To Hell with Being a Saint, I’m a Doctor

Chapter 47: The Switched Journey (6)

Chapter 47: The Switched Journey (6)

His steps were filled with confidence from the morning.

There was no trace of yesterdays deep contemplation.

He willingly approached Leiras room and knocked.

Knock- Knock-

Whos there?

A cheerful voice emanated from within.

It appeared she had enjoyed a good nights sleep after a long while.

Leira responded.

Its Ray from last night. I wanted to check on you, if thats alright?

The door swung open immediately.

Yes, please come in!

For Leira, who was about his age, a handsome boy was a pleasant sight.

Especially if that handsome boy was a saint.

As soon as Ray entered the room, he got down to business.

Do you feel any itchiness or have any blisters?

No. The Saintess healed me, so Im not worried now.

As she spoke, he examined her thoroughly.

With his keen observation skills, he noticed her skin was slightly reddened.

Whether it was due to lying down or the illness, he couldnt tell.

However, there was one way to determine it, and that was by using mana.

Ray asked for her consent.

May I hold your hand for a moment?

Yes, what?

Leiras face instantly flushed.

Being the royal child of the Grand Duke, no one dared approach her recklessly.

Without even asking why he needed to hold her hand, she turned her head and extended it.

Here, here you go.

Ray took her hand and immediately let his mana flow.

Whether she hadnt trained in mana or lacked a mana road, his mana, which moved through the blood vessels, had already reached her shoulder.

Seeing the active movement of blood in her shoulder, he concluded that the marks werent from lying down.

Ray gently stimulated the area with mana.

Immediately, there was a reaction.

She flinched.

Is it itchy?

Although she looked slightly surprised, she didnt scratch it or anything.

He was able to stimulate it further, but since the mana moved through the blood vessels instead of the mana road, the blood vessels risked bursting.

There was a limit to what he could discern through mana. Ultimately, he had to stop there.

In time, the truth would naturally reveal itself.

If she had fully healed, there would be no symptoms, but if she hadnt completely recovered

Those awful blisters and hives, the unbearable itchiness would torment her once more.

Then, there might be an opportunity to witness the tear-streaked face of the Grand Duke of Silos.

Ray released her hand.

He then rose to his feet and asked,

Would you mind if I visited again tomorrow?


Though one might be taken aback by such an immediate response, Ray didnt mind and bowed his head.

Thank you. Please rest now. Ill return tomorrow.


Ray felt a slight pang of regret for not seizing the opportunity to converse with him, but she lacked the courage to engage him as he hastily exited the room.

But it was alright, she would see him again tomorrow.

Ray murmured to herself, Hes incredibly handsome.

She gazed at the door through which Ray had vanished, idly scratching her shoulder.

By the time Ray reached the guest room, the situation he had been pondering was already unfolding.

It must have been around dinner time. The Grand Dukes family, gathered for a meal, noticed small hives reappearing on Leiras face.

Her skin, which had turned slightly red, was dotted with hives, and pus could even be seen seeping out.

Though it wasnt much, if one looked closely, the symptoms were reemerging.

The Grand Duke was taken aback and bellowed at the chamberlain.

Summon the saintess immediately!

Upon receiving the news in the middle of the night, Iriel and Ray went to see the Grand Duke.

Iriel appeared confused, unaware of the specifics, but Ray, who had anticipated the situation, frowned.

Have the symptoms returned? If we havent completely cured it Does that mean the patients weve treated so far could relapse?

As their doubts about divine power deepened, the two reached Leiras room and opened the door without hesitation.

Inside, they found Leira lying in bed, with Hopel and Grand Duke Silos at her side, looking worried.

Noticing the absence of the chamberlain, it seemed that the Grand Duke had dismissed him. Iriel approached the Grand Duke and asked,

Whats the matter, Your Majesty?

The Grand Duke sprang from his seat.

This is outrageous! The symptoms have returned! Did you not cure her?

Iriel shook his head.

The treatment was completed last time. I dont know why the symptoms have returned, but we should treat Lady Leira again.

Please do, the Grand Duke replied.

Iriel was about to approach Leira, but Ray beat her to it.

Just wait a minute.


Iriel looked surprised as Ray approached the bedridden girl.

The blisters that had begun to appear on her face, the reddened skin from incessant scratching due to itching they were all similar to the symptoms from before.

It has definitely returned. Its a skin disease, but we need a clear diagnosis.

While Ray was deep in thought, the Grand Duke looked displeased at the saint who was acting as if he was in charge instead of the saintess.

The Grand Duke spoke in a strained voice.

Uh Im sorry, but could you leave this matter to the saintess?

His words were laced with irritation.

But Ray, unfazed, turned to the Grand Duke and said,

Your Majesty must have called many priests to cure your daughter, right?

The answer he expected did not come. The Grand Duke stared at him, as if he had asked a completely irrelevant question.

The Grand Duke, who had seemed subdued during their meal together, now exuded an air of dignity, and his eyes were resolute.

Seeing this, the Grand Duke took a step back.

But what does that have to do with?

You must have seen the symptoms reoccurring even after the saintesss treatment.

Ray continued.

If Iriel treats her again and it recurs, and the symptoms reappear after we depart, what will you do?

Upon hearing his question, Grand Duke Silos instantly grew irate.

Are you threatening me now?

From his viewpoint, it appeared as though the saint was attempting to coerce him.

However, Ray shook his head.

No, its not the saints treatment that will be most beneficial to your daughter at this moment, but

my treatment as a Saint.

After hearing these words, Grand Duke Silas paused to think.

Once he had gathered his thoughts, he questioned Ray.

I understand that you dont possess divine power yet How do you intend to treat her?

In response to the Grand Dukes query, Ray closed his eyes. This skepticism was to be expected.

In a world where most medical procedures are conducted with divine power or magic, it was inevitable.

If someone claimed they would use magic to treat in the modern world, who in their right mind would entrust their daughter to them? The situation was similar.

A treatment method that didnt exist in the current world. It was undeniably absurd.

Yet, even if it seemed illogical, that was his response.

Ray stated,

My treatment doesnt involve divine power. I will utilize all I know to eradicate the disease. That is my treatment, Grand Duke.

His words held something beyond mere confidence, and not only the people in the hall, but even Iriel held her breath.

The young Saint, who still appeared slightly too youthful to be an adult, had managed to overpower the Grand Duke, who found himself unable to respond rashly.

Then, Leira, who had been lying quietly, spoke up.

Father. I want to believe in what the Saint said.


Father, you were just as touched by the Saints words. His words were genuine. If you cant trust him after hearing those words, that doesnt make sense. I also want to believe in what the Saint believes in.

With that, she smiled.

Her daughter, who had endured over 8 years of suffering and might face the pain again, made the decision.

He couldnt readily agree, but at the very least, he didnt want to oppose it.

With difficulty, Grand Duke Silas nodded his head.


Hoepel was on the verge of saying something, but his mother restrained him and shook her head, so he dared not speak.

Grand Duke Silas turned to Ray and said,

Please ensure her cure.

I promise.

He wasnt someone who couldnt cure a mere skin disease.

Starting the next day, he devoted all his actions to Leira.

He monitored Leiras daily diet and thoughtfully considered her meals for the day if her symptoms worsened.

It wasnt a skin disease caused by poor hygiene.

The bedding, tablecloths, clothes, and more were washed daily. At least it didnt appear to be a hygiene-related issue.

Nor was it an infestation of bugs.

The castle where the Grand Duke lived was enchanted, and there wasnt even a common fly in the mansion.

But soon he discovered a problem in her diet.

There was always one common factor when she ate a meal.

That was flour.

Flour was definitely used in making foods like bread or dishes wrapped around meat.

In that flour, there was an insoluble protein called gluten.

Moreover, Leiras symptoms first reappeared during dinner.

If there was something to suspect, this was it.

Gluten sensitivity dermatitis.

It was similar to what we commonly refer to as an allergy.

Looking at Leiras skin, there were uniquely shaped hives, and blisters appeared. It seemed like a combination of herpetic dermatitis.

These symptoms typically included itching and a rash, so it roughly matched.

But then there was a slight problem.

It can be cured, but there are no usable medicines.

The condition could be managed by adjusting the diet, but without medicines, the process would be slow.

However, it was unavoidable. There was no method to extract plants that could be different from those in the modern world and prepare medicine.

Ray promptly gave instructions to the servants, telling them to eliminate gluten-containing foods like flour and barley from Leiras diet.

Exclude these from her diet from now on.

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