Transcendent Warrior With A Dimensional Shifting

Chapter 42

Transcendent Warrior With A Dimensional Shifting Inventory 42


When it comes to procuring items, the bigger the refrigerator, the better.

However, large refrigerators are difficult to carry.

But there is a way.

When searching the city for various small items, you can carry a small refrigerator in a 1-ton wing body or a van.

Depending on the situation, you can also carry it in something like a camper.

And in the very distant future,

When you have accumulated a lot of return time and have plenty of clean money to spend, you can load a small refrigerator onto a private jet and travel or go on a business trip overseas.


A smile came to his lips as he imagined himself getting into his private jet in his tracksuit, with Kigjang greeting him.

If you put your hand on the refrigerator fixed next to the seat and say ‘Return’, you can go to the other world at any time, even on the plane.

‘Will that day come?’

Anyway, getting another car was not urgent.

Also, the return time was not that abundant.

It was currently 9 pm on Friday, and he had until 8 pm on Saturday.

So, he will finish what he was doing.



The mysterious power that had just been transferred to the small refrigerator was transferred back to the large refrigerator.


Minhyeok drove his truck to Seoul.

After driving for about 30 minutes, he arrived at a warehouse discount store on the outskirts of Seoul.

There was a warehouse store closer to home, but it was easier to park a truck here.

He parked the car in the parking lot and entered the store.

This place had a huge inventory of each item.

‘I should use this place often in the future.’

There were 100 packs of ping-pong ball bags piled up on the display stand.

He filled the cart.

When I checked at the checkout counter, there were 32 bags.

Total of 3,200.

500 were already procured, so 3,700 sets of armor were secured.

300 ping-pong balls were needed to provide all members of the expedition with armor.

However, Minhyuk didn’t buy more ping-pong balls.

There was a reason for that.

Minhyuk returned to the truck and put all the ping-pong balls in the refrigerator.



He returned to the fortress with a bright flash.



Armor began pouring out of the refrigerator again.

A lot came out and it took a while for it to all stop.

A mountain of armor piled up on the empty space.

Minhyuk instructed the officer in charge of military supplies.

“Distribute one set to each human soldier.”

“Yes, sir!”

The armor was free size.

The lizard leather was very flexible, and the attached metal plates of the star could be individually positioned.

So it didn’t matter how big or small the wearer was.

But that was only for humans.

“We can’t wear it···.”

The dwarf soldiers looked sullen as they looked at the metal armor of the stars.

Much smaller than humans, with thick torsos and arms, the dwarves couldn’t wear the armor no matter how free-size it was.

There were about 500 dwarf soldiers in the expedition.

That’s why I didn’t buy 300 more ping-pong balls just now.

They can’t wear it anyway.

However, Minhyuk already had a plan.


A familiar voice was heard.

Blacksmith Balin had arrived at the fortress.

As soon as Minhyuk returned to the fortress from the bat cave, he sent a special forces team led by Hans to Asdel Castle.

Balin came here under their escort.

“You even sent an escort. I could have come alone.”

In fact, Balin was a veteran who had traveled outside the territory of Kaho alone for several decades.

Still, he attached an escort just in case.

“Then I’ll start working right away.”

Balin picked up one set of the armor piled up like a mountain.

It will be resized for dwarves to wear.

If the modified armor is put in the refrigerator and turned into an item that is easy to mass-produce, the dwarf soldiers will also be able to wear the metal armor of the stars.

Balin headed to the smithy.

There was a smithy in this fortress as well.

However, it was in a terrible state, having not been used for a long time.

Balin brought along tools such as hammers and tongs.

“The anvil can be used as is, but the furnace needs some work. Still, I’ll try to repair it today so that we can start working!”

Dwarf soldiers volunteered to help Balin.

‘Fine, let’s do the armor like that.’

Minhyuk entered the commander’s barracks.

There, a longsword and a shield made of Star Metal were placed.

He would put these in the refrigerator and check them later.

There were two types of longswords made of Star Metal.

There was a light sword that could be used with one hand, the <One-Handed Sword>, and a heavy <Greatsword> that required both hands.

And there was only one type of shield.

All of them were familiar equipment to Asdel soldiers, only the material had been changed to Star Metal.

They were intentionally made that way so that they could adapt quickly.

In fact, simple Star Metal equipment without magical effects could be made by blacksmiths.

All they needed was a lot of forging experience.

However, Balin and David were the only blacksmiths in Asdel Fortress who could refine Star Metal.

Even if they were only asked to make 100 longswords, it would take at least half a year.

So, if they were to be used in this battle, they had to be mass-produced using the refrigerator.

‘Let’s put them all in at once.’

To avoid confusion, Minhyuk placed the one-handed sword and the shield on the left and right of the refrigerator compartment, and the greatsword separately in the freezer compartment.



With a dazzling flash, he returned to the truck’s cargo hold.

Minhyuk first opened the freezer door to check.

The greatsword had changed into something strange.

‘A car key?’

The greatsword had turned into a car key.

And it was the key to an expensive foreign car.

‘Let’s give up on the greatsword.’

You have to give up on things that don’t work right away.

Minhyuk quickly opened the refrigerator compartment.

The one-handed sword and the shield had turned into bamboo salt toothpaste and lunch box seaweed, respectively.


Both of these could be purchased at the warehouse discount store here.

He would supply all the soldiers with one-handed swords and shields.

Originally, he had intended to give up on either the greatsword or the shield.

The greatsword was heavy, so it had to be held with both hands.

Therefore, it could not be used with a shield unless the user had monstrous strength like Minhyuk.

‘Let’s go get some toothpaste and seaweed!’




Any toothpaste became a one-handed sword as long as it was salt toothpaste, regardless of the manufacturer.

And any seaweed, regardless of the manufacturer, became a shield when grilled in sesame oil and packaged in packs of 10.


Minhyuk returned home after finishing his shopping.

It was already past 11 pm.

Minhyuk parked the truck in the yard of his house and got out of the driver’s seat.

However, he did not lock the gate.

Guests would be arriving soon.

Before leaving for the warehouse-type mart earlier, he had called the egg wholesaler and ordered 2,000 packs of eggs.

Whether hunting beasts or fighting a war against the enemy, it was always necessary to have a sufficient supply of red potion.


He turned his head at the sound of a horn, and the egg wholesaler’s truck had arrived.


The wholesaler employee stuck his head out the driver’s window and greeted Minhyuk.

It was already their third meeting.

The egg wholesaler was open 24 hours a day, but orders received after 5 pm were delivered the next morning.

Since Minhyuk was a regular customer, they delivered at this hour.

“Come on in!”


The wholesaler’s truck entered the yard.

“Where should we unload the eggs?”

“Let’s transfer them directly from truck to truck.”

“I understand.”


Minhyuk opened the cargo hold of his truck wide open.

The wing body became a seagull spreading its wings.

The wholesaler employee parked the truck so that it would be easiest to transfer the eggs.


Minhyuk and the wholesaler employee began to diligently transfer the egg cartons.

Since the heights of the truck cargo holds were similar, it was easy to move them.

With two men working, the job was finished quickly.

“Drive carefully!”

“If you need more eggs, please call anytime!”


The wholesaler’s truck drove away.

Minhyuk closed the gate and climbed into the cargo hold of his truck.

After putting all the eggs in the fridge, I went inside the house.

I opened a can of beer and gulped it down in one go.


As expected, beer tastes best after a day’s work.

Minhyuk opened another can of beer and walked out to the empty lot.

Chirp, chirp, chirp-

The sound of crickets could be heard from all directions.

I looked up at the sky and saw that the stars were out in full force.

This place isn’t that far from Seoul, but since there are no lights nearby, the stars are clearly visible.

‘It’s nice to live in a quiet place like this.’




The moon rose over the sky of Tarmien Fortress.

The key members of the expedition were gathered on the castle wall.

The princess pointed to the moon and said to Minhyuk.

“Before we know it, the operation will be in 3 days.”

In 3 days, the full moon will rise.

That night, the alcohol that Teidon drinks will be his last indulgence.

The moment he collapses from the Pookari juice, we will cut open his chest and extract the magic bead.

Professor Raymond reported to Minhyuk.

“The juice will be ready in two days.”

The work of extracting the Pookari juice has already begun.

Teidon has a habit of taking a nap before drinking.

That would be the perfect opportunity to put the juice in his drink.

Minhyuk was relaxed.

Even if the operation using the Pookari fruit failed, he planned to just kill Teidon in a head-on confrontation.

It was a task that was more than possible with an elite force of 4,000 fully armed with Star Metal.

The armor that had been resized for the dwarves to wear was Cheonan’s original walnut confection.

That’s why I went to Cheonan early in the morning to buy it.

Right now, Minhyuk was more concerned about Melbeck’s 200,000-strong army that would soon be upon them.

From Noble mtl dot com

“Melbeck’s army has already crossed the Horn Mountains.”

Minhyuk nodded at General Drake’s report.

The Horn Mountains were once the border between Asdel and Melbeck.

However, since the Cataclysm, the concept of borders has disappeared.

In any case, the enemy army was now within two days’ march.

“They plan to ambush us at the crossroads leading from Tarmien Fortress to Asdel Citadel.”

The enemy will launch a surprise attack when Asdel’s expedition is transporting the magic bead.

The reason General Drake knows their plans in such detail is because he is using the Kuna spies in reverse.

Whatever he did to them, the Kuna spies were now moving at General Drake’s command.

At the same time as he was leaking false information to King Melbeck, he was passing information from that side to this side.

Apparently, there is a special torture technique that has been passed down through the general’s family for generations, and he says he’ll teach it to Minhyuk if he wants.

In any case, the most important piece of information the general got from the spy was that King Melbeck himself was taking part in this war.

So Minhyuk’s goal was set.

He would defeat Melbeck’s army of 200,000 with just 4,000 expeditionary troops and kill their king.

“It wouldn’t be fun if it ended there.”

Minhyuk turned his head and looked down inside the fortress.

4,000 soldiers, lined up in rows, were looking up at him.

Minhyuk shouted to his soldiers.

“Immediately after we restore the Altar of Protection, we will punish Melbeck!”

The fight started on the other side.

So he had a good enough reason.

He would invade Melbeck and take the entire fortress.

The princess looked at Minhyuk with trembling eyes.

It was because the words she wanted to hear came out of his mouth.

However, she was depressed in a way.

Minhyuk’s presence felt too big for her to be a match for.

Minhyuk raised his voice even more to boost the morale of his soldiers.

“You are my proud army!”


The soldiers’ cheers resounded through the night sky.

They all believed without a doubt that Minhyuk would become the first unified emperor in the history of the Lania continent.

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