To Hell with Being a Saint, I’m a Doctor

Chapter 111: The Hidden Scheme?

Chapter 111: The Hidden Scheme?

Thievery? These items were unclaimed from the start!

How brazen! Am I not their rightful owner?

Such exchanges continued.

Ray thought these trivialities would naturally conclude soon enough.

But it seemed neither had any intention of stopping.

As Iriel and Aira bickered for over two hours, Ray, unable to bear it any longer, interjected.

Lets just all leave together! Just so you know, if even one of you disagrees, Im heading straight back to the Academy!

The sincerity in his voice made both of them look at Ray.

Then they glanced at each other.

Was there an unspoken agreement?

Both knew it was time to back down.

They nodded in agreement.

This is so uncomfortable.

Aira, clad in a robe, murmured softly.

She was petite.

The robes sleeves were too long for her arms, and the hood too large, making it seem she was donning an oversized raincoat.

Ray couldnt help but chuckle at Airas adorably ill-fitting look.

It was hard to picture her as an elf.

Furthermore, she was a High Elf, revered among elves.

If other elves saw Aira in this state, they would be astonished.

Her current appearance was indeed groundbreaking.

Ray, responding to the grumbling Aira, remarked, We have no choice. Your appearance is too distinctive.

Hmm there should be a way to sufficiently conceal my ears

If it were just the ears, I wouldnt have insisted on the uncomfortable robe.

Ray started to put on his robe as well.

Aira shifted her gaze between her own robe and Rays.

Then, smiling broadly as if pleased with something, she nodded.

Having readied themselves in their robes, they departed the inn.

Due to their argument, they had missed the inns breakfast and decided to find a restaurant outside.

The downtown area, near the Academy, was markedly different.

Was this the feeling of being in the heart of a bustling district?

Surrounded by eateries and food stalls, the area was teeming with culinary options.

Furthermore, there were more exotic pubs and entertainment options than other towns offered.

Aira looked astonished at her first encounter with a human village.

The sprawling markets, the throngs of humans.

And unlike elves, the vivacious movements of these people caught her eye.

Always seeking tranquility through meditation and being introverted, this was the complete antithesis of her nature.

It seemed as if liveliness were the driving force of this town.

Aira murmured, Its definitely noisy but not unpleasantly so.

This was the so-called white noise.

White noise, with its broad sound spectrum, doesnt contribute to noise pollution.

It even harmonizes brainwaves, producing alpha waves that relax the mind and body.

Aira was referring to this type of noise, seemingly noisy yet not disturbing.

Despite her long life, witnessing the humans way of life up close seemed to excite her.

Even Iriel couldnt help but smile at her reaction.

She whispered into Rays ear,

Looking at her like this, she doesnt seem like a High Elf, but just a child.

Thats what makes it cute. Hahaha.

Ray, you have such tastes?


Just when a potentially misunderstood topic arose, Aira cleared her throat and spoke up.

Hem hem This is my first time here; could you show me around?

Despite this, there was a smile on her lips.

Ray readily nodded in agreement.

They entered a tavern that Iriel had surprisingly chosen, where both Ray and Iriel observed Airas unexpected demeanor.

The tavern, quite expansive, featured various ornately decorated patterns on its walls.

Iriel was the one who first suggested this seemingly nice tavern.

Seeing Rays surprised expression, Iriel defended her choice.

The first time is always important for everyone.


Ray looked at Iriel and then surveyed the surroundings.

Despite its opulent appearance, the tavern was packed with patrons.

It was so full that it seemed doubtful they would find an empty seat.

In this other world, establishments typically functioned as restaurants by day and taverns by night.

Regardless of morning or afternoon, the businesses seemed to be thriving.

Every tavern they visited bustled with patrons.

As the three entered, a waiter hurried toward them.

Welcome. Are there three of you?

Yes. Do you have any available seats?

Yes, we do. Please follow me!

The waiter led the way, and Rays party followed.

They found an available seat next to the window.

Youre lucky. The window seats are usually not available.

The waiter said this, guided them to their seats, and then disappeared, likely indicating how busy the tavern was.

The three of them were deciding what to order as they looked at the menu.

Then, the waiter who had just disappeared reappeared before them.

They hadnt even had enough time to decide on their order, so they all looked at him curiously.

Acknowledging their gaze, the waiter spoke.

Sorry, but would you mind sharing your table?

While sudden, sharing tables wasnt uncommon here.

In a bustling tavern like this, not receiving a request to share would be the oddity.

Ray looked at Iriel and Aira, who both nodded.

They didnt mind sharing.

Ray nodded to the waiter and said, Thats fine.

The waiter smiled and thanked them.

Taking the opportunity, Ray ordered a few dishes from the menu, and the waiter noted them down before leaving again.

Later, two men and two women walked over to their table.

Thank you for letting us join. We had nowhere else to go.

One of the young men said with a smile.

Ray also smiled in response.

Its a busy time, so it cant be helped.

He was not sure if this was typical for table sharing, but they started talking quite comfortably.

Ray observed them.

Judging by the flow of mana one is a magician, and three are swordsmen? A decent combination.

The balance seemed well-adjusted.

One provided rear support, and three were swordsmen; together, they made a well-rounded party, better suited for monster hunting than large-scale battles.

Ray inquired, Are you four adventurers?

At his question, they exchanged glances and erupted into laughter.

Hahaha! We might look the part.

Were not adventurers; were mercenaries. Hahaha.

What they found so amusing was unclear, but their laughter was hearty enough to cause onlookers to clutch their bellies in sympathy.

A woman with a composed demeanor bowed apologetically.

Sorry, our behavior was inappropriate.

Laughing so boisterously in the presence of others was indeed a faux pas.

Ray gestured with his hand, signaling it was no issue.

Its okay. So, youre all mercenaries?

Yes. Have you heard of the Bilrocl Mercenary Group?

Bilrocl, you say

Ray recognized the name.

They were not a small elite force, but rather the Bilrocl Mercenary Group, noted for its ample roster of competent fighters, was more than a mere collective.

Its influence was expanding, thanks to an ambitious leader, making it quite sizable.

Iriel, speaking for Ray, interjected.

Indeed, a prominent mercenary group. Are you four affiliated with them?

Her feigned surprise was a bit theatrical.

Truly, her diplomatic skills were unmatched.

Their pride seemed to swell at her reaction.

Exactly. We are part of the Bilrocl Mercenary Group. To be compared to mere adventurers is

They seemed to be hinting at a desire for recognition of their higher status.

To be sure, belonging to Bilrocl at such a young age could breed a sense of superiority.

Yet, they sat before legendary High Elves, a Saint known for slaying a dragon in human guise, and a Saintess adept at reattaching limbs.

The three couldnt help but inwardly smirk at the mercenaries conceit, careful not to show it.

With an even more impressed look, Iriel asked,

Why would members of such renown visit a town like this?

Her tone suggested disdain, even though the town was as thriving as Selonia.

The four knew this but enjoyed the flattery, not bothering to correct her.

The first young man, who laughed heartily, pulled out a paper.

It read:

Contract for quelling the rebellion and monster subjugation.

Ray glanced at Iriel, his eyes seemingly asking:

Is this what you were talking about? Didnt you say you handled everything? So it ended up with the mercenaries?

Iriel hastily turned her head away from Ray.

She was escaping the situation.

The young man looked at the three with pride and said, We were directly requested by the Holy Kingdom to suppress the rebellion and to subjugate the monsters in the area.

Iriel showed a shocked expression and spoke.

Wow! So you did! Thats really amazing receiving a direct request from the Holy Kingdom!

At her overly enthusiastic reaction, Ray, who had been chuckling, joined the conversation.

Truly remarkable. Such feats are beyond my wildest dreams.

Indeed, he would never dream of it. Rather than spending time on such tedious tasks, he preferred to devote his time to medical research.

Aira, who had been watching them with interest, also joined in.

Living only in the forest, all this seems like a dream to me.

The four might not have realized it, but Airas tone implied, How interesting. Tell me more.

Encouraged by this, the four young men and women began to share their experiences.

They were so focused on their stories that they didnt even eat the food that had arrived.

Listening to their tales, the three were able to gather some information.

Firstly, since Rays arrival at the Academy, the number of rebels and monsters had significantly decreased.

Thus, the situation had reached a level manageable enough for mercenaries.

In this context, Iriels judgment seemed quite reasonable.

However, there was one worsening situation: although the number of monsters had decreased, it was because the weaker ones had been eliminated.

The stronger monsters maintained their force, posing a greater concern than the rebel forces.

It was as if someone was controlling them; the monsters, employing intelligent tactics, were difficult to fend off.

Even a single ogre required two knights to confront it.

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