To Hell with Being a Saint, I’m a Doctor

Chapter 99: The First Meeting Of The Three Families (2)

Chapter 99: The First Meeting Of The Three Families (2)



The gathering was very quiet.

Despite clearly being in a garden with a good atmosphere for a barbecue party.

Zik and Eulcid were silent as they monitored the receiving device, and the receiver itself was not used to showing itself and eating in such a manner, which made it awkward.

Ray looked at them and said,

Do you know why I have gathered you all to insist on having this meal together?

To which Hongyeong quietly replied,

Is it because you wish us to familiarize ourselves with each others faces?

Youre half right, and half wrong,

Ray shook his head as he spoke, and those who couldnt guess his reasons couldnt hide their perplexity.

He continued while placing meat on the hastily assembled grill,

I wish for you to cooperate with each other rather than act independently.


Since it would be disrespectful to ask further, they simply listened to Rays words in silence.

An organization exists to mutually compensate for each others weaknesses. Moving independently as we are now is inefficient.

Rays words were acknowledged to some extent by them.

However, having been assigned their own roles long ago and being accustomed to performing them in support of the Saint, Rays words did not have much impact on them.

Forgive me, Saint. But that would be unfamiliar work for us, and thus, might result in less efficiency.

Eulcid spoke, to which Ray agreed,

Thats true. However, that will be resolved over time. It may not be efficient at first, but it will get much better after a few years.

If the Saint commands it, then we shall follow

Ray shook his head again.

I do not wish to bind you by force. It would be better to move as we are now if that is the case.

In simple terms, he meant that he wouldnt restrain them by command.

They would only cooperate if they chose to do so voluntarily.

Zik replied immediately without taking time to think,

I have no objections.

At this, everyones gaze shifted to Zik.

As he transferred the cooked meat onto a plate, he said,

If it serves the Saints support efficiently, I will agree to whatever the task.

Following his words, Eulcid sighed,

Haah That would mean breaking the traditions of your family in your generation. You do understand what that implies, right?

The duty of the Trey Ducal Family is to ensure the Saints safety. Its simply choosing a more efficient way to fulfill that duty.

Ziks unwavering gaze left Eulcid speechless.

It seemed he was fully prepared to follow Rays suggestion, even disclosing the duties given to his family.

The receivers, after exchanging several glances among themselves, Hongyeong spoke,

We agree as well.

No further words were needed. With her words of agreement to cooperate, the other receivers also nodded.

It appeared that Hongyeong, not Heukyeong, was their representative.

Indeed, when it came to hiding, Hongyeong was the one with the highest level of stealth.

Hongyeong opened her mouth again,

The mission of the Dane Family is to obey the Saints commands. However, Dane promises to cooperate with the others irrespective of that.

With the Trey Ducal Family and the Dane Family promising cooperation, only the Bellacroix Family was left.

That is, only Eulcid was left.

She sighed softly with her small lips and said,

Haah Alright. Bellacroix will also cooperate.

Zik smiled slyly at Euclids words.

But that smile soon hardened into stone upon her next words.

Our Bellacroix family is in charge of information. Our familys mission is always to stay by the side of the Saint. Ultimately, this means marriage.

Gregory and Selena, who came from the Lesian Empire, were desperately trying to take Ray away.

Having already finished contacting the Empire, their task was to seek cooperation from the Holy Kingdom.

However, the Holy Kingdom firmly stated in the negotiations that they should convince the Saint themselves, so they had no choice but to make a good impression.

For example, Gregory helped the Holy Kingdoms soldiers with their training in the morning.

It seemed to be conducted with the consent of the Holy Kingdom, but in reality, it was not.

A Swordmaster taught ordinary soldiers. From the Holy Kingdoms perspective, it was obviously beneficial, but it also brought its own pressures.

However, Gregory did not stop there; he also participated in sparring with the knights.

Thanks to him, the skills of the paladins improved by leaps and bounds.

What about Selena?

She eagerly held lectures on magical theory, mathematics, and introductions to magical combat, fostering the growth of the magicians.

Its not that the Holy Kingdom had no magicians.

Just as there are priests and clerics in other nations, there were many in the Holy Kingdom who could use mana, including magical corps and knights.

For these magicians, the opportunity to hear theories established and developed in the Empire was rare.

Naturally, there was an enormous number of attendees, and her lectures were so popular that people stood during them.

Now, the situation had reached a point where the Holy Kingdom could not shut them down on their own.

It was the Holy Kingdom whose military strength was increasing, but it was the Lesian Empire that was enjoying it.

If they received such help, they would have to promise some kind of repayment, even if it were mere lip service.

If then Gregory and Selena asked for persuasion of the Saint, it would be impossible to refuse.

Its not like theyre asking to send the Saint to their country, but just to speak a word on their behalf, and how could that be refused?

And from the Holy Kingdoms point of view, its not necessarily an unfavorable condition.

If speaking well of the Saint enhanced military strength, it would naturally be welcomed.

During the negotiations, Ray had caught the eye of the Lesian Empire.

The Holy Kingdom considered it unlikely that Ray would completely turn over to the Empire just because they spoke well of him.

It wasnt only the Lesian Empire trying to win favors with the Holy Kingdom.

The Baybon Kingdom and the Glaymen Kingdom were also making moves beneficial to the Holy Kingdom.

The resource-rich and economically advanced Baybon Kingdom mobilized the merchants union to carve out commercial opportunities for the Holy Kingdom, and the Glaymen Kingdom, known for its high-quality soldiers trained with independently researched and developed methods, directly assisted with their soldiers training.

The reason other nations were doing such good deeds was the same.

They also wanted the current Saint.

Ray possessed magical abilities presumed to be of at least the Lord level and swordsmanship that did not fall behind even against Gregory, a Swordmaster known as the Terrifying Sword.

Moreover, his eloquence, which had dominated everyone at the meeting, was coveted by all nations.

Of course, if Ray chose not to go to any country, all these efforts would be in vain.

Thanks to this, the Holy Kingdom was screaming in happy agony.

Rays influence in the Holy Kingdom was almost on par with that of the Pope.

After all, he was the hero of this war.

Depending on ones contributions in the war, medals or titles would be granted.

Of course, theres nowhere higher or lower to go with the title of Saint, but it was natural that there would be a reward.

This would proceed once the rebellion was completely suppressed and the situation had settled down.

After all, there were still quite a few rebels in the western regions.

Phew Ive finally let off a little steam.

Iriel wiped the sweat from her forehead and sighed.

She had been busy informing the neighboring nations and the Lesian Empire on behalf of the Holy Kingdom that the incident was over and requesting support for the restoration of the city.

Of course, they readily accepted the request of the Holy Kingdom.

At this moment, the Holy Kingdom was in the position of power, the top, and the surrounding nations were in the subordinate position, the bottom, so to speak.

It was they who were in a regrettable situation. Therefore, they could not help but pay close attention to the Holy Kingdoms mood.

Unintentionally, the Holy Kingdom had surpassed the Leshian Empire.

It may be a fleeting supremacy, but it was a moment when they became the strongest nation.

Such important diplomatic tasks were usually undertaken by Iriel, and because of that, she finally had a moment to rest.

Sitting at the desk in her office, she leisurely opened her eyes while enjoying her tea time after a long while.

Speaking of the Bellacroix family There is more misinformation than I thought. Are they indeed related to that matter?

There were three prominent families known to Iriel as well.

Having known them all since childhood, she was familiar with them and trusted their abilities accordingly.

She had been curious about the many oddities of the Bellacroix family for a while now and had ordered an investigation into them, despite the fact that it was a difficult task even for the Geiter family, who served as the ears of the Saintess.

One thing that was clear was that, in terms of information, the Geiter family had an advantage over the Bellacroix family.

That is how she was able to secretly learn about the Bellacroixs.

It was too risky to infiltrate the family directly, but through an endless intelligence battle and the spread of gold coins here and there, one fact became known.

It was about the head of the Bellacroix family.

Though it was heard that they practiced magic, there were no precise details known.

Moreover, even those in key positions within the Holy Kingdom had never seen the head of the Bellecroix, so much so that their identity was unknown.

But Iriel had discovered who the family head was.

Bellacroix Si Euclid.


Her hand shook slightly as she drank her tea.

She had never expected that not a successor but the head of the family themselves would be serving the Saint.

Moreover, her age was quite young. Still, she was in a position leading a family.

What could possibly be the purpose for the head of the family to willingly serve as a servant to the Saint?

An ominous premonition passed through her mind.

Aira frowned as she looked out the window.

Theres a disagreeable odor in the air

Her sharp senses, honed over nearly a thousand years, were telling her that something unfavorable was happening somewhere unknown to her.

Her intuitions were almost never wrong.

Aira brushed her snow-white hair behind her ear as she gazed into the distance.

What would he be doing now?

For an elf, a few years were but a fleeting moment, yet time seemed to pass all too slowly.

She eagerly awaited the day they would meet again, curious about what form he would take when he approached her.

Heeheehee. The growth of humans is quite fast. Hell return soon, all grown up into a fine man.

Lost in her happy imaginings, she was unaware.

Unaware that her rivals for Ray were slowly increasing in number.

No, that now whole nations were attempting to claim Ray for themselves.

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