To Love You Again

Chapter 736 - Fate Playing Tricks on Her

Chapter 736 - Fate Playing Tricks on Her

Linfeng's sharp eyes noticed them. "On the left!"

As expected, there were people waiting in the highway joint for an ambush.

Mr. Ji also noticed the incoming cars. He maneuvered the car into a curve and drifted, but the inertia almost caused one of the incoming cars to slam against them.


They b?r?ly dodged the car that furiously came at them like a bullet. Mr. Ji immediately stabilized the car and continued forward.

Behind them, following the inertia, the rushing car smashed itself onto one of the two cars chasing behind instead.

Booooom! Crash!

Two cars collided into metallic sparks and shattering glasses.

Seconds later, the other black security car that was left unscathed followed.

Flashes of lightning and rumblings of thunder could be heard from afar.



Along the highway leading to the T expressway, one car sped forward like a rushing wind, followed by two other cars. The wheels furiously created shrill sounds in the air.

Mr. Ji glanced at Linfeng in the rearview mirror. "We're about to reach the T expressway. How long until the meet-up, Sir Zhou?"

"We have less than twenty minutes before they arrive. Can you hold on?"

"Yes, Sir Zhou. But..."

Linfeng: "??"

"I am familiar with this road. Before entering the T expressway, there will be another intersection in a few minutes. It is a perfect place for another ambush. I am afraid that the other side will have back-up men waiting there with weapons."

Xiong Zhi looked out of the window quietly.

The fast-changing scenery on the night with stormy clouds seemed eerie and cold.

This kind of feeling gave her a deja vu.

Suddenly, she froze.


Xiong Zhi took out her phone quietly.

Linfeng continued conversing with Mr. Ji. "We could not rule out that possibility. This is Ming Zhi Yis' people, they are cautious and will cover all loopholes in their plan. It's likely there's an ambush waiting there."

Linfeng: "The car is missile proof. So there is nothing to worry about meeting weapons for now, as long as they do not have specialized guns or bombs..."

With cold fingers, Xiong Zhi checked the map she was currently in.

Several miles away from here was the road where she and Linfeng died in the past.

Then this road...was the road where the chase happened.

Xiong Zhi looked up again outside of the window, but she could not recognize the road.

It was a stormy night back then, too. Furthermore, at that time, while she was in the car, she felt like she was enveloped by death. She did not take a look at her surroundings.

But she remembered that Linfeng's car had appeared at an intersection before.

Xiong Zhi looked down on the map again.

The intersection!

She felt cold all over.

With a pale face, Xiong Zhi turned to Linfeng who was still strategizing with Mr. Ji.

"Linfeng, is this the intersection you two are talking about?"

Linfeng bowed his head and looked at the map on her phone.

"Yes, that's right. There are three intersections. One on left, one on right, and one at the front. If they are waiting for an ambush, they will be able to easily surround our car here. Or like earlier, slam one of theirs to make ours stop."

Xiong Zhi shivered.

This would not… end up like before, would they...?

But it was Ming Zhi Yi.

If Ming Zhi Yi was the one who sent these people after her, then they must not fail. Like Linfeng said, there was a big possibility that there was an ambush waiting for them.


Xiong Zhi let out a strange laugh.

Usually, she would never have committed such a ridiculous and foolish mistake, especially with something obviously important like this. Yet, as if there was a veil placed over her eyes, she made such a mistake.

And it terrified her.

In Xiong Zhi's past lifetime, at this exact moment, she was also riding a car amidst the stormy clouds at night. Later on, heavy rain would begin to pour down.

However, it was not her enemies who were with her right now, but Linfeng. And it was not Linfeng who was coming to her right now, but her enemies.

Xiong Zhi calmed down the self-blame and unwillingness in her heart.


She offended Ming Zhi Yi so there was no way that he would let her out alive after coming after her like this. This must be his declaration of war to the legendary families since he had everything ready in its place.

However, that man was not the only one ready to pull all stops just to win. Xiong Zhi and her allies would do everything to win, too.

The rushing scenery outside was reflected in her Xiong Zhi's dark eyes. The past seemed to be trying to come back and haunt her.

She closed her eyes tightly.

Xiong Zhi could still remember bits of it.

Linfeng slammed his car on the other cars of the envoy surrounding hers. His allies opened fire on the wheels, which left an opening on the formation of the envoy.

The loud exploding sounds and shrill screeches of the wheels were still clear in her memory.

Since fate was playing on Xiong Zhi clearly, there was a big possibility that what Linfeng did was what Ming Zhi Yi's people would do as well, since Linfeng's plan at that time was a perfect counter for their situation right now.

However, the problem was, compared to the past where there was a formation of cars protecting the car that imprisoned her, this time, their own side was a lone car.

The enemy could easily outnumber them.

And if they opened fire, even if their car had the highest security, it would still be very difficult to escape from the enemies.


Xiong Zhi opened her eyes.

There was only a few kilometers before the intersection, and after that was the T expressway.

The road was getting more ominous as they were the only ones on the road, and their enemies.

Xiong Zhi took a deep breath and spoke. "They might surround us with weapons. Our backup should speed up and arrive at the intersection to help us escape."

Linfeng nodded, he was now on the phone again. After leaving a few words to change the meet-up point, he turned to Mr. Ji.

"They said that they will be coming as soon as possible. Can you handle at least another ten minutes?"

"I will do my best, Sir Zhou."

The intersection can now be sighted from afar. There were no lights on the three sides before them, which should have not been the case.


A/n: What Xiong Zhi was talking about was the day when Linfeng rescued her in her past life. However, the position this time changed. The details of chasing cars of the past lifetime is in chapter 72-73. )

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