by hitting Chi-Hyun.

“You crazy bastard! You not only went back in time, but you changed the outcome of something that’s already happened? Are you out of your damn mind?”

“But thanks to that, we were able to win anyway!”

“No matter how—”

“Then you should’ve stopped me back then!”

“!” Chi-Hyun flinched.

“You got completely crushed and even threw a tantrum like a—” Then the next moment, Chi-Woo let out a scream because Chi-Hyun had tightened his grasp even more.

“What? Crushed? Want a fight? A rematch?”

“Fine with me! You really want a go? Want to end up like Bael?”

“Ha! You’re full of crap! You’re letting your ego get too big for your head!”

When Noel tried to stop the two brothers while they fought fiercely without backing away, Byeok got up from her seat and said, “Leave them alone. Let’s just let the two release their frustrations and grievances, at least for today.” Then she left the room without hesitation.

Noel Freya looked back at the two brothers and realized why. The corners of Chi-Hyun’s lips were raised very slightly even while he shouted like an angry person. And the same went for Chi-Woo. Chi-Woo had never cracked a smile since they won the war, but today, at this moment, he was positively beaming—like a child who had forgotten all his worries.

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