To Hell with Being a Saint, I’m a Doctor

Chapter 55: Holy Kingdom

Chapter 55: Holy Kingdom

Iriel continued to speak.

However, Saint, you possess the Circle, so there shouldnt be any issues. Just remember that the existing mana will vanish.

So, if the mana in my body vanishes and is replaced by divine power will the mana never return?

Iriel wore a troubled expression at Rays question.

Should she tell him, or should she not?

Once the mana vanishes even the Circle wont be able to function properly

She repeated these words in her mind. The Circle filled with mana was forcibly purged and then replenished with divine power.

If the Circle remained completely unscathed during this process, it wouldnt make sense. The Circle, which would have sustained a significant hit, would function fine when using divine power, but if it attempted to use mana again, it would likely shatter.

How was she to explain this?

Observing Iriel grapple with a complex expression, Ray stated,

It doesnt return, does it.

It seems like if the mana didnt vanish, I could have harnessed the divine power What a pity.

Realizing that the mana didnt return, Ray understood that divine power must also possess a quality that couldnt be captured in the same manner.

He, who had intended to forcibly wield divine power at his discretion, had no option but to abandon the idea of using divine power.

He gazed at the sky with regret.

Of course, she, oblivious to Rays inner thoughts, could only assume that he was steeped in sorrow.

Iriel didnt know how to react.

St Saint, its still okay to use divine power.

As she spoke, she conjured a small, yellow light in her hand.

I wont be able to cast spells, but still!

The more she spoke, the more she realized that magic was akin to omnipotence.

Divine power specialized in healing and fortifying, but to attack, one had to draw out aura from divine power like Iriel did.

On the other hand, magic was superior in various aspects, including attacking, healing, strengthening, defense, weakening enemies, and crafting magical tools.

Iriel was in awe. It indeed seemed like a technique that imitated the gods.

But she immediately shook her head to dismiss the thought.

What is the use of being in awe now?

Now was the time to console, not to be amazed.

In the worst case, the Saint might have turned away from this place.

However, Rays expression was calm. Naturally, there was no sorrow, so there was no reason for him not to be calm.

Unlike Iriel, who was fretting, Ray yawned widely and coolly.

It seems well arrive at the Holy Kingdom soon.

At Priest Geols words, Iriel tilted her head.

Shouldnt it take another day to get there?

To that, Priest Geol shook his head.

Weve come quite fast even while being chased by monsters.

Ray nodded his head.

They had run straight through the few villages without stopping.

Naturally, it was about time they arrived. If there was still a long way to go, he wouldnt have been able to sit still.

It seems we will arrive at the border in the afternoon.

Then, as soon as we arrive at the border, lets head to Selonia.

Do you mean to head straight to the castle?

The baptism ceremony has been delayed too much. We cant delay any further.

Was there a time limit for the baptism ceremony? Ray quietly listened to their conversation.

Understood. Then, we will head straight to the capital.


After Priest Geol lightly bowed and walked away, Ray asked.

What does it mean that we dont have time to delay the baptism ceremony?

Its as if someone is timing us.

Iriel replied to his words.

In an adult baptism ceremony, all the people of the Holy Kingdom participate. Its similar to a festival. However, the Saint is still unaware of the Holy Kingdom, so you must stay in the castle and quickly acquire the basic knowledge you need.

Ray nodded to her words.

Indeed, he knew nothing about the Holy Kingdom. He was chosen as the Saint, but he didnt know anything about the Holy Kingdom.

The people have been waiting for a long time. If it gets delayed any further, problems will arise.

Iriel said and shrugged her shoulders.

It wont become a big problem since everything that happened held a meaning, but its better to go as fast as possible, right?

That was a valid point. Moreover, going to the Holy Kingdom quickly was also beneficial for him.

As soon as they arrived at the border, the border guards opened the gate.

This was because they had received a message in advance.

Ray felt exhilarated now that he had finally arrived in the Holy Kingdom.

No more sleeping outdoors!

How tedious it had been. No matter how beautiful the scenery was, its beauty wore off as it continued.

By the evening, they had passed the border and arrived at Selonia.

Selonia Castle, seen from afar, was a magnificent sight.

Wow Impressive

Houses and shops became more luxurious as they ascended, and at the top, the majestic castle looked down upon everything, showing off the grandeur of the Holy Kingdom.

The houses below had red roofs and windows, demonstrating their own rules.

Yellow lights created a colorful night scene, and despite it being evening, there were many people on the streets.

And the castle? A tall castle in a high place.

Iriels pride seemed to surpass the height of Selonia Castle at the sight of the Saints admiration.

How is it? Impressive, right? This is Selonia, the center of all trade and the capital of the Holy Kingdom.

Ray admired the village that ascended in order of height around the castle and found Iriels proud look endearing.

He even felt like encouraging her to brag more.

Excited Iriel then rambled on about the history and origins of Selonia Castle without being asked.

But Ray didnt care.

After all, Iriels unnecessary chattering didnt even reach his eardrums, let alone pass over his earlobes.

As they passed through the village and headed for Selonia Castle, Iriel, who had been talking nonstop, suddenly turned around in front of the massive castle gate.

The dispatched troops appeared puzzled and looked at her.

Iriel spoke to Helio and Geol.

Youve worked hard until now.

At that, Helio, Geol, and the priests bowed their heads.

We didnt do anything. It was all the work of the Saintess.

Ray nodded at their words.

The reason he had come to the Holy Kingdom, when viewed broadly, was due to Iriel sleeping in front of the elf village.

Iriel seemed to recall past memories and cleared her throat.

Ahem, no. If I had come to find the Saint by myself, I wouldnt have been able to do anything. The success of this mission was thanks to all of you.

At Iriels words, the shoulders of the dispatched troops relaxed slightly, as if they had finally returned to the Holy Kingdom and completed their mission.

The atmosphere was such that they seemed ready to shed tears of joy.

Then Iriel looked around at everyone and said.

In that sense I, Iriel Belliaize, grant a vacation to the dispatched troops who have successfully completed their mission until the baptism ceremony in two days.

With her words as the starting point, everyone bowed down before Ray and Iriel.

Swoosh- Click-

Helio and Geol bowed their heads and shouted.

We accept the orders of the Saintess!


Even the soldiers guarding the gate straightened up at the orderly succession of those behind them.

The sound was so loud that it seemed to carry over the city gates.

Iriel smiled.

Go ahead and return.


Take care, everyone. See you in two days.

Ray also greeted them.

As he waved and spoke, they answered loudly once more.



Iriel grumbled as she watched them.

I was the one who gave them a holiday, but why do they seem more thankful to the Saintess?

At her words, the dispatched soldiers quickly vacated the area.

Then, we took our leave.

We would see you at the baptism ceremony.

Iriel chuckled at their hasty departure.

We should go too.

Ray, who had been engraving the sight of the city into his memory, came to his senses at her words.

I would have to live here for several years.

Although he had just left the Kingdom of Sillia, Ray erased several faces from his mind as he stepped into the city.

After sending a messenger to the Pope and briefly reporting his return, Iriel continued walking down the hallway.

Was every palace like this? The extravagance was no joke.

The Kingdom of Sillia, the Duchy of Silos, and now the Holy Kingdom.

She didnt understand why they needed so many expensive jewels to serve God.

After passing several rooms and moving to the back, a building with a beautiful lake came into view.

Iriel spoke.

This is where the Saintess will reside.

Ray tilted his head.

What he saw was not a room, but a huge mansion.

He asked Iriel.

Which room is it among those?

Instead, she looked at him as if he was strange.

You can sleep in any room you want, but


This mansion is the residence of the previous Saintesses. Of course, it is now the possession of the Saintess.

Ray swallowed unconsciously. It was hard to differentiate whether they were serving God or money, judging by the splendid exterior. It was beyond his expectations, and this was too much.

He had just received an enormous, luxurious mansion.

Unperturbed, Iriel continued speaking.

The mansion you see next to us is where I reside. We are both saints, so it doesnt matter, but normally even the Pope needs permission to enter the saints residences, as they are strictly controlled.

That made sense. How could the Pope, the representative of God, casually enter the residences of the saints?

The hired servants were all from confirmed and distinguished backgrounds, so you didnt have to worry about secrets being leaked. Ah, and for the next two days, education would be provided at the Saintesss mansion.


Ray asked, and she nodded.

First, you would receive education related to the baptism ceremony. After the ceremony, there would be training on etiquette and regulations, so please take note.

He nodded.

Studying had originally been his main major. Even in the modern world, his demonic memorization skills had made him an unparalleled genius in studies.

It seemed like it wouldnt be different in this parallel world.

But there was something on his mind.

He asked with a maybe-kind-of hope.

So, who would be educating me?

Iriel looked at him as if asking why he was only asking this now and puffed out her chest.

Then, she put on a very intellectual expression and smiled in her unique way.

Its me.

Rays expression crumpled in an instant.

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