To Hell with Being a Saint, I’m a Doctor

Chapter 57: Preparation For Baptism (2)

Chapter 57: Preparation For Baptism (2)

In the order of what needed to be done, manners were important.

Firstly, adults should not bow their heads during the baptismal ceremony. This is the same in front of the Pope.

How many days did the baptismal ceremony last?

Three days.

Ray nodded at her words.

Iriel looked at Ray and continued speaking.

The reason manners were an issue was because of the immense attention the Saint was currently receiving. If anything was shown wrongly, one could be caught by the tail.

It was quite strict. Moreover, if caught by the tail, it would be troublesome for him as well.

He needed to move freely here to achieve his goal in the Holy Land.

The things you should be careful about were about this much. Now, lets start practicing.

Ray, who had been lost in thought, snapped back to reality at Iriels words.


The basic manners that the Saint should possess. Starting from greetings to the etiquette to be observed during regular meals, the pitch of your voice when speaking, and so on, I will correct everything throughout the day.

His mouth opened wide at her rapid-fire words.

To be monitored all day long? Where did his privacy go?

All day? No, youre supposed to stay in your mansion, arent you?

Ill stay in the Saints mansion until the baptismal ceremony. Youll allow it, right? Im doing this for no one else but the Saint.

It was almost like she was forcing him to give permission.

But he had no choice but to allow it. After all, as Iriel said, she was doing this for his sake.

Thus, the unwanted day-long cohabitation began.

Do you think of him again?

Ah I just thought of him for a moment.

It hasnt been long since he left

The aged elf spoke, and the beautiful white-haired elf smiled awkwardly.

When the village is quiet, I think of him. Its just that only Ray has disappeared, but

At her words, the elder pondered for a moment and then spoke.

In that case, how about bringing him back from the Holy Land?

Aira shook her head at the elders words.

Going to the Holy Land was Rays wish. How could I have ignored his will for my sake?

But what if something happened in the Holy Land

The elder spoke in a roundabout way.

His words implied he was worried whether Ray might bring back another woman from the Holy Land.

Understanding him, Aira slyly covered her mouth and smiled.

Thats why I reserved him.

And do you think there would be a more beautiful person than me there?

She asked, smiling beautifully.

Seeing her, the elder couldnt help but agree.

I think so too.

Do you? Ho ho ho.

The elder found hidden worries in her witty words.

Even though he spoke like that, it was natural for him to be worried.

She seemed to have fallen for him quite a bit.

The elder hoped that the human who had enlivened the village would return soon.

The human whom the elves wished to return was sitting at the dining table, looking around cautiously.

Just as he picked up his spoon to scoop up the soup, Iriels shout came ringing out.

No! Dont lower your head when you scoop up the soup!

Startled like a turtle, he quickly pulled back his head.

Your elbows should not go behind your waist. Keep your back straight.

Got it.

When you have food in your mouth, cover your mouth when you speak!

Retorting, Ray responded.

I didnt cover my mouth when I was homeless


His retort was completely defeated by Iriels powerful fake cough, akin to a dragons breath.

The attendants watched in awe.

The saint they served was being careful in his own residence.

Unacceptable behavior for the attendants serving the saint.

However, the opponent was a saintess, equal in standing to the saint. And given the power a saintess held in the holy nation, they dared not intervene.

Thus, they had no choice but to helplessly observe the situation unfold.

The habits ingrained in them wanted to protect their master, but reason held them back.

Even after the clamorous mealtime had ended, Iriels corrections persisted.

She even appeared as though she was going to follow him into the bathroom.

As anticipated, she trailed him as he made his way to the bathroom.

Sighing, he spoke.

Hey At least allow me to go to the bathroom alone.

A saint must uphold their dignity at all times.

Dignity my ass, you didnt bother about dignity when we were sleeping homeless.


Iriels feigned cough was truly omnipotent.

Nonetheless, he managed to go to the bathroom without her.

But his mind was far from at ease. He hadnt realized that stalking could be such a mentally taxing act.

Unbeknownst to him, Iriel was quite taken with him.

Once corrected, theres no need to point out the same thing again

Whether consciously or unconsciously, rectifying ingrained habits is quite challenging.

She had endured tremendous scoldings and corrections, taking a significant amount of time to rectify them.

Yet, he would amend himself after being instructed just once, never repeating the same mistake. Naturally, it was enjoyable to teach him.

So much so that she would even follow him to the bathroom.

Riddled with doubt, Ray questioned her.

Are you certain youre teaching me correctly? Or are you just toying with me?

I am instructing you correctly. Do you doubt me?

She responded while patting her chest. What made Iriel so confident remained a mystery.

A little.

He gazed at her without dispelling the suspicion from his eyes.

Far from being flustered, she grew even more confident.

Theres no need for doubt. I will meticulously correct even the way you sleep.

Rays mouth fell open.

What are you talking about? Why do you need to correct the way I sleep?

You must not give anyone a reason to criticize you.

Who the hell criticizes someone based on how they sleep?

If there was someone who would criticize him based on how he slept, he looked around, ready to eliminate them then and there. Seeing that, Iriel covered her mouth and smiled.

This is quite entertaining.

The attendant who guided Ray the previous night spoke with her head bowed.

Saintess, may I humbly speak? Correcting the saints sleeping posture, as you mentioned, will certainly draw many eyes, just as you said.

Iriel nodded at her polite manner of speaking.

I understand.

I apologize if my words are inappropriate As a servant of the saint, its impolite of me to speak knowing that Ive made a mistake. Please forgive me.

I dont mind.

While asking for forgiveness, Iriel smiled slightly, amused that her expression remained unchanged.

Whats your name?

Bellacroix Shi Euclid.

Iriel became interested in her polite words.

Bellacroix was one of the three great families that served the saint. Their prestige was such that they were granted the title Shi.

Why would someone from such a family choose to be a servant?

Although the servants who served the saints belonged to a different class, it was a different story if they were from the Bellacroix family.

One of the families that served only the saints, and that itself was a recognition of their status.

But why choose to be a servant?

Iriel looked at her with a puzzled expression.

The Bellacroix family Euclid, Ill remember that.

Its an honor.

Then, saint, Ill leave it here for today. Have a peaceful night

Did she have a hidden agenda? Lost in thought, Iriel bid Ray goodbye and returned to his mansion.

Ray tilted his head as he watched him leave.

He hadnt expected him to leave so readily.

He looked at the servant standing next to him.

The servant had dark blue hair and contrasting red eyes.

Aside from that, the only noticeable thing was her lack of facial expression.

She said she was from the Bellacroix family, right? Having a family name means shes a noble, right?

Why would a noble choose to be a maid? Of course, maids who served the saints werent ordinary maids, but there was no need for a noble to choose to be a maid.

Ray asked her.

Are you a noble?

Despite his direct question, Euclid bowed her head and answered.

Yes, but I was now a servant, so please remember that my actions and family had no relation.

Of course. Could you prepare a bath for me? Like yesterday, I dont need an assistant.


She spoke and took a step back.

Ill come to get you when its ready.

Theres no need to come and get me. Just leave it be when youre done.

After the bath, Ray lay on the bed and thought.

Would it be rude to dig into the past of a servant, right?

He acted normal in front of Euclid, but he was actually very curious.

Why was a noble here, serving him as if it was natural?

Could there be some hidden agenda? If that was the case, it would be better to dismiss her before more time passed.

But its not right to take away her job when nothings confirmed. Its not even a layoff.

Ray decided to wait a little longer.

If there was any hidden agenda, she would have to show her hand eventually.

In the dead of night, Euclid moved quietly.

Her steps were headed toward Rays room.

Her figure seemed like an assassin moving silently in the shadows.

Had she learned the art of stealth? Except for her silhouette revealed slightly by the moonlight coming through the window, her figure was almost completely hidden.

Her extreme stealth, as if she was going to kill someone, was secretive.

She entered Rays bedroom.

As if it was not allowed to enter the saints bedroom, her usual step-back demeanor contrasted.

Her gaze dropped to the bed, and she saw the saint sleeping soundly.

That was how sophisticated her stealth was, Ray, who was extremely sensitive to mana, didnt notice her presence and was sleeping defenselessly.

Of course, it would be a different story if she decided to attack.

Euclid raised her hand as if to touch his hair, but stopped abruptly.

It seemed like it was not the right time, and she shook her head with her usual expressionless face.

Just as she had come, she quietly left through the door.

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