To Hell With Being a Hero!

Chapter 423. Leader (4)

Chapter 423. Leader (4)

With Yunael’s answer, the alarm rang, and a message popped up in the air.

[‘7 Ways to Become a Great and Respected Parent’ has been opened.]

[The amount of trust that Yunael Tania has towards user Choi Chi-Woo will be measured.]

[Measuring… Measurement is complete.]

[Trust 99.9%]

‘What?’ Chi-Woo almost doubted his eyes when he saw the percentage. It was very close to a hundred and was the highest among the stars. It was even higher than Ru Amuh’s level of trust in him, and the man hung onto Chi-Woo’s every word.

‘What? Why is it so high?’ Chi-Woo wondered. He was satisfied enough with his stars meeting only the minimum trust percentage; and though it was true that he and Yunael had gone through a couple of ordeals together, he didn’t think they had done anything that could lead to an almost 100% trust level. Thus, he thought there might be something other than simple bonding at play here.

Chi-Woo was not wrong to think this. When Yunael was using the Kobalos’ fire pit, her passionate feelings had even stirred up a foreign god’s heart and made the god do what she had planned to refuse at first. But neither Chi-Woo nor Yunael knew exactly what that was. Yunael, especially, couldn’t comprehend what emotion she was feeling after having lived with no sex for so long. Chi-Woo tilted his head in confusion, but went on to read the rest of the message.

[Whether they are adults or children, everyone loves receiving compliments. This is especially true when the compliments come from a parent, and their effects are amplified. In this way, giving compliments is an important parenting tool. First of all, it helps build your child’s confidence, which allows the child to foster their mental capacity so that they can build better and more positive relationships. The establishment of such healthy relationships has a positive influence on the child in that it leads to a proper attitude and internal progress.

Thus, in these ways, giving compliments is a good tool, but it shouldn’t be used excessively. As it is not right to say what is right is wrong, you must not compliment your child for their wrongdoings. Compliments must be given according to the situation and occasion, and you must know how to discipline your child when necessary. Excessive compliments could stunt your child’s growth.]

[Trust level surpassed required condition.]

[Accepting ‘the resourceful and brave hero’, Yunael Tania, as user Chi-Woo’s fourth star.]

With this, the process was completed. Yunael was officially registered as Chi-Woo’s fourth star. However, it was still far from over.

“Uh…it’s over? Is that all there is to it?”

“No, wait,” Chi-Woo said and contemplated. After seeing Yunael’s user information, there wasn’t an ability that particularly piqued his interest. That meant contrary to what he usually did, he could be the one to share an ability with her, and Chi-Woo wondered which ability among his that he should share.

—I recommend Golden Ratio.

Chi-Woo heard Philip’s voice then, and his eyes slightly widened.

‘Why Golden Ratio?’

Golden Ratio was said to create the most beautiful body with the perfect proportions. And just by achieving the perfect balance in physique, the user gained tremendous benefits. It was what allowed an ordinary human like Chi-Woo to grow at exponential speed in a very short time frame. Thus, Chi-Woo was a bit taken aback to hear that he should share such a rare and special ability with Yunael.

—I’ve seen that pervert Byeok teach this lady before.

Philip began. Chi-Woo didn’t miss the insults against his master, but he thought he should hear Philip out first.

—But how should I say this? She’s good, really good…but there’s a sense of unfamiliarity or awkwardness in her movements.

‘A sense of unfamiliarity? There’s no way Master Byeok wouldn’t have noticed though.’

—Yes, but pervert Byeok didn’t say anything about it.


—Why even ask? Don’t you know your master’s personality? If it’s something she doesn’t think the person can do anything about, she doesn’t even bring it up.

‘Really? Then, what could be the problem?’

—Physical imbalance.

And thus, Philip explained that because of the special characteristic that all members of the Tania family shared, Yunael had lived with no sex for a long time. She remained sexless even after entering Liber for some time until her sex was suddenly decided for some unknown reason.

—That’s when the gap formed.

Women and men had physical and psychological differences based on biology. To put it bluntly, Yunael had lived too long without sex, which gave rise to the problems she was suffering from. Usually, it was normal for Tania members to choose their sex in their adolescent years at the latest, yet Yunael’s sex had failed to manifest so late into her life that it worried her parents. In the end, Yunael went through her adolescence and growth spurt and finished developing as a hero in that state. However, after training and adjusting to a sexless body for so long, Yunael had become a woman overnight because of a certain someone. With such a rapid and sudden change, the balance she had maintained for over twenty years crumbled.

—From what I can see, it’s hard to expect dramatic growth from her until she fills in all those gaps. However, if you share the Golden Ratio ability with her, wouldn’t her physical imbalance be immediately resolved, and the path to progress open wide for her again?

—Hm, isn’t that right? Think about it.

—I’m certainly not saying this because I’m curious about how the Golden Ratio would affect a woman’s body rather than a boring man’s, so don’t misinterpret my words.

It sounded like Philip had let slip his true intentions in the last sentence, but Chi-Woo decided not to dwell on that. He did think that Philip had a point. There was nothing to lose…no, there were certainly things he would lose, which were his precious Blessed Luck; it had taken him 500 million merits to refill it to 100.

But Yunael was someone who had risked her life many times for him, and for reason unbeknownst to him, had somehow reached a trust level of 99.9% toward him. Thus, for a trustworthy companion like her, Chi-Woo thought it was worth trying to give her the ability even if he had to use Deterrence too. With this thought, Chi-Woo shared ‘Golden Ratio’ with Yunael. In addition to that, there was another thing he had to do.

[Yunael Tania- Page (1/1)]

1. ‘7 Ways to Become a Great and Respected Parent’: Reach at least 90% in trust (Complete)

2. Become acknowledged by ‘Byeok Ran-Eum’, the Celestial Realm’s examiner, and become her disciple (Complete)

3. Break the contract with the White Horse General and form a new contract with the goddess of Balance, La Bella (Complete)

4. Use at least 6 and at most 8 points of ‘Blessed Luck’ (Incomplete)

All the basic conditions were met. Chi-Woo raised the chains in his left wrist without hesitation and used the maximum amount of Blessed Luck needed.

[The Power to Rule the World has been used.]

[Innate ability [Blessed Luck] consumed (100 ->92).]

[To transform Yunael Tania’s physical body into a vessel, the Power to Rule the World begins ‘Total Modification’.]

Chi-Woo blinked rapidly. Whenever he used the Power to Rule the World, it only ever modified abilities, yet an exception seemed to be happening.

‘A vessel? Total Modification?’ Chi-Woo wondered and stared at Yunael.

“Huh…?” Yunael gasped and turned around before falling from her chair. Then she lay limply on the ground. Everyone was astounded by the sudden change, and soon afterward, chilling bone-cracking sounds came from Yunael’s body, and she began to flap on the ground like a freshly caught fish.

“B-Boss?” Eval looked from Chi-Woo to Yunael frantically.

—What? What’s happening to her?

Philip also shouted in shock. Chi-Woo was likewise startled by what was happening and thought that he had perhaps been too hasty. The reason for Yunael’s wild reaction to the Golden Ratio could be found in the first line of Golden Ratio’s description—the ability was created out of Divine Blood, which stemmed from Core of Balance. Things might’ve been different if Yunael possessed Core of Balance like Chi-Woo. Golden Ratio was too much to bear for a simple human body. This was a mistake.

Thus, Chi-Woo acted fast and immediately used the Power to Rule the World again. As soon as it confirmed the transformations that were happening to Yunael’s body, the Power to Rule the World was activated to solve the problem. Thus, even though she didn’t have Core of Balance, her body was primed in a way that helped her accept Golden Ratio without setbacks. Perhaps it was no coincidence that he had used 8 Blessed Luck points only for Yunael since this wasn’t a problem that could be solved by 7. This could be another one of those special arrangements a greater being had made. Nevertheless, the two men and one spirit stood anxiously and watched the situation unfold since they were in the dark.

“Let’s get a priest immediately—” Seeing Yunael’s skin split like spider webs, Eval was about to dash outside and fetch help.

“Everyone wait,” Chi-Woo said while raising his hand. He looked piercingly at the gaps forming in Yunael’s body and said, “Let’s…wait a bit…we shouldn’t act too hastily…” Chi-Woo had a strong feeling that was what they should do.


After opening her eyes, Yunael frowned. She was hit with a horrible stench.

“…Huh?” Yunael blinked hard. She remembered conversing with Chi-Woo, but not anything afterward. She didn’t know why she was lying on the bed nude either. And that wasn’t all.

“W-What?” Yunael gasped when she looked around her. Her body felt sticky, and there were yellowish-black gel-like substances all over her body. There was so much of it that her bed sheets were entirely colored in yellow and black. Then, Yunael screamed. She saw a large clump of skin in the corner of the bed like a cicada shell. Confused, she looked around with a deep frown.

Her body felt different. Besides the strange substances around her and the terrible stench, she felt refreshed, and her mana seemed stronger than before. What in the world happened? After struggling for a bit, Yunael cursed, ‘Ah, sh…!’ And she sloppily put on some clothes before going outside.

When her head was in a mess, she always practiced swinging her spear; so as soon as she arrived at the yard, she swung her spear like she usually did. She hadn’t noticed anything in the beginning, but as she continued, she began to feel something.

‘Huh?’ Something felt different from before. Things were connecting more easily and smoothly. Right after her sex change, Yunael had to make great efforts to adjust to her new body. Even though humans were adaptable animals, that didn’t apply to all situations. Case in point, a born leftie couldn’t use their right hand as well as their left hand no matter how much they tried.

Even though she had no trouble in her daily life, she felt a sense of unfamiliarity during battle from time to time. That was a part she found difficult to fix no matter what she tried, but today, that sensation completely disappeared. It felt as if she was wearing an item of clothing that not only fit her perfectly, but also matched her style.

Yunael tilted her head curiously and stopped swinging her spear to check her user information. She gasped. It hadn’t been her imagination. All her physical abilities had improved, and her mana in particular was substantially better. But the biggest change she felt was the recovery of the sense of familiarity with her own body that she had lost for some time. In this current state, she thought she could become much stronger as long as she honed her body well.

“Wow…awesome…” Since she wasn’t a complete fool, Yunael finally realized this was the gift and blessing from Chi-Woo that she had heard about from Aida and the change she had felt from Ru Amuh. After admiring her new physique for a while, she met eyes with somebody else. It was the fenrir cub.

“Hello.” Feeling giddy, Yunael smiled widely and greeted the cub. However, the fenrir cub didn’t greet her back, but instead spat on the ground and turned around while covering their nose.


It was then Yunael realized that her body was still reeking of a terrible stench that she woke up to and headed to the bathhouse.


As if he had been waiting for the chance the whole time, Philip quickly chased after Yunael. He had been gulping with an open mouth, and he was about to chase after her into the bathhouse when a holy light scattered amid the heavy steam as soon as the door opened.


When the light touched him, Philip felt a soul-wrenching, burning pain, and he ran away screaming.

“…What? Why are you shooting holy energy all of a sudden?” Yunael looked warily at the person in front of her.

“It’s nothing.” Evelyn, who was already in the bath, snorted.

“Anyways, did your conversation yesterday go well—hm?” Evelyn was about to ask what Yunael had talked to Chi-Woo about yesterday before she quickly changed the topic of conversation. “What…happened to you?”

“What…w-what are you doing?” Yunael staggered backward when Evelyn suddenly got up and stomped toward her. Then, she put her hands all over Yunael and stroked her body.

“W-What are you doing? Ah seriously!” Yunael was not used to such treatment even after becoming a woman.

“Stop moving for a bit.” But Evelyn remained unbothered and busied herself studying Yunael’s body.

“Wow…” Then, after some time, she curled her tongue and asked, “How did you become so pretty?”

“Are you mocking me?”

“No, I’m not. Of course, my face is much more beautiful,” Evelyn said while flicking her wet hair back and scanning Yunael’s body with her finger from top to bottom, “But I’m talking about your body.”

“It’s a work of art,” Evelyn added. Just as she said, a soft line trailed from Yunael’s neck to her shoulders, following her breasts to the dramatic curves of her waistline. Her hip drew a pair of S-lines on both sides and connected to a long pair of legs. Nothing was too much or too lacking. Everything fit just right, and all parts of her body oozed feminine charm and power. Even Evelyn, who took care of her appearance and body daily, couldn’t help but admire Yunael’s physique.

“It’s no joke…it’s as if I’m seeing Chi-Woo’s body.”

Yunael felt a bit embarrassed under Evelyn’s gaze, but when she heard her murmuring, questions popped into her mind. ‘She saw the boss’s body? Where?’ Yunael felt confused and irritated at the same time. Then, she stopped and wondered, ‘…Why does that make me angry?’


After the Seven Stars finished organizing their ranks, Chi-Woo was able to rest for a couple of days. Both Eval Sevaru and his brother were right. It was enough for him just to give general directions, and without him meddling in each and every matter, the Seven Stars would be able to roll on their own; and the leaders of the first, second, third, and fourth teams would go through their own rebuilding and reorganizing process. Thus, Chi-Woo got to focus on his own main team.

“Ok, Hawa, repeat after me. The main wife is Evelyn.”


“You repeat after me too, Eshnunna. The first wife is Evelyn.”


Chi-Woo looked away from Evelyn as she urged the other two to do something. With this, the Seven Stars’ system was officially set in place. If they could maintain these rules, they wouldn’t waver in face of most troubles and obstacles. The only thing left for Chi-Woo to do was to reach Master tier. And to do this, he needed to fulfill the conditions the gods gave him.

Wanting to become stronger even a second sooner, Chi-Woo was ready to get on the task immediately, but unfortunately, he had to put a halt to his plan because the guests that Chi-Hyun talked about were arriving. And the problem was that more than one guest was coming to Shalyh.

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