Tome of Troubled Times

Chapter 325: The Fallen

Chapter 325: The Fallen

Unlike the time when he and Yue Hongling fell into the Black Tortoise Secret Realm and landed on a soft bed of jelly, he and Huangfu Qing were not as lucky.

However, they at least did not land in lava or magma. They were, after all, no longer at the volcano but in an independent space.

Below them was charred and scorched soil.

They both crashed into the dirt and rolled around in it for good measure. They then got up and looked around in astonishment.

Although this space had neither sun nor moon, it was not dark. A quiet flame, about half the height of a person, burned a short distance away. It had endured through the ages in this isolated space, never extinguishing.

Zhao Changhe felt as if Newton and his peers would be turning in their graves if they got word of this flame.

I knew that this world was essentially a world of fantasy compared to Earth, but I never really saw anything too out of the world before. Just how in the world has this flame been burning all this time? Where is it getting fuel? And how is the air here being maintained?

But at this moment, he had no mind to ponder such questions, nor the strength to approach and inspect the flame.

His injuries rendered half his body immobile. An intense pain wracked his entire body, blood and sweat flowing profusely all over. Not only was he hurting, but the dizziness from the large loss of blood was also setting in. He tried to get up, but with a groan, he fell back into the dirt.

Injuries aside, he wondered if Huangfu Qing had regained her sanity. If she was still as senseless and violent as before, then he might really be dying here.

Before we fell into the secret realm, she had the presence of mind to seal the spatial barrier. She must have regained her sanity then, right? Right??

Just as he was thinking this, he felt someone help him up, resting him against a soft, fragrant shoulder.

Looking up, he saw Huangfu Qing’s face, calm and gentle in the firelight. None of the previous demonic, blazing eyes or cruel demeanor could be seen.

Holding the bloodied Zhao Changhe, she showed no aversion to his blood staining her beautiful fur coat. It even seemed as if she wanted his blood to dye her coat red so that it would resemble her ceremonial robe.

With your blood as a sacrifice, dye my robe red.

She took out a pill and stuffed it into Zhao Changhe’s mouth, then gently tore open the cloth on his shoulders. At this point, she hesitated for a while before asking, “Do you have a clean bandage?”

Zhao Changhe thought to himself, Yangyang was even willing to use her dudou back then... Nah, forget it, if I mention that, I might just get myself killed. I’d better not say anything that would anger her.

Before entering the mountains, he had thrown all his luggage from Yang Qianyuan’s inn into his ring, so he was much better equipped now as compared to when he and Yue Hongling were stranded on that deserted island. Summoning the last bit of his strength, he drew a medicinal kit from his ring, nearly passing out from the pain as he did.

Huangfu Qing lowered her head, applying medicine to his wound and carefully bandaging it after.

Zhao Changhe looked up at her.

It was clear that she had not taken care of anyone before. She was as clumsy as Yangyang. Her hands had always been used for killing in the past.

Seeing such a fierce and murderous individual transform into a gentle big sister, with all of the ferocity in her eyes turning into softness, Zhao Changhe felt a strong urge to hug her.

So he did just that and wrapped his arm around her waist.

Huangfu Qing’s body stiffened, and her hand, which was bandaging him, tightened instinctively, causing Zhao Changhe to yelp in pain.

Huangfu Qing said irritably: “Don’t push your luck, or I’ll strangle you to death!”

Even though she said that, she did not pull away forcefully, afraid that any sudden movement might cause him more pain.

So, Zhao Changhe kept his arm around her.

Huangfu Qing pursed her lips and ignored him, continuing to bandage his wound. She then softly asked, “If I had really killed you, would you have regretted it?”

Zhao Changhe could not help but laugh. “That depends on whether there’s an underworld. If I became a ghost, then maybe I’d regret it.”

“Stop joking around, you know what I mean.”

“Someone once asked me if I was not afraid of dying when I faced Vulture Beak. I answered that I had not really thought about it. If I had, then I might have not gone through with it,” said Zhao Changhe softly. “I don’t really think about what would happen to me... I just thought that if I hid here and sealed the spatial barrier, then while I might be safe, you’d probably stay in that state of madness, never able to recover. You might even start a fight with Ye Wuzong or Daoist Yuxu and die in Kunlun. I couldn’t just leave you out there in that state.”

Huangfu Qing wanted to retort. She wanted to say that even if she did end up facing off against Ye Wuzong, she would be able to handle him, and there was no reason she’d just die in Kunlun. But the words never left her mouth.

Whether she could beat Ye Wuzong was irrelevant. In that crazed state, it would be hard to avoid all kinds of traps and sneak attacks, and the likelihood of dying at the hands of weaker foes was high.

In any case, what mattered was not her abilities but his intentions.

He was worried about her, to the extent that he didn’t care about his own life.

“You and I...” Huangfu Qing hesitated, then finally said, “You and I don’t have that kind of relationship. You don’t think that just because I flirted with you and rode close to you that there’s something between us, do you? I’m a witch from a demonic cult, don’t you understand? Just how have you even survived this long with how you willingly risk your life just because a witch flirted with you a bit?”

Zhao Changhe smiled. “Still trying to hide it from me? Venerable Black Tortoise said she interrogated you and you admitted that you liked me.”

Huangfu Qing’s eyes widened in shock.

At Rocky Mountain, Lady Three had found some untouched jelly in the Black Tortoise Secret Realm. She rolled it up and slept sweetly inside, even smiling in her sleep.

Hehe, serves you right for being fierce all the time. You even dare be fierce to me!

“So how could I possibly just sit back and watch something bad happen to a woman who likes me?” Zhao Changhe tightened his arm around her waist, looking as if he was about to kiss her.


Huangfu Qing’s palm landed on his mouth, and she said angrily, “That bi... Venerable Black Tortoise was talking nonsense! How could she even ask me such a thing?!”

Mfff mphhh (Yes, yes).” Zhao Changhe did not believe her tsundere words at all. If you don’t like me, then what’s with this position? You’re holding me close to your shoulder, and I’m hugging your waist, and you haven’t pushed me away.

Lady Three is obviously credible. Thank you, Lady Three.

So instead of backing off, he puckered his lips and kissed her palm.

Huangfu Qing was furious and was about to explode when suddenly, dizziness hit her. She lost the strength in her hand, and it felt like a feeble attempt to push him away, like a gentle refusal.

After coming out of the berserk state, even if she did not collapse completely like Zhao Changhe, she would inevitably experience a brief period of weakness.

To Zhao Changhe, her reactions seemed to only reassure him of her being a tsundere.

This made her even more enticing to him.

Although Zhao Changhe was injured, it was an external wound and did not leave him that weak. Seeing the witch now in a state of gentle refusal, he no longer hesitated. He tightened his arm, stretched his neck, and kissed Huangfu Qing on the cheek.

He... he actually dared to take advantage of me?!

Huangfu Qing’s mind went blank. She wanted to resist but had no strength. She wanted to scold him but was at a loss for words. Meanwhile, his whispering voice reached her ears, “I like you too... I’ve really got to thank Venerable Vermillion Bird for sending you to me.”

Who is he talking about? Oh right, he still thinks I’m the Fire Serpent of Yi, not Vermillion Bird...

Huangfu Qing was confused for a moment, still trying to piece everything together, when she suddenly felt a warmth on her lips.

Seeing that she did not avoid or push him away when he kissed her cheek, the bold man decisively moved his kiss from her cheek to her lips.

It felt like there was a clap of thunder in her head, an electric current surging through her brain and spreading through her body. Huangfu Qing completely lost her train of thought and her mind went blank.

Was I just kissed by a man?

I, Vermillion Bird, was kissed by a man who’s merely at the eighth layer of the Profound Gate and eight or nine years younger than me?! How am I supposed to face the world if word of this gets out? How am I supposed to lead the cult? How am I supposed to face Chichi?

Should I kill him?

But he doesn’t know.

In his mind, I’m the Fire Serpent of Yi who supposedly likes him...

But do I like him?

What the hell? I was just teasing him...

How did it come to this...

She had no idea how much time had passed before the man, emboldened by his initial success, tried to go further. Huangfu Qing suddenly snapped back to her senses, regaining some strength, and shoved him away forcefully. “Enough!”

Both of them were panting lightly. Huangfu Qing pushed against his chest, trying to say something but finding herself at a loss for words. Her heart and mind were a tangled mess. In the end, she only managed to say, “You’re gravely injured and covered in blood, yet this is all that’s on your mind?!”

Zhao Changhe blinked innocently. “Bearing feelings, yet remaining indifferent as an emperor[1]; bearing tasks, carrying them out all that’s left in store. I’d naturally want to act on those emotions...”

Huangfu Qing was so exasperated she started laughing. “Did you learn how to play with words like that from Tang Wanzhuang?”

“No, no, it was just a moment of inspiration.”

“You really wish to be with me?” Huangfu Qing found a good reason to push him away. “Although I’m not the saintess, I’m still a high-ranking member of the cult. Even if I were to find a man, he would have to be someone from the Four Idols Cult, not an outsider. If you’ve got the guts, then go look for the venerable and join the cult first.”

Zhao Changhe blinked again. He reached for his ring and brought out another pig mask.

The mask he brought out this time was not one of the cute pig masks they had bought back then. This pig mask he brought out was fiery red, with ferocious tusks, patterns of demonic fire, and an intimidating aura. The mask seemed to be made of some special material, providing some protective and empowering effects to its wearer.

Huangfu Qing’s heart skipped a beat.

How did he get that?

Zhao Changhe shook the mask with a mischievous grin. “I’m the Fire Pig of Shi. Doesn’t this count as being a part of the cult?”

Huangfu Qing stared at the pig mask in stunned silence, a single thought echoing in her mind. Third Lady Yuan, you’re going to pay for this!

In the next moment, the pig-headed man leaned in for another kiss. Huangfu Qing watched helplessly as he came closer, utterly at a loss on how to reject him.

Their lips met again, and this time it was not a surprise attack.

The eternal flame burned softly a few zhang away, exuding a gentle warmth like that of a campfire.

The flame bore witness to Vermillion Bird as she fell to the mortal world.

1. This is a play on words using Huangfu Qing’s name, each character of which would literally translate to the following: Emperor, Barely, Feelings/Emotions ☜

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